Fork of cpputest by
- Committer:
- Rohit Grover
- Date:
- 2014-06-17
- Revision:
- 1:4769360130ed
- Parent:
- 0:0b799af9d58e
File content as of revision 1:4769360130ed:
/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Michael Feathers, James Grenning and Bas Vodde * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE EARLIER MENTIONED AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h" #include "CppUTest/JUnitTestOutput.h" #include "CppUTest/TestResult.h" #include "CppUTest/TestFailure.h" #include "CppUTest/PlatformSpecificFunctions.h" struct JUnitTestCaseResultNode { JUnitTestCaseResultNode() : execTime_(0), failure_(0), next_(0) { } SimpleString name_; long execTime_; TestFailure* failure_; JUnitTestCaseResultNode* next_; }; struct JUnitTestGroupResult { JUnitTestGroupResult() : testCount_(0), failureCount_(0), startTime_(0), groupExecTime_(0), head_(0), tail_(0) { } int testCount_; int failureCount_; long startTime_; long groupExecTime_; SimpleString group_; JUnitTestCaseResultNode* head_; JUnitTestCaseResultNode* tail_; }; struct JUnitTestOutputImpl { JUnitTestGroupResult results_; PlatformSpecificFile file_; SimpleString package_; }; JUnitTestOutput::JUnitTestOutput() : impl_(new JUnitTestOutputImpl) { } JUnitTestOutput::~JUnitTestOutput() { resetTestGroupResult(); delete impl_; } void JUnitTestOutput::resetTestGroupResult() { impl_->results_.testCount_ = 0; impl_->results_.failureCount_ = 0; impl_->results_.group_ = ""; JUnitTestCaseResultNode* cur = impl_->results_.head_; while (cur) { JUnitTestCaseResultNode* tmp = cur->next_; ; delete cur->failure_; delete cur; cur = tmp; } impl_->results_.head_ = 0; impl_->results_.tail_ = 0; } void JUnitTestOutput::printTestsStarted() { } void JUnitTestOutput::printCurrentGroupStarted(const UtestShell& /*test*/) { } void JUnitTestOutput::printCurrentTestEnded(const TestResult& result) { impl_->results_.tail_->execTime_ = result.getCurrentTestTotalExecutionTime(); } void JUnitTestOutput::printTestsEnded(const TestResult& /*result*/) { } void JUnitTestOutput::printCurrentGroupEnded(const TestResult& result) { impl_->results_.groupExecTime_ = result.getCurrentGroupTotalExecutionTime(); writeTestGroupToFile(); resetTestGroupResult(); } void JUnitTestOutput::printCurrentTestStarted(const UtestShell& test) { impl_->results_.testCount_++; impl_->results_.group_ = test.getGroup(); impl_->results_.startTime_ = GetPlatformSpecificTimeInMillis(); if (impl_->results_.tail_ == 0) { impl_->results_.head_ = impl_->results_.tail_ = new JUnitTestCaseResultNode; } else { impl_->results_.tail_->next_ = new JUnitTestCaseResultNode; impl_->results_.tail_ = impl_->results_.tail_->next_; } impl_->results_.tail_->name_ = test.getName(); } SimpleString JUnitTestOutput::createFileName(const SimpleString& group) { SimpleString fileName = "cpputest_"; fileName += group; fileName.replace('/', '_'); fileName += ".xml"; return fileName; } void JUnitTestOutput::setPackageName(const SimpleString& package) { if (impl_ != NULL) { impl_->package_ = package; } } void JUnitTestOutput::writeXmlHeader() { writeToFile("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"); } void JUnitTestOutput::writeTestSuiteSummery() { SimpleString buf = StringFromFormat( "<testsuite errors=\"0\" failures=\"%d\" hostname=\"localhost\" name=\"%s\" tests=\"%d\" time=\"%d.%03d\" timestamp=\"%s\">\n", impl_->results_.failureCount_, impl_->results_.group_.asCharString(), impl_->results_.testCount_, (int) (impl_->results_.groupExecTime_ / 1000), (int) (impl_->results_.groupExecTime_ % 1000), GetPlatformSpecificTimeString()); writeToFile(buf.asCharString()); } void JUnitTestOutput::writeProperties() { writeToFile("<properties>\n"); writeToFile("</properties>\n"); } void JUnitTestOutput::writeTestCases() { JUnitTestCaseResultNode* cur = impl_->results_.head_; while (cur) { SimpleString buf = StringFromFormat( "<testcase classname=\"%s%s%s\" name=\"%s\" time=\"%d.%03d\">\n", impl_->package_.asCharString(), impl_->package_.isEmpty() == true ? "" : ".", impl_->results_.group_.asCharString(), cur->name_.asCharString(), (int) (cur->execTime_ / 1000), (int)(cur->execTime_ % 1000)); writeToFile(buf.asCharString()); if (cur->failure_) { writeFailure(cur); } writeToFile("</testcase>\n"); cur = cur->next_; } } void JUnitTestOutput::writeFailure(JUnitTestCaseResultNode* node) { SimpleString message = node->failure_->getMessage().asCharString(); message.replace('"', '\''); message.replace('<', '['); message.replace('>', ']'); message.replace("&", "&"); message.replace("\n", "{newline}"); SimpleString buf = StringFromFormat( "<failure message=\"%s:%d: %s\" type=\"AssertionFailedError\">\n", node->failure_->getFileName().asCharString(), node->failure_->getFailureLineNumber(), message.asCharString()); writeToFile(buf.asCharString()); writeToFile("</failure>\n"); } void JUnitTestOutput::writeFileEnding() { writeToFile("<system-out></system-out>\n"); writeToFile("<system-err></system-err>\n"); writeToFile("</testsuite>"); } void JUnitTestOutput::writeTestGroupToFile() { openFileForWrite(createFileName(impl_->results_.group_)); writeXmlHeader(); writeTestSuiteSummery(); writeProperties(); writeTestCases(); writeFileEnding(); closeFile(); } void JUnitTestOutput::verbose() { } void JUnitTestOutput::printBuffer(const char*) { } void JUnitTestOutput::print(const char*) { } void JUnitTestOutput::print(long) { } void JUnitTestOutput::print(const TestFailure& failure) { if (impl_->results_.tail_->failure_ == 0) { impl_->results_.failureCount_++; impl_->results_.tail_->failure_ = new TestFailure(failure); } } void JUnitTestOutput::printTestRun(int /*number*/, int /*total*/) { } void JUnitTestOutput::flush() { } void JUnitTestOutput::openFileForWrite(const SimpleString& fileName) { impl_->file_ = PlatformSpecificFOpen(fileName.asCharString(), "w"); } void JUnitTestOutput::writeToFile(const SimpleString& buffer) { PlatformSpecificFPuts(buffer.asCharString(), impl_->file_); } void JUnitTestOutput::closeFile() { PlatformSpecificFClose(impl_->file_); }