nnama inverse kinematics

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 29 13:44:06 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Oct 31 10:45:29 2018 +0000
@@ -1,125 +1,203 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
-template<std::size_t N, std::size_t M, std::size_t P>
-int mult(int A[N][M], int B[M][P]) {
-    int C[N][P];
+//AnalogIn pot1(A0); // X-coord knob
+//AnalogIn pot2(A3); // Y-coord knob
+Ticker flipper;
+const double  L1 = 0.328;
+const double L2 = 0.218;
-    for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
-        for (int p = 0; p < P; p++) {
-            int num = 0;
-            for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
-                num += A[n][m] * B[m][p];
-            }
-            C[n][p] = num;
-            std::cout << num << " ";
-        }
-        std::cout << std::endl;
-    }
-    return 0;
+const double PI = 3.14159265359;
+const double Ts = 1;
-AnalogIn pot1(A0); // X-coord knob
-AnalogIn pot2(A3); // Y-coord knob
+  double  qRef1 = 0*PI/180;
+  double  qRef2 =(-qRef1 +0)*PI/180;
+  double tau_st1 =0;
+  double tau_st2 =0;
+  double pe0x =0;
+  double pe0y =0;
+  double Fx = 0;
+  double Fy = 0;
-int main()
-   const double  L1 = 0.328;
-   const double L2 = 0.218:
-  double  q1 = 0;
-  double  q2 =-q1 +0;
-   double T1[3][3] = {
+   double T1[3][3]{
         {0, -1, 0},
         {1, 0, 0,},
         {0, 0, 0,}};
-  double  T20[3][3] = {
+  double  T20[3][3]{
         {0, -1, 0},
         {1, 0, -L1,},
         {0, 0, 0,}};
-  double  H200[3][3] = {
+  double  H200[3][3]{
         {1, 0, L1+L2},
         {0, 1, 0,},
         {0, 0, 1,}};
-  double Pe2 [3][1]={
+  double Pe2 [3][1]{
-    double q1 = q1*pi/180;
-    double q2 = q2*pi/180;
-    while (true) {
-       double  Pe_set[1][3] = {             // defining setpoint location of end effector
-                        {pot1*0.546},             //setting xcoord to pot 1
-                        {pot2*0.4},             // setting ycoord to pot 2
+double C[5][5];
+template<std::size_t N, std::size_t M, std::size_t P>
+void mult(double A[N][M], double B[M][P]) {
+for( int n =0; n < 5; n++){
+    for(int p =0; p < 5; p++){
+    C[n][p] =0;
+        }
+    }
+    for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+        for (int p = 0; p < P; p++) {
+            double num = 0;
+            for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
+                num += A[n][m] * B[m][p];
+            }
+            C[n][p] = num;
+            //std::cout << num << " ";
+        }
+        //std::cout << std::endl;
+    }
+void flip () {
+      double potx = 0.218;//pot1.read()*0.546;
+      double  poty = 0.328;//pot2.read()*0.4;
+       double  Pe_set[3][1]{             // defining setpoint location of end effector
+                        {potx},             //setting xcoord to pot 1
+                        {poty},             // setting ycoord to pot 2
 //Calculating new H matrix 
-  double T1e=[3][3] = {
-        {cos(q1), -sin(q1), 0},
-        {sin(q1), cos(q1), 0},
+  double T1e[3][3]{
+        {cos(qRef1), -sin(qRef1), 0},
+        {sin(qRef1), cos(qRef1), 0},
         {0, 0, 1}};
-  double  T20e[3][3] = {
-        {cos(q2), -sin(q2), L1-L1*cos(q2)},
-        {sin(q2), cos(q2), -L1*sin(q2)},
+  double  T20e[3][3]{
+        {cos(qRef2), -sin(qRef2), L1-L1*cos(qRef2)},
+        {sin(qRef2), cos(qRef2), -L1*sin(qRef2)},
         {0, 0, 1}};
-  double  H20 = mult<3,3,3>(T1e,T20e);  // matrix multiplication
-  double Pe0 = mult<3,3,1>(H20,Pe2);   // matrix multiplication
-  double pe0x =Pe0[1];                 // seperating coordinates of end effector location
-  double pe0y = Pe[2];
+   mult<3,3,3>(T1e,T20e);  // matrix multiplication
+  double H201[3][3]{
+      {C[0][0],C[0][1],C[0][2]},
+     {C[1][0],C[1][1],C[1][2]},
+     {C[2][0],C[2][1],C[2][2]}};
+      mult<3,3,3>(H201,H200);   // matrix multiplication
+  double H20 [3][3]{
+     {C[0][0],C[0][1],C[0][2]},
+     {C[1][0],C[1][1],C[1][2]},
+     {C[2][0],C[2][1],C[2][2]}};
+   mult<3,3,1>(H20,Pe2);   // matrix multiplication
+  double Pe0[3][1] {
+      {C[0][0]},
+      {C[1][0]},
+      {C[2][0]}};
+  double pe0x = Pe0[0][0];                 // seperating coordinates of end effector location
+  double pe0y = Pe0[1][0];
   // Determing the jacobian
-    double T_1[3][1] = {
+    double T_1[3][1]{
-                {T1[1][3]},
-                {T1[2][3]};
+                {T1[0][2]},
+                {T1[1][2]}};
-    double T_2[3][1] = {
+    double T_2[3][1]{
-                {L1*sin(q1)},
-                {-L1*cos(q1)}};
+                {L1*sin(qRef1)},
+                {-L1*cos(qRef1)}};
-    double J[3][2] = {
-             {T_1[1][1], T_2[1][1]},
-             {T_1[2][1], T_2[2][1]},
-             {T_1[3][1], T_2[3][1]}};
+    double J[3][2]{
+             {T_1[0][0], T_2[0][0]},
+             {T_1[1][0], T_2[1][0]},
+             {T_1[2][0], T_2[2][0]}};
 //Determing 'Pulling" force to setpoint
     double k= 1;     //virtual stifness of the force
-    double Fs[3][1] = {                                     //force vector from end effector to setpoint
-                {k*Pe_set[1][1] - k*Pe0[1][1]},
-                {k*Pe_set[2][1] - k*Pe0[2][1]},
-                {k*Pe_set[3][1] - k*Pe0[3][1]}};
-    double Fx = Fs[1][1];
-    double Fy = Fs[2][1];
-    double W0t[3][1] = {
-                {Pe0x*Fy - Pe0y*Fx}, 
+    double Fs[3][1]{                                     //force vector from end effector to setpoint
+                {k*Pe_set[0][0] - k*Pe0[0][0]},
+                {k*Pe_set[1][0] - k*Pe0[1][0]},
+                {k*Pe_set[2][0] - k*Pe0[2][0]}};
+    double Fx = k*potx - k*pe0x;
+    double Fy = k*poty - k*pe0y;
+    double W0t[3][1]{
+                {pe0x*Fy - pe0y*Fx}, 
+    double Jt[2][3]{                                     // transposing jacobian matrix
+                {J[0][0], J[1][0], J[2][0]},
+                {T_2[0][0], T_2[1][0], T_2[2][0]}};
-    double Jt[2][3] = {                                     // transposing jacobian matrix
-                {J[1][1], J[1][2], J[1][3]},
-                {J[2][1], J[2][2], J[2][3]}};
-    double tau_st = mult<2,3,1>(Jt,W0t);
+     mult<2,3,1>(Jt,W0t);
+     tau_st1 = C[0][0];
+     tau_st2 = C[1][0];
 //Calculating joint behaviour
-    double b =1;                    //joint friction coefficent
-    double Ts = 1/1000;               //Time step to reach the new angle
-    double w_s = tau_st/b;          // angular velocity
-    double q1 = q1 +w_s*Ts;         // calculating new angle of q1 in time step Ts
-    double q2 = q2 + w_s*Ts;        // calculating new angle of q2 in time step Ts
+    double b =1;
+                       //joint friction coefficent
+    //double Ts = 1/1000;               //Time step to reach the new angle
+    double w_s1 = tau_st1/b;          // angular velocity
+    double w_s2 = tau_st2/b;          // angular velocity
+    //checking angle boundaries
+    qRef1 = qRef1 +w_s1*Ts;         // calculating new angle of qRef1 in time step Ts
+    if (qRef1 > 2*PI/3) { 
+    qRef1 = 2*PI/3;
+    }
+    else if (qRef1 < PI/6) { 
+    qRef1= PI/6;
+    }
+     qRef2 = qRef2 + w_s2*Ts;        // calculating new angle of qRef2 in time step Ts
+      if (qRef2 > -PI/4) { 
+    qRef2 = -PI/4;
+    }
+    else if (qRef2 < -PI/2) { 
+    qRef2= -PI/2;
+    }
+int main()
+ pc.printf("start main function");
+ pc.baud(115200);   
+   flipper.attach(&flip, Ts);
+   while (true){
+        pc.printf("qRef1 %f\n qRef2 %f\n, X %f\n Y %f \n",qRef1*180/PI,qRef2*180/PI,tau_st1,tau_st2);
+        wait (2.0);
+       }
-    }
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