IIR filter of direct form using float type operations and coefficients for ST Nucleo F401RE.

Dependencies:   UIT_ADDA mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 20 23:22:42 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// IIR フィルタ,直接形,float で演算
+//      Analog Input : A0
+//      Analog Output: MCP4922 using SPI
+// 2014/10/20, Copyright (c) 2014 MIKAMI, Naoki
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ADC_Interrupt.hpp"    // for ADC using interrupt
+#include "DAC_MCP4922.hpp"      // for DAC MCP4922
+#include "ScfClockTim3.hpp"     // for clock supplied to SCF
+using namespace Mikami;
+const int ORDER_ = 8;   // order
+// 低域通過フィルタ
+// 連立チェビシェフ特性
+// 次数    :6 次
+// 標本化周波数: 12.00 kHz
+// 遮断周波数 :  0.40 kHz
+// 通過域のリップル: 0.50 dB
+// 阻止域の減衰量 :40.00 dB
+const float am_[ORDER_] = {
+      5.684787115202E+00, -1.354501388127E+01,  1.731054054746E+01,
+     -1.251297336508E+01,  4.850124049778E+00, -7.874837248679E-01};
+const float bm_[ORDER_+1] = {
+      1.000028097647E-02, -5.466081078904E-02,  1.292315717890E-01,
+     -1.691239024945E-01,  1.292315717890E-01, -5.466081078904E-02,
+      1.000028097647E-02};
+const int FS_ = 12000;          // Sampling frequency: 12 kHz
+ADC_Base adc_(A0, FS_);                 // for AD
+DAC_MCP4922 myDac_(DAC_MCP4922::DAC_A); // for DA
+int main()
+    ScfClockTim3(500000);       // cutoff frequency: 5 kHz
+    float un[ORDER_];           // 過去の計算結果を格納する配列
+    for (int k=0; k<ORDER_; k++) un[k] = 0; 
+    while (true)
+    {
+        float xn = adc_.Read();     // Read from A0
+        //-----------------------------------------------
+        float u0 = xn;
+        for (int k=0; k<ORDER_; k++) u0 = u0 + am_[k]*un[k];
+        float yn = bm_[0]*u0;
+        for (int k=0; k<ORDER_; k++) yn = yn + bm_[k+1]*un[k];
+        // 計算結果の移動
+        for (int k=ORDER_-1; k>0; k--) un[k] = un[k-1];
+        un[0] = u0;
+        //-----------------------------------------------
+        myDac_.Write(yn);           // Write to DAC
+    }