An AirVantage layer for MQTT

Dependencies:   niMQTT picojson

Dependents:   AV_MQTT_example

diff -r cf6e5a36006f -r b251f6276497 AV_MQTT.cpp
--- a/AV_MQTT.cpp	Mon Aug 12 15:33:01 2013 +0000
+++ b/AV_MQTT.cpp	Tue Aug 13 12:31:37 2013 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 #include "AV_MQTT.h"
+#include "picojson.h"
-AV_MQTT::AV_MQTT(char *server, void (*callback)(char *, char*), char *username, char *password,  char *id, int port, bool debug):
-    client(server, callback, id, port, username, password, debug), debug(debug) {
+AV_MQTT::AV_MQTT(char *server, void (*callback)(const char *, const char*), char *username, char *password, char *id, int port, bool debug):
+    niMQTT(server, callback, id, port, username, password, debug) {
     topic = new char[strlen(username) + 15];
     strcpy(topic, username);
     strcat(topic, "/messages/json");
@@ -16,5 +17,46 @@
     strcat(json, "\":[{\"timestamp\":null,\"value\":");
     strcat(json, value);
     strcat(json, "}]}]");
-, json);
+    niMQTT::pub(topic, json);
+void AV_MQTT::publish_received() {
+    //remaining length
+    int remaining_length = decode_remaining_length();
+    // topic
+    char mqtt_utf8_length[2];
+    socket->receive(mqtt_utf8_length, 2);
+    int utf8_length = mqtt_utf8_length[0] * 256 + mqtt_utf8_length[1];
+    if (debug) printf("PUBLISH Received: %i, %i\r\n", remaining_length, utf8_length);
+    char topic[utf8_length + 1];
+    socket->receive(topic, utf8_length);
+    topic[utf8_length] = 0;
+    // payload
+    int message_length = remaining_length - utf8_length - 2;
+    char message[message_length + 1];
+    socket->receive(message, message_length);
+    message[message_length] = 0;
+    waiting_new_packet = true;
+    call_callback(topic, message);
+//  ^^^^^ only 5 characters that differs from niMQTT::publish_received... TODO
+void AV_MQTT::call_callback(const char *topic, const char *message) {
+    picojson::value v;
+    picojson::parse(v, message, message + strlen(message));
+    picojson::array a = v.get<picojson::array>()[0].get("write").get<picojson::array>(); //[0].get("mbed_mqtt_example.led_settings").to_str().c_str());
+    for (picojson::array::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) {
+        picojson::object& o = i->get<picojson::object>();
+        for (picojson::object::iterator it = o.begin(); it != o.end(); ++it) {
+            callback(it->first.c_str(), it->second.to_str().c_str());
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file