A forth for LPC8xxx




File content as of revision 1:1224cf3799a5:

;       19200/8/none/1
;You must use the Keil µVision to assemble this source
        EXPORT Reset_Handler
        EXPORT  __initial_sp
        AREA |.text|, CODE
;       IMPORT  __Vectors
BuffSize            EQU 64
; Values that can be customise
; Data stack & Return Stack are @ the begining 
; of Data Memory area 
ReturnStackLength   EQU 32 * 4      ; 32 cells 
DataStackLength     EQU 32 * 4      ; 32 cells 

; Then follow internal values
; UserVar               EQU 64 * 4  ; 64 cells
; Registers allocation              |
; They are in this way to allow     |
; the use of r0 r1 r2 r3            |
; to call subroutine                |
        ALIAS   r0, WRK0            ; WoRK0 register
        ALIAS   r1, WRK1            ; WoRK1 register
        ALIAS   r2, WRK2            ; WoRK2 register 
        ALIAS   r3, WRK             ; WoRK register ! used by the internal interpreter
        ALIAS   r4, IPTR            ; Instruction PoinTeR 
;       ALIAS   r5, USER            ; May be USER pointer in future
        ALIAS   r6, TOS             ; Top Of Stack , stack managed by sp
        ALIAS   r7, RPTR            ; Return stack PoinTeR

; Next routine
$lab    Next                        
$lab    LDMIA   IPTR!, {WRK}        ; Get indirect address to execute
                                    ; and update Instruction pointer
        LDR     WRK2, [WRK]         ; note that WRK point to the parameter field
        BX      WRK2                ;        it will be used later

;  routines doCol/Con/Var 
doCol   STMIA   RPTR!,{IPTR}        ; Save Instruction pointer to the return Stack
                                    ; & Update Return stack pointer
        ADDS    IPTR, WRK, #4       ; Point to parameter field

doCon   PUSH    {TOS}               ;
        LDR     TOS,[WRK,#4]        
doVar   PUSH    {TOS}               ; 
        LDR     TOS,[WRK,#4]    

;  Exit Routine (restore IPTR)
Exit    DCD     xExit
xExit   SUBS    RPTR, RPTR, #4      ; Adjust the return stack pointer 
        LDR     IPTR,[RPTR]         ; Collect the value

Lit32   DCD     xLit32
xLit32  PUSH    {TOS}
        LDM     IPTR!,{TOS}         ; Nearly like next but we collect the value
Zero    DCD     doCon               
        DCD     0
Ten     DCD     doCon
        DCD     10
;Not so usefull macro...to be change
$lab    LINK    $p
$lab    DCD     $p

; These macro compute the displacement 
; which is store in a word
$label  Branch  $target
$label  DCD     Bra
        DCD     $target
;       DCD     $target-.

$label  ZBranch $target
$label  DCD     ZBra
        DCD     $target
;       DCD     $target-.

        LDR     RPTR, =Begin
        BL      UartConfig
        SUBS    TOS,TOS
        LDR     WRK0, =end_data
        LDR     WRK1, =AHERE
        STR     WRK0, [WRK1]
        LDR     IPTR, =test18

test17  DCD     Zero, Dot
        Branch  test17

test18  DCD     Zero, nTib, Store
        DCD     Zero, toIn, Store
        DCD     Zero, State, Store  ; Interpret mode
        DCD     Dec                 ; Set decimal mode
;       DCD     Esc
;       DCD     Lit32, 'c', Emit, Lf ; Clear screen
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     Mess1               ; welcome message
        DCD     Count, Type, Cr
        DCD     Inter               ; forever loop
; Flag used in dictionary           |
Cmponly EQU     0x20                ; Compile only
Immed   EQU     0x80                ; Indicate the word must be run immediatly
; Dictionary start here
;-(DUP)-----------------------------(x -- x,x)
LDup    LINK    0                   ; First word
        DCB     3, "DUP"
Dup     DCD     xDup
xDup    PUSH    {TOS}               ; Push Top of stack onto the stack (sp pointing)
; All specific code  for a chip
; Must be put in a separate file
; see lpc8xx.s as an example
;       INCLUDE yourfavoritechip.s

        INCLUDE lpc8xx.s
;       INCLUDE QemuM0.s

;-(Plus1)---------------------------( n -- n+1 )
LPlus1  LINK    LKey                ; Link
        DCB     2, "1+"
Plus1   DCD     xPlus1
xPlus1  ADDS    TOS, TOS, #1        ; Add 1 to TOS
;-(Minus1)--------------------------( n -- n-1 )
LMinus1 LINK    LPlus1              ; Link
        DCB     2, "1-"
Minus1  DCD     xMinus1
xMinus1 SUBS    TOS, TOS, #1        ; Substract 1 to TOS
;-(2DUP)----------------------------(x2,x1 -- x2,x1,x2,x1)
L2Dup   LINK    LMinus1             ; Link
        DCB     4, "2DUP"
TDup    DCD     x2Dup
x2Dup   PUSH    {TOS}               ; push x1
        LDR     WRK, [sp, #4]       ; get x2
        PUSH    {WRK}               ; push x2
        Next                        ; First is still in TOS
;-(OR)------------------------------( x1 x2 -- x3 )
LOr     LINK    L2Dup               ; Link
        DCB     2,"OR"
Or      DCD     xOr
xOr     POP     {WRK}               ; Get second parameter
        ORRS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; Or

;-(AND)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x3 )
LAnd    LINK    LOr                 ; Link
        DCB     3,"AND"
And     DCD     xAnd
xAnd    POP     {WRK}               ; Get second parameter
        ANDS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; And
;-(XOR)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x3 )
LXor    LINK    LAnd                ; Link
        DCB     3, "XOR"
Xor     DCD     xXor
xXor    POP     {WRK}               ; Get second parameter
        EORS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; Xor

;-(0<)------------------------------( n -- f)
LIsNeg  LINK    LXor                ; Link
        DCB     2, "0<"
IsNeg   DCD     xIsNeg
xIsNeg  ASRS    TOS, TOS, #31       ; Extend the sign True=FFFFFFFF False=00000000
;-(0=)------------------------------( n -- f )
LIsNull LINK    LIsNeg              ; Link
        DCB     2, "0="
IsNull  DCD     xIsNull
xIsNull MOVS    TOS,TOS             ; test the value
        BEQ     Isnull1
        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; False
        B       IsNull2
Isnull1 SUBS    TOS,TOS,#1          ; True 
IsNull2 Next    

;-(0>)------------------------------( n -- f )
LIsPos  LINK    LIsNull             ; Link
        DCB     2, "0>"
IsPos   DCD     xIsPos
        LDR     TOS,=0x0            ; False
        BMI     IsPos1
        BEQ     IsPos1
        SUBS    TOS,TOS,#1          ; True 
IsPos1  Next
;-(EXECUTE)-------------------------( xt -- )
LExec   LINK    LIsPos              ; Link
        DCB     7, "EXECUTE"
Execute DCD     xExec
xExec   MOVS    WRK,TOS             ; Get Code field address
        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS
        LDR     WRK2,[WRK]          ; Get address to be executed
        BX      WRK2                ; And go

;-(DROP)-----------------------------(x -- )
LDrop   LINK    LExec               ; Link
        DCB     4, "DROP"
Drop    DCD     xDrop
xDrop   POP     {TOS}               ; Get previous element

;-(2DROP)---------------------------( x1 x2 -- )
L2Drop  LINK    LDrop               ; Link
        DCB     5, "2DROP"
TDrop   DCD     x2Drop
x2Drop  POP     {TOS}               ; Get previous element
        POP     {TOS}               ; Get previous element
;-(SWAP)----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
LSwap   LINK    L2Drop              ; Link
        DCB     4, "SWAP"
Swap    DCD     xSwap
xSwap   POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x2
        MOVS    TOS,WRK             ; Put x1
;-(OVER)----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )
LOver   LINK    LSwap               ; Link
        DCB     4, "OVER"
Over    DCD     xOver
xOver   PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x2
        LDR     TOS,[sp,#4]         ; Get x1

;-(ROT)-----------------------------( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )
LRot    LINK    LOver               ; Link
        DCB     3, "ROT"
Rot     DCD     xRot
xRot    POP     {WRK}               ; Get x2 
        POP     {WRK2}              ; Get x1
        PUSH    {WRK}               ; Put x2
        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x3
        MOV     TOS,WRK2            ; Put x1

;-(-ROT)-----------------------------( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 )
LMRot   LINK    LRot                ; Link
        DCB     4, "-ROT"
MRot    DCD     xMRot
xMRot   POP     {WRK}               ; Get x2 
        POP     {WRK2}              ; Get x1
        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x3
        PUSH    {WRK2}              ; Put x1
        MOV     TOS,WRK             ; Put x2

;-(NIP)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x2 )
LNip    LINK    LMRot               ; Link
        DCB     3, "NIP"
Nip     DCD     xNip
xNip    POP     {WRK}               ; Discard x1

;-(TUCK)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
LTuck   LINK     LNip               ; Link
        DCB     4, "TUCK"
Tuck    DCD     xTuck
xTuck   POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x2
        PUSH    {WRK}               ; Put x1
;-(+)-------------------------------( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
LPlus   LINK    LTuck               ; Link
        DCB     1, "+"
Plus    DCD     xPlus
xPlus   POP     {WRK}               ; Get n1|u1
        ADDS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; Add n2|u2

;-(-)-------------------------------( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
LMinus  LINK     LPlus              ; Link
        DCB     1, "-"
Minus   DCD     xMinus
xMinus  POP     {WRK}               ; Get n1|u1
        SUBS    TOS, WRK, TOS       ; Substract from TOS

LTwosta LINK    LMinus              ; Link
        DCB     2, "2*"
TwoStar DCD     xTwoStar
xTwoStar LSLS   TOS, TOS, #1        ; Shift right one bit 

LTwosla LINK    LTwosta             ; Link
        DCB     2, "2/"
TwoSla  DCD     xTwoSla
xTwoSla ASRS    TOS, TOS, #1        ; Shift left one bit 
LFoursta LINK   LTwosla             ; Link
        DCB     2, "4*"
Foursta DCD     xFoursta
xFoursta LSLS   TOS, TOS, #2        ; Shift two bits
L4Slash LINK    LFoursta            ; Link
        DCB     2, "4/"
Slash4  DCD     xSlash4
xSlash4 ASRS    TOS, TOS, #2        ; Shift two bits
;-(LSHIFT)--------------------------(x1,u --- x2)
LLShift LINK    L4Slash             ; Link
        DCB     6, "LSHIFT"
LShift  DCD     xLShift
xLShift POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
        LSLS    WRK, WRK, TOS       ; Shift x1 u place to the left
        MOVS    TOS, WRK

;-(RSHIFT)--------------------------(x1,u --- x2)
LRShift LINK    LLShift             ; Link
        DCB     6, "RSHIFT"
RShift  DCD     xRShift
xRShift POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
        LSRS    WRK, WRK, TOS       ; Shift x1 u place to the right
        MOVS    TOS, WRK
;-(@)-------------------------------( a -- x )
LAt     LINK    LRShift             ; Link
        DCB     1, "@"
At      DCD     xAt
xAt     LDR     TOS, [TOS]          ; Get the value pointed by TOS

;-(C@)------------------------------( a -- c )
LCAt    LINK    LAt                 ; Link
        DCB     2, "C@"
CAt     DCD     xCAt
xCAt    LDRB    TOS, [TOS]          ; Get the caracter pointed by TOS

;-(H@)------------------------------( a -- h )
LHAt    LINK    LCAt                ; Link
        DCB     2, "H@"
HAt     DCD     xHAt
xHAt    LDRH    TOS, [TOS]          ; Get the halfword pointed by TOS
;-(!)-------------------------------(word,address --)
LStore  LINK    LHAt                ; Link
        DCB     1, "!"
Store   DCD     xStore
xStore  POP     {WRK}               ; Get value to store     
        STR     WRK, [TOS]          ; Store word where TOS point to
        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 

LCStore LINK    LStore              ; Link
        DCB     2, "C!"
CStore  DCD     xCStore
xCStore POP     {WRK}               ; Get value to store    
        STRB    WRK, [TOS]          ; Store Character value where TOS point to
        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 

;-(H!)------------------------------(halfword,address --)
LHStore LINK    LCStore             ; Link
        DCB     2                   ; Length
        DCB     "H!"
HStore  DCD     xHStore
xHStore POP     {WRK}               ; Get value to store    
        STRH    WRK, [TOS]          ; Store Halfword where TOS point to
        POP     {TOS}   

;-(>R)------------------------------( n -- R:n)
LToR    LINK    LHStore             ; Link
        DCB     2+Cmponly,">R"
ToR     DCD     xToR
xToR    STM     RPTR!,{TOS}         ; Put TOS on Nexturn stack
                                    ; & increment RPTR
        POP     {TOS}               ; update TOS

;-(R>)------------------------------(R:n -- n)
LFromR  LINK    LToR                ; Link
        DCB     2, "R>"
FromR   DCD     xFromR
xFromR  PUSH    {TOS}               ; Make room
        SUBS    RPTR, RPTR, #4      ; Prepare to collect
        LDR     TOS, [RPTR]         ; Collect value
LRAt    LINK    LFromR              ; Link
        DCB     2, "R@"
RAt     DCD     xRAt
xRAt    PUSH    {TOS}               ; Make room
        MOVS    TOS, RPTR           ; Collect pointer
        SUBS    TOS, #4             ; Point to previous word
        LDR     TOS,[TOS]           ; Get value
LNot    LINK    LRAt                ; Link
        DCB     3, "NOT"
Not     DCD     xNot
xNot    MVNS    TOS, TOS            ; move not
;-(branch)-------------------------- Branch & ZBranch use word address
;       Headerless
Bra     DCD     xBra
xBra    LDR     IPTR, [IPTR]        ; Get the target address

;       Headerless                  
ZBra    DCD     xZBra
xZBra   TST     TOS,TOS             ; Update flags
        POP     {TOS}               ; 
        BEQ     xBra                ; Take the branch if TOS = 0
        ADDS    IPTR, #4            ; or jump over the address
;-(NEGATE)--------------------------(n -- -n)
LNegate LINK    LNot                ; Link
        DCB     6, "NEGATE"
Neg     DCD     xNeg
xNeg    MVNS    TOS, TOS            ; Move NOT signed 
        ADDS    TOS, #1             ; 2's complement
;-(ABS)-----------------------------(n -- |n|)
LAbs    LINK    LNegate             ; Link
        DCB     3, "ABS"
Abs     DCD     xAbs
xAbs    TST     TOS, TOS            ; Test TOS 
        BPL     Abs1                ; If positive do nothing
        MOVS    WRK, #0
        SUBS    TOS, WRK, TOS       ; TOS = 0 - TOS
Abs1    Next
;-(MAX)-----------------------------(n1, n2 -- Max(n1,n2))
LMax    LINK    LAbs                ; Link
        DCB     3, "MAX"    
Max     DCD     xMax
xMax    POP     {WRK}       
        CMP     WRK, TOS
        BLT     xMax1
        MOVS    TOS, WRK
xMax1   Next 

;-(MIN)-----------------------------(n1, n2 -- Min(n1,n2))
LMin    LINK    LMax                ; Link
        DCB     3, "MIN"
Min     DCD     xMin
xMin    POP     {WRK}
        CMP     WRK, TOS
        BGT     xMin1
        MOVS    TOS, WRK
xMin1   Next

LWithin LINK    LMin                ; Link
        DCB     6, "WITHIN"
Within  DCD     doCol
        DCD     Over, Minus, ToR    ; : Within Over - >R - R> U< ; 
        DCD     Minus, FromR, ULess ; 
        DCD     Exit

LEq     LINK    LWithin             ; Link
        DCB     1, "="
Eq      DCD     xEq
xEq     POP     {WRK}   
        CMP     WRK,TOS
        LDR     TOS, =0x0           ; False flag
        BNE     xEq1
        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; True 
xEq1    Next

LNEq    LINK    LEq                 ; Link
        DCB     2, "<>"
NEq     DCD     doCol
        DCD     Eq, Not
        DCD     Exit

LLt     LINK    LNEq                ; Link
        DCB     1, "<"
Lt      DCD     xLt
xLt     POP     {WRK}   
        CMP     WRK,TOS
        LDR     TOS, =0x0           ; False flag
        BGE     xLt1
        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; True 
xLt1    Next

LGt     LINK    LLt                 ; Link
        DCB     1, ">"
Gt      DCD     xGt
xGt     POP     {WRK}   
        CMP     WRK,TOS
        LDR     TOS, =0x0           ; False flag
        BLE     xGt1
        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; True 
xGt1    Next

LInvert LINK    LGt                 ; Link
        DCB     6, "INVERT" 
Invert  DCD     xInvert     
xInvert MVNS    TOS, TOS

;-(?DUP)----------------------------(n -- n,n | 0)
LDupNZ  LINK    LInvert             ; Link
        DCB     4, "?DUP"
DupNZ   DCD     xDupNZ
xDupNZ  TST     TOS, TOS            ; Test TOS 
        BEQ     DupNZ1              ; If 0 do nothing
        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Duplicate
DupNZ1  Next
LMul    LINK    LDupNZ              ; Link
        DCB     1, "*"
Mul     DCD     xMul
xMul    POP     {WRK}               ; Get 2nd Element 
        MULS    TOS, WRK, TOS       ; Multiply

LMSlash LINK    LMul                ; Link
        DCB     2, "*/"
MSlash  DCD     xMSlash

;-(+!)------------------------------(n,addr --) 
LAddSto LINK    LMSlash             ; Link
        DCB     2, "+!"
AddSto  DCD     xAddSto
xAddSto POP     {WRK}
        LDR     WRK2, [TOS]
        ADDS    WRK, WRK2
        STR     WRK, [TOS]
        POP     {TOS}
LSubSto LINK    LAddSto             ; Link
        DCB     2, "-!"
SubSto  DCD     xSubSto
xSubSto POP     {WRK}
        LDR     WRK2, [TOS]
        SUBS    WRK, WRK2
        STR     WRK, [TOS]
        POP     {TOS}

LCell   LINK    LSubSto             ; Link
        DCB     4, "CELL"
Cell    DCD     doCon
        DCD     4
LSP0    LINK    LCell               ; Link
        DCB     3, "SP0"
Sp0     DCD     xSp0
xSp0    SUBS    WRK, WRK            ; Cortex M0+ initial stack value @address  0
        LDR     WRK, [WRK]
        PUSH    {TOS}
        MOV     TOS, WRK            

LSPAt   LINK    LSP0                ; Link
        DCB     3, "SP@"
SpAt    DCD     xSpAt
xSpAt   MOV     WRK, sp             ; Collect the value before push!
        PUSH    {TOS}
        MOV     TOS, WRK            ; Update
;-(DEPTH)---------------------------: Depth SP@ SP0 - /4 ; 
LDepth  LINK    LSPAt               ; Link
        DCB     5, "DEPTH"
Depth   DCD     doCol
        DCD     SpAt, Sp0, Swap
        DCD     Minus, Slash4       ; 
        DCD     Exit
LState  LINK    LDepth              ; Link
        DCB     5, "STATE"
State   DCD     doVar
        DCD     AState
LLatest LINK    LState              ; Link
        DCB     6, "LATEST"
Latest  DCD     doVar
        DCD     DLatest 
;-(HERE)----------------------------( - address)
LHere   LINK    LLatest             ; Link
        DCB     4, "HERE"
Here    DCD     doVar
        DCD     AHERE
;-(DHERE)----------------------------( - address)
LDHere  LINK    LHere               ; Link
        DCB     5, "DHERE"
DHere   DCD     doVar
        DCD     ADHERE
;-(CHERE)----------------------------( - address)
LCHere  LINK    LDHere              ; Link
        DCB     5, "CHERE"
CHere   DCD     doVar
        DCD     ACHERE
LBase   LINK    LCHere              ; Link
        DCB     4, "BASE"
Base    DCD     doVar
        DCD     VBase
;xBase  PUSH    {TOS}
;       LDR     TOS, =VBase         ; Put address on TOS    
;       Next

Lmsec   LINK    LBase               ; Link
        DCB     4, "msec"
msec    DCD     xmsec
xmsec   LDR     WRK, =2400
msec1   SUBS    WRK, #1             ; 1 Cycle
        BNE     msec1               ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; 1 cycle
        BNE     msec                ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 
Lusec   LINK    Lmsec               ; Link
        DCB     6, "10usec"
usec    DCD     xusec
xusec   LDR     WRK, =23
usec1   SUBS    WRK, #1             ; 1 Cycle
        BNE     usec1               ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; 1 cycle
        BNE     xusec               ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 
;-(SNAP)----------------------------;  Debug helper when nothing work! LPC8xx centric
;LSnap  LINK    Lusec               ; dump hex value of TOS
;       DCB     4, "SNAP"
;xSnap  PUSH    {TOS}
;ESnap  MOVS    r0,#8
;Snap0  PUSH    {TOS}
;       LSRS    TOS, TOS, #28
;       CMP     TOS, #0x9
;       BGT     Snap1
;       ADDS    TOS, #"0"
;       B       Snap2
;Snap1  ADDS    TOS, #("A"-0xa)
;Snap2  LDR     r1,=(USART0)
;Snap3  LDR     r2,[r1,#STAT]
;       LSRS    r2,#3
;       BCC     Snap3               ; ? ready to Xmit
;       STR     TOS,[r1,#TXDAT]     
;       POP     {TOS}
;       LSLS    TOS,#4
;       SUBS    r0,#1
;       BNE     Snap0               ; =0?
;       POP     {TOS}
;       Next

;-(COUNT)---------------------------(caddr -- addr,count)
LCount  LINK    Lusec
        DCB     5, "COUNT"
Count   DCD     xCount
xCount  MOVS    WRK, TOS            ; 
        ADDS    TOS, #1             ; Point to 1st char
        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put it on the stack
        LDRB    TOS, [WRK]          ; Get length
;-(FIND)----------------------------(caddr -- caddr|xt,flag )
;                                    flag=0 not found, =1 immediate, =-1 not immediate
LFind   LINK    LCount
        DCB     4, "FIND"           ; May be has to be recoded in high level !
Find    DCD     xFind
xFind   LDR     WRK2, =VLatest      ; Get last entry pointer field
Find1   TST     WRK2, WRK2          ; More words?
        BEQ     Find4               ; No we have to leave
        PUSH    {WRK2}              ; save pointer
        ADDS    WRK2, #4            ; WRK2 point to counted string
        LDRB    WRK1, [WRK2]        ; Get Lenght+flag from dictionnary
        MOVS    WRK0,  #0x1F        ; Flag mask
        ANDS    WRK1, WRK0          ; Discard flags
        LDRB    WRK0, [TOS]         ; Get length of searched string
        CMP     WRK0, WRK1          ; Are they equals ?
        BNE     Find3               ; no , we have to test next word
        PUSH    {TOS}
Find1b  ADDS    TOS, #1             ; point to next char in input string
        ADDS    WRK2, #1            ; point to next char in dictionnary word
        LDRB    WRK0, [TOS]         ; Get char in input string 
        LDRB    WRK, [WRK2]         ; Get char in dictionnary
        CMP     WRK0, WRK           ; Are they equal 
        BNE     Find2               ; no try another word
        SUBS    WRK1, #1            ; we start this loop with length in WRK1. It's our char counter
        BNE     Find1b              ; We still have to compare more caracters
        POP     {TOS}               ; Yes we find it
        POP     {WRK2}              ; link fiel address of the word we have found
        LDRB    WRK, [WRK2, #4]     ; Get flag+Length byte
        MOVS    WRK0, Immed     
        ANDS    WRK, WRK0           ; ?Immed
        BNE     Find1c              ; Immed
        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; Not Immed 
        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; Flag=-1 not immed
        B       Find1d
Find1c  MOVS    TOS, #1             ; Flag= 1 immed
Find1d  LDRB    WRK, [WRK2, #4]         
        MOVS    WRK1, #0x1f         ; Flag mask
        ANDS    WRK, WRK1           ; get length
        ADDS    WRK2, #8            ; 
        ADDS    WRK2, WRK
        LSRS    WRK2, #2            ; Round to a multiple
        LSLS    WRK2, #2            ; of 2
        PUSH    {WRK2}              ; Xt address
        B       Find5               ; ( -- xt,1|-1)
Find2   POP     {TOS}               ; Restore the address of counted string we are looking for
Find3   POP     {WRK2}              ; Restore pointer of the linked chain
        LDR     WRK2,[WRK2]         ; Link to next in dictionnary
        B       Find1               ; Try next one
Find4   PUSH    {TOS}               ; Leave the c-address
        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; Clear TOS (not found)     
Find5   Next        

;-(ACCEPT)--------------------------( addr, len --- len2)
LAccept LINK    LFind
        DCB     6
        DCB     "ACCEPT"    
Accept  DCD     doCol
        DCD     Zero, ToR           ; Initial count=0
        DCD     Swap                ; ( len, addr --- R:0)
        DCD     Key                 ; ( len, addr, char --- R:count)
        DCD     Dup, Bl, Lt         ; Is it a control character?
        ZBranch Accept3             ; No 
        DCD     Dup, Lit32, 8, Eq   ; Is it a backspace?
        ZBranch Accept2             ; No
        DCD     FromR, Dup, Zero
        DCD     Eq                  ; Begining of line?
        DCD     Swap, ToR
        ZBranch Accept1b            ; No
        DCD     Lit32,7, Emit, Drop ; Emit Bell and go to get next char
        Branch  Accept1
        DCD     Dup,Emit, Bl, Emit, Emit
        DCD     FromR, Minus1,ToR
        DCD     Minus1
        Branch  Accept1     
        DCD     Dup, Lit32, 13      ; Is it a Carriage Nexturn
        DCD     Eq, Not
        ZBranch Accept4             ; Yes
        DCD     Over, Over, Swap    ; ( len , addr, char, char, addr--- R:count)
        DCD     CStore              ; ( len, addr, char---R:count)
        DCD     Emit                ; ( len, addr---R:count)
        DCD     Plus1               ; ( len, addr+1---R:count)
        DCD     FromR,Plus1, ToR    ; ( len, addr+1---R:count+1)                
        Branch  Accept1             ; go get next char      
        DCD     TDrop, Drop, FromR  ; (count)
        DCD     Cr
        DCD     Exit
;-(WORD)----------------------------(char --- cstring)
LWord   LINK    LAccept
        DCB     4
        DCB     "WORD"              ; May be has to be recoded in high level
Word    DCD     xWord
xWord   LDR     WRK, =(APAD)                
        LDR     WRK1, =(TIB)        ; Get char at address
        MOVS    WRK2, WRK1          ; save TIB
        LDR     WRK0, =(AtoIn)
        LDR     WRK0, [WRK0]
        ADDS    WRK1, WRK0          ; Point current char
        LDR     WRK0, =(AnTib)
        LDR     WRK0, [WRK0]
        ADDS    WRK2, WRK0          ; Point end of TIB
Word1   CMP     WRK1, WRK2              
        BEQ     Word3
        LDRB    WRK0,[WRK1]         ; Get char
        ADDS    WRK1, #1            ; point to next char
        CMP     WRK0, TOS           ; is it the delimiter?
        BEQ     Word1
Word2   ADDS    WRK, #1             ; avance 1 byte in PAD
        STRB    WRK0, [WRK]
        CMP     WRK1, WRK2
        BEQ     Word3
        LDRB    WRK0,[WRK1]         ; Get char
        ADDS    WRK1, #1            ; point to next char
        CMP     WRK0, TOS           ; is it the delimiter?
        BNE     Word2               ; 
Word3   MOVS    WRK0, #' '          ; Put a blank
        STRB    WRK0, [WRK, #1]     ; at the end of string in pad
        LDR     TOS, =(APAD)
        SUBS    WRK, WRK, TOS       ; Compute length
        STRB    WRK, [TOS]          ; Put length at the beginning
                                    ; of PAD
        LDR     WRK, =(TIB)             
        SUBS    WRK1, WRK           
        LDR     WRK, =(AtoIn)
        STR     WRK1, [WRK]     

LWords  LINK    LWord
        DCB     5
        DCB     "WORDS" 
Words   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     VLatest                 ; ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Words1  DCD     Dup, ToR
        DCD     Lit32, 4, Plus
        DCD     Count, Lit32, 0x1f, And
        DCD     Type, Bl, Emit
        DCD     FromR, At, Dup
        ZBranch Words2
        Branch  Words1
Words2  DCD     Drop, Cr
        DCD     Exit

;-(TYPE)----------------------------(addr,number --)
LType   LINK    LWords
        DCB     4
        DCB     "TYPE"  
Type    DCD     doCol
Type1   DCD     Dup                 ; (addr,number,number)
        ZBranch Type2
        DCD     Swap, Dup, CAt      ; (number, addr, char)
        DCD     Emit
        DCD     Plus1, Swap, Minus1 ; (addr+1, number-1)
        Branch  Type1
Type2   DCD     TDrop               ; ()
        DCD     Exit
;-(UM+)-----------------------------(number,number -- sum,carry)        
LUMPlus LINK    LType
        DCB     3, "UM+"
UMPlus  DCD     xUMPlus
xUMPlus POP     {WRK}   
        SUBS    WRK2, WRK2
        ADDS    WRK,WRK,TOS
        BCC     UMPlus1
        ADDS    WRK2, #1
UMPlus1 MOVS    TOS, WRK2       
        PUSH    {WRK}

;-(D+)------------------------------(double,double -- double)       
LDPlus  LINK    LUMPlus
        DCB     2, "D+"
DPlus   DCD     xDPlus
xDPlus  POP     {WRK}               ; low1
        POP     {WRK1}              ; high2
        POP     {WRK2}              ; low2
        ADDS    WRK, WRK2           ; low1 + low2
        ADCS    TOS, WRK1           ; high1+ high2 +carry
        PUSH    {WRK}
;-(D-)------------------------------(double,double -- double)       
LDMinus LINK    LDPlus
        DCB     2, "D-"                                     
DMinus  DCD     doCol
        DCD     DNeg, DPlus
        DCD     Exit

;-(DNEGATE)-------------------------(double --  -double)        
LDNeg   LINK    LDMinus
        DCB     7, "DNEGATE"                                
DNeg    DCD     xDNeg
xDNeg   POP     {WRK0}      
        SUBS    WRK1, WRK1
        MVNS    WRK0, WRK0
        MVNS    TOS, TOS
        ADDS    WRK0, #1
        ADCS    TOS, WRK1
        PUSH    {WRK0}
;-(S>D)-----------------------------(number --  double)     
LStoD   LINK    LDNeg
        DCB     3                                           
        DCB     "S>D"
StoD    DCD     xStoD
xStoD   PUSH    {TOS}
        ASRS    TOS, #32            ; Extend sign
;-(U<)------------------------------(u1, u2 -- flag)        
LULess  LINK    LStoD
        DCB     2
        DCB     "U<"
ULess   DCD     doCol                                               
        DCD     TDup, Xor, IsNeg
        ZBranch ULess1
        DCD     Swap, Drop, IsNeg
        Branch  ULess2
ULess1  DCD     Minus, IsNeg
ULess2  DCD     Exit

;-(U/MOD)---------------------------(ud, u -- ur , uq)
LUmod   LINK    LULess
        DCB     6
        DCB     "UM/MOD"    
UMSMod  DCD     xUMSMod
; From Pygmy Forth
;       divide 64 bit r1:r2 by 32 bit TOS
xUMSMod POP     {WRK1}              ; Hi reg from ud
        POP     {WRK2}              ; low reg from ud
        MOVS    WRK, #32            ; Loop Index
        ADDS    WRK2, WRK2          
        ADCS    WRK1, WRK1
        CMP     WRK1, TOS
        BCC     USMod2
        ADDS    WRK2, #1
        SUBS    WRK1, TOS
        SUBS    WRK, #1
        BNE     USMod1                  
        PUSH    {WRK1}
        MOV     TOS, WRK2

;-(LF)------------------------------; : LF 10 EMIT ;
LLinF   LINK    LUmod
        DCB     2, "LF" 
Lf      DCD     doCol
        DCD     Ten, Emit       
        DCD     Exit 

;-(CR)------------------------------; : CR 13 EMIT LF ; 
LCr     LINK    LLinF
        DCB     2, "CR" 
Cr      DCD     doCol       
        DCD     Lit32, 0x0d, Emit, Lf   
        DCD     Exit 

LBl     LINK    LCr
        DCB     2, "BL" 
Bl      DCD     xBl
xBl     PUSH    {TOS}
        MOVS    TOS, #' '

;-(Esc)------------------------------; Escape char
LEsc    LINK    LBl 
        DCB     3, "ESC"    
Esc     DCD     doCol       
        DCD     Lit32, 0x1b, Emit
        DCD     Exit

LSpace  LINK    LEsc
        DCB     5,"SPACE"
Space   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Bl, Emit
        DCD     Exit

;-(SPACES)--------------------------;(n --)
LSpaces LINK    LSpace
        DCB     6,"SPACES"
Spaces  DCD     doCol
Spaces1 DCD     DupNZ
        ZBranch Spaces2
        DCD     Space, Minus1
        Branch  Spaces1
Spaces2 DCD     Exit
;-(DIGIT)---------------------------;(n -- char)
LDigit  LINK    LSpaces
        DCB     5, "DIGIT"          
Digit   DCD     doCol               ; : Digit 9 Over < 7 And + 48 + ;
        DCD     Lit32, 9, Over, Lt
        DCD     Lit32, 7, And, Plus
        DCD     Lit32, '0', Plus
        DCD     Exit

;-(FILL)----------------------------( addr,u,char -- )
LFill   LINK    LDigit
        DCB     4
        DCB     "FILL"  
Fill    DCD     xFill
xFill   POP     {WRK}               ; Get u
        POP     {WRK2}              ; Get addr
Fill1   CMP     WRK, #0
        BEQ     Fill2               ; Finish?
        STRB    TOS, [WRK2]         ; Put char 
        ADDS    WRK2, #1            ; addr= addr+1
        SUBS    WRK, #1             ; u = u-1
        B       Fill1               ; One more time
Fill2   POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS
LBCode  LINK    LFill
        DCB     5+Cmponly           ; CODE: CANNOT be Inline !
        DCB     "CODE:"     
BCode   DCD     xBCode  
xBCode  ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; to align at
        LSRS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ;   the next halfword 
        LSLS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ;   boundary                                
        ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; Because of Thumb boundary
        MOV     PC, IPTR            ; Jump to code itself

LECode  LINK    LBCode
        DCB     5+Cmponly           ; It MUST be inline ????
        DCB     ";CODE" 
ECode   DCD     xECode+1
xECode  BL      THere               ; Where are we ? Collect address in lr
THere   MOV     IPTR, lr            ; 
        ADDS    IPTR, #5            ; To point after the RET

;-(TOUPPER)-------------------------(char -- upchar)
LToupp  LINK    LECode
        DCB     7                       
        DCB     "TOUPPER"   
ToUpp   DCD     xToUpp
xToUpp  CMP     TOS, #'a'-1
        BLE     Toupp1
        CMP     TOS, #'z'+1
        BGE     Toupp1
        SUBS    TOS, #'a'-'A'
Toupp1  Next

LNoop   LINK    LToupp
        DCB     4               
        DCB     "NOOP"  
Noop    DCD     xNoop
xNoop   Next

;-(UPPER)---------------------------(addr, count --)
LUpper  LINK    LNoop
        DCB     5
        DCB     "UPPER"
Upper   DCD     xUpper
xUpper  POP     {WRK}               ; Get addr
Upper1  CMP     TOS, #0             ; count=0?
        BEQ     Upper3              ; yes
        LDRB    WRK2, [WRK]
        CMP     WRK2, #'a'-1
        BLE     Upper2
        CMP     WRK2, #'z'+1
        BGE     Upper2
        SUBS    WRK2, #'a'-'A'
        STRB    WRK2, [WRK]
Upper2  ADDS    WRK, #1
        SUBS    TOS, #1
        B       Upper1
Upper3  POP     {TOS}
;xUpper doCol
;Upper1 DCB     DupNZ               ; (addr, count, count)
;       ZBranch Upper2
;       DCB     Minus1, ToR
;       DCB     Dup, Dup, CAt
;       DCB     Toupp, Swap, Store
;       DCB     Plus1, FromR
;       Branch  Upper1
;Upper2 DCB     TDrop, Exit         ; ( )
LFalse  LINK    LUpper
        DCB     5, "FALSE"
False   DCD     doCon
        DCD     0

LTrue   LINK    LFalse
        DCB     4, "TRUE"
True    DCD     doCon
        DCD     0xffffffff

LDecim  LINK    LTrue
        DCB     7, "DECIMAL"        
Dec     DCD     xDec
xDec    MOVS    WRK2, #10
        B       SetBase
LBin    LINK    LDecim
        DCB     6, "BINARY"
Bin     DCD     xBin
xBin    MOVS    WRK2, #2
        B       SetBase

LHex    LINK    LBin
        DCB     3, "HEX"
Hex     DCD     xHex    
xHex    MOVS    WRK2, #16       
SetBase LDR     WRK1, =VBase
        STR     WRK2, [WRK1]

LHld    LINK    LHex
        DCB     3, "HLD"
Hld     DCD     doVar
        DCD     AHLD
LStrPic LINK    LHld
        DCB     2, "<#"
StrPic  DCD     doCol   
        DCD     Pad , Lit32, 127, Plus 
        DCD     Hld, Store
        DCD     Exit

LHold   LINK    LStrPic
        DCB     4, "HOLD"
Hold    DCD     doCol   
        DCD     Hld, At, Minus1
        DCD     Dup, Hld, Store, CStore
        DCD     Exit

LNumb   LINK    LHold
        DCB     1, "#"
Numb    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Base, At
        DCD     Extract
        DCD     Hold
        DCD     Exit

LNumStr LINK    LNumb
        DCB     2, "#S"
NumStr  DCD     doCol
NumStr1 DCD     Numb, Dup
        DCD     IsNull
        ZBranch NumStr1
        DCD     Exit

LSign   LINK    LNumStr
        DCB     4, "SIGN"
Sign    DCD     doCol
        DCD     IsNeg
        ZBranch Sign1
        DCD     Lit32, '-', Hold
Sign1   DCD     Exit        

LEndPic LINK    LSign
        DCB     2, "#>"
EndPic  DCD     doCol
        DCD     Drop, Hld, At
        DCD     Pad, Lit32, 127, Plus
        DCD     Over, Minus
        DCD     Exit

LStr    LINK    LEndPic
        DCB     3, "STR"
Str     DCD     doCol
        DCD     Dup, ToR, Abs, StrPic
        DCD     NumStr, FromR, Sign, EndPic
        DCD     Exit
LDotR   LINK    LStr
        DCB     2, ".R"
DotR    DCD     doCol
        DCD     ToR, Str, FromR 
        DCD     Over, Minus, Spaces
        DCD     Type
        DCD     Exit
LUdR    LINK    LDotR
        DCB     3, "U.R"
UDotR   DCD     doCol   
        DCD     ToR, StrPic, NumStr
        DCD     EndPic, FromR, Over
        DCD     Minus, Spaces, Type
        DCD     Exit

LUDot   LINK    LUdR
        DCB     2, "U."
UDot    DCD     doCol   
        DCD     StrPic, NumStr, EndPic
        DCD     Space, Type
        DCD     Exit

LDot    LINK    LUDot
        DCB     1, "."
Dot     DCD     doCol   
        DCD     Base, At, Ten
        DCD     Xor
        ZBranch Dot1
        DCD     UDot
        Branch  Dot2
Dot1    DCD     Str, Space, Type
Dot2    DCD     Exit    

LDotS   LINK    LDot
        DCB     2, ".S"
DotS    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Depth               ; (depth)           
        DCD     Sp0, Lit32,8, Minus ; (depth, Sp)
        DCD     Swap                ; (Sp, depth)
        DCD     Dup                 ; (Sp, depth, depth)
        ZBranch DotS3           ; Stack empty at the beginning
DotS1   DCD     DupNZ               ; (Sp, depth, depth)
        ZBranch DotS4           ; No more in stack
                                    ; (Sp, depth)
DotS2   DCD     Swap, Dup, At       ; (Depth,Sp,@Sp)
        DCD     Dot, Cr             ; (Depth,Sp)        
        DCD     Lit32, 4, Minus     ; (Depth,Sp-4)
        DCD     Swap, Minus1        ; (Sp-4,Depth-1)
        Branch  DotS1           ; next item
DotS3   DCD     Drop
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     Mess6           ; Stack empty
        DCD     Count, Type
DotS4   DCD     Drop                ; ()
        DCD     Exit        

LCComa  LINK    LDotS
        DCB     2, "C,"
CComa   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Exit
LHComa  LINK    LCComa
        DCB     2, "H,"
HComa   DCD     doCol   
        DCD     Lit32           
        DCD     Transit
        DCD     Dup, MRot   
;       DCD     Hstore
;       DCD     Dup, At, CComa              
;       DCD     PlusOne, At, CComa  
        DCD     Exit    
LComa   LINK    LHComa
        DCB     1, ","
Coma    DCD     doCol       
        DCD     Lit32           
        DCD     Transit
        DCD     Dup, MRot           ;(TRansaddr, word, Transaddr)
        DCD     Store               ;(Transaddr)
;       DCD     Dup, At, HComa              
;       DCD     TwoPlus, At, HComa  
        DCD     Exit        

LtoIn   LINK    LComa
        DCB     3, ">IN"
toIn    DCD     doVar
        DCD     AtoIn

LPad    LINK    LtoIn
        DCB     3, "PAD"
Pad     DCD     doVar
        DCD     APAD
LnTib   LINK    LPad
        DCB     4, "#TIB"
nTib    DCD     doVar
        DCD     AnTib
;(RS0)------------------------------ Headerless
RS0     DCD     xRS0
xRS0    LDR     RPTR, =Begin

LQuit   LINK    LnTib
        DCB     4, "QUIT"
Quit    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     Begin               ; Set RPTR Return Stack Pointer to
        DCD     RS0                 ; beginning of RAM
        DCD     False, State, Store ; Set Interpret Mode
        ; ...........   
        DCD     Exit
LAbort  LINK    LQuit
        DCB     5, "ABORT"
        DCD     Exit    

;(>NUMBER)--------------------------( u11 c-addr1 u12 -- u21 c-addr2 u22 )
LTNumber LINK   LAbort
        DCB     7, ">NUMBER"
TNbr    DCD     doCol
;       DCD     DotS                ; (0,addr, n)           Debug
        DCD     ToR                 ; (0,addr R:n)
        DCD     Dup, CAt            ; (0,addr, char R:n)
        DCD     Dup                 ; (0,addr, char, char R:n)  
        DCD     Lit32, '-'
        DCD     Eq
        ZBranch TNumbr1
        DCD     Lit32, -1, MRot
;       DCD     DotS
        DCD     FromR, Minus1,ToR   ; (0,-1, addr, char R: n-1)
        DCD     Drop, Plus1
        DCD     Dup, CAt            ; (0,-1, addr+1, char  R: n-1)
;       DCD     DotS
        Branch  TNumbr2
TNumbr1 DCD     Lit32, 1, MRot      ; (0,1, addr, char R:n)                     
TNumbr2 DCD     ToR, ToR, Swap
        DCD     FromR, FromR
TNumbr3 DCD     Base, At, isDigit   ; (-1|1, cumul, addr, u,f R:n )
        ZBranch TNumbr4             ; It's not a number
        DCD     Rot, Base, At, Mul  ;
        DCD     Plus, Swap          ; (-1|1, cumul, addr  R:n )
        DCD     FromR, Minus1
        DCD     DupNZ               
        ZBranch TNumbr5
        DCD     ToR, Plus1, Dup, CAt
        Branch  TNumbr3
TNumbr4 DCD     Drop, MRot, TDrop
        DCD     FromR, False
        DCD     Exit
TNumbr5 DCD     Drop, Mul, True     ; 
        DCD     Exit

;(INTERPRET)------------------------(word--) Still to be cleaned
LInterp LINK    LTNumber
        DCB     9, "INTERPRET"
Inter   DCD     doCol
Interp  DCD     nTib, At            ; Get # of char entered
        DCD     toIn, At            ; Get # of char processed
        DCD     Eq
        ZBranch Intrp5              ; Still some char to process
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     Mess4
        DCD     Count, Type
;       DCD     Lit32, '>', Emit    ; Prompt
        DCD     Lit32               
        DCD     TIB
        DCD     Lit32, 50, Accept   ; Refill with a new line    
;       DCD     DotS                ;                                       Debug <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<           
        DCD     Dup, Zero, Eq       ; Is it a null line?
        ZBranch Intrp4              ; No 
        DCD     Drop                ; Discard length
        Branch  Intrp2              ; and retry
        DCD     Lit32, AnTib, Store ; Update #TIB
        DCD     Zero, toIn, Store   ; Point to the beginning            
        DCD     Bl                  ; space is the separator
        DCD     Word                ; Try to find a WORD                                        
        DCD     Dup, CAt            ; Get length
        DCD     Zero, Eq, Not       ; Not a blank line?
        ZBranch Intrp3              ; no! get new one
                                ; here we have a string !                           
        DCD     Dup, Count
        DCD     Upper               ; Convert to uppercase      
        DCD     Find                ; try to find it in dictionary
        DCD     Dup                 ; Duplicate flag from Find: 0 mean not found
        ZBranch Intrp8              ; Not a Word may be a number
                                ; It's in dictionary
        DCD     Dup
        DCD     Lit32, 1, Eq        ; Immed? 
        ZBranch Intrp6
        DCD     DotS, Key, Drop     ;                                   Debug <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        DCD     State, At           
        DCD     Eq                  ; Are we compiling?
        ZBranch Intrp7              ; if not execute it
        ; compile 
        DCD     Lit32, Mess7
        DCD     Count, Type
        DCD     Dot, Cr
        DCD     Key, Drop
        Branch  Intrp10
        DCD     Drop
        DCD     Execute             ; Do the job and continue
        Branch  Interp
Intrp8                              ; Try to convert as a number
        DCD     Swap, Count         
        DCD     TNbr                
        ZBranch Intrp11
        Branch  Interp
        DCD     Type, Bl, Emit
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     Mess3
        DCD     Count, Type, Cr 
        Branch  Interp

LCallR0 LINK    LInterp
        DCB     6               
        DCB     "CallR0"
CallR0  DCD     doCol
        DCD     Exit

;(DIGIT?)---------------------------(char, base --u,f) 
LisDigit LINK   LCallR0
        DCB     6, "DIGIT?"
isDigit DCD     doCol
        DCD     ToR                 ;(char)
        DCD     Lit32, '0', Minus   ;(num)
        DCD     Dup                 ;(num,num)
        DCD     Lit32, 9,  Gt       ;(num, flag)
        ZBranch isDigit1
        DCD     Lit32, ('A'-'9'-1)  
        DCD     Minus   
isDigit1                            ;(num)
        DCD     Dup, FromR, ULess
        DCD     Exit
;(CHAR)-----------------------------( -- char) 
LChar   LINK    LisDigit
        DCB     4, "CHAR"       
Char    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Bl, Word, Plus1, CAt
        DCD     Exit

;(EXTRACT)--------------------------( n base -- n c) 
LExtract LINK   LChar
        DCB     7, "EXTRACT"    
Extract DCD     doCol
        DCD     Zero, Swap, UMSMod, Swap, Digit
        DCD     Exit
;(')--------------------------------( -- address) 
LTick   LINK    LExtract
        DCB     1, "'"          
Tick    DCD     doCol   
        DCD     Bl, Word
        DCD     Dup, Count, Upper
        DCD     Find, Not
        ZBranch Tick1
        DCD     Count, Type, Bl, Emit
        DCD     Lit32
        DCD     Mess3
        DCD     Count, Type, Cr
Tick1   DCD     Exit
;( ( )------------------------------( -- )      
LParan  LINK    LTick
        DCB     1, "("          
Paran   DCD     doCol           
        DCD     Lit32, ')' , Word
        DCD     Drop
        DCD     Exit

;(M/MOD)----------------------------( d, n -- r, q) 
LMSMod  LINK    LParan
        DCB     5, "M/MOD"          
MSMod   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Dup, IsNeg, Dup, ToR                
        ZBranch UMSMod1
        DCD     Neg, ToR, DNeg, FromR       
UMSMod1 DCD     ToR, Dup, IsNeg             
        ZBranch UMSMod2
        DCD     RAt, Plus
UMSMod2 DCD     FromR, UMSMod, FromR
        ZBranch UMSMod3
        DCD     Swap, Neg, Swap
UMSMod3 DCD     Exit 
;( /MOD )---------------------------( n, n -- r, q)         
LSMod   LINK    LMSMod
        DCB     4, "/MOD"           
SMod    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Over, IsNeg, Swap, MSMod
        DCD     Exit

;( MOD )----------------------------(n, n -- r )        
LMod    LINK    LSMod
        DCB     3, "MOD"            
Mod     DCD     doCol
        DCD     SMod, Drop
        DCD     Exit

;( / )------------------------------( n, n -- q )       
LDiv    LINK    LMod
        DCB     1, "/"          
Div     DCD     doCol
        DCD     SMod, Swap, Drop
        DCD     Exit
;( [ )------------------------------(  )        
LOBrtk  LINK    LDiv
        DCB     1, "["
OBrtk   DCD     doCol
        DCD     False, State, Store ; Set to Interpret mode
        DCD     Exit
;( ] )------------------------------(  )        
LCBrtk  LINK    LOBrtk
        DCB     1, "]"
CBrtk   DCD     doCol
        DCD     True, State, Store  ; Set to Compile mode
        DCD     Exit
;( DMP )---------------------------(addr-- )                
LDump   LINK    LCBrtk
        DCB     3,"DMP" 
Dump    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Base, At, ToR       ;(addr R:oldbase)
        DCD     Hex
        DCD     Lit32, -4, And      ; word align
Dump2   DCD     Dup,Lit32,9,DotR
        DCD     Dup, At             ;(addr,word R:oldbase)
        DCD     StrPic, Numb, Numb
        DCD     Numb, Numb
        DCD     Numb, Numb
        DCD     Numb, Numb, EndPic
        DCD     Space, Type, Cr
        DCD     Key
        DCD     Lit32,0x1b, Eq, Not ; Esc key ?
        ZBranch Dump3
        DCD     Cell, Plus
        Branch  Dump2
Dump3   DCD     Drop
        DCD     FromR, Base, Store
        DCD     Exit    
;( ALIGNED )---------------------------(addr -- w.addr)                 
LAligned LINK   LDump
        DCB     7,"ALIGNED" 
Aligned DCD     xAligned        
xAligned ADDS   TOS, #3
        LSRS    TOS, #2
        LSLS    TOS, #2

;( ALIGN )---------------------------( -- )                 
LAlign  LINK    LAligned
        DCB     5,"ALIGN"   
Align   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Here, Dup, At, Aligned 
        DCD     Store
        DCD     Exit

;( CREATE )---------------------------( -- )                
LCreate LINK    LAlign
        DCB     6,"CREATE"  
Create  DCD     doCol
        DCD     Align, Here, Latest
        DCD     Comma
        DCD     Bl, Word
        DCD     DotS    
        DCD     Exit

Mess8   DCB     9,"Creating "
;( FLASH )---------------------------( -- )                 
LFlash  LINK    LCreate
        DCB     5,"FLASH"   
Flash   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Exit
;( RAM )---------------------------( -- )               
LRam    LINK    LFlash
        DCB     3,"RAM" 
Ram     DCD     doCol
        DCD     Here, At
        DCD     CHere, Store
        DCD     Exit

;( : )---------------------------( -- )                 
LColon  LINK    LRam
        DCB     1+Immed,":" 
Colon   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Create
        DCD     CBrtk           ; Set compiler state on
;       DCD     
        DCD     Exit

;( ; )---------------------------( -- )                 
LSemi   LINK    LColon
        DCB     1+Immed,";" 
Semi    DCD     doCol
        DCD     Lit32, Exit
        DCD     Comma
        DCD     OBrtk           ; Set compiler state off
        DCD     Exit

;( , )---------------------------(w -- )                
LComma  LINK    LSemi
        DCB     1+Cmponly,","   
Comma   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Here, At, Store
        DCD     Cell, Here, AddSto
        DCD     Exit

;( Hello )---------------------------(w -- )                
LHello  LINK    LComma
        DCB     5+Immed,"HELLO" 
Hello   DCD     doCol
        DCD     Lit32, Mess9
        DCD     Count, Type
        DCD     Exit

Mess1   DCB     11,"ENORA-Forth"
Mess2   DCB     5, "Error"
Mess3   DCB     7, "Unknown"
Mess4   DCB     3, "Ok>"
Mess5   DCB     11,"Not numeric"
Mess6   DCB     12,"Stack empty",0x0d
Mess7   DCB     9,"Compiling "
Mess9   DCB     5,"Hello",0x0d
DP0     DCD     Begin
Last    DCD     VLatest
Avail   DCD     end_data

NextEntry EQU   .   
VLatest EQU     LHello
;---------End of Dictionary
            AREA |.data|, DATA
Begin       DCD     0       
            SPACE   ReturnStackLength 
            SPACE   RAMForIAP
            SPACE   DataStackLength
APAD        SPACE   128
TIB         SPACE   128
RomBuff     SPACE   BuffSize    
DLatest     DCD     0               ; Point to latest link field
;Latest     DCD     0
AState      DCD     0               ; True= Compile False= Interpret
VBase       DCD     0
AnTib       DCD     0
AtoIn       DCD     0
Transit     DCD     0
AHLD        DCD     0
AHERE       DCD     0               ; RAM pointer
ACHERE      DCD     0               ; code pointer
ADHERE      DCD     0               ; data pointer
end_data    EQU     .
Length      EQU     end_data-Begin