CQ出版 Interface記事用サンプル。 トラ技カメラ+FIFOからデータを得て、 エリア判定後、デバイスに保存

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 1648bb4e70e5 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Sep 26 06:59:31 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+Toragi-CCD-Cam OV7670andFIFO sample use driver
+Sadaei Osakabe ( http://mbed.org/users/diasea/ )
+  http://mbed.org/users/diasea/code/OV7670_with_AL422B_Color_Size_test/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "ov7670.h"
+#define QQVGA
+#ifdef QQVGA
+# define SIZEX (160)
+# define SIZEY (120)
+# define SIZEX (320)
+# define SIZEY (240)
+OV7670 camera(
+    p28,p27,       // SDA,SCL(I2C / SCCB)
+    p25,p26,p29,   // VSYNC,HREF,WEN(FIFO)
+    p24,p23,p22,p21,p20,p19,p18,p17, // D7-D0
+    p5,p6,p7) ; // RRST,OE,RCLK
+LocalFileSystem local("local");
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX) ;
+int sizex = 0;
+int sizey = 0;
+int create_header(FILE *fp, int width, int height) ;
+int main() {
+    char color_format = 0;
+    char c;
+    int mx, pixel , i;
+    int pixc;
+    char packet[40] = { 0 };
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    //pc.printf("Camera resetting..\r\n");
+    camera.Reset();
+    //pc.printf("Before Init...\r\n");
+    //camera.PrintRegister();
+    switch( color_format ){
+    case '1':   
+        camera.InitRGB444(); 
+        break;
+    case '2':   
+        camera.InitRGB555(); 
+        break;
+    default:
+        camera.InitRGB565(); 
+        break;
+    }
+    //sizex = 160;
+    //sizey = 120;
+    camera.InitQQVGA();
+    camera.InitForFIFOWriteReset();
+    camera.InitDefaultReg(true, true);  // flipv/flipH
+    //pc.printf("After Init...\r\n");
+    //camera.PrintRegister();
+    while(1)
+    {
+        pc.printf("Hit Any Key to send RGBx160x120 Capture Data.\r\n") ;
+        while(!pc.readable()) ;
+        c = pc.getc() ;
+        if (( c == '1' )|| ( c == '2' )||( c == '3' )){
+            color_format = c;
+            goto RESJMP;
+        }
+        camera.CaptureNext();   // sample start!
+        while(camera.CaptureDone() == false);
+        camera.ReadStart();
+        pixc = 0;
+        for (int y = 0;y < SIZEY;y++) {
+            int r,g,b,d1,d2 ;
+            mx = 0;
+            for (int x = 0;x < SIZEX;x++) {
+                d1 = camera.ReadOneByte() ; // upper nibble is XXX , lower nibble is B
+                d2 = camera.ReadOneByte() ; // upper nibble is G   , lower nibble is R
+                pixel = ((unsigned int)d2 << 8) + ((unsigned int)d1 & 0xff);
+                // send <CRLF> and Count on each 16dot.
+                if ( !(x%16) ){
+                    pc.printf("\r\n%04x: ",pixc ) ;
+                    pixc +=16;
+                }
+                pc.printf("%04x ",pixel) ;
+            }
+        }
+        camera.ReadStop();
+        //pc.printf("\r\n") ;
+    }
+#if defined(BITMAPFILE) || defined(BAYERBITMAPFILE)
+#undef HEXFILE
+#undef COLORBAR
+#define FILEHEADERSIZE 14                   //ファイルヘッダのサイズ
+#define INFOHEADERSIZE 40                   //情報ヘッダのサイズ
+int create_header(FILE *fp, int width, int height) {
+    int real_width;
+    unsigned char header_buf[HEADERSIZE]; //ヘッダを格納する
+    unsigned int file_size;
+    unsigned int offset_to_data;
+    unsigned long info_header_size;
+    unsigned int planes;
+    unsigned int color;
+    unsigned long compress;
+    unsigned long data_size;
+    long xppm;
+    long yppm;
+    real_width = width*3 + width%4;
+    //ここからヘッダ作成
+    file_size = height * real_width + HEADERSIZE;
+    offset_to_data = HEADERSIZE;
+    info_header_size = INFOHEADERSIZE;
+    planes = 1;
+    color = 24;
+    compress = 0;
+    data_size = height * real_width;
+    xppm = 1;
+    yppm = 1;
+    header_buf[0] = 'B';
+    header_buf[1] = 'M';
+    memcpy(header_buf + 2, &file_size, sizeof(file_size));
+    header_buf[6] = 0;
+    header_buf[7] = 0;
+    header_buf[8] = 0;
+    header_buf[9] = 0;
+    memcpy(header_buf + 10, &offset_to_data, sizeof(offset_to_data));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 14, &info_header_size, sizeof(info_header_size));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 18, &width, sizeof(width));
+    height = height * -1; // データ格納順が逆なので、高さをマイナスとしている
+    memcpy(header_buf + 22, &height, sizeof(height));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 26, &planes, sizeof(planes));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 28, &color, sizeof(color));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 30, &compress, sizeof(compress));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 34, &data_size, sizeof(data_size));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 38, &xppm, sizeof(xppm));
+    memcpy(header_buf + 42, &yppm, sizeof(yppm));
+    header_buf[46] = 0;
+    header_buf[47] = 0;
+    header_buf[48] = 0;
+    header_buf[49] = 0;
+    header_buf[50] = 0;
+    header_buf[51] = 0;
+    header_buf[52] = 0;
+    header_buf[53] = 0;
+    //ヘッダの書き込み
+    fwrite(header_buf, sizeof(unsigned char), HEADERSIZE, fp);
+    return 0;