Tobis Programm forked to not destroy your golden files

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Robocode by PES 2 - Gruppe 1



File content as of revision 116:e03a3692cdf0:

 * Movement function library
 * Handels Movement of the Robot

#include "Movement.h"
#define OFFSET_GREIFER_TO_IRSENSOR 0.2                 // Constant for distance between front IR Sensor and the postion where the Greifer is in grabbing Position
#define OFFSET_WHEELS 0.09                              // Offset of the wheels from the max pos

bool is_moving = false;
float wanted_dist = 0;
bool is_turning = false;
float wanted_deg = 0;
bool direction = false;
float restdegAfterstop = 0;                                                              // Variable for Rest degree we still have to cover after e.g. 1 brick found but its not really a brick so we turn further until e.g 60 degrees covered.

float TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE = 0.08f;                                       // Variable for Brick detection it sets how much upper sensor and lower can differ that its still detected as an obstacle and not a brick

Timer t;
Timer t8;                                                                       // timer used for waiting enough distance measurements

int search_state = 0;

float left = 0;
float right = 0;

bool devider = true;

int moving()

    return 0;

 * Stops current movement immediately
void stop_move()
    wanted_dist = 0;
    is_moving = false;

 * Stops current turn immediately
void stop_turn()
    wanted_deg = 0;
    is_turning = false;

 * move for wanted distance on circle with a given radius
 * needs to be called until return < 0
 * if calling distance not 0: distance and radius initilisation.
 * by Claudio Citterio
float move_for_distance_with_radius(float distance, float r)

    if(distance != 0) {

        is_moving = true;
        wanted_dist = fabsf(distance);

        float circumference = r*2*(float)M_PI;
        float circumference_inner = ((r-(float)OFFSET_WHEELS)*2*(float)M_PI);
        float circumference_outer = ((r+(float)OFFSET_WHEELS)*2*(float)M_PI);

        float max_speed = 50;
        float inner_speed = max_speed/circumference*circumference_inner;
        float outer_speed = max_speed/circumference*circumference_outer;

        //reduce outer speed to max speed
        float multiplier = 1.0f/inner_speed*max_speed;
        inner_speed *= multiplier;
        outer_speed *= multiplier;

        if(r < 0.21f) {
            outer_speed *= 0.8f;
            inner_speed *= 0.8f;

        if(r != 0) {
            //move with turn
            if(distance > 0) {  //move forward
                direction = 1;
                left = outer_speed;
                right = inner_speed;
            } else {            //move backward
                direction = 0;
                left = -outer_speed;
                right = -inner_speed;
        } else {
            //normal straight movement
            printf("move straight\r\n");
            if(distance > 0) {  //move forward
                direction = 1;
                left = max_speed;
                right = max_speed;
            } else {            //move backward
                direction = 0;
                left = -max_speed;
                right = -max_speed;

        set_speed(left, right);
        devider = true;
    } else {
        float speed_multiplier = 0.6f;
        if(wanted_dist < 0.10f && devider == true) {
            devider = false;
            left = left * speed_multiplier;
            right = right * speed_multiplier;
            //printf("left: %f || right: %f\r\n", left, right);
            set_speed(left, right);

        float speed_left = get_speed_left();
        float speed_right = get_speed_right();
        wanted_dist -= (2*(float)wheel_r*(float)M_PI)/(2*M_PI) * * ((fabsf(speed_left)+fabsf(speed_right))/2) * 0.1f;

        if(wanted_dist <= 0) { //distance covered, Stop function
            is_moving = false;
    printf("remaining distance to cover: %f\r\n", wanted_dist);
    return wanted_dist;

 * move for wanted distance
 * needs to be called until return < 0
 * if calling distance not 0: distance initilisation.
 * by Claudio Citterio
float move_for_distance(float distance)
    printf("move for distance\r\n");
    if(distance != 0) {

        is_moving = true;

        wanted_dist = fabsf(distance);

        if(distance > 0) {  //move forward
            direction = 1;
            left = 50.0f;
            right = 50.0f;
        } else {            //move backward
            direction = 0;
            left = -50.0f;
            right = -50.0f;
        printf("set speed %f\r\n", left);
        set_speed(left, right);
        devider = true;

    } else {
        float speed_multiplier = 0.6f;
        if(wanted_dist < 0.10f && devider == true) {
            devider = false;
            left = left * speed_multiplier;
            right = right * speed_multiplier;
            //printf("left: %f || right: %f\r\n", left, right);
            set_speed(left, right);

        float speed_left = get_speed_left();
        printf("speed left: %f\r\n", speed_left);
        wanted_dist -= (2*(float)wheel_r*(float)M_PI)/(2*M_PI) * * fabsf(speed_left)*0.1f;

        if(wanted_dist <= 0) { //distance covered, Stop function
            is_moving = false;
    printf("remaining distance to cover: %f\r\n", wanted_dist);
    return wanted_dist;

 * turn for wanted degree
 * needs to be called until return < 0
 * if deg not 0: turn initilisation.
 * Claudio Citterio
float turn_for_deg(float deg, float multiplier)

    if(deg != 0) {

        is_turning = true;
        wanted_deg = fabsf(deg);

        if(deg < 0) { // turn left
            direction = 1;
            left = -20.0f*multiplier;
            right = 20.0f*multiplier;
        } else { // turn right
            direction = 0;
            left = 20.0f*multiplier;
            right = -20.0f*multiplier;
        set_speed(left, right);
        devider = true;

    } else {
        float speed_multiplier = 0.6f;
        if(wanted_deg < 10.0f && devider == true) {
            devider = false;
            left = left * speed_multiplier;
            right = right * speed_multiplier;
            set_speed(left, right);

        float speed_left = get_speed_left();
        wanted_deg -= 360/(2*circle_r*M_PI) * ((2*(float)wheel_r*(float)M_PI)/(2*M_PI) * * fabsf(speed_left)*0.1f);
        if(wanted_deg <= 0) {
            is_turning = false;
    printf("remaining deg %f\r\n", wanted_deg);
    return (wanted_deg);

/** has errors
 * moves to next coordinate from coordinate list
 * by Claudio Citterio

int move_to_next_coord()

    float current_heading = get_current_heading();
    position current_pos = get_current_pos();
    position next_pos = get_next_pos();

    float needed_heading = 0;
    float distance = 0;

    // nord(-y) = 0 grad
    if(current_pos.y > next_pos.y) {
        if(current_pos.x > next_pos.x) needed_heading = 315;
        distance = sqrt2;
        if(current_pos.x == next_pos.x) needed_heading = 0;
        distance = 1;
        if(current_pos.x < next_pos.x) needed_heading = 45;
        distance = sqrt2;
    if(current_pos.y == next_pos.y) {
        if(current_pos.x > next_pos.x) needed_heading = 270;
        distance = 1;
        if(current_pos.x == next_pos.x) //error same position;
            if(current_pos.x < next_pos.x) needed_heading = 90;
        distance = 1;
    if(current_pos.y < next_pos.y) {
        if(current_pos.x > next_pos.x) needed_heading = 225;
        distance = sqrt2;
        if(current_pos.x == next_pos.x) needed_heading = 180;
        distance = 1;
        if(current_pos.x < next_pos.x) needed_heading = 135;
        distance = sqrt2;

    if(needed_heading != current_heading) {
    } else {
    return 0;

 * this function searchs a nearby brick, moves towards it and grabbs it
 * by Tobias Berger, state machine by Claudio Citterio
int move_in_search_for_brick()
    float upper = getDistanceIR(2);                                             // get distance from upper max Sensor
    float lower = getDistanceIR(3);                                             // get distance from Lower max Sensor
    //printf("Current Search State: >%d<\r\n",search_state);
    switch (search_state) {
        case 0: //first cycle right
            turn_for_deg(60.0f,0.6f);                                           // call function and start turning
            search_state = 1;

        case 1: // turn right and check for obstacles
            if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
                if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
                    t8.start();                                                 // start timer for enough measurements
                    restdegAfterstop = turn_for_deg(0,1);                         // get restdegrees from turn function. if a brick is falsly detected we turn restdegAfterstop to finisch search turn
                    search_state = 2;                                           // brick found
                    printf("Brick first detetection lower: %f upper:%f",lower,upper);
            } else {
                search_state = 1;                                               // go to same state
                if(turn_for_deg(0, 1) < 0) {                                    // when first 60degree rotation finished
                    search_state = 4;                                           // go to init turn other direction

        case 2: // Check if Sensor after waiting still the same value
            if( > 0.1f) {
                if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
                    if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
                        search_state = 10;                                          // When still the same go to move forward
                    } else {
                        search_state=3;                                             // When afterwait not the same go to continue turning

        case 3: // init continue turning for restdeg
            turn_for_deg(restdegAfterstop,0.6f);                                // call function and start turning for restdegrees after stop
            search_state = 1;                                                   // go back to turn and search

        case 4: // init turn left 120 deg
            search_state = 5;

        case 5: // turn and search opposite direction
            if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.05f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
                if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
                    t8.start();                                                 // start timer for enough measurements
                    restdegAfterstop = turn_for_deg(0,1);                         // get restdegrees from turn function. if a brick is falsly detected we turn restdegAfterstop to finisch search turn
                    search_state = 6;                                            // brick found
                    printf("Brick first detetection lower: %f upper:%f",lower,upper);
            } else {
                search_state = 5;                                               // go to same state
                if(turn_for_deg(0, 1) < 0) {                                    // when 60degree rotation finished
                    search_state = 20;                                          // error go to default state, bc nothing found

        case 6: // Check if Sensor after waiting still detect brick
            if( > 0.1f) {
                if((lower<0.45f)&&(lower>0.08f)) {                                  // if something is in the range of 10 to 80cm at the lower Sensor
                    if(fabsf((upper-lower))>TOLERANCE_BRICK_OR_OBSTACLE) {          // and nothing is detected with the upper Sensor
                        search_state = 10;                                          // When still the same go to move forward
                    } else {
                        search_state=7;                                             // When afterwait not the same go to continue turning

        case 7:// init continue turning for restdeg
            turn_for_deg(restdegAfterstop,0.2f);                                // call function and start turning for restdegrees after stop
            search_state = 5;                                                   // go back to turn and search

        case 10: // first cycle move forward
            float distance_to_Brick = lower-(float)OFFSET_GREIFER_TO_IRSENSOR;                   // calculate
            search_state =11;

        case 11: // move forward
            if(move_for_distance(0) < 0) {
                //Safety Function:
                if (getDistanceIR(2)<0.08f) {
                    search_state = 0;
                search_state = 12;

        case 12: // Grabbing
            return 50;                                                          //main state machine set as Grabbing

            printf("default State - move in search for brick\r\n");
            // error
    return 47;                                                                  //called until function is done