I2C boot loader with Blinky code Should test it with Freescale boards fingers crossed should work

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Fork of I2Cboot_betav1_01 by Siva ram

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include <stdbool.h>
00003 #include <stdint.h>
00004 //#include <fcntl.h>
00005 #include <stdlib.h>
00006 #include <stdio.h>
00007 //#include <memory.h>
00010 /*
00012 Use pull up resistors
00013 Test Sample I2C with Tiva
00014 Learn about the I2C in freescale boards
00015 Check I2CReceiveData and I2CSendData compatibitily with Tiva
00016 Now Use ROM boot loader
00017 if it works get the flash code from CDMS people and try with that
00019 */
00021 // BootLoader
00023 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
00025 I2C i2c(D15, D14);
00027 const int addr = 0x42;
00029 #define COMMAND_PING            0x20
00030 #define COMMAND_DOWNLOAD        0x21
00031 #define COMMAND_RUN             0x22
00032 #define COMMAND_GET_STATUS      0x23
00033 #define COMMAND_SEND_DATA       0x24
00034 #define COMMAND_RESET           0x25
00035 #define COMMAND_RET_SUCCESS     0x40
00036 #define COMMAND_RET_UNKNOWN_CMD 0x41
00037 #define COMMAND_RET_INVALID_CMD 0x42
00038 #define COMMAND_RET_INVALID_ADR 0x43
00039 #define COMMAND_RET_FLASH_FAIL  0x44
00040 #define COMMAND_RET_CRC_FAIL    0x45
00041 #define COMMAND_ACK             0xcc
00042 #define COMMAND_NAK             0x33
00044 //*****************************************************************************
00045 //
00046 //! This variable will be set to the starting address of the binary will be
00047 //! programmed into to device.
00048 //
00050 static uint32_t g_ui32DownloadAddress;
00053 //
00054 //! This variable will be set to the start execution address for the binary
00055 //! that is downloaded.
00056 //
00058 static uint32_t g_ui32StartAddress;
00063 uint32_t g_ui32DataSize;
00064 uint8_t g_pui8Buffer[256];
00066 uint8_t CheckSum(uint8_t *pui8Data, uint8_t ui8Size);
00068 //
00070 int 
00071 I2CSendData(uint8_t const *pui8Data, uint8_t ui8Size)
00072 {
00074     int i;
00075     char temp[ui8Size];
00079     for(i=0;i<ui8Size;i++)
00080     {
00082         temp[i] = pui8Data[i];
00084     }
00087     if(i2c.write(addr, temp, ui8Size,0) == 0)
00088     {
00089         return (0);
00090     }
00093     pc.printf("Write Error\n");
00094     return (-1);
00097 }
00099 int
00100 I2CReceiveData(uint8_t *pui8Data, uint8_t ui8Size)
00101 {
00103     int i;
00104     char temp[ui8Size];
00108     for(i=0;i<ui8Size;i++)
00109     {
00111         temp[i] = pui8Data[i];
00113     }
00116     if(i2c.read(addr, temp, ui8Size,0) == 0)
00117     {
00118         return (0);
00119     }
00121     pc.printf("Recieve Error\n");
00122     return (-1);
00124 }        
00127 //****************************************************************************
00128 //
00129 //! AckPacket() sends an Acknowledge a packet.
00130 //!
00131 //! This function acknowledges a packet has been received from the device.
00132 //!
00133 //! \return The function returns zero to indicated success while any non-zero
00134 //! value indicates a failure.
00135 //
00136 //****************************************************************************
00142 int32_t
00143 AckPacket(void)
00144 {
00145     uint8_t ui8Ack;
00147     ui8Ack = COMMAND_ACK;
00148     return(I2CSendData(&ui8Ack, 1));
00149 }
00152 //
00153 //! NakPacket() sends a No Acknowledge packet.
00154 //!
00155 //! This function sends a no acknowledge for a packet that has been
00156 //! received unsuccessfully from the device.
00157 //!
00158 //! \return The function returns zero to indicated success while any non-zero
00159 //! value indicates a failure.
00160 //
00162 int32_t
00163 NakPacket(void)
00164 {
00165     uint8_t ui8Nak;
00167     ui8Nak = COMMAND_NAK;
00168     return(I2CSendData(&ui8Nak, 1));
00169 }
00172 //
00173 //! GetPacket() receives a data packet.
00174 //!
00175 //! \param pui8Data is the location to store the data received from the device.
00176 //! \param pui8Size is the number of bytes returned in the pui8Data buffer that
00177 //! was provided.
00178 //!
00179 //! This function receives a packet of data from UART port.
00180 //!
00181 //! \returns The function returns zero to indicated success while any non-zero
00182 //! value indicates a failure.
00183 //
00185 int32_t
00186 GetPacket(uint8_t *pui8Data, uint8_t *pui8Size)
00187 {
00188     uint8_t ui8CheckSum;
00189     uint8_t ui8Size;
00191     //
00192     // Get the size and the checksum.
00193     //
00194     do
00195     {
00196         if(I2CReceiveData(&ui8Size, 1))
00197         {
00198             return(-1);
00199         }
00200     }
00201     while(ui8Size == 0);
00203     if(I2CReceiveData(&ui8CheckSum, 1))
00204     {
00205         return(-1);
00206     }
00207     *pui8Size = ui8Size - 2;
00209     if(I2CReceiveData(pui8Data, *pui8Size))
00210     {
00211         *pui8Size = 0;
00212         return(-1);
00213     }
00215     //
00216     // Calculate the checksum from the data.
00217     //
00218     if(CheckSum(pui8Data, *pui8Size) != ui8CheckSum)
00219     {
00220         *pui8Size = 0;
00221         return(NakPacket());
00222     }
00224     return(AckPacket());
00225 }
00228 //
00229 //! CheckSum() Calculates an 8 bit checksum
00230 //!
00231 //! \param pui8Data is a pointer to an array of 8 bit data of size ui8Size.
00232 //! \param ui8Size is the size of the array that will run through the checksum
00233 //!     algorithm.
00234 //!
00235 //! This function simply calculates an 8 bit checksum on the data passed in.
00236 //!
00237 //! \return The function returns the calculated checksum.
00238 //
00240 uint8_t
00241 CheckSum(uint8_t *pui8Data, uint8_t ui8Size)
00242 {
00243     int32_t i;
00244     uint8_t ui8CheckSum;
00246     ui8CheckSum = 0;
00248     for(i = 0; i < ui8Size; ++i)
00249     {
00250         ui8CheckSum += pui8Data[i];
00251     }
00252     return(ui8CheckSum);
00253 }
00256 //
00257 //! SendPacket() sends a data packet.
00258 //!
00259 //! \param pui8Data is the location of the data to be sent to the device.
00260 //! \param ui8Size is the number of bytes to send from puData.
00261 //! \param bAck is a boolean that is true if an ACK/NAK packet should be
00262 //! received in response to this packet.
00263 //!
00264 //! This function sends a packet of data to the device.
00265 //!
00266 //! \returns The function returns zero to indicated success while any non-zero
00267 //!     value indicates a failure.
00268 //
00270 int32_t
00271 SendPacket(uint8_t *pui8Data, uint8_t ui8Size, bool bAck)
00272 {
00273     uint8_t ui8CheckSum;
00274     uint8_t ui8Ack;
00276     ui8CheckSum = CheckSum(pui8Data, ui8Size);
00278     //
00279     // Make sure that we add the bytes for the size and checksum to the total.
00280     //
00281     ui8Size += 2;
00283     //
00284     // Send the Size in bytes.
00285     //
00286     if(I2CSendData(&ui8Size, 1))
00287     {
00288         return(-1);
00289     }
00291     //
00292     // Send the CheckSum
00293     //
00294     if(I2CSendData(&ui8CheckSum, 1))
00295     {
00296         return(-1);
00297     }
00299     //
00300     // Now send the remaining bytes out.
00301     //
00302     ui8Size -= 2;
00304     //
00305     // Send the Data
00306     //
00307     if(I2CSendData(pui8Data, ui8Size))
00308     {
00309         return(-1);
00310     }
00312     //
00313     // Return immediately if no ACK/NAK is expected.
00314     //
00315     if(!bAck)
00316     {
00317         return(0);
00318     }
00320     //
00321     // Wait for the acknowledge from the device.
00322     //
00323     do
00324     {
00325         if(I2CReceiveData(&ui8Ack, 1))
00326         {
00327             return(-1);
00328         }
00329     }
00330     while(ui8Ack == 0);
00332     if(ui8Ack != COMMAND_ACK)
00333     {
00334         return(-1);
00335     }
00336     return(0);
00337 }
00340 int32_t
00341 SendCommand(uint8_t *pui8Command, uint8_t ui8Size)
00342 {
00343     uint8_t ui8Status;
00345     //
00346     // Send the command itself.
00347     //
00348     if(SendPacket(pui8Command, ui8Size, 1) < 0)
00349     {
00350         return(-1);
00351     }
00353     //
00354     // Send the get status command to tell the device to return status to
00355     // the host.
00356     //
00357     ui8Status = COMMAND_GET_STATUS;
00358     if(SendPacket(&ui8Status, 1, 1) < 0)
00359     {
00360         pc.printf("Failed to Get Status\n");
00361         return(-1);
00362     }
00364     //
00365     // Read back the status provided from the device.
00366     //
00367     ui8Size = sizeof(ui8Status);
00368     if(GetPacket(&ui8Status, &ui8Size) < 0)
00369     {
00370         pc.printf("Failed to Get Packet\n");
00371         return(-1);
00372     }
00373     if(ui8Status != COMMAND_RET_SUCCESS)
00374     {
00375         pc.printf("Failed to get download command Return Code: %04x\n",
00376             ui8Status);
00377         return(-1);
00378     }
00379     return(0);
00380 }
00384 int main() {
00386     g_ui32DownloadAddress = 0;
00387     g_ui32StartAddress = 0xffffffff;    
00388     g_ui32DataSize = 8;
00389     uint8_t ui8Command;
00392     uint32_t ui32TransferLength = 1424;
00393     uint32_t ui32Offset;
00394     uint8_t pui8FileBuffer[] = {0 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32 ,  95 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  109 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  251 ,  3 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  107 ,  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,  128 ,  27 ,  12 ,  67 ,  128 ,  0 ,  29 ,  18 ,  31 ,  248 ,  210 ,  10 ,  224 ,  8 ,  201 ,  3 ,  112 ,  27 ,  10 ,  67 ,  112 ,  27 ,  10 ,  131 ,  112 ,  27 ,  10 ,  195 ,  112 ,  0 ,  29 ,  18 ,  31 ,  244 ,  210 ,  18 ,  29 ,  5 ,  208 ,  11 ,  120 ,  3 ,  112 ,  73 ,  28 ,  64 ,  28 ,  82 ,  30 ,  249 ,  209 ,  96 ,  70 ,  112 ,  71 ,  240 ,  181 ,  30 ,  72 ,  1 ,  39 ,  248 ,  66 ,  1 ,  208 ,  0 ,  240 ,  195 ,  248 ,  30 ,  77 ,  30 ,  79 ,  31 ,  78 ,  189 ,  66 ,  6 ,  210 ,  3 ,  205 ,  4 ,  120 ,  164 ,  0 ,  52 ,  89 ,  64 ,  28 ,  160 ,  71 ,  246 ,  231 ,  22 ,  77 ,  22 ,  79 ,  189 ,  66 ,  2 ,  210 ,  16 ,  205 ,  160 ,  71 ,  250 ,  231 ,  240 ,  189 ,  3 ,  37 ,  27 ,  224 ,  65 ,  104 ,  8 ,  48 ,  10 ,  28 ,  42 ,  64 ,  11 ,  209 ,  26 ,  28 ,  42 ,  64 ,  171 ,  67 ,  5 ,  208 ,  4 ,  104 ,  4 ,  48 ,  12 ,  96 ,  4 ,  49 ,  4 ,  59 ,  249 ,  209 ,  19 ,  28 ,  5 ,  208 ,  4 ,  120 ,  1 ,  48 ,  12 ,  112 ,  1 ,  49 ,  1 ,  59 ,  249 ,  209 ,  2 ,  28 ,  42 ,  64 ,  1 ,  208 ,  168 ,  67 ,  4 ,  48 ,  3 ,  104 ,  0 ,  43 ,  224 ,  209 ,  112 ,  71 ,  192 ,  70 ,  255 ,  255 ,  255 ,  255 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  136 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  144 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  128 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  112 ,  181 ,  16 ,  248 ,  1 ,  75 ,  27 ,  224 ,  64 ,  28 ,  90 ,  177 ,  29 ,  10 ,  9 ,  209 ,  2 ,  37 ,  16 ,  248 ,  1 ,  107 ,  109 ,  30 ,  70 ,  234 ,  3 ,  35 ,  249 ,  209 ,  1 ,  224 ,  4 ,  43 ,  2 ,  211 ,  16 ,  248 ,  1 ,  91 ,  3 ,  224 ,  37 ,  70 ,  1 ,  224 ,  1 ,  248 ,  1 ,  91 ,  91 ,  30 ,  179 ,  241 ,  255 ,  63 ,  249 ,  209 ,  1 ,  224 ,  1 ,  248 ,  1 ,  59 ,  16 ,  248 ,  1 ,  59 ,  156 ,  66 ,  249 ,  209 ,  16 ,  248 ,  1 ,  59 ,  0 ,  43 ,  231 ,  209 ,  16 ,  248 ,  1 ,  91 ,  3 ,  120 ,  45 ,  2 ,  91 ,  25 ,  213 ,  209 ,  112 ,  189 ,  254 ,  231 ,  18 ,  72 ,  19 ,  75 ,  32 ,  33 ,  1 ,  96 ,  2 ,  104 ,  18 ,  73 ,  173 ,  241 ,  8 ,  13 ,  0 ,  146 ,  2 ,  32 ,  88 ,  96 ,  0 ,  34 ,  195 ,  248 ,  32 ,  1 ,  24 ,  104 ,  64 ,  240 ,  2 ,  0 ,  24 ,  96 ,  0 ,  146 ,  0 ,  152 ,  129 ,  66 ,  11 ,  216 ,  24 ,  104 ,  32 ,  240 ,  2 ,  0 ,  24 ,  96 ,  0 ,  146 ,  0 ,  152 ,  129 ,  66 ,  239 ,  217 ,  0 ,  152 ,  64 ,  28 ,  0 ,  144 ,  248 ,  231 ,  0 ,  152 ,  64 ,  28 ,  0 ,  144 ,  236 ,  231 ,  8 ,  225 ,  15 ,  64 ,  252 ,  83 ,  2 ,  64 ,  64 ,  13 ,  3 ,  0 ,  78 ,  246 ,  136 ,  81 ,  206 ,  242 ,  0 ,  1 ,  8 ,  104 ,  79 ,  240 ,  240 ,  3 ,  64 ,  234 ,  3 ,  64 ,  8 ,  96 ,  9 ,  72 ,  133 ,  70 ,  9 ,  72 ,  133 ,  68 ,  111 ,  70 ,  7 ,  32 ,  135 ,  67 ,  189 ,  70 ,  7 ,  72 ,  111 ,  70 ,  7 ,  96 ,  255 ,  247 ,  67 ,  255 ,  0 ,  240 ,  79 ,  248 ,  1 ,  32 ,  0 ,  240 ,  48 ,  248 ,  254 ,  231 ,  192 ,  70 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  32 ,  0 ,  1 ,  0 ,  0 ,  16 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32 ,  112 ,  181 ,  15 ,  77 ,  6 ,  70 ,  115 ,  136 ,  0 ,  36 ,  22 ,  224 ,  160 ,  0 ,  0 ,  235 ,  196 ,  0 ,  48 ,  24 ,  65 ,  104 ,  194 ,  104 ,  128 ,  104 ,  74 ,  185 ,  42 ,  104 ,  82 ,  177 ,  10 ,  120 ,  85 ,  248 ,  34 ,  48 ,  74 ,  28 ,  1 ,  70 ,  16 ,  70 ,  152 ,  71 ,  1 ,  224 ,  255 ,  247 ,  206 ,  254 ,  115 ,  136 ,  100 ,  28 ,  164 ,  178 ,  163 ,  66 ,  230 ,  220 ,  112 ,  189 ,  128 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  191 ,  112 ,  71 ,  8 ,  181 ,  255 ,  247 ,  251 ,  255 ,  254 ,  231 ,  56 ,  181 ,  5 ,  70 ,  9 ,  72 ,  0 ,  104 ,  128 ,  71 ,  9 ,  76 ,  32 ,  29 ,  0 ,  104 ,  16 ,  177 ,  1 ,  70 ,  40 ,  70 ,  136 ,  71 ,  32 ,  104 ,  0 ,  177 ,  128 ,  71 ,  5 ,  72 ,  0 ,  104 ,  128 ,  71 ,  255 ,  247 ,  232 ,  255 ,  56 ,  189 ,  192 ,  70 ,  0 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32 ,  8 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32 ,  4 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32 ,  4 ,  73 ,  177 ,  241 ,  255 ,  63 ,  7 ,  191 ,  0 ,  33 ,  8 ,  28 ,  8 ,  104 ,  9 ,  29 ,  255 ,  247 ,  98 ,  191 ,  255 ,  255 ,  255 ,  255 ,  3 ,  73 ,  8 ,  96 ,  112 ,  71 ,  2 ,  73 ,  9 ,  31 ,  8 ,  96 ,  112 ,  71 ,  112 ,  71 ,  4 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32 ,  208 ,  248 ,  3 ,  32 ,  195 ,  29 ,  8 ,  70 ,  25 ,  70 ,  255 ,  247 ,  135 ,  190 ,  255 ,  247 ,  121 ,  191 ,  112 ,  71 ,  1 ,  34 ,  255 ,  247 ,  25 ,  191 ,  254 ,  231 ,  254 ,  231 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  1 ,  75 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  75 ,  5 ,  1 ,  14 ,  0 ,  1 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  101 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  81 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  112 ,  5 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  1 ,  0 ,  32};
00397     if(g_ui32StartAddress != 0xffffffff)
00398     {
00399         //
00400         // Send the run command but just send the packet, there will likely
00401         // be no boot loader to answer after this command completes.
00402         //
00403         g_pui8Buffer[0] = COMMAND_RUN;
00404         g_pui8Buffer[1] = (uint8_t)(g_ui32StartAddress>>24);
00405         g_pui8Buffer[2] = (uint8_t)(g_ui32StartAddress>>16);
00406         g_pui8Buffer[3] = (uint8_t)(g_ui32StartAddress>>8);
00407         g_pui8Buffer[4] = (uint8_t)g_ui32StartAddress;
00408         if(SendPacket(g_pui8Buffer, 5, 0) < 0)
00409         {
00410             pc.printf("Failed to Send Run command\n");
00411         }
00412         else
00413         {
00414             pc.printf("Running from address %08x\n",g_ui32StartAddress);
00415         }
00417     }
00419     else
00420     {
00422         g_pui8Buffer[0] = COMMAND_DOWNLOAD;
00423         g_pui8Buffer[1] = (uint8_t)(g_ui32DownloadAddress >> 24);
00424         g_pui8Buffer[2] = (uint8_t)(g_ui32DownloadAddress >> 16);
00425         g_pui8Buffer[3] = (uint8_t)(g_ui32DownloadAddress >> 8);
00426         g_pui8Buffer[4] = (uint8_t)g_ui32DownloadAddress;
00427         g_pui8Buffer[5] = (uint8_t)(ui32TransferLength>>24);
00428         g_pui8Buffer[6] = (uint8_t)(ui32TransferLength>>16);
00429         g_pui8Buffer[7] = (uint8_t)(ui32TransferLength>>8);
00430         g_pui8Buffer[8] = (uint8_t)ui32TransferLength;
00431     }
00434     ui8Command = COMMAND_PING;
00435     if(SendCommand(&ui8Command, 1) < 0)
00436     {
00437         pc.printf("Ping fail");
00438         return(-1);
00439     }
00441     if(SendCommand(g_pui8Buffer, 9) < 0)
00442     {
00443         pc.printf("Failed to Send Download Command\n");
00444         return(-1);
00445     }
00448 ui32Offset = 0;
00450     pc.printf("Remaining Bytes: ");
00451     do
00452     {
00453         uint8_t ui8BytesSent;
00455         g_pui8Buffer[0] = COMMAND_SEND_DATA;
00457         pc.printf("%08ld", ui32TransferLength);
00459         //
00460         // Send out 8 bytes at a time to throttle download rate and avoid
00461         // overruning the device since it is programming flash on the fly.
00462         //
00463         if(ui32TransferLength >= g_ui32DataSize)
00464         {
00465             memcpy(&g_pui8Buffer[1], &pui8FileBuffer[ui32Offset], g_ui32DataSize);
00467             ui32Offset += g_ui32DataSize;
00468             ui32TransferLength -= g_ui32DataSize;
00469             ui8BytesSent = g_ui32DataSize + 1;
00470         }
00471         else
00472         {
00473             memcpy(&g_pui8Buffer[1], &pui8FileBuffer[ui32Offset], ui32TransferLength);
00474             ui32Offset += ui32TransferLength;
00475             ui8BytesSent = ui32TransferLength + 1;
00476             ui32TransferLength = 0;
00477         }
00478         //
00479         // Send the Send Data command to the device.
00480         //
00481         if(SendCommand(g_pui8Buffer, ui8BytesSent) < 0)
00482         {
00483             pc.printf("Failed to Send Packet data\n");
00484             break;
00485         }
00487         pc.printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
00488     } while (ui32TransferLength);
00489     pc.printf("00000000\n");
00491     g_pui8Buffer[0] = COMMAND_RESET;
00492     SendPacket(g_pui8Buffer, 1, 0);
00494 }