Team E1

Fork of HTTPServer by Sam Kirsch



File content as of revision 0:7a2421e63e74:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"

DigitalOut led1(LED1);
DigitalOut led2(LED2);
DigitalOut led3(LED3);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);

#if (1 && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24))
#define INFO(x, ...) if (m_pDbg) m_pDbg->printf("[HttpServer : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); else printf("[HttpServer : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define WARN(x, ...) if (m_pDbg) m_pDbg->printf("[HttpServer : WARN]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); else printf("[HttpServer : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define ERR(x, ...) if (m_pDbg) m_pDbg->printf("[HttpServer : ERR]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); else printf("[HttpServer : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define INFO(x, ...)
#define WARN(x, ...)
#define ERR(x, ...)

HTTPServer::HTTPServer(Serial* pDbg)
    m_pDbg = pDbg;
    m_pSvr = NULL;
    m_bServerListening = false;

    if (m_pSvr) {
        delete m_pSvr;
        m_pSvr = NULL;
        m_bServerListening = false;

int HTTPServer::start(int port)
    // check if the start member was called already once
    if (m_pSvr != NULL) {
        ERR("start function was already called, server is already in listening state.");
        return -1;

    m_bServerListening = false;
    //  Create a new server object
    m_pSvr = new TCPSocketServer();
    //  Bind the local server to the given port
    if (m_pSvr->bind(port) < 0) {
        ERR("Failed to bind to port %d\n", port);
        return -1;
    else {
        INFO("Binding succeeded !\n");

    //  Listen to a maximum of 10 concurrent connections
    if (m_pSvr->listen(1) < 0) {
        ERR("Faild to listen !\n");
        delete m_pSvr;
        m_pSvr = NULL;
        return -1;
    else {
        m_bServerListening = true;

    //  set into non blocking operation
    m_pSvr->set_blocking(false, 100);
    return 0;

int HTTPServer::poll()
    INFO("Listening for new connection requests.");

    //  This thread basically checks if there is a new incoming connection.
    //  If so , a new HTTPConnection is created and the connection thread is started.
    TCPSocketConnection Clnt;

    led4 = 1;   //  Indicate we are waiting for a new connection 
    if (m_pSvr->accept(Clnt) < 0) {
        //  an error occured 
        ERR("There was an error, Accept returned with an error. Probably the connection to the router was lost. Shutting down server");
        led2 = 0;
        m_bServerListening = false;
        delete m_pSvr;
        m_pSvr = NULL;
        led4 = 0;
        led3 = 1;   //  ERROR
        led2 = 0;
        led1 = 0;
        return -1;
    else {
        led4 = 0;
        //   a new connection was received
        INFO("Client (IP=%s) is connected !\n", Clnt.get_address());
        //  Start the main connection thread
        led3 = 1;
        led2 = 1;
        HTTPConnection con;
        int c = con.poll();
        if (c == 0) {
        led2 = 0;
        led3 = 0;
    INFO("Leaving polling thread");
    return 0;