Mbed Cloud example program for workshop in W27 2018.

Dependencies:   MMA7660 LM75B

Sat Jun 30 01:40:30 2018 +0000
Initial commit

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
MACRUM 0:119624335925 1 # Easy Connect - Easily add all supported connectivity methods to your mbed OS project
MACRUM 0:119624335925 2
MACRUM 0:119624335925 3 You may want to give the users of your application the possibility to switch between connectivity methods. The `NetworkInterface` API makes this easy, but you still need a mechanism for the user to chooce the method, and perhaps throw in some `#define`'s. Easy Connect handles all of this for you. Just declare the desired connectivity method in your `mbed_app.json` file and call `easy_connect()` from your application.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 4
MACRUM 0:119624335925 5 ## Specifying the connectivity method
MACRUM 0:119624335925 6
MACRUM 0:119624335925 7 Add the following to your `mbed_app.json` file:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 8
MACRUM 0:119624335925 9 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 10 {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 11 "config": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 12 "network-interface":{
MACRUM 0:119624335925 14 "value": "ETHERNET"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 15 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 16 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 17 "target_overrides": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 18 "*": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 19 "target.features_add": ["NANOSTACK", "LOWPAN_ROUTER", "COMMON_PAL"],
MACRUM 0:119624335925 20 "mbed-mesh-api.6lowpan-nd-channel-page": 0,
MACRUM 0:119624335925 21 "mbed-mesh-api.6lowpan-nd-channel": 12
MACRUM 0:119624335925 22 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 23 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 24 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 25 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 26
MACRUM 0:119624335925 27 ### UBLOX ODIN/Ethernet
MACRUM 0:119624335925 28
MACRUM 0:119624335925 29 #### Mbed OS 5.8 and older
MACRUM 0:119624335925 30
MACRUM 0:119624335925 31 If you select `ETHERNET` with `UBLOX_ODIN_EVK_W2` you must add this to your `target-overrides` section in `mbed_app.json`:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 32
MACRUM 0:119624335925 33 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 34 "UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 35 "target.device_has_remove": ["EMAC"]
MACRUM 0:119624335925 36 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 37 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 38
MACRUM 0:119624335925 39 #### Mbed OS 5.9 and newer
MACRUM 0:119624335925 40
MACRUM 0:119624335925 41 With Mbed OS 5.9, the EMAC SW was refactored and a default network selector is used instead. You must add the following `target-overrides` section to `mbed_app.json`:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 42
MACRUM 0:119624335925 43 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 44 "UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 45 "target.network-default-interface-type": "ETHERNET"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 46 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 47 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 48
MACRUM 0:119624335925 49 ### Other WiFi stacks
MACRUM 0:119624335925 50
MACRUM 0:119624335925 51 If you select `WIFI_ESP8266`, `WIFI_IDW0XX1`, `WIFI_ODIN` or `WIFI_RTW`, `WIFI_WIZFI310` you also need to add the WiFi SSID and password:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 52
MACRUM 0:119624335925 53 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 54 "config": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 55 "network-interface":{
MACRUM 0:119624335925 57 "value": "WIFI_ESP8266"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 58 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 59 "wifi-ssid": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 60 "value": "\"SSID\""
MACRUM 0:119624335925 61 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 62 "wifi-password": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 63 "value": "\"Password\""
MACRUM 0:119624335925 64 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 65 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 66 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 67
MACRUM 0:119624335925 68 If you use `MESH_LOWPAN_ND` or `MESH_THREAD` you need to specify your radio module:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 69
MACRUM 0:119624335925 70 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 71 "config": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 72 "network-interface":{
MACRUM 0:119624335925 74 "value": "MESH_LOWPAN_ND"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 75 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 76 "mesh_radio_type": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 77 "help": "options are ATMEL, MCR20, SPIRIT1, EFR32",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 78 "value": "ATMEL"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 79 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 80 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 81 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 82
MACRUM 0:119624335925 83 ### CELLULAR_ONBOARD
MACRUM 0:119624335925 84
MACRUM 0:119624335925 85 If you use [`CELLULAR_ONBOARD`](https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-api-reference/en/latest/APIs/communication/cellular/) you must specify the following:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 86
MACRUM 0:119624335925 87 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 88 "target_overrides": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 89 "*": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 90 "ppp-cell-iface.apn-lookup": true
MACRUM 0:119624335925 91 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 92 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 93 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 94 ...and you may also need to specify one or more of the following:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 95
MACRUM 0:119624335925 96 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 97 "config": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 98 "cellular-apn": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 99 "help": "Please provide the APN string for your SIM if it is not already included in APN_db.h.",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 100 "value": "\"my_sims_apn\""
MACRUM 0:119624335925 101 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 102 "cellular-username": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 103 "help": "May or may not be required for your APN, please consult your SIM provider.",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 104 "value": "\"my_sim_apns_username\""
MACRUM 0:119624335925 105 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 106 "cellular-password": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 107 "help": "May or may not be required for your APN, please consult your SIM provider.",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 108 "value": "\"my_sim_apns_password\""
MACRUM 0:119624335925 109 },
MACRUM 0:119624335925 110 "cellular-sim-pin": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 111 "help": "Please provide the PIN for your SIM (as a four digit string) if your SIM is normally locked",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 112 "value": "\"1234\""
MACRUM 0:119624335925 113 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 114 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 115 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 116
MACRUM 0:119624335925 117 None of the optional settings need to be specified for the `UBLOX_C030_U201` cellular target, for which the APN settings are in `APN_db.h`.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 118
MACRUM 0:119624335925 119 ## Using Easy Connect from your application
MACRUM 0:119624335925 120
MACRUM 0:119624335925 121 Easy Connect has just one function that returns either a `NetworkInterface`-pointer or `NULL`:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 122
MACRUM 0:119624335925 123 ```cpp
MACRUM 0:119624335925 124 #include "easy-connect.h"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 125
MACRUM 0:119624335925 126 int main(int, char**) {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 127 NetworkInterface* network = easy_connect(true); /* has 1 argument, enable_logging (pass in true to log to serial port) */
MACRUM 0:119624335925 128 if (!network) {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 129 printf("Connecting to the network failed... See serial output.\r\n");
MACRUM 0:119624335925 130 return 1;
MACRUM 0:119624335925 131 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 132
MACRUM 0:119624335925 133 // Rest of your program
MACRUM 0:119624335925 134 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 135 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 136
MACRUM 0:119624335925 137 ## Using Easy connect with WiFi
MACRUM 0:119624335925 138
MACRUM 0:119624335925 139 The easy-connect `easy_connect()` is overloaded now for WiFi so that you can submit your WiFi SSID and password programmatically in you want
MACRUM 0:119624335925 140 the user to be able to supply them via some means.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 141
MACRUM 0:119624335925 142 ```cpp
MACRUM 0:119624335925 143 #include "easy-connect.h"
MACRUM 0:119624335925 144
MACRUM 0:119624335925 145 int main(int, char**) {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 146 char* wifi_SSID = "SSID";
MACRUM 0:119624335925 147 char* wifi_password = "password";
MACRUM 0:119624335925 148
MACRUM 0:119624335925 149 NetworkInterface* network = easy_connect(true, wifi_SSID, wifi_password);
MACRUM 0:119624335925 150 if (!network) {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 151 printf("Connecting to the network failed... See serial output.\r\n");
MACRUM 0:119624335925 152 return 1;
MACRUM 0:119624335925 153 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 154
MACRUM 0:119624335925 155 // Rest of your program
MACRUM 0:119624335925 156 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 157 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 158
MACRUM 0:119624335925 159 ## Overriding settings
MACRUM 0:119624335925 160
MACRUM 0:119624335925 161 Easy-connect was changed recently with [PR #59](https://github.com/ARMmbed/easy-connect/pull/59) - where some of the defines expected via `mbed_app.json` were
MACRUM 0:119624335925 162 moved to the [`mbed_lib.json`](https://github.com/ARMmbed/easy-connect/blob/master/mbed_lib.json).
MACRUM 0:119624335925 163 This minimises the amount of lines needed (in typical cases) in the applications `mbed_app.json`. However, due to this the overrides
MACRUM 0:119624335925 164 need to be done slightly differently, as you need to override the `easy-connect` defines.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 165
MACRUM 0:119624335925 166 So, for example changing the ESP8266 TX/RX pins and enable debugs - you would now have modify as below.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 167
MACRUM 0:119624335925 168 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 169 "target_overrides": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 170 "*": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 171 "easy-connect.wifi-esp8266-tx": "A1",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 172 "easy-connect.wifi-esp8266-rx": "A2",
MACRUM 0:119624335925 173 "easy-connect.wifi-esp8266-debug: true
MACRUM 0:119624335925 174 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 175 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 176 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 177
MACRUM 0:119624335925 178
MACRUM 0:119624335925 179 ## Configuration examples
MACRUM 0:119624335925 180
MACRUM 0:119624335925 181 There are many things that you have to modify for all of the combinations. Examples for configurations are available for example in the [mbed-os-example-client](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-client/tree/master/configs) repository.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 182
MACRUM 0:119624335925 183 ## Linking error with UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2
MACRUM 0:119624335925 184
MACRUM 0:119624335925 185 If you get a linking error such as below, you are compiling the `WIFI_ODIN` with the `EMAC override` section in `mbed_app.json`. Remove the `EMAC override` from your `mbed_app.json`.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 186
MACRUM 0:119624335925 187 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 188 Link: tls-client
MACRUM 0:119624335925 189 ./mbed-os/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2/sdk/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/libublox-odin-w2-driver.a(OdinWiFiInterface.o): In function `OdinWiFiInterface::handle_wlan_status_started(wlan_status_started_s*)':
MACRUM 0:119624335925 190 OdinWiFiInterface.cpp:(.text._ZN17OdinWiFiInterface26handle_wlan_status_startedEP21wlan_status_started_s+0x46): undefined reference to `wifi_emac_get_interface()'
MACRUM 0:119624335925 191 OdinWiFiInterface.cpp:(.text._ZN17OdinWiFiInterface26handle_wlan_status_startedEP21wlan_status_started_s+0x4c): undefined reference to `wifi_emac_init_mem()'
MACRUM 0:119624335925 192 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
MACRUM 0:119624335925 193 [ERROR] ./mbed-os/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2/sdk/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/libublox-odin-w2-driver.a(OdinWiFiInterface.o): In function `OdinWiFiInterface::handle_wlan_status_started(wlan_status_started_s*)':
MACRUM 0:119624335925 194 OdinWiFiInterface.cpp:(.text._ZN17OdinWiFiInterface26handle_wlan_status_startedEP21wlan_status_started_s+0x46): undefined reference to `wifi_emac_get_interface()'
MACRUM 0:119624335925 195 OdinWiFiInterface.cpp:(.text._ZN17OdinWiFiInterface26handle_wlan_status_startedEP21wlan_status_started_s+0x4c): undefined reference to `wifi_emac_init_mem()'
MACRUM 0:119624335925 196 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
MACRUM 0:119624335925 197
MACRUM 0:119624335925 198 [mbed] ERROR: "/usr/bin/python" returned error code 1.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 199 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 200
MACRUM 0:119624335925 201 ## Network errors
MACRUM 0:119624335925 202
MACRUM 0:119624335925 203 If Easy Connect cannot connect to the network, it returns a network error with an error code. To see what the error code means, see the [mbed OS Communication API](https://os.mbed.com/docs/latest/reference/network-socket.html).
MACRUM 0:119624335925 204
MACRUM 0:119624335925 205 ## CR/LF in serial output
MACRUM 0:119624335925 206
MACRUM 0:119624335925 207 If you want to avoid using `\r\n` in your printouts and just use normal C style `\n` instead, please specify these to your `mbed_app.json`:
MACRUM 0:119624335925 208
MACRUM 0:119624335925 209 ```json
MACRUM 0:119624335925 210 "target_overrides": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 211 "*": {
MACRUM 0:119624335925 212 "platform.stdio-baud-rate": 115200,
MACRUM 0:119624335925 213 "platform.stdio-convert-newlines": true
MACRUM 0:119624335925 214 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 215 }
MACRUM 0:119624335925 216 ```
MACRUM 0:119624335925 217
MACRUM 0:119624335925 218 ## For network stack developers
MACRUM 0:119624335925 219
MACRUM 0:119624335925 220 Please try out the reliability of your networking stack using
MACRUM 0:119624335925 221 [stress-test](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-stress-test) to ensure
MACRUM 0:119624335925 222 your stack is performing as expected.
MACRUM 0:119624335925 223
MACRUM 0:119624335925 224 ## Extra defines
MACRUM 0:119624335925 225
MACRUM 0:119624335925 226 If you'd like to use Easy Connect with mbed Client then you're in luck. Easy Connect automatically defines the `MBED_SERVER_ADDRESS` macro depending on your connectivity method (either IPv4 or IPv6 address). Use this address to connect to the right instance of mbed Device Connector.