
Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of LG2 by Dmitry Kovalev



File content as of revision 23:12e6183f04d4:

 extern unsigned int Err;
 extern unsigned int ParamIn;
 extern unsigned int Rate_Flag;
#define  SOC_In	  0xCC			//e. attribute of command  //r. ïðèçíàê êîìàíäû
//#define  SOC_Out	0xDD
#define  BROADCAST_ADDRESS 0x1f  		//e. the broadcasting address ( shared for 3 GLD ) //r. øèðîêîâåùàòåëüíûé àäðåñ (îáùèé äëÿ 3-õ ÃËÄ)

#define  CMD_DELTA_PS    	0xa000          //e. the code of the B_DeltaPS command //r. êîä êîìàíäû B_DeltaPS
#define  CMD_DELTA_BINS  	0xb000          //e. the code of the B_DeltaBINS command //r. êîä êîìàíäû B_DeltaBINS
#define  CMD_DELTA_SF	  	0xb200          //e. the code of the B_DeltaSF command //r. êîä êîìàíäû B_DeltaSF
#define  CMD_DEV_MODE    	0xA500          //e. the code of the Device_Mode command //r. êîä êîìàíäû Device_Mode
#define  CMD_BIT_MODE    	0xA700          //e. the code of the B.I.T. command //r. êîä êîìàíäû B.I.T.(âñòîðîåííîãî òåñòèðîâàíèÿ)
#define  CMD_RATE        	0x0000          //e. the code of the Rate command //r. êîä êîìàíäû Rate  
#define  CMD_DELTA       	0x0f00          //e. the code of the Delta command //r. êîä êîìàíäû Delta
#define  CMD_D_PERIOD_W  	0xf000          //e. the code of the D_Period_W command //r. êîä êîìàíäû D_Period_W
#define  CMD_MAINT       	0x99         //e. the code of the Maintenance mode command //r. êîä êîìàíäû Maintenance mode

#define  SUBCMD_M_STIMUL    0x0a00          //e. the code of the Stimul command //r. êîä êîìàíäû Stimul    
#define  SUBCMD_M_RESET     0x8000          //e. software device reset(restart) //r. ïðîãðàììíûé ñáðîñ (ðåñòàðò) ïðèáîðà
#define  SUBCMD_M_CLEAR     0xda00          //e. reset of the register of errors of line 485 //r. î÷èñòêà ðåãèñòðà îøèáîê ëèíèè 485  
#define  SUBCMD_M_MIRR      0xda01          //e. return previous contents of the receiver buffer //r. âîçâðàò ïðåäûäóùåãî ñîäåðæèìîãî áóôåðà ïðèåìíèêà  
#define  SUBCMD_M_LDPAR_F   0xda02          //e. load GLD parameters from Flash-memory //r. çàãðóçèòü ïàðàìåòðû ÃËÄ èç ôëýø-ïàìÿòè
#define  SUBCMD_M_LDPAR_D   0xda03          //e. set GLD parameters by procedure of initialization //r. óñòàíîâèòü ïàðàìåòðû ÃËÄ ïðîöåäóðîé èíèöèàëèçàöèè 
#define  SUBCMD_M_START     0xda04          //e. switch on the GLD //r. âêëþ÷èòü ÃËÄ          
#define  SUBCMD_M_STOP      0xda40          //e. switch off the GLD //r. âûêëþ÷èòü ÃËÄ
#define  SUBCMD_M_PULSE     0xda0a          //e. generation of the light-up pulse //r. ãåíåðàöèÿ èìïóëüñà ïîäæèãà
#define  SUBCMD_M_CTL_R     0xd900          //e. reading the control register of the device //r. ÷òåíèå ðåãèñòðà óïðàâëåíèÿ óñòðîéñòâà  
#define  SUBCMD_M_CTL_M     0xd800          //e. modification of bit of the control register //r. ìîäèôèêàöèÿ áèòà ðåãèñòðà óïðàâëåíèÿ 
#define  SUBCMD_M_RATE      0xdd00          //e. delivery of a stack of parameters M_Rate (Rate2, Rate3) //r. âûäà÷à íàáîðà ïàðàìåòðîâ M_Rate  (Rate2, Rate3)

#define  SUBCMD_M_TMP_W     0xe000          //e. writing to the AD7714 circuit (temperature sensors) //r. çàïèñü â ñõåìû AD7714 (èçìåðèòåëè òåìïåðàòóðû) 
#define  SUBCMD_M_TMP_R     0xe100          //e. reading from the AD7714 circuit (temperature sensors) //r. ÷òåíèå èç ñõåì AD7714 (èçìåðèòåëè òåìïåðàòóðû) 
#define  SUBCMD_M_E5R_W     0xe200          //e. writing to the register of a mode of the Elio5 card //r. çàïèñü â ðåãèñòð ðåæèìà ïëàòû Elio5  
#define  SUBCMD_M_ADC_R     0xe300          //e. reading data from the ADC of the Elio5 card //r. ÷òåíèå äàííûõ èç ÀÖÏ ïëàòû Elio5
#define  SUBCMD_M_VIB_W     0xe400          //e. loading of the oscillation period of the dither drive //r. çàãðóçêà ïåðèîäà êîëåáàíèé âèáðîïðèâîäà  
#define  SUBCMD_M_CNT_R     0xe500          //e. reading data from the counters of the Elio5 card //r. ÷òåíèå äàííûõ èç ñ÷åò÷èêîâ ïëàòû Elio5
#define  SUBCMD_M_GPH_W     0xe600          //e. loading gain factors of photodetector channels //r. çàãðóçêà êîýôôèöèåíòîâ óñèëåíèÿ êàíàëîâ ôîòîïðèåìíèêà  
#define  SUBCMD_M_FLG_R     0xe700          //e. reading data from the register of input flags  //r. ÷òåíèå äàííûõ èç ðåãèñòðà âõîäíûõ ôëàãîâ
#define  SUBCMD_M_PARAM_W   0xe800          //e. writing working parameter to the data memory //r. çàïèñü ðàáî÷åãî ïàðàìåòðà â ïàìÿòü äàííûõ          
#define  SUBCMD_M_PARAM_R   0xe900          //e. reading working parameter of the GLD from the data memory //r. ÷òåíèå ðàáî÷åãî ïàðàìåòðà GLD èç ïàìÿòè äàííûõ 
#define  SUBCMD_M_E5RA_W    0xea00          //e. writing in 1st additional (A) register of a mode of the Elio5 card //r. çàïèñü â 1-ûé äîïîëíèòåëüíûé (À) ðåãèñòð ðåæèìà ïëàòû Elio5  
void Read_CMD(void);
unsigned int Check(char *c, unsigned int Count);
void CMD_Rate(void);