Class similar to InterruptIn which allows the LPC1114 to wake from deepsleep. (For other targets you can use InterruptIn).

Dependents:   WakeUp WakeUp WakeUp WakeUp ... more

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WakeInterruptIn.h	Sat Jul 26 15:02:43 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Most mbed targets can be woken up from deepsleep by regular InterruptIn.
+On the LPC1114 this has to be done by different interrupts. This
+simple library helps with that
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define NUM_CHANNEL     13
+/** Class to wake LPC1114 from deepsleep
+* Use like regular InterruptIn, it works not only 
+* to wake up from sleep but also just like InterruptIn.
+* Only you can NOT attach both rising and falling edge interrupts.
+class WakeInterruptIn : DigitalIn {
+    public:
+    /** Constructor
+    *
+    * Pins which are allowed are all pins from Port 0 and P1_0
+    *
+    * @param pin Pin to use as WakeInterruptIn pin
+    */
+    WakeInterruptIn(PinName pin);
+    ~WakeInterruptIn() {
+        disable();
+        objects[channel] = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Attach rising edge interrupt
+    *
+    * Attaching a member function can be done the regular way too
+    *
+    * @argument fptr Pointer to function to call, NULL to disable interrupt
+    */
+    void rise(void (*fptr)(void)) {
+        fpointer.attach(fptr);
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTAPRP0 |= (1 << channel);
+        if (fptr == NULL)
+            disable();
+        else
+            enable();
+    }  
+    template<typename T>
+    void rise(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
+        fpointer.attach(tptr, mptr);
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTAPRP0 |= (1 << channel);
+        if (fptr == NULL)
+            disable();
+        else
+            enable();
+    }
+    /* Attach falling edge interrupt
+    *
+    * Attaching a member function can be done the regular way too
+    *
+    * @argument fptr Pointer to function to call, NULL to disable interrupt
+    */
+    void fall(void (*fptr)(void)) {
+        fpointer.attach(fptr);
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTAPRP0 &= ~(1 << channel);
+        if (fptr == NULL)
+            disable();
+        else
+            enable();
+    }  
+    template<typename T>
+    void fall(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
+        fpointer.attach(tptr, mptr);
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTAPRP0 &= ~(1 << channel);
+        if (fptr == NULL)
+            disable();
+        else
+            enable();
+    }
+    private:
+    uint8_t channel;
+    FunctionPointer fpointer;
+    void enable(void) {
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTERP0 |= (1 << channel);
+        NVIC_EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type)channel);
+    }
+    void disable(void) {
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTERP0 &= ~(1 << channel);
+        NVIC_DisableIRQ((IRQn_Type)channel);
+    }
+    void handle( void ) {
+        LPC_SYSCON->STARTRSRP0CLR = 1 << channel;
+    }
+    static WakeInterruptIn* objects[NUM_CHANNEL];
+    static void handler0(void) { objects[0]->handle(); }
+    static void handler1(void) { objects[1]->handle(); }
+    static void handler2(void) { objects[2]->handle(); }
+    static void handler3(void) { objects[3]->handle(); }
+    static void handler4(void) { objects[4]->handle(); }
+    static void handler5(void) { objects[5]->handle(); }
+    static void handler6(void) { objects[6]->handle(); }
+    static void handler7(void) { objects[7]->handle(); }
+    static void handler8(void) { objects[8]->handle(); }
+    static void handler9(void) { objects[9]->handle(); }
+    static void handler10(void) { objects[10]->handle(); }
+    static void handler11(void) { objects[11]->handle(); }
+    static void handler12(void) { objects[12]->handle(); }
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