FrqRespDrawer class to draw frequency response for digital filter. ディジタルフィルタの周波数特性を,周波数軸をログスケールで描画するための FrqRespDrawer クラス. このライブラリを登録した際のプログラム:「F746_FrequencyResponseDrawer_Demo」

Dependents:   F746_SD_WavPlayer F746_SD_GraphicEqualizer_ren0620 F746_FrequencyResponseDrawer_Demo F746_SD_VarableFilter ... more

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API Documentation at this revision

Thu Mar 16 08:47:52 2017 +0000
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Changed in this revision

FrquencyResponseDrawer.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FrquencyResponseDrawer.hpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 5a057b32802b -r 47c6cbdd8d77 FrquencyResponseDrawer.cpp
--- a/FrquencyResponseDrawer.cpp	Tue Nov 08 13:06:28 2016 +0000
+++ b/FrquencyResponseDrawer.cpp	Thu Mar 16 08:47:52 2017 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //  ディジタルフィルタの周波数特性を,周波数軸が対数スケールで描画するクラス
 //  FrqRespDrawer class
-//  2016/07/24, Copyright (c) 2016 MIKAMI, Naoki
+//  2017/03/16, Copyright (c) 2017 MIKAMI, Naoki
 #include "FrquencyResponseDrawer.hpp"
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
         int logMin = (int)floorf(log10f(MIN_));
         int loop = (int)floorf(log10f(MAX_)) - logMin;
-        lcd_->SetTextColor(AXIS_COLOR_);
+        lcd_.SetTextColor(AXIS_COLOR_);
         uint16_t y0 = ORGY_ - height;
-        lcd_->DrawVLine(X(MIN_), y0, height);   // 最小値に対応する線
+        lcd_.DrawVLine(X(MIN_), y0, height);   // 最小値に対応する線
         float du = powf(10.0, logMin);          // 座標値の増分
         float u1 = (floorf(MIN_/du) + 1.0f)*du; // 最小値に対応する線の次の座標値
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
             float uMax = (10.0f*du < MAX_) ? 10.0f*du : MAX_;
             for (float u=u1; u<uMax*0.99f; u+=du)
-                lcd_->DrawVLine(X(u), y0, height);
+                lcd_.DrawVLine(X(u), y0, height);
             du = uMax;          // 値の増分を 10 倍する
             u1 = du;            // 次の for ループ の最初の値
-        lcd_->DrawVLine(X(MAX_), y0, height);   // 最大値に対応する線
+        lcd_.DrawVLine(X(MAX_), y0, height);   // 最大値に対応する線
         uint16_t width = X(MAX_) - X(MIN_);
         int count = Round((MAX_DB_ - MIN_DB_)/(Y_SPACE_/DB1_));
         for (int n=0; n<= count; n++)
-            lcd_->DrawHLine(X(MIN_), Round(ORGY_-Y_SPACE_*n), width);
+            lcd_.DrawHLine(X(MIN_), Round(ORGY_-Y_SPACE_*n), width);
     // 横軸の目盛値の表示
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     // 周波数特性のグラフの描画
     void FrqRespDrawer::DrawGraph(FrequencyResponse &frqResp, uint32_t color)
-        lcd_->SetTextColor(color);
+        lcd_.SetTextColor(color);
         uint16_t width = X(MAX_) - X(MIN_);   
         uint16_t x1 = 0;
         uint16_t y1 = 0;
@@ -84,20 +84,20 @@
             uint16_t y2 = ORGY_ - Round((dB - MIN_DB_)*DB1_);
             if (y2 > ORGY_) y2 = ORGY_;
-            if (n != 0) lcd_->DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+            if (n != 0) lcd_.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
             x1 = x2;
             y1 = y2;
-        lcd_->SetTextColor(AXIS_COLOR_);
-        lcd_->DrawHLine(X(MIN_), ORGY_, width+1);
+        lcd_.SetTextColor(AXIS_COLOR_);
+        lcd_.DrawHLine(X(MIN_), ORGY_, width+1);
     // 消去
     void FrqRespDrawer::Erase(float upDb)
-        lcd_->SetTextColor(BACK_COLOR_);
+        lcd_.SetTextColor(BACK_COLOR_);
         uint16_t height = DB1_*(MAX_DB_+upDb - MIN_DB_);
-        lcd_->FillRect(ORGX_, ORGY_- height, X(MAX_)-X(MIN_)+1, height+1);
+        lcd_.FillRect(ORGX_, ORGY_- height, X(MAX_)-X(MIN_)+1, height+1);
diff -r 5a057b32802b -r 47c6cbdd8d77 FrquencyResponseDrawer.hpp
--- a/FrquencyResponseDrawer.hpp	Tue Nov 08 13:06:28 2016 +0000
+++ b/FrquencyResponseDrawer.hpp	Thu Mar 16 08:47:52 2017 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //  ディジタルフィルタの周波数特性を,周波数軸が対数スケールで描画するクラス(ヘッダ)
 //  FrqRespDrawer class (header)
-//  2016/07/24, Copyright (c) 2016 MIKAMI, Naoki
+//  2017/03/16, Copyright (c) 2017 MIKAMI, Naoki
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
                       uint32_t lineColor = 0xFF00B0FF,
                       uint32_t axisColor = LCD_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY,
                       uint32_t backColor = GuiBase::ENUM_BACK)
-            : lcd_(GuiBase::GetLcdPtr()),
+            : lcd_(GuiBase::GetLcd()),
               ORGX_(orgX), MIN_(min), MAX_(max), DEC_(dec),
               ORGY_(orgY), MIN_DB_(minDb), MAX_DB_(maxDb),
               DB1_(db1Pixel), Y_SPACE_(db1Pixel*ySpace), FS_(fs),
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
         void Erase(float upDb = 0);
-        LCD_DISCO_F746NG *lcd_;
+        LCD_DISCO_F746NG &lcd_;
         const uint16_t ORGX_;   // 横軸の目盛の最小値に対応する位置
         const float MIN_;       // 横軸の目盛の最小値
         const float MAX_;       // 横軸の目盛の最大値