UM6 on AirBearing

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed

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Thu Apr 10 11:17:09 2014 +0000
Commit message:
UM6 on AirBearing

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MODSERIAL.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
UM6_config/UM6_config.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
UM6_usart/UM6_usart.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8a2c63ece2a9 MODSERIAL.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MODSERIAL.lib	Thu Apr 10 11:17:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8a2c63ece2a9 UM6_config/UM6_config.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/UM6_config/UM6_config.h	Thu Apr 10 11:17:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  File: UM6_config.h
+  Author: CH Robotics
+  Version: 1.0
+  Description: Preprocessor definitions and function declarations for UM6 configuration
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+#ifndef __UM6_CONFIG_H
+#define __UM6_CONFIG_H
+#include "UM6_usart.h"
+extern bool recive;
+MODSERIAL um6_uart(p9, p10);    // UM6 SERIAL OVER UART Pin 9 & Pin 10
+// CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE and DATA_ARRAY_SIZE specify the number of 32 bit configuration and data registers used by the firmware
+// (Note: The term "register" is used loosely here.  These "registers" are not actually registers in the same sense of a
+// microcontroller register.  They are simply index locations into arrays stored in global memory.  Data and configuration
+// parameters are stored in arrays because it allows a common communication protocol to be used to access all data and
+// configuration.  The software communicating with the sensor needs only specify the register address, and the communication
+// software running on the sensor knows exactly where to find it - it needn't know what the data is.  The software communicatin
+// with the sensor, on the other hand, needs to know what it is asking for (naturally...)
+// This setup makes it easy to make more data immediately available when needed - simply increase the array size, add code in
+// the firmware that writes data to the new array location, and then make updates to the firmware definition on the PC side.
+#define    CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE        44
+#define    DATA_ARRAY_SIZE          33
+#define    COMMAND_COUNT             9
+#define    CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS       0
+#define    DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS        85
+#define    COMMAND_START_ADDRESS        170
+// These preprocessor definitions make it easier to access specific configuration parameters in code
+// They specify array locations associated with each register name.  Note that in the comments below, many of the values are
+// said to be 32-bit IEEE floating point.  Obviously this isn't directly the case, since the arrays are actually 32-bit unsigned
+// integer arrays.  Bit for bit, the data does correspond to the correct floating point value.  Since you can't cast ints as floats,
+// special conversion has to happen to copy the float data to and from the array.
+// Starting with configuration register locations...
+// Now for data register locations.
+// In the communication protocol, data registers are labeled with number ranging from 128 to 255.  The value of 128 will be subtracted from these numbers
+// to produce the actual array index labeled below
+#define    UM6_STATUS                DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS                // Status register defines error codes with individual bits
+#define    UM6_GYRO_RAW_XY        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS    + 1)        // Raw gyro data is stored in 16-bit signed integers
+#define    UM6_GYRO_RAW_Z            (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 2)
+#define    UM6_ACCEL_RAW_XY        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 3)        // Raw accel data is stored in 16-bit signed integers
+#define    UM6_ACCEL_RAW_Z        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 4)
+#define    UM6_MAG_RAW_XY            (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 5)        // Raw mag data is stored in 16-bit signed integers
+#define    UM6_MAG_RAW_Z            (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 6)
+#define    UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 7)        // Processed gyro data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed.  Data is 16-bit signed integer.
+#define    UM6_GYRO_PROC_Z        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 8)
+#define    UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 9)        // Processed accel data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed.  Data is 16-bit signed integer.
+#define    UM6_ACCEL_PROC_Z        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 10)
+#define    UM6_MAG_PROC_XY        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 11)        // Processed mag data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed.  Data is 16-bit signed integer.
+#define    UM6_MAG_PROC_Z            (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 12)
+#define    UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA    (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 13)        // Euler angles are 32-bit IEEE floating point
+#define    UM6_EULER_PSI            (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 14)
+#define    UM6_QUAT_AB                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 15)        // Quaternions are 16-bit signed integers.
+#define    UM6_QUAT_CD                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 16)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_00        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 17)        // Error covariance is a 4x4 matrix of 32-bit IEEE floating point values
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_01        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 18)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_02        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 19)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_03        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 20)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_10        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 21)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_11        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 22)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_12        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 23)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_13        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 24)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_20        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 25)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_21        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 26)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_22        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 27)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_23        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 28)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_30        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 29)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_31        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 30)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_32        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 31)
+#define    UM6_ERROR_COV_33        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 32)
+#define    UM6_GET_FW_VERSION    COMMAND_START_ADDRESS            // Causes the UM6 to report the firmware revision
+#define    UM6_FLASH_COMMIT        (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 1)    // Causes the UM6 to write all configuration values to FLASH
+#define    UM6_ZERO_GYROS            (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 2)    // Causes the UM6 to start a zero gyros command
+#define    UM6_RESET_EKF             (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 3)    // Causes the UM6 to reset the EKF
+#define    UM6_GET_DATA             (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 4)    // Causes the UM6 to transmit a data packet containing data from all enabled channels
+#define    UM6_SET_ACCEL_REF        (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 5)    // Causes the UM6 to set the current measured accel data to the reference vector
+#define    UM6_SET_MAG_REF        (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 6)    // Causes the UM6 to set the current measured magnetometer data to the reference vector
+#define    UM6_RESET_TO_FACTORY    (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 7)    // Causes the UM6 to load default factory settings
+#define    UM6_SAVE_FACTORY        (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 8)    // Causes the UM6 to save the current settings to the factory flash location
+#define    UM6_USE_CONFIG_ADDRESS        0
+#define    UM6_USE_FACTORY_ADDRESS        1
+#define    UM6_BAD_CHECKSUM            253                                // Sent if the UM6 receives a packet with a bad checksum
+#define    UM6_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS        254                                // Sent if the UM6 receives a packet with an unknown address
+#define    UM6_INVALID_BATCH_SIZE    255                                // Sent if a requested batch read or write operation would go beyond the bounds of the config or data array
+* Function Name  : ComputeChecksum
+* Input          : USARTPacket* new_packet
+* Output         : None
+* Return         : uint16_t
+* Description    : Returns the two byte sum of all the individual bytes in the
+                         given packet.
+uint16_t ComputeChecksum( USARTPacket* new_packet ) {
+    int32_t index;
+    uint16_t checksum = 0x73 + 0x6E + 0x70 + new_packet->PT + new_packet->address;
+    for ( index = 0; index < new_packet->data_length; index++ ) {
+        checksum += new_packet->packet_data[index];
+    }
+    return checksum;
+static USARTPacket new_packet;
+// Flag for storing the current USART state
+uint8_t gUSART_State = USART_STATE_WAIT;
+struct UM6{
+float Gyro_Proc_X;
+float Gyro_Proc_Y;
+float Gyro_Proc_Z;
+float Accel_Proc_X;
+float Accel_Proc_Y;
+float Accel_Proc_Z;
+float Mag_Proc_X;
+float Mag_Proc_Y;
+float Mag_Proc_Z;
+float Roll;
+float Pitch;
+float Yaw;
+UM6 data;
+void Process_um6_packet() {
+int16_t MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X;
+int16_t MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y;
+int16_t MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z;
+static uint8_t data_counter = 0;
+            // The next action should depend on the USART state.
+            switch ( gUSART_State ) {
+                    // USART in the WAIT state.  In this state, the USART is waiting to see the sequence of bytes
+                    // that signals a new incoming packet.
+                case USART_STATE_WAIT:
+                    if ( data_counter == 0 ) {     // Waiting on 's' character
+                        if ( um6_uart.getc() == 's' ) {
+                            data_counter++;
+                        } else {
+                            data_counter = 0;
+                        }
+                    } else if ( data_counter == 1 ) {    // Waiting on 'n' character
+                        if ( um6_uart.getc() == 'n' ) {
+                            data_counter++;
+                        } else {
+                            data_counter = 0;
+                        }
+                    } else if ( data_counter == 2 ) {    // Waiting on 'p' character
+                        if ( um6_uart.getc() == 'p' ) {
+                            // The full 'snp' sequence was received.  Reset data_counter (it will be used again
+                            // later) and transition to the next state.
+                            data_counter = 0;
+                            gUSART_State = USART_STATE_TYPE;
+                        } else {
+                            data_counter = 0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    // USART in the TYPE state.  In this state, the USART has just received the sequence of bytes that
+                    // indicates a new packet is about to arrive.  Now, the USART expects to see the packet type.
+                case USART_STATE_TYPE:
+                    new_packet.PT = um6_uart.getc();
+                    gUSART_State = USART_STATE_ADDRESS;
+                    break;
+                    // USART in the ADDRESS state.  In this state, the USART expects to receive a single byte indicating
+                    // the address that the packet applies to
+                case USART_STATE_ADDRESS:
+                    new_packet.address = um6_uart.getc();
+                    // For convenience, identify the type of packet this is and copy to the packet structure
+                    // (this will be used by the packet handler later)
+                    if ( (new_packet.address >= CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS) && (new_packet.address < DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS) ) {
+                        new_packet.address_type = ADDRESS_TYPE_CONFIG;
+                    } else if ( (new_packet.address >= DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS) && (new_packet.address < COMMAND_START_ADDRESS) ) {
+                        new_packet.address_type = ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA;
+                    } else {
+                        new_packet.address_type = ADDRESS_TYPE_COMMAND;
+                    }
+                    // Identify the type of communication this is (whether reading or writing to a data or configuration register, or sending a command)
+                    // If this is a read operation, jump directly to the USART_STATE_CHECKSUM state - there is no more data in the packet
+                    if ( (new_packet.PT & PACKET_HAS_DATA) == 0 ) {
+                        gUSART_State = USART_STATE_CHECKSUM;
+                    }
+                    // If this is a write operation, go to the USART_STATE_DATA state to read in the relevant data
+                    else {
+                        gUSART_State = USART_STATE_DATA;
+                        // Determine the expected number of bytes in this data packet based on the packet type.  A write operation
+                        // consists of 4 bytes unless it is a batch operation, in which case the number of bytes equals 4*batch_size,
+                        // where the batch size is also given in the packet type byte.
+                        if ( new_packet.PT & PACKET_IS_BATCH ) {
+                            new_packet.data_length = 4*((new_packet.PT >> 2) & PACKET_BATCH_LENGTH_MASK);
+                        } else {
+                            new_packet.data_length = 4;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    // USART in the DATA state.  In this state, the USART expects to receive new_packet.length bytes of
+                    // data.
+                case USART_STATE_DATA:
+                    new_packet.packet_data[data_counter] =  um6_uart.getc();
+                    data_counter++;
+                    // If the expected number of bytes has been received, transition to the CHECKSUM state.
+                    if ( data_counter == new_packet.data_length ) {
+                        // Reset data_counter, since it will be used in the CHECKSUM state.
+                        data_counter = 0;
+                        gUSART_State = USART_STATE_CHECKSUM;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    // USART in CHECKSUM state.  In this state, the entire packet has been received, with the exception
+                    // of the 16-bit checksum.
+                case USART_STATE_CHECKSUM:
+                    // Get the highest-order byte
+                    if ( data_counter == 0 ) {
+                        new_packet.checksum = ((uint16_t)um6_uart.getc() << 8);
+                        data_counter++;
+                    } else { // ( data_counter == 1 )
+                        // Get lower-order byte
+                        new_packet.checksum = new_packet.checksum | ((uint16_t)um6_uart.getc() & 0x0FF);
+                        // Both checksum bytes have been received.  Make sure that the checksum is valid.
+                        uint16_t checksum = ComputeChecksum( &new_packet );
+                        // If checksum does not match, exit function
+                        if ( checksum != new_packet.checksum ) {
+                            return;
+                        }   // end if(checksum check)
+                        else
+                        {
+                            //  Packet was received correctly.
+                            //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                            //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                            //
+                            // CHECKSUM WAS GOOD SO GET ARE DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!
+                            // IF DATA ADDRESS
+                            if  (new_packet.address_type == ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA) {
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY (0x5C)
+                                // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to actual angular rates in degrees
+                                // per second, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0610352 as shown below
+                                // angular_rate = register_data*0.0610352
+                                if (new_packet.address == UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY) {
+                                    // GYRO_PROC_X
+                                    MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X |= new_packet.packet_data[1];
+                                    data.Gyro_Proc_X = MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X*0.0610352;
+                                    MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y |= new_packet.packet_data[3];
+                                    data.Gyro_Proc_Y = MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y*0.0610352;
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    // UM6_GYRO_PROC_Z (0x5D)
+                                    // To convert the register data from a 16-bit 2's complement integer to the actual angular rate in
+                                    // degrees per second, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0610352 as shown below.
+                                    // GYRO_PROC_Z
+                                    MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z |= new_packet.packet_data[5];;
+                                    data.Gyro_Proc_Z = MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z*0.0610352;
+                                }   // end if(MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC)
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY (0x5E)
+                                // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to actual acceleration in gravities,
+                                // the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000183105 as shown below.
+                                // acceleration = register_data* 0.000183105
+                                if (new_packet.address == UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY) {
+                                    // ACCEL_PROC_X
+                                    MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X |= new_packet.packet_data[1];
+                                    data.Accel_Proc_X = MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X*0.000183105;
+                                    // ACCEL_PROC_Y
+                                    MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y |= new_packet.packet_data[3];
+                                    data.Accel_Proc_Y = MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y*0.000183105;
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    // UM6_ACCEL_PROC_Z (0x5F)
+                                    // To convert the register data from a 16-bit 2's complement integer to the actual acceleration in
+                                    // gravities, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000183105 as shown below.
+                                    // ACCEL_PROC_Z
+                                    MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z |= new_packet.packet_data[5];
+                                    data.Accel_Proc_Z = MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z*0.000183105;
+                                    recive = 1;
+                                }   // end if(MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC)
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // UM6_MAG_PROC_XY (0x60)
+                                // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to a unit-norm (assuming proper
+                                // calibration)  magnetic-field vector, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000305176 as
+                                // shown below.
+                                // magnetic field = register_data* 0.000305176
+                                if (new_packet.address == UM6_MAG_PROC_XY) {
+                                    // MAG_PROC_X
+                                    MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X |= new_packet.packet_data[1];
+                                    data.Mag_Proc_X = MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X*0.000305176;
+                                    // MAG_PROC_Y
+                                    MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y |= new_packet.packet_data[3];
+                                    data.Mag_Proc_Y = MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y*0.000305176;
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    // UM6_MAG_PROC_Z (0x61)
+                                    // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to a unit-norm (assuming proper
+                                    // calibration)  magnetic-field vector, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000305176 as
+                                    // shown below.
+                                    // magnetic field = register_data*0.000305176
+                                    // MAG_PROC_Z
+                                    MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z |= new_packet.packet_data[5];
+                                    data.Mag_Proc_Z = MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z*0.000305176;
+                                }   // end if(UM6_MAG_PROC)
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA (0x62)
+                                // Stores the most recently computed roll (phi) and pitch (theta) angle estimates.  The angle
+                                // estimates are stored as 16-bit 2's complement integers.  To obtain the actual angle estimate in
+                                // degrees, the register data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0109863 as shown below
+                                // angle estimate = register_data* 0.0109863
+                                if (new_packet.address == UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA) {
+                                    // EULER_PHI (ROLL)
+                                   MY_DATA_EULER_PHI = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                   MY_DATA_EULER_PHI |= new_packet.packet_data[1];
+                                   data.Roll = MY_DATA_EULER_PHI*0.0109863;
+                                    // EULER_THETA (PITCH)
+                                    MY_DATA_EULER_THETA = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_EULER_THETA |= new_packet.packet_data[3];
+                                    data.Pitch = MY_DATA_EULER_THETA*0.0109863;
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
+                                    // UM6_EULER_PSI (0x63) (YAW)
+                                    // Stores the most recently computed yaw (psi) angle estimate.  The angle estimate is stored as a 16-
+                                    // bit 2's complement integer.  To obtain the actual angle estimate in degrees, the register data
+                                    // should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0109863 as shown below
+                                    MY_DATA_EULER_PSI = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_EULER_PSI |= new_packet.packet_data[5];
+                                    data.Yaw = MY_DATA_EULER_PSI*0.0109863;
+                                }    // end if(UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA)
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------
+                            }    // end if(ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA)
+                            // A full packet has been received.
+                            // Put the USART back into the WAIT state and reset
+                            // the data_counter variable so that it can be used to receive the next packet.
+                            data_counter = 0;
+                            gUSART_State = USART_STATE_WAIT;
+                        }      // end else(GET_DATA)
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }   //  end switch ( gUSART_State )
+ }       // end get_gyro_x()
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8a2c63ece2a9 UM6_usart/UM6_usart.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/UM6_usart/UM6_usart.h	Thu Apr 10 11:17:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* ______________________________________________________________________________________
+ File: UM6_usart.h
+ Author: CH Robotics, adapted for mbed by lhiggs
+ Version: 1.0
+ Description: Function declarations for USART communucation
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ #ifndef _CHR_USART_H
+ #define _CHR_USART_H
+ #define  MAX_PACKET_DATA      40
+ // Definitions of states for USART receiver state machine (for receiving packets)
+ #define USART_STATE_WAIT       1
+ #define USART_STATE_TYPE       2
+ #define USART_STATE_ADDRESS    3
+ #define USART_STATE_DATA       4
+ // Flags for interpreting the packet type byte in communication packets
+ #define PACKET_HAS_DATA            (1 << 7)
+ #define PACKET_IS_BATCH            (1 << 6)
+ #define PACKET_BATCH_LENGTH_MASK   ( 0x0F )
+ #define BATCH_SIZE_2                   2
+ #define BATCH_SIZE_3                   3
+ #define PACKET_NO_DATA                 0
+ #define PACKET_COMMAND_FAILED      (1 << 0)
+ // Define flags for identifying the type of packet address received
+ #define ADDRESS_TYPE_CONFIG            0
+ #define ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA              1
+ #define ADDRESS_TYPE_COMMAND           2
+extern uint8_t gUSART_State;
+ // Structure for storing TX and RX packet data
+ typedef struct _USARTPacket
+ {
+        uint8_t PT;         // Packet type
+        uint8_t address;    // Packet address
+        uint16_t checksum;  // Checksum
+        // Data included for convenience, but that isn't stored in the packet itself
+        uint8_t data_length;  // Number of bytes in data section
+        uint8_t address_type; // Specified the address type (DATA, CONFIG, OR COMMAND)
+        uint8_t packet_data[MAX_PACKET_DATA];
+ } USARTPacket;
+uint16_t ComputeChecksum( USARTPacket* new_packet );
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8a2c63ece2a9 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 10 11:17:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"                           // MBED BUFFERED SERIAL HEADER
+#include "UM6_usart.h"                           // UM6 USART HEADER
+#include "UM6_config.h"                          // UM6 CONFIG HEADER
+#define PI 3.1415926
+#define acc_acu 8
+#define mag_acu 8
+//Serial ios(p28, p27);                            // Serielle Verbi. mit XBee über Pin: tx-28, rx-27
+Serial ios(USBTX, USBRX);                      // Serielle Verbi. über USB Port vom PC
+DigitalOut rst(p11);                             // Digital Reset für the XBee, 200ns für reset
+PwmOut x_kreisel(p21);                           // Pin21-PwmOut ist für Drehung um X-Achse
+PwmOut y_kreisel(p23);                           // Pin23-PwmOut ist für Drehung um Y-Achse
+PwmOut z_kreisel(p22);                           // Pin22-PwmOut ist für Drehung um Z-Achse
+DigitalOut uart_activity(LED1);                  // LED1 = UM6 SERIAL für Kommunikation
+//acc struct
+struct {
+        float x;
+        float y;
+        float z;
+       }raw_acc;
+struct {
+        float g;
+        float xy;
+        float zx;
+        float zy;
+        float x;
+        float y;
+        float z;
+       }norm_acc;
+struct {
+        float x;
+        float y;
+        float z;
+       }euler_acc_raw;
+struct {
+        double x;
+        double y;
+        double z;
+        char  x_acu;
+        char  z_acu;
+        char  y_acu;
+       }euler_acc;
+struct {
+        double x;
+        double y;
+        double z;
+       }euler_m;
+//mag struct
+struct {
+        float x;
+        float y;
+        float z;
+       }raw_mag;
+struct {
+        float g;
+        float xy;
+        float zx;
+        float zy;
+        float x;
+        float y;
+        float z;
+       }norm_mag;
+struct {
+        float x;
+        float y;
+        float z;
+       }euler_mag_raw;
+struct {
+        float x;
+        char  x_acu;
+        float y;
+        char  y_acu;
+        float z;
+        char  z_acu;
+        float bias_x;
+        float bias_y;
+        float bias_z;
+       }euler_mag;
+bool recive;
+void rxCallback(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q) 
+    if (um6_uart.rxBufferGetCount() >=  MAX_PACKET_DATA) 
+    {
+        uart_activity = !uart_activity;          // LED leuchtet wenn RxBuff hat > 40 Bytes
+        Process_um6_packet();      
+    }
+float deg_diff(float start_angle, float end_angle)
+ float left;
+ left = end_angle - start_angle;
+ if (left >  180) {left = ((end_angle - 360)-start_angle);}
+ if (left < -180) {left = ((end_angle + 360)-start_angle);}
+ return left;
+float rad_to_deg(float rad)
+{ return((rad) * (180.0 / PI));}
+// Acc Sensor
+int sgn(double x)
+  if (x > 0.0L)
+    return 1.0L;
+  else if (x < 0.0L)  
+    return -1.0L;
+  else  
+    return 0.0L;
+void make_acc_norm()
+ norm_acc.g     = sqrt((data.Accel_Proc_X * data.Accel_Proc_X) + (data.Accel_Proc_Y * data.Accel_Proc_Y) + (data.Accel_Proc_Z * data.Accel_Proc_Z));   
+ norm_acc.xy    = sqrt((data.Accel_Proc_X * data.Accel_Proc_X) + (data.Accel_Proc_Y * data.Accel_Proc_Y));
+ norm_acc.zx    = sqrt((data.Accel_Proc_Z * data.Accel_Proc_Z) + (data.Accel_Proc_X * data.Accel_Proc_X));
+ norm_acc.zy    = sqrt((data.Accel_Proc_Z * data.Accel_Proc_Z) + (data.Accel_Proc_Y * data.Accel_Proc_Y));
+ norm_acc.x     = data.Accel_Proc_X / norm_acc.g;
+ norm_acc.y     = data.Accel_Proc_Y / norm_acc.g;
+ norm_acc.z     = data.Accel_Proc_Z / norm_acc.g;
+char nicken_y_acc_raw()
+ if(norm_acc.z != 0)
+   {euler_acc_raw.y = atan(norm_acc.x / norm_acc.z);}
+  else {return (0);} 
+ return (acc_acu * norm_acc.zx/norm_acc.g);
+char rollen_x_acc_raw()
+ if(norm_acc.z != 0)
+   {euler_acc_raw.x = atan(norm_acc.y / norm_acc.z);}
+  else {return (0);} 
+ return (acc_acu * norm_acc.zy/norm_acc.g);
+char drehen_z_acc_raw()
+ if((norm_acc.y != 0)&&(norm_acc.xy != 0))
+   {euler_acc_raw.z = asin(norm_acc.y / norm_acc.xy);
+    if (sgn(norm_acc.x) < 0) { if (euler_acc_raw.z > 0) {euler_acc_raw.z = PI - euler_acc_raw.z ;} else {euler_acc_raw.z = -PI - euler_acc_raw.z ;} }
+   }
+  else {return (0);} 
+ if (euler_acc_raw.z < 0) {euler_acc_raw.z = 2 * PI + euler_acc_raw.z;}
+ return (acc_acu * norm_acc.xy/norm_acc.g);  
+void position_acc ()
+ make_acc_norm();
+ euler_acc.x_acu = rollen_x_acc_raw();
+ euler_acc.y_acu = nicken_y_acc_raw();
+ euler_acc.z_acu = drehen_z_acc_raw();
+ euler_acc.x     = rad_to_deg(euler_acc_raw.x);
+ euler_acc.y     = rad_to_deg(euler_acc_raw.y);
+ euler_acc.z     = rad_to_deg(euler_acc_raw.z);
+// Magnetometer
+void make_mag_norm()
+ norm_mag.g     = sqrt((data.Mag_Proc_X * data.Mag_Proc_X) + (data.Mag_Proc_Y * data.Mag_Proc_Y) + (data.Mag_Proc_Z * data.Mag_Proc_Z));   
+ norm_mag.xy    = sqrt((data.Mag_Proc_X * data.Mag_Proc_X) + (data.Mag_Proc_Y * data.Mag_Proc_Y));
+ norm_mag.zx    = sqrt((data.Mag_Proc_Z * data.Mag_Proc_Z) + (data.Mag_Proc_X * data.Mag_Proc_X));
+ norm_mag.zy    = sqrt((data.Mag_Proc_Z * data.Mag_Proc_Z) + (data.Mag_Proc_Y * data.Mag_Proc_Y));
+ norm_mag.x     = data.Mag_Proc_X / norm_mag.g;
+ norm_mag.y     = data.Mag_Proc_Y / norm_mag.g;
+ norm_mag.z     = data.Mag_Proc_Z / norm_mag.g;
+char nicken_y_mag_raw()
+ if(norm_mag.z != 0)
+   {euler_mag_raw.y = atan(norm_mag.x / norm_mag.z);}
+  else {return (0);} 
+ return (acc_acu * norm_mag.zx/norm_mag.g);
+char rollen_x_mag_raw()
+ if(norm_mag.z != 0)
+   {euler_mag_raw.x = atan(norm_mag.y / norm_mag.z);}
+  else {return (0);} 
+ return (acc_acu *norm_mag.zy/norm_mag.g);
+char drehen_z_mag_raw()
+ if((norm_mag.y != 0)&&(norm_mag.xy != 0))
+   {euler_mag_raw.z = asin(norm_mag.x / norm_mag.xy) * (norm_mag.y / abs(norm_mag.y));}
+  else {return (0);} 
+ if (euler_mag_raw.z < 0) {euler_mag_raw.z = 6.28 + euler_mag_raw.z;}
+ return (acc_acu *norm_mag.xy/norm_mag.g);  
+void position_mag ()
+ make_mag_norm();
+ euler_mag.x_acu = rollen_x_mag_raw();
+ euler_mag.y_acu = nicken_y_mag_raw();
+ euler_mag.z_acu = drehen_z_mag_raw();
+ euler_mag.x     = euler_mag_raw.x - euler_mag.bias_x;
+ euler_mag.y     = euler_mag_raw.y - euler_mag.bias_y; 
+ euler_mag.z     = euler_mag_raw.z;
+void print_data()
+ios.printf("\n\r Data:   Acc          Mag");
+ios.printf("\n\r       x: %5.1f  %d  x: %5.1f  %d",euler_m.x,euler_acc.x_acu, rad_to_deg(euler_mag.x),euler_mag.x_acu);
+ios.printf("\n\r       y: %5.1f  %d  y: %5.1f  %d",euler_m.y,euler_acc.y_acu, rad_to_deg(euler_mag.y),euler_mag.y_acu);
+ios.printf("\n\r       z: %5.1f  %d  z: %5.1f  %d",euler_m.z,euler_acc.z_acu, rad_to_deg(euler_mag.z),euler_mag.z_acu);
+int main() {
+unsigned int count = 0;
+    ios.baud(115200);                                                // Baudrate XBee Funkmodul
+    um6_uart.baud(115200);                                           // Baudrate UM6-lt 
+    um6_uart.attach(&rxCallback, MODSERIAL::RxIrq);                  // Interrupt Funktion für UART
+    euler_m.x = 0.0;
+    euler_m.y = 0.0;
+    euler_m.z = 0.0;
+    euler_acc.x = 0.0;
+    euler_acc.y = 0.0;
+    euler_acc.z = 0.0;
+    while(1) {
+                if (recive) {
+                                recive = 0;
+                                count++;
+                                if ((count%2) == 1)
+                                {
+                                  position_acc();
+                                  position_mag();
+                                 euler_m.x = euler_m.x + ((euler_acc.x - euler_m.x)/24);
+                                 euler_m.y = euler_m.y + ((euler_acc.y - euler_m.y)/24);
+                                 euler_m.z = euler_m.z + ((euler_acc.z - euler_m.z)/24);
+                                }
+                                if ((count%20) == 1)
+                                 {
+                                    //euler_m.x = euler_m.x/3;
+                                    print_data();
+                                 }                        
+                            }
+             }
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