Fully featured I2C and SPI driver for CEVA (Hilcrest)'s BNO080 and FSM300 Inertial Measurement Units.

Dependents:   BNO080-Examples BNO080-Examples

BNO080 Driver

by Jamie Smith / USC Rocket Propulsion Lab

After lots of development, we are proud to present our driver for the Hilcrest BNO080 IMU! This driver is inspired by SparkFun and Nathan Seidle's Arduino driver for this chip, but has been substantially rewritten and adapted.

It supports the main features of the chip, such as reading rotation and acceleration data, as well as some of its more esoteric functionality, such as counting steps and detecting whether the device is being hand-held.


  • Support for 15 different data reports from the IMU, from acceleration to rotation to tap detection
  • Support for reading of sensor data, and automatic checking of update rate against allowed values in metadata
  • BNO_DEBUG switch enabling verbose, detailed output about communications with the chip for ease of debugging
  • Ability to tare sensor rotation and set mounting orientation
  • Can operate in several execution modes: polling I2C, polling SPI, and threaded SPI (which handles timing-critical functions in a dedicated thread, and automatically activates when the IMU has data available)
    • Also has experimental support for using asynchronous SPI transactions, allowing other threads to execute while communication with the BNO is occurring. Note that this functionality requires a patch to Mbed OS source code due to Mbed bug #13941
  • Calibration function
  • Reasonable code size for what you get: the library uses about 4K of flash and one instance of the object uses about 1700 bytes of RAM.


Full Doxygen documentation is available online here

Example Code

Here's a simple example:

BNO080 Rotation Vector and Acceleration

#include <mbed.h>
#include <BNO080.h>

int main()
	Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

	// Create IMU, passing in output stream, pins, I2C address, and I2C frequency
	// These pin assignments are specific to my dev setup -- you'll need to change them
	BNO080I2C imu(&pc, p28, p27, p16, p30, 0x4a, 100000); 


	// Tell the IMU to report rotation every 100ms and acceleration every 200ms
	imu.enableReport(BNO080::ROTATION, 100);
	imu.enableReport(BNO080::TOTAL_ACCELERATION, 200);

	while (true)
		// poll the IMU for new data -- this returns true if any packets were received
			// now check for the specific type of data that was received (can be multiple at once)
			if (imu.hasNewData(BNO080::ROTATION))
				// convert quaternion to Euler degrees and print
				pc.printf("IMU Rotation Euler: ");
				TVector3 eulerRadians = imu.rotationVector.euler();
				TVector3 eulerDegrees = eulerRadians * (180.0 / M_PI);
				eulerDegrees.print(pc, true);
			if (imu.hasNewData(BNO080::TOTAL_ACCELERATION))
				// print the acceleration vector using its builtin print() method
				pc.printf("IMU Total Acceleration: ");
				imu.totalAcceleration.print(pc, true);


If you want more, a comprehensive, ready-to-run set of examples is available on my BNO080-Examples repository.


This driver makes use of a lightweight, public-domain library for vectors and quaternions available here.


Version 2.1 (Nov 24 2020)

  • Added BNO080Async, which provides a threaded implementation of the SPI driver. This should help get the best performance and remove annoying timing requirements on the code calling the driver
  • Added experimental USE_ASYNC_SPI option
  • Fixed bug in v2.0 causing calibrations to fail

Version 2.0 (Nov 18 2020)

  • Added SPI support
  • Refactored buffer system so that SPI could be implemented as a subclass. Unfortunately this does substantially increase the memory usage of the driver, but I believe that the benefits are worth it.

Version 1.3 (Jul 21 2020)

  • Fix deprecation warnings and compile errors in Mbed 6
  • Fix compile errors in Arm Compiler (why doesn't it have M_PI????)

Version 1.2 (Jan 30 2020)

  • Removed accidental IRQ change
  • Fixed hard iron offset reading incorrectly due to missing cast

Version 1.1 (Jun 14 2019)

  • Added support for changing permanent orientation
  • Add FRS writing functions
  • Removed some errant printfs

Version 1.0 (Dec 29 2018)

  • Initial Mbed OS release


Jamie Smith

File content as of revision 5:c75be9000d75:


#include <cmath>
#include <mbed.h>
#include "tmatrix.h"

// Arm Compiler has no M_PI
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI           3.14159265358979323846

class Quaternion
	typedef float FloatType;

	FloatType mData[4];


	Quaternion() {
		mData[0] = mData[1] = mData[2] = 0;
		mData[3] = 1;

	Quaternion(const TVector3& v, FloatType w) {
		mData[0] = v.element(0,0);
		mData[1] = v.element(1,0);
		mData[2] = v.element(2,0);
		mData[3] = w;

	Quaternion(const TVector4& v) {
		mData[0] = v.element(0,0);
		mData[1] = v.element(1,0);
		mData[2] = v.element(2,0);
		mData[3] = v.element(3,0);

	Quaternion(const FloatType* array) {
		MBED_ASSERT(array != NULL);
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			mData[i] = array[i];

	Quaternion(FloatType x, FloatType y, FloatType z, FloatType w) {
		mData[0] = x;
		mData[1] = y;
		mData[2] = z;
		mData[3] = w;

	FloatType x() const { return mData[0]; }
	FloatType y() const { return mData[1]; }
	FloatType z() const { return mData[2]; }
	FloatType w() const { return real(); }

	TVector3 complex() const { return TVector3(mData); }
	void complex(const TVector3& c) { mData[0] = c[0]; mData[1] = c[1];  mData[2] = c[2]; }

	FloatType real() const { return mData[3]; }
	void real(FloatType r) { mData[3] = r; }

	Quaternion conjugate(void) const {
		return Quaternion(-complex(), real());

	 * @brief Computes the inverse of this quaternion.
	 * @note This is a general inverse.  If you know a priori
	 * that you're using a unit quaternion (i.e., norm() == 1),
	 * it will be significantly faster to use conjugate() instead.
	 * @return The quaternion q such that q * (*this) == (*this) * q
	 * == [ 0 0 0 1 ]<sup>T</sup>.
	Quaternion inverse(void) const {
		return conjugate() / norm();

	 * @brief Computes the product of this quaternion with the
	 * quaternion 'rhs'.
	 * @param rhs The right-hand-side of the product operation.
	 * @return The quaternion product (*this) x @p rhs.
	Quaternion product(const Quaternion& rhs) const {
		return Quaternion(y()*rhs.z() - z()*rhs.y() + x()*rhs.w() + w()*rhs.x(),
						  z()*rhs.x() - x()*rhs.z() + y()*rhs.w() + w()*rhs.y(),
						  x()*rhs.y() - y()*rhs.x() + z()*rhs.w() + w()*rhs.z(),
						  w()*rhs.w() - x()*rhs.x() - y()*rhs.y() - z()*rhs.z());

	 * @brief Quaternion product operator.
	 * The result is a quaternion such that:
	 * result.real() = (*this).real() * rhs.real() -
	 * (*this).complex().dot(rhs.complex());
	 * and:
	 * result.complex() = rhs.complex() * (*this).real
	 * + (*this).complex() * rhs.real()
	 * - (*this).complex().cross(rhs.complex());
	 * @return The quaternion product (*this) x rhs.
	Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion& rhs) const {
		return product(rhs);

	 * @brief Quaternion scalar product operator.
	 * @param s A scalar by which to multiply all components
	 * of this quaternion.
	 * @return The quaternion (*this) * s.
	Quaternion operator*(FloatType s) const {
		return Quaternion(complex()*s, real()*s);

	 * @brief Produces the sum of this quaternion and rhs.
	Quaternion operator+(const Quaternion& rhs) const {
		return Quaternion(x()+rhs.x(), y()+rhs.y(), z()+rhs.z(), w()+rhs.w());

	 * @brief Produces the difference of this quaternion and rhs.
	Quaternion operator-(const Quaternion& rhs) const {
		return Quaternion(x()-rhs.x(), y()-rhs.y(), z()-rhs.z(), w()-rhs.w());

	 * @brief Unary negation.
	Quaternion operator-() const {
		return Quaternion(-x(), -y(), -z(), -w());

	 * @brief Quaternion scalar division operator.
	 * @param s A scalar by which to divide all components
	 * of this quaternion.
	 * @return The quaternion (*this) / s.
	Quaternion operator/(FloatType s) const {
		MBED_ASSERT(s != 0);
		return Quaternion(complex()/s, real()/s);

	 * @brief Returns a matrix representation of this
	 * quaternion.
	 * Specifically this is the matrix such that:
	 * this->matrix() * q.vector() = (*this) * q for any quaternion q.
	 * Note that this is @e NOT the rotation matrix that may be
	 * represented by a unit quaternion.
	TMatrix4 matrix() const {
		FloatType m[16] = {
				w(), -z(),  y(), x(),
				z(),  w(), -x(), y(),
				-y(),  x(),  w(), z(),
				-x(), -y(), -z(), w()
		return TMatrix4(m);

	 * @brief Returns a matrix representation of this
	 * quaternion for right multiplication.
	 * Specifically this is the matrix such that:
	 * q.vector().transpose() * this->matrix() = (q *
	 * (*this)).vector().transpose() for any quaternion q.
	 * Note that this is @e NOT the rotation matrix that may be
	 * represented by a unit quaternion.
	TMatrix4 rightMatrix() const {
		FloatType m[16] = {
				+w(), -z(),  y(), -x(),
				+z(),  w(), -x(), -y(),
				-y(),  x(),  w(), -z(),
				+x(),  y(),  z(),  w()
		return TMatrix4(m);

	 * @brief Returns this quaternion as a 4-vector.
	 * This is simply the vector [x y z w]<sup>T</sup>
	TVector4 vector() const { return TVector4(mData); }

	 * @brief Returns the norm ("magnitude") of the quaternion.
	 * @return The 2-norm of [ w(), x(), y(), z() ]<sup>T</sup>.
	FloatType norm() const { return sqrt(mData[0]*mData[0]+mData[1]*mData[1]+
									  mData[2]*mData[2]+mData[3]*mData[3]); }

	 * @brief Computes the rotation matrix represented by a unit
	 * quaternion.
	 * @note This does not check that this quaternion is normalized.
	 * It formulaically returns the matrix, which will not be a
	 * rotation if the quaternion is non-unit.
	TMatrix3 rotationMatrix() const {
		FloatType m[9] = {
				1-2*y()*y()-2*z()*z(), 2*x()*y() - 2*z()*w(), 2*x()*z() + 2*y()*w(),
				2*x()*y() + 2*z()*w(), 1-2*x()*x()-2*z()*z(), 2*y()*z() - 2*x()*w(),
				2*x()*z() - 2*y()*w(), 2*y()*z() + 2*x()*w(), 1-2*x()*x()-2*y()*y()
		return TMatrix3(m);
	 * @brief Sets quaternion to be same as rotation by scaled axis w.
	void scaledAxis(const TVector3& w) {
		FloatType theta = w.norm();
		if (theta > 0.0001) {
			FloatType s = sin(theta / 2.0);
			TVector3 W(w / theta * s);
			mData[0] = W[0];
			mData[1] = W[1];
			mData[2] = W[2];
			mData[3] = cos(theta / 2.0);
		} else {

	 * @brief Returns a vector rotated by this quaternion.
	 * Functionally equivalent to:  (rotationMatrix() * v)
	 * or (q * Quaternion(0, v) * q.inverse()).
	 * @warning conjugate() is used instead of inverse() for better
	 * performance, when this quaternion must be normalized.
	TVector3 rotatedVector(const TVector3& v) const {
		return (((*this) * Quaternion(v, 0)) * conjugate()).complex();

	 * @brief Computes the quaternion that is equivalent to a given
	 * euler angle rotation.
	 * @param euler A 3-vector in order:  roll-pitch-yaw.
	void euler(const TVector3& euler) {
		FloatType c1 = cos(euler[2] * 0.5);
		FloatType c2 = cos(euler[1] * 0.5);
		FloatType c3 = cos(euler[0] * 0.5);
		FloatType s1 = sin(euler[2] * 0.5);
		FloatType s2 = sin(euler[1] * 0.5);
		FloatType s3 = sin(euler[0] * 0.5);

		mData[0] = c1*c2*s3 - s1*s2*c3;
		mData[1] = c1*s2*c3 + s1*c2*s3;
		mData[2] = s1*c2*c3 - c1*s2*s3;
		mData[3] = c1*c2*c3 + s1*s2*s3;

	/** @brief Returns an equivalent euler angle representation of
	 * this quaternion.
	 * @return Euler angles in roll-pitch-yaw order.
	TVector3 euler(void) const {
		TVector3 euler;
		const static FloatType PI_OVER_2 = M_PI * 0.5;
		const static FloatType EPSILON = 1e-10;
		FloatType sqw, sqx, sqy, sqz;

		// quick conversion to Euler angles to give tilt to user
		sqw = mData[3]*mData[3];
		sqx = mData[0]*mData[0];
		sqy = mData[1]*mData[1];
		sqz = mData[2]*mData[2];

		euler[1] = asin(2.0 * (mData[3]*mData[1] - mData[0]*mData[2]));
		if (PI_OVER_2 - fabs(euler[1]) > EPSILON) {
			euler[2] = atan2(static_cast<FloatType>(2.0) * (mData[0]*mData[1] + mData[3]*mData[2]),
							 sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);
			euler[0] = atan2(static_cast<FloatType>(2.0) * (mData[3]*mData[0] + mData[1]*mData[2]),
							 sqw - sqx - sqy + sqz);
		} else {
			// compute heading from local 'down' vector
			euler[2] = atan2(2*mData[1]*mData[2] - 2*mData[0]*mData[3],
							 2*mData[0]*mData[2] + 2*mData[1]*mData[3]);
			euler[0] = 0.0;

			// If facing down, reverse yaw
			if (euler[1] < 0)
				euler[2] = M_PI - euler[2];
		return euler;

	 * @brief Returns pointer to the internal array.
	 * Array is in order x,y,z,w.
	FloatType* row(uint32_t i) { return mData + i; }
	// Const version of the above.
	const FloatType* row(uint32_t i) const { return mData + i; }

 * @brief Global operator allowing left-multiply by scalar.
Quaternion operator*(Quaternion::FloatType s, const Quaternion& q);

#endif /* QUATERNION_H */