Electric Locomotive control system. Touch screen driver control, includes regenerative braking, drives 4 brushless motors, displays speed MPH, system volts and power

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F746NG FastPWM LCD_DISCO_F746NG SD_DISCO_F746NG TS_DISCO_F746NG mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sd_card.cpp	Mon Nov 13 09:53:00 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Electric_Loco.h"
+#include "SD_DISCO_F746NG.h"
+SD card used only to keep log of total distance travelled.
+Odometer is trivial.
+This file treats SD card as random access memory.
+A better implementation would use library functions for FAT file system etc.
+May revisit this.
+SD_DISCO_F746NG     sd;
+extern  Serial pc;
+extern  uint32_t    historic_distance;
+extern  uint32_t    get_pulse_total ()  ;
+static  const   int
+    SD_BLOCKSIZE        = 512;   /* SD card data Block Size in Bytes      */
+//  Assume SD card size is 4Gbyte, might be 8 Gbyte
+//  Then can use 8388608 blocks (8 * 1024 * 1024)
+uint64_t    SD_blockptr = 0;
+uint32_t    SDBuffer[(SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2)];   //  = space for (512 / 4) uint32_t
+uint8_t     SD_state = SD_OK,   sd_jf = 0;
+static  const    uint64_t    GIGAB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+//static  const    uint64_t    SDBLOCKS = (GIGAB / SD_BLOCKSIZE) * 4;    //  software drives SD up to 4Gbyte only - 8 M block
+static  const    uint64_t    SDBLOCKS = (GIGAB / SD_BLOCKSIZE) * 2;    //  software drives SD up to 4Gbyte only - 8 M block
+//  If data logger takes 2 minutes to fill 1 block, a 4G card takes 32 years run-time to fill
+//  If system generates approx 320 pulses per metre travelled, max distance recordable in uint32_t is 65536 * 65536 / 320 = 13421.772 km
+bool    sd_error    ()  {   //  Test and Clear error code sd_jf, return true if any error bits set, false on 0
+    bool    retval = false;
+    if  (sd_jf != 0)    {
+        retval = true;
+        sd_jf = 0;
+    }
+    return  retval;
+bool    check_SD_block_clear    (uint32_t block) {
+    uint32_t    b[(SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2)];
+    SD_state    = sd.ReadBlocks(b, (uint64_t)(SD_BLOCKSIZE * block), SD_BLOCKSIZE, 1);
+    if(SD_state != SD_OK)   {
+        sd_jf = 1;
+        pc.printf   ("Failed, not SD_OK, erasing block %d\r\n", block);
+        return  false;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < (SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2); i++)
+        if  (b[i] != 0)
+            return  false;
+    return  true;
+bool    read_SD_state   ()  {
+    if  (SD_state == SD_OK)
+        return  true;
+    return  false;
+/*bool erase_block (uint32_t    block2erase)    {
+    uint64_t addr = SD_BLOCKSIZE * (uint64_t)block2erase;
+    SD_state = sd.Erase(addr, addr + SD_BLOCKSIZE);
+    if  (SD_state != SD_OK) {
+        sd_jf = 1;  //  Assert error flag
+        pc.printf   ("Failed, not SD_OK, erasing block %d\r\n", block2erase);
+        return  false;
+    }
+    return  check_SD_block_clear (block2erase);
+bool    SD_find_next_clear_block    (uint64_t * blok)  {   //  Successive approximation algorithm to quickly find next vacant SD card 512 byte block
+    uint64_t toaddsub = SDBLOCKS / 2, stab = SDBLOCKS - 1;
+    pc.printf   ("At SD_find_next_clear_block \r\n");
+    while   (toaddsub)  {
+        pc.printf   ("stab = %lld, toadsub = %lld\r\n", stab, toaddsub);    //  lld for long long int
+        bool    clear_block = true;
+        SD_state    = sd.ReadBlocks(SDBuffer, SD_BLOCKSIZE * stab, SD_BLOCKSIZE, 1);
+        if(SD_state != SD_OK)   {
+            sd_jf = 1;
+            pc.printf   ("SD error in SD_find_next_clear_block, returning -1\r\n");
+            return false;
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < (SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2); i++)   {
+            if  (SDBuffer[i] != 0) {
+                clear_block = false;
+                pc.printf   ("Buff at %d contains %x\r\n", i, SDBuffer[i]);
+                i = SD_BLOCKSIZE;  //  to exit loop
+            }
+        }
+        if  (clear_block)
+            stab -= toaddsub;
+        else
+            stab += toaddsub;
+        toaddsub >>= 1;
+    }
+    if  (!check_SD_block_clear(stab))
+        stab++;
+    if  (sd_error())    {   //  sd_error() tests and clears error bits
+        pc.printf   ("check_SD_block_clear(%ld)returned ERROR in SD_find_next_clear_block\r\n", stab);
+        sd_jf = 1;  //  reassert error flag
+        return  false;
+    }
+    pc.printf   ("Completed find_next, stab = %d\r\n", stab);
+    *blok = stab;   //  block number of next free block
+    return  true;
+bool SD_card_erase_all   (void)  {   //  assumes sd card is 4 Gbyte, erases 4 Gbyte. Called from CLI
+    uint64_t    EndAddr  = GIGAB * 4, 
+                StartAddr = 0LL;
+    sd_jf = 0;
+    pc.printf   ("Erasing SD card ... ");
+    //  uint8_t Erase(uint64_t StartAddr, uint64_t EndAddr);
+    SD_state    = sd.Erase(StartAddr, EndAddr);
+    if  (SD_state != SD_OK) {
+        pc.printf   ("SD_card_erase_all FAILED\r\n");
+        sd_jf = 1;
+        return  false;
+    }
+    pc.printf   ("no error detected\r\n");
+    return  true;
+bool mainSDtest()
+    SD_state = sd.Init();
+    if(SD_state != SD_OK) {
+        pc.printf   ("sd.Init set SD_state to %0x\r\n", SD_state);
+        if(SD_state == MSD_ERROR_SD_NOT_PRESENT) {
+            pc.printf("SD shall be inserted before running test\r\n");
+        } else {
+            pc.printf("SD Initialization : FAIL.\r\n");
+        }
+        pc.printf("SD Test Aborted.\r\n");
+        return  false;
+    } 
+//    else {    //  SD_state is SD_OK
+    pc.printf("SD Initialization : OK.\r\n");
+//        SD_card_erase_all();
+//        if    (sd_error())
+//            pc.printf ("SD_card_erase_all() reports ERROR");
+    SD_find_next_clear_block(& SD_blockptr);
+    pc.printf   ("SD_find_next_clear_block returned %lld\r\n\n\n", SD_blockptr);
+    if  (sd_error())    {
+        pc.printf   ("***** ERROR returned from SD_find_next_clear_block ***** SD ops aborted\r\n");
+        return  false;
+    }   
+    pc.printf("SD_find_next_clear_block() returned %ld\r\n", SD_blockptr);
+    if  (SD_blockptr < 1)   {
+        pc.printf   ("Looks like card newly erased, SD_blockptr value of %d\r\n", SD_blockptr);
+        SD_blockptr = 0;
+        historic_distance = 0;
+    }
+    else    {
+        SD_state = sd.ReadBlocks(SDBuffer, SD_BLOCKSIZE * (SD_blockptr - 1), SD_BLOCKSIZE, 1);
+        if  (SD_state != SD_OK) {
+            pc.printf   ("Error reading last block from SD block %d\r\n", SD_blockptr - 1);
+            return  false;
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < (SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2); i++)
+            pc.printf   ("%lx\t", SDBuffer[i]);
+        historic_distance = SDBuffer[(SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2) - 1];
+        pc.printf   ("\r\nAbove, data read from last filled SD block %lld, using historic_distance = %lx\r\n", SD_blockptr - 1, historic_distance);
+    }
+    if  (SD_blockptr > 2)   {
+        for (int i = SD_blockptr - 2; i < SD_blockptr + 2; i++)    {
+            pc.printf   ("check_SD_block_clear (%d) ", i);
+            if  (check_SD_block_clear(i))
+                pc.printf   ("block %ld is CLEAR\r\n", i);
+            else
+                pc.printf   ("block %ld is NOT clear\r\n", i);
+            if  (sd_error())    {
+                pc.printf   ("ERROR from check_SD_block_clear ()\r\n");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return  true;
+void    update_SD_card  ()  {   //  Hall pulse total updated once per sec and saved in blocks of 128 to SD card
+    static int index = 0;
+    static uint32_t    buff[(SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2) + 2];
+//    buff[index++] = speed.pulse_total();        //  pulse_total for all time, add this to buffer to write to SD
+    buff[index++] = get_pulse_total();        //  pulse_total for all time, add this to buffer to write to SD
+    if  (index >= (SD_BLOCKSIZE >> 2)) {
+        pc.printf   ("Writing new SD block %d ... ", SD_blockptr);
+        SD_state = sd.WriteBlocks(buff, SD_BLOCKSIZE * SD_blockptr, SD_BLOCKSIZE, 1);
+        SD_blockptr++;
+        if  (SD_state == SD_OK)
+            pc.printf   ("OK, distance %d\r\n", buff[index - 1] / (int)PULSES_PER_METRE);
+        else
+            pc.printf   ("ERROR\r\n");
+        index = 0;
+    }