FrqRespDrawer class to draw frequency response for digital filter. ディジタルフィルタの周波数特性を,周波数軸をログスケールで描画するための FrqRespDrawer クラス. このライブラリを登録した際のプログラム:「F746_FrequencyResponseDrawer_Demo」
Dependents: F746_SD_WavPlayer F746_SD_GraphicEqualizer_ren0620 F746_FrequencyResponseDrawer_Demo F746_SD_VarableFilter ... more
- Committer:
- MikamiUitOpen
- Date:
- 2017-03-16
- Revision:
- 4:47c6cbdd8d77
- Parent:
- 2:8bccc97de938
File content as of revision 4:47c6cbdd8d77:
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ディジタルフィルタの周波数特性を,周波数軸が対数スケールで描画するクラス // FrqRespDrawer class // // 2017/03/16, Copyright (c) 2017 MIKAMI, Naoki //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "FrquencyResponseDrawer.hpp" namespace Mikami { // 目盛線の描画 void FrqRespDrawer::DrawAxis() { uint16_t height = DB1_*(MAX_DB_ - MIN_DB_); int logMin = (int)floorf(log10f(MIN_)); int loop = (int)floorf(log10f(MAX_)) - logMin; lcd_.SetTextColor(AXIS_COLOR_); uint16_t y0 = ORGY_ - height; lcd_.DrawVLine(X(MIN_), y0, height); // 最小値に対応する線 float du = powf(10.0, logMin); // 座標値の増分 float u1 = (floorf(MIN_/du) + 1.0f)*du; // 最小値に対応する線の次の座標値 for (int n=0; n<=loop; n++) { float uMax = (10.0f*du < MAX_) ? 10.0f*du : MAX_; for (float u=u1; u<uMax*0.99f; u+=du) lcd_.DrawVLine(X(u), y0, height); du = uMax; // 値の増分を 10 倍する u1 = du; // 次の for ループ の最初の値 } lcd_.DrawVLine(X(MAX_), y0, height); // 最大値に対応する線 uint16_t width = X(MAX_) - X(MIN_); int count = Round((MAX_DB_ - MIN_DB_)/(Y_SPACE_/DB1_)); for (int n=0; n<= count; n++) lcd_.DrawHLine(X(MIN_), Round(ORGY_-Y_SPACE_*n), width); } // 横軸の目盛値の表示 void FrqRespDrawer::DrawNumericX(AxisX_Char xChar[], int nDisp, int offsetY, string str, sFONT &fonts, uint32_t textColor) { for (int n=0; n<nDisp; n++) Label frq(X(xChar[n].frq), ORGY_+offsetY, xChar[n].str, Label::CENTER); uint16_t x0 = ORGX_ + (uint16_t)(DEC_*log10f(MAX_/MIN_))/2; Label l_frq(x0, ORGY_+20, str, Label::CENTER); } // 縦軸の目盛値の表示 void FrqRespDrawer::DrawNumericY(int offsetX, int offsetY, uint16_t d_dB, const char fmt[], sFONT &fonts, uint32_t textColor, string str) { uint16_t x0 = ORGX_ + offsetX; uint16_t y0 = ORGY_ + offsetY; int count = Round((MAX_DB_ - MIN_DB_)/d_dB); for (int n=0; n<=count; n++) NumericLabel<int> num(x0, y0-n*d_dB*DB1_, fmt, (int)(MIN_DB_+d_dB*n)); Label l_dB(x0-2, y0-count*d_dB*DB1_-12, str); } // 周波数特性のグラフの描画 void FrqRespDrawer::DrawGraph(FrequencyResponse &frqResp, uint32_t color) { lcd_.SetTextColor(color); uint16_t width = X(MAX_) - X(MIN_); uint16_t x1 = 0; uint16_t y1 = 0; float pi2FsM = -6.283185f/FS_; // -2*PI*Ts for (int n=0; n<=width; n++) { float frq = PosToFrq(n+ORGX_); uint16_t x2 = X(frq); float absHz = frqResp.AbsH_z(exp(Complex(0, pi2FsM*frq))); float dB = (absHz > 0.001f) ? 20.0f*log10f(absHz) : MIN_DB_; uint16_t y2 = ORGY_ - Round((dB - MIN_DB_)*DB1_); if (y2 > ORGY_) y2 = ORGY_; if (n != 0) lcd_.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } lcd_.SetTextColor(AXIS_COLOR_); lcd_.DrawHLine(X(MIN_), ORGY_, width+1); } // 消去 void FrqRespDrawer::Erase(float upDb) { lcd_.SetTextColor(BACK_COLOR_); uint16_t height = DB1_*(MAX_DB_+upDb - MIN_DB_); lcd_.FillRect(ORGX_, ORGY_- height, X(MAX_)-X(MIN_)+1, height+1); } }