step rc

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Thu Apr 09 21:06:36 2020 +0000
Commit message:
Step RC nrf52

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 60609af7aa3e main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 09 21:06:36 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "AccelStepper.h"
+#include "PinNames.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+//#include <avr/wdt.h>
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#define STP1_PIN 2 //AnalogOut STP_PIN(nome do pino da placa) ##DESCOMENTAR ESSE BLOCO##
+#define DIR1_PIN 3 // AnalogOut DIR_PIN(nome do pino da placa)
+/*#define ENA_PIN 2 // DigitalOut ENA_PIN(nome do pino da placa)
+#define HOM_PIN 12*/ // DigitalIn HOM_PIN(nome do pino da placa)
+//AnalogOut STP_PIN(PTB0);
+//AnalogOut DIR_PIN(PTB1);
+DigitalOut ENA_PIN(P1_13);
+DigitalIn HOM_PIN(P0_28);
+#define MAX_ACCEL_mms2 500.0
+#define MAX_SPEED_mms  75.0
+#define MAX_POS_mm 100.0
+//Stepper Motor parameters
+#define STEPS_by_REV  400.0
+#define mm_by_REV 25.0
+//Home Parameters
+#define HOME_SPEED_mms  10.0
+#define HOME_INCREMENT_mm  1.0
+#define HOME_PRESS_POSITION_mm  2.0
+const unsigned int MAX_ACCEL_STEPS2 = (MAX_ACCEL_mms2 *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV;
+unsigned int MAX_SPEED_STEPS = (MAX_SPEED_mms *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV;
+const unsigned int HOME_SPEED_STEPS = (HOME_SPEED_mms *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV;
+const unsigned int HOME_INCREMENT_STEP = (HOME_INCREMENT_mm  *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV;
+const unsigned int HOME_PRESS_POSITION_STEP = (HOME_PRESS_POSITION_mm  *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV;
+unsigned int MaxPos_step =  (MAX_POS_mm *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV;
+bool CycleOn = true;
+bool HomeDone = false;
+void MotorGoHome(AccelStepper &stpr)
+  int CurrentPos = 0;
+  pc.printf("Finding Home...");
+  stpr.setCurrentPosition(0);
+  stpr.setMaxSpeed(HOME_SPEED_STEPS);
+  while (HOM_PIN == HIGH)
+  {
+    CurrentPos = CurrentPos - HOME_INCREMENT_STEP;
+    stpr.runToNewPosition(CurrentPos);
+  }
+  stpr.setCurrentPosition(0);
+  stpr.runToNewPosition(HOME_PRESS_POSITION_STEP);
+  stpr.setCurrentPosition(0);
+  HomeDone = true;
+  pc.printf("Finding Home...");
+void setup(AccelStepper &stpr)
+  pc.baud(250000);
+  //pinMode(10  , OUTPUT);
+  //pinMode(STP_PIN  , OUTPUT);
+  //pinMode(DIR_PIN    , OUTPUT);
+  //pinMode(ENA_PIN    , OUTPUT);
+  stpr.setMaxSpeed(MAX_SPEED_STEPS);
+  stpr.setAcceleration(MAX_ACCEL_STEPS2);
+  MotorGoHome(stpr);
+  stpr.setMaxSpeed(MAX_SPEED_STEPS);
+  stpr.setAcceleration(MAX_ACCEL_STEPS2);
+  //wdt_enable(WDTO_2S);
+int main(){
+    AccelStepper stepper(2, P1_2, P0_23);   
+    setup(stepper);
+    while(1){
+        //wdt_reset();
+        if (CycleOn)
+        {
+            if (stepper.currentPosition() == 0)
+            {
+                wait(500);
+                stepper.moveTo(MaxPos_step);
+            }
+            else if (stepper.currentPosition() == MaxPos_step)
+            {
+                wait(500);
+                stepper.moveTo(0);
+            }
+        }
+        //analogWrite(10, map(stepper.currentPosition(), 0, MaxPos_step, 0, 250));
+        if((HOM_PIN == LOW) && (HomeDone)) while(1);
+        if (pc.readable())
+        {
+            char Option = pc.getc();
+            if (Option == 'P')
+            {
+                //float NewPos = serial.parsefloat();
+                //stepper.moveTo((NewPos *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV);
+            }
+            else if (Option == 'C')
+            {
+                CycleOn = !CycleOn ;
+            }
+            else if (Option == 'S')
+            {
+                //float NewSpeed = parsefloat(); //pc.??
+                //stepper.setMaxSpeed((NewSpeed *  STEPS_by_REV) / mm_by_REV);
+            }
+            else if (Option == 'H')
+            {
+                MotorGoHome(stepper);
+            }
+        }         
+    }
+    return 0;    
\ No newline at end of file