CAN Queue mechanism permitting creation and management of CAN messages through a queueing



File content as of revision 0:7cf23260330d:

/// @file CANQueue.h 
/// The CAN Queue mechanism permits the creation and management of 
/// messages through a CAN queue.
/// @version 1.02
/// @note Copyright &copr; 2011 by Smartware Computing, all rights reserved.
///     Individuals may use this application for evaluation or non-commercial
///     purposes. Within this restriction, changes may be made to this application
///     as long as this copyright notice is retained. The user shall make
///     clear that their work is a derived work, and not the original.
///     Users of this application and sources accept this application "as is" and
///     shall hold harmless Smartware Computing, for any undesired results while
///     using this application - whether real or imagined.
/// @author David Smart, Smartware Computing
/// v1.02 - 20111030
/// \li Added QueueSize api to retrieve the defined size
/// v1.01 - 29 May 2011
/// \li Added QueueMax to find the highest water mark
/// \li Added delete in the destructor
/// \li Added [global] interrupt disable around the critical sections
/// v1.00 - no date
/// \li original version

#ifndef CANQUEUE_H
#define CANQUEUE_H
#include "CANMessage.h"

/// This is a simple queue mechanism for CANmsg messages
/// CANQueue is a circular queue that is designed for CAN messages.
/// It can be used, for example, between a CAN receive interrupt
/// and a background process to offload those received messages.
/// In this way, the receive interrupt is light weight.
class CANQueue
    /// CANQueue constructor, which sets the queue size
    /// This sets the queue size and initializes the data elements
    /// @param Size is the size in entries for this queue
    CANQueue(int Size = 3);
    /// CANQueue destructor
    /// This destroys the queue

    /// Enqueue a new message into the queue
    /// If we enqueue until we overwrite the dequeue location, then
    /// we have lost the oldest message and must force the dequeue 
    /// forward by one position.
    /// @param msg is the message to be enqueued
    /// @return true if no overwrite of the oldest message
    /// @return false if the oldest message was overwritten
    bool Enqueue(CANmsg msg);
    /// Enqueue a new message into the queue
    /// If we enqueue until we overwrite the dequeue location, then
    /// we have lost the oldest message and must force the dequeue 
    /// forward by one position.
    /// @param msg is the message to be enqueued
    /// @return true if no overwrite of the oldest message
    /// @return false if the oldest message was overwritten
    bool Enqueue(CANmsg *msg);
    /// Dequeue a message from the queue
    /// If there is a message we'll copy it out to the callers message
    /// to which they provided the handle.
    /// @param msg is a pointer to the callers memory to copy the message into
    /// @returns true if a message was dequeued
    /// @returns false if the queue was empty
    bool Dequeue(CANmsg *msg);
    /// Gets the count of the number of items in the queue
    /// @returns number of queue entries
    int QueueCount() { return queueCount; }

    /// Get the maximum number of items that were ever in the queue
    /// @returns maximum as the high water mark
    int QueueMax() { return queueMaxCount; }
    /// Get the defined queue size
    /// @returns size of the queue as defined
    int QueueSize() { return queueSize; }
    CANmsg * queue;         ///<!- the queue
    int queueSize;          ///<!- the size of the queue in entries
    int queueCount;         ///<!- the current number of items in the queue
    int queueMaxCount;      ///<!- the maximum ever held in the queue
    int enqueuePosition;    ///<!- where the next item will be enqueued
    int dequeuePosition;    ///<!- where the next item will be dequeued

#endif // CANQUEUE_H