Dependents:   RETRO_ROBOT_SC16IS750E

Fork of SC16IS750 by Wim Huiskamp

--- a/SC16IS750.h	Wed Jan 22 16:39:37 2014 +0000
+++ b/SC16IS750.h	Sun Feb 09 14:58:06 2014 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 /* SC16IS750 interface 
- *   /////////////////////v1.0 Tedd OKANO, 18 Jul 2012, I2C I/F only, MIT License
- *   v1.1 WH, Nov 2013, Added SPI I/F and more methods, MIT License
+ *   v0.1 WH, Nov 2013, Ported to mbed, Sparkfun Libs used as example. Added I2C and SPI I/F and more methods 
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
  * and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
@@ -20,16 +19,32 @@
 #ifndef _SC16IS750_H
 #define _SC16IS750_H
+//I2C Slaveaddresses                     A1  A0 
+#define SC16IS750_SA0           0x90  /* VDD VDD */
+#define SC16IS750_SA1           0x92  /* VDD VSS */
+#define SC16IS750_SA2           0x94  /* VDD SCL */
+#define SC16IS750_SA3           0x95  /* VDD SDA */
+#define SC16IS750_SA4           0x98  /* VSS VDD */
+#define SC16IS750_SA5           0x9A  /* VSS VSS */
+#define SC16IS750_SA6           0x9C  /* VSS SCL */
+#define SC16IS750_SA7           0x9E  /* VSS SDA */
+#define SC16IS750_SA8           0xA0  /* SCL VDD */
+#define SC16IS750_SA9           0xA2  /* SCL VSS */
+#define SC16IS750_SA10          0xA4  /* SCL SCL */
+#define SC16IS750_SA11          0xA6  /* SCL SDA */
+#define SC16IS750_SA12          0xA8  /* SDA VDD */
+#define SC16IS750_SA13          0xAA  /* SDA VSS */
+#define SC16IS750_SA14          0xAC  /* SDA SCL */
+#define SC16IS750_SA15          0xAE  /* SDA SDA */
 //Default I2C Slaveaddress
-#define DEFAULT_SC16IS750_ADDR  0x9A
+#define DEFAULT_SC16IS750_ADDR  SC16IS750_SA0
 //Default baudrate
 #define DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE       9600
-//#include "Configuration.h"
 #define XTAL_FREQUENCY 14745600UL // On-board crystal (New mid-2010 Version)
 // See datasheet section 7.8 for configuring the
@@ -56,9 +71,10 @@
 #define LCR_BRK_ENA              0x40
 #define LCR_BRK_DIS              0x00
-#define LCR_DIV_ENA              0x80
-#define LCR_DIV_DIS              0x00
+#define LCR_ENABLE_DIV           0x80
+#define LCR_DISABLE_DIV          0x00
 // See section 8.10 of the datasheet for definitions
 // of bits in the Enhanced Features Register (EFR)
@@ -66,6 +82,77 @@
 #define EFR_ENABLE_RTS                (1 << 6)
+// See section 8.xx of the datasheet for definitions
+// of bits in the Flow Control Register (FCR)
+#define FCR_RX_IRQ_14                 (3 << 6)
+#define FCR_RX_IRQ_8                  (2 << 6)
+#define FCR_RX_IRQ_4                  (1 << 6)
+#define FCR_RX_IRQ_1                  (0 << 6)
+#define FCR_RX_IRQ_NONE               (0 << 6)
+#define FCR_ENA_FIFO_64               (1 << 5)
+#define FCR_TXFIFO_RST                (1 << 2)
+#define FCR_RXFIFO_RST                (1 << 1)
+#define FCR_ENABLE_FIFO               (1 << 0)
+ * Interrupt enable register.
+ */
+#define IER_ERBI  (0x01) /* Enable received data available interrupt            */
+#define IER_ETBEI (0x02) /* Enable transmitter holding register empty interrupt */
+#define IER_ELSI  (0x04) /* Enable receiver line status interrupt               */
+#define IER_EDSSI (0x08) /* Enable modem status interrupt                       */
+#define IER_SLEEP (0x10) /* Enable sleep mode                                   */
+ * Modem control register.
+ */
+#define MCR_MDTR (0x01) /* Data terminal ready. */
+#define MCR_MRTS (0x02) /* Request to send.     */
+//#define MCR_TCR_TLR_BIT (6)
+#define MCR_ENABLE_TCR_TLR (1 << 2)
+ * Line status register.
+ */
+#define LSR_DR   (0x01) /* Data ready                                  */
+#define LSR_OE   (0x02) /* Overrun error                               */
+#define LSR_PE   (0x04) /* Parity error                                */
+#define LSR_FE   (0x08) /* Framing error                               */
+#define LSR_BI   (0x10) /* Break interrupt                             */
+#define LSR_THRE (0x20) /* Transmitter holding register (FIFO empty)   */
+#define LSR_TEMT (0x40) /* Transmitter empty (FIFO and TSR both empty) */
+ * Interrupt identification register.
+ * Bit 0 is set to 0 if an IT is pending.
+ * Bits 1 and 2 are used to identify the IT.
+ */
+#define IIR_BITS_USED  (0x07)
+#define IIR_IT_NOT_PENDING (0x01)
+#define IIR_RX_DATA        (0x04)
+#define IIR_TX_EMPTY       (0x02)
+#define IIR_MODEM_STATUS   (0x00)
+ * IO Control register.
+ * Bit 0 is set to 0 to enable latch of IO inputs.
+ * Bit 1 is set to enable GPIO[7-4] as /RI, /CD, /DTR, /DST.
+ * Bit 2 is set to enable software reset.
+ */
+#define IOC_ENA_LATCH      (0x01)
+#define IOC_ENA_MODEM      (0x02)
+#define IOC_SW_RST         (0x04)
 // See Chapter 11 of datasheet
 #define SPI_READ_MODE_FLAG      0x80
@@ -85,87 +172,192 @@
 //  SC16IS750 Register definitions (shifted to align)
     enum RegisterName { 
-        RHR         = 0x00 << 3,
-        THR         = 0x00 << 3,
-        IER         = 0x01 << 3,
-        FCR         = 0x02 << 3,
-        IIR         = 0x02 << 3,
-        LCR         = 0x03 << 3,
-        MCR         = 0x04 << 3,
-        LSR         = 0x05 << 3,
-        MSR         = 0x06 << 3,
-        SPR         = 0x07 << 3,
-        TCR         = 0x06 << 3,
-        TLR         = 0x07 << 3,
-        TXLVL       = 0x08 << 3,
-        RXLVL       = 0x09 << 3,
-        IODIR       = 0x0A << 3,
-        IOSTATE     = 0x0B << 3,
-        IOINTMSK    = 0x0C << 3,
-        reserved    = 0x0D << 3,
-        IOCTRL      = 0x0E << 3,
-        EFCR        = 0x0F << 3,
-        DLL         = 0x00 << 3,
-        DLH         = 0x01 << 3,
-        EFR         = 0x02 << 3,
-        XON1        = 0x04 << 3,
-        XON2        = 0x05 << 3,
-        XOFF1       = 0x06 << 3,
-        XOFF2       = 0x07 << 3,
+ * 16750 addresses. Registers accessed when LCR[7] = 0.
+ */   
+        RHR         = 0x00 << 3, /* Rx buffer register     - Read access  */
+        THR         = 0x00 << 3, /* Tx holding register    - Write access */
+        IER         = 0x01 << 3, /* Interrupt enable reg   - RD/WR access */
+ * 16750 addresses. Registers accessed when LCR[7] = 1.
+ */       
+        DLL         = 0x00 << 3, /* Divisor latch (LSB)    - RD/WR access */
+        DLH         = 0x01 << 3, /* Divisor latch (MSB)    - RD/WR access */
+ * 16750 addresses. IIR/FCR is accessed when LCR[7:0] <> 0xBF.
+ *                  Bit 5 of the FCR register is accessed when LCR[7] = 1.
+ */       
+        IIR         = 0x02 << 3, /* Interrupt id. register - Read only    */
+        FCR         = 0x02 << 3, /* FIFO control register  - Write only   */
+ * 16750 addresses. EFR is accessed when LCR[7:0] = 0xBF.
+ */       
+        EFR         = 0x02 << 3, /* Enhanced features reg  - RD/WR access */     
+ * 16750 addresses.
+ */       
+        LCR         = 0x03 << 3, /* Line control register  - RD/WR access */
+ * 16750 addresses. MCR/LSR is accessed when LCR[7:0] <> 0xBF.
+ *                  Bit 7 of the MCR register is accessed when EFR[4] = 1.
+ */       
+        MCR         = 0x04 << 3, /* Modem control register - RD/WR access */
+        LSR         = 0x05 << 3, /* Line status register   - Read only    */
+ * 16750 addresses. MSR/SPR is accessed when LCR[7:0] <> 0xBF.
+ *                  MSR, SPR register is accessed when EFR[1]=0 and MCR[2]=0.
+ */       
+        MSR         = 0x06 << 3, /* Modem status register  - Read only    */
+        SPR         = 0x07 << 3, /* Scratchpad register    - RD/WR access */
+ * 16750 addresses. TCR/TLR is accessed when LCR[7:0] <> 0xBF.
+ *                  TCR, TLR register is accessed when EFR[1]=1 and MCR[2]=1.
+ */       
+        TCR         = 0x06 << 3, /* Transmission control register - RD/WR access */
+        TLR         = 0x07 << 3, /* Trigger level register        - RD/WR access */
+ * 16750 addresses. XON, XOFF is accessed when LCR[7:0] = 0xBF.
+ */       
+        XON1        = 0x04 << 3, /* XON1 register          - RD/WR access */
+        XON2        = 0x05 << 3, /* XON2 register          - RD/WR access */
+        XOFF1       = 0x06 << 3, /* XOFF1 register         - RD/WR access */
+        XOFF2       = 0x07 << 3, /* XOFF2 register         - RD/WR access */
+ * 16750 addresses.
+ */       
+        TXLVL       = 0x08 << 3, /* TX FIFO Level register - Read only    */
+        RXLVL       = 0x09 << 3, /* RX FIFO Level register - Read only    */
+        IODIR       = 0x0A << 3, /* IO Pin Direction reg   - RD/WR access */
+        IOSTATE     = 0x0B << 3, /* IO Pin State reg       - Read only    */
+        IOINTENA    = 0x0C << 3, /* IO Interrupt Enable    - RD/WR access */
+//        reserved    = 0x0D << 3,
+        IOCTRL      = 0x0E << 3, /* IO Control register    - RD/WR access */
+        EFCR        = 0x0F << 3, /* Extra features reg     - RD/WR access */
     } ;
+ // This enum used to be part of SerialBase class (access via SerialBase.h).
+ //  It seems not be supported anymore. The enums for Parity have moved to Serial now..  
+    enum Flow {
+        Disabled = 0,
+        RTS,
+        CTS,
+        RTSCTS
+    };
 // SC16IS750 configuration register values
+// Several configuration registers are write-only. Need to save values to allow restoring.
 struct SC16IS750_cfg {
   char baudrate;
   char dataformat;  
   char flowctrl;  
-  char fifoformat;    
+  char fifoformat;
+  bool fifoenable;      
-/** Constructor
-  *  
-  */
-  SC16IS750();  
 /** Determine if there is a character available to read.
   *   @return 1 if there is a character available to read, 0 otherwise
-    int readable();
+  int readable();
-/** Determine if how many characters available to read.
+/** Determine how many characters available for reading.
   *   @return int Characters available to read
-    int readableCount();
+  int readableCount();
 /** Determine if there is space available to write a character.    
   *   @return 1 if there is a space for a character to write, 0 otherwise
-    int writable();
+  int writable();
-/** Determine if how much space is available to write characters.
-  *   @return int Characterspace available for writing
+/** Determine how much space available for writing characters.
+  *   @return int character space available to write
-    int writableCount();
-    char getc();  
-    void putc(char value);    
+  int writableCount();
-    void write(const char *str);
+  * Read char from UART Bridge.
+  * Acts in the same manner as ''.  
+  *   @param none    
+  *   @return char read or -1 if no data available. 
+  */ 
+  int getc();  
+  * Write char to UART Bridge. Blocking when no free space in FIFO
+  *   @param value char to be written    
+  *   @return value written  
+  */
+  int putc(int value);    
+  void write(const char *str);
 /** Set baudrate of the serial port.    
   *  @param  baud integer baudrate (4800, 9600 etc)
   *  @return none
-    void baud(int baudrate = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE);   
+  void baud(int baudrate = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE);   
 /** Set the transmission format used by the serial port.   
   *   @param bits      The number of bits in a word (5-8; default = 8)
   *   @param parity    The parity used (Serial::None, Serial::Odd, Serial::Even, Serial::Forced1, Serial::Forced0; default = Serial::None)
   *   @param stop_bits The number of stop bits (1 or 2; default = 1) 
-    void format(int bits=8, Serial::Parity parity=Serial::None, int stop_bits=1);
+  void format(int bits=8, Serial::Parity parity=Serial::None, int stop_bits=1);
+/** Attach a function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated
+  *
+  *  @param fptr A pointer to a void function, or 0 to set as none
+  *  @param type Which serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
+  */
+  void attach(void (*fptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq);
+/** Attach a member function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated
+  *
+  *  @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
+  *  @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
+  *  @param type Which serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
+  */
+  template<typename T>
+    void attach(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq) {
+      if((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
+          _irq[type].attach(tptr, mptr);
+          serial_irq_set(&_serial, (SerialIrq)type, 1);
+      }
+  }
+/** Generate a break condition on the serial line
+  */
+  void send_break();
+/** Set a break condition on the serial line
+  *  @param enable  break condition
+  */
+  void set_break(bool enable=false);
+/** Set the flow control type on the serial port
+  *  Added for compatibility with Serial Class.
+  *  SC16IS750 supports only Flow, Pins can not be selected.  
+  *
+  *  @param type the flow control type (Disabled, RTS, CTS, RTSCTS)     
+  *  @param flow1 the first flow control pin (RTS for RTS or RTSCTS, CTS for CTS)
+  *  @param flow2 the second flow control pin (CTS for RTSCTS)
+  */
+  void set_flow_control(Flow type=Disabled, PinName flow1=NC, PinName flow2=NC);
   * Check that UART is connected and operational.
   *   @param  none
@@ -179,38 +371,85 @@
  //   using Print::write;
-    void flush();
+/** Flush the UART FIFOs while maintaining current FIFO mode.
+  *   @param  none
+  *   @return none
+  */
+  void flush();
 //required for Stream
-    int peek() {return 0;};
+  int peek() {return 0;};
+/** Set direction of I/O port pins.
+  * This method is specific to the SPI-I2C UART and not found on the 16750
+  *   @param  bits Bitpattern for I/O (1=output, 0=input)
+  *   @return none
+  */
+  void ioSetDirection(unsigned char bits);
-    // These are specific to the SPI UART
-    void ioSetDirection(unsigned char bits);
-   void ioSetState(unsigned char bits);
+/** Set bits of I/O port pins.
+  * This method is specific to the SPI-I2C UART and not found on the 16750
+  *   @param  bits Bitpattern for I/O (1= set output bit, 0 = clear output bit)
+  *   @return none
+  */
+  void ioSetState(unsigned char bits);
+/** Get bits of I/O port pins.
+  * This method is specific to the SPI-I2C UART and not found on the 16750
+  *   @param  none
+  *   @return bits Bitpattern for I/O (1= bit set, 0 = bit cleared)
+  */
+  unsigned char ioGetState();
+/** Software Reset SC16IS750 device.
+  * This method is specific to the SPI-I2C UART and not found on the 16750
+  *   @param  none
+  *   @return none
+  */
+  void swReset();
 /** Write value to internal register.
   * Pure virtual, must be declared in derived class.   
-  *   @param register_address  The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
+  *   @param registerAddress   The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
   *   @param data              The 8bit value to write
   *   @return none 
-   virtual void writeRegister (RegisterName register_address, char data ) =0;
+  virtual void writeRegister (RegisterName register_address, char data ) =0;
 /** Read value from internal register.
   * Pure virtual, must be declared in derived class.   
-  *   @param register_address  The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
+  *   @param registerAddress   The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
   *   @return char             The 8bit value read from the register
-   virtual char readRegister (RegisterName register_address ) =0;
+  virtual char readRegister (RegisterName register_address ) =0;
+/** Initialise internal registers
+  * Should be in protection section. Public for testing purposes
+  * If initialisation fails this method does not return.    
+  *   @param none
+  *   @return none 
+  */
+  void _init();
 //protected is accessible to derived classes, but not to external users
+/** Constructor for this Abstract Class is protected
+  *  
+  */
+  SC16IS750();  
 SC16IS750_cfg _config;
 //private is not accessible to derived classes, nor external users
-    void init();
@@ -249,14 +488,14 @@
   SC16IS750_SPI(SPI *spi, PinName cs);
 /** Write value to internal register.
-  *   @param register_address  The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
+  *   @param registerAddress   The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
   *   @param data              The 8bit value to write
   *   @return none 
   virtual void writeRegister(SC16IS750::RegisterName registerAddress, char data);
 /** Read value from internal register.
-  *   @param register_address  The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
+  *   @param registerAddress   The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
   *   @return char             The 8bit value read from the register
   virtual char readRegister(SC16IS750::RegisterName registerAddress);
@@ -307,14 +546,14 @@
   SC16IS750_I2C(I2C *i2c, uint8_t deviceAddress = DEFAULT_SC16IS750_ADDR);
 /** Write value to internal register.
-  *   @param register_address  The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
+  *   @param registerAddress   The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
   *   @param data              The 8bit value to write
   *   @return none 
   virtual void writeRegister(SC16IS750::RegisterName register_address, char data );
 /** Read value from internal register.
-  *   @param register_address  The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
+  *   @param registerAddress   The address of the Register (enum RegisterName)
   *   @return char             The 8bit value read from the register
   virtual char readRegister(SC16IS750::RegisterName register_address );