EMG to motor

Dependencies:   biquadFilter FastPWM MODSERIAL QEI mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
Commit message:
First try controlling the motors from the EMG without kinematics

Changed in this revision

BiQuad.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FastPWM.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MODSERIAL.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r aa126aa2ff8b BiQuad.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BiQuad.lib	Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r aa126aa2ff8b FastPWM.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FastPWM.lib	Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r aa126aa2ff8b MODSERIAL.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MODSERIAL.lib	Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r aa126aa2ff8b QEI.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QEI.lib	Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r aa126aa2ff8b main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+// ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ PREPARATION ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
+// Libraries
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "BiQuad.h"
+#include "FastPWM.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#define PI 3.14159265
+// LEDs
+DigitalOut ledRed(LED_RED,1);                   // red LED K64F
+DigitalOut ledGreen(LED_GREEN,1);               // green LED K64F
+DigitalOut ledBlue(LED_BLUE,1);                 // blue LED K64F
+Ticker blinkTimer;                              // LED ticker
+Timer EMGtransition_timer;                      // Timer for the transition from EMG calibration to homing
+// Buttons/inputs
+InterruptIn buttonBio1(D0);                     // button 1 BioRobotics shield
+InterruptIn buttonBio2(D1);                     // button 2 BioRobotics shield
+InterruptIn buttonEmergency(SW2);               // emergency button on K64F
+InterruptIn buttonHome(SW3);                    // button on K64F
+// Potmeters
+AnalogIn    pot2(A2);
+// Motor pins input
+DigitalIn   pin8(D8);       // Encoder L B
+DigitalIn   pin9(D9);       // Encoder L A
+DigitalIn   pin10(D10);     // Encoder R B
+DigitalIn   pin11(D11);     // Encoder R A
+DigitalIn   pin12(D12);     // Encoder F B
+DigitalIn   pin13(D13);     // Encoder F A
+// Motor pins output
+DigitalOut  pin2(D2);       // Motor F direction = motor flip
+FastPWM     pin3(A5);       // Motor F pwm = motor flip
+DigitalOut  pin4(D4);       // Motor R direction = motor right
+FastPWM     pin5(D5);       // Motor R pwm = motor right
+FastPWM     pin6(D6);       // Motor L pwm = motor left
+DigitalOut  pin7(D7);       // Motor L direction = motor left
+// Utilisation of libraries
+MODSERIAL  pc(USBTX, USBRX);                     // communication with pc
+QEI         encoderL(D9,D8,NC,4200);            // Encoder input of motor L
+QEI         encoderR(D10,D11,NC,4200);          // Encoder input of motor R
+QEI         encoderF(D12,D13,NC,4200);          // Encoder input of motor F
+Ticker      motorL;
+Ticker      motorR;
+Ticker      motorF;
+// Define & initialise state machine
+const float dt = 0.002f;
+enum states {   calibratingMotorL, calibratingMotorR, calibratingMotorF,
+                calibratingEMG, homing, reading, operating, failing, demoing
+            };
+states currentState = calibratingMotorL;        // start in motor L mode
+bool changeState = true;                        // initialise the first state
+Ticker stateTimer;                              // state machine ticker
+//------------------------ Parameters for the EMG ----------------------------
+// EMG inputs
+AnalogIn EMG0In(A0);                            // EMG input 0
+AnalogIn EMG1In(A1);                            // EMG input 1
+// Timers
+Ticker FindMax0_timer;          // Timer for finding the max muscle
+Ticker FindMax1_timer;          // Timer for finding the max muscle
+// Constants
+const int Length = 10000;       // Length of the array for the calibration
+const int Parts = 50;           // Mean average filter over 50 values
+// Parameters for the first EMG signal
+float EMG0;                     // float for EMG input
+float EMG0filt;                 // float for filtered EMG
+float EMG0filtArray[Parts];     // Array for the filtered array
+float EMG0Average;              // float for the value after Moving Average Filter
+float Sum0 = 0;                 // Sum0 for the moving average filter
+float EMG0Calibrate[Length];    // Array for the calibration
+int ReadCal0 = 0;               // Integer to read over the calibration array
+float MaxValue0 = 0;            // float to save the max muscle
+float Threshold0 = 0;           // Threshold for the first EMG signal
+// Parameters for the second EMG signal
+float EMG1;                     // float for EMG input
+float EMG1filt;                 // float for filtered EMG
+float EMG1filtArray[Parts];     // Array for the filtered array
+float EMG1Average;              // float for the value after Moving Average Filter
+float Sum1 = 0;                 // Sum0 for the moving average filter
+float EMG1Calibrate[Length];    // Array for the calibration
+int ReadCal1 = 0;               // Integer to read over the calibration array
+float MaxValue1 = 0;            // float to save the max muscle
+float Threshold1 = 0;           // Threshold for the second EMG signal
+//Filter variables
+BiQuad Notch50_0(0.9049,-1.4641,0.9049,-1.4641,0.8098);         //Make Notch filter around 50 Hz
+BiQuad Notch50_1(0.9049,-1.4641,0.9049,-1.4641,0.8098);         //Make Notch filter around 50 Hz
+BiQuad Notch100_0(0.8427,-0.5097,0.8247,-0.5097,0.6494);        //Make Notch filter around 100 Hz
+BiQuad Notch100_1(0.8427,-0.5097,0.8247,-0.5097,0.6494);        //Make Notch filter around 100 Hz
+BiQuad Notch150_0(0.7548,0.4665,0.7544,0.4665,0.5095);          //Make Notch filter around 150 Hz
+BiQuad Notch150_1(0.7548,0.4665,0.7544,0.4665,0.5095);          //Make Notch filter around 150 Hz
+BiQuad Notch200_0(0.6919,1.1196,0.6919,1.1196,0.3839);          //Make Notch filter around 200 Hz
+BiQuad Notch200_1(0.6919,1.1196,0.6919,1.1196,0.3839);          //Make Notch filter around 200 Hz
+BiQuad High_0(0.9150,-1.8299,0.9150,-1.8227,0.8372);            //Make high-pass filter
+BiQuad High_1(0.9150,-1.8299,0.9150,-1.8227,0.8372);            //Make high-pass filter
+BiQuad Low_0(0.6389,1.2779,0.6389,1.143,0.4128);                //Make low-pass filter
+BiQuad Low_1(0.6389,1.2779,0.6389,1.143,0.4128);                //Make low-pass filter
+BiQuadChain filter0;                                            //Make chain of filters for the first EMG signal
+BiQuadChain filter1;                                            //Make chain of filters for the second EMG signal
+//Bool for movement
+bool xMove = false;                                             //Bool for the x-movement
+bool yMove = false;                                             //Bool for the y-movement
+// -------------------- Parameters for the kinematics -------------------------
+double theta1 = PI*0.40;                                        //Angle of the left motor
+double theta4 = PI*0.40;                                        //Angle of the right motor
+// ---------------------- Parameters for the motors ---------------------------
+const float     countsRad = 4200.0f;
+int     countsL;
+int     countsR;
+int     countsF;
+int     countsCalibratedL;
+int     countsCalibratedR;
+int     countsCalibratedF;
+int     countsOffsetL;
+int     countsOffsetR;
+int     countsOffsetF;
+float   angleCurrentL;
+float   angleCurrentR;
+float   angleCurrentF;
+float   errorL;
+float   errorR;
+float   errorF;
+float   errorCalibratedL;
+float   errorCalibratedR;
+float   errorCalibratedF;
+int     countsCalibration = 4200/4;
+// ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ FUNCTIONS ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
+// ============================ GENERAL FUNCTIONS =============================
+void stopProgram(void)
+    // Error message
+    pc.printf("[ERROR] emergency button pressed\r\n");
+    currentState = failing;             // change to state
+    changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+void blinkLedRed(void)
+    ledRed =! ledRed;                   // toggle LED
+void blinkLedGreen(void)
+    ledGreen =! ledGreen;               // toggle LED
+void blinkLedBlue(void)
+    ledBlue =! ledBlue;                 // toggle LED
+float   angleCurrent(float counts)      // Calculates the current angle of the motor (between -2*PI to 2*PI) based on the counts from the encoder
+    float   angle = ((float)counts*2.0f*PI)/countsRad;
+    while   (angle > 2.0f*PI) {
+        angle = angle-2.0f*PI;
+    }
+    while   (angle < -2.0f*PI) {
+        angle = angle+2.0f*PI;
+    }
+    return angle;
+//  ============================= EMG FUNCTIONS ===============================
+//Function to read and filter the EMG
+void ReadUseEMG0()
+    for(int i = Parts ; i > 0 ; i--) {                          //Make a first in, first out array
+        EMG0filtArray[i] = EMG0filtArray[i-1];                  //Every value moves one up
+    }
+    Sum0 = 0;
+    EMG0 = EMG0In;                                              //Save EMG input in float
+    EMG0filt = filter0.step(EMG0);                              //Filter the signal
+    EMG0filt = abs(EMG0filt);                                   //Take the absolute value
+    EMG0filtArray[0] = EMG0filt;                                //Save the filtered signal on the first place in the array
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < Parts ; i++) {                          //Moving Average filter
+        Sum0 += EMG0filtArray[i];                               //Sum the new value and the previous 49
+    }
+    EMG0Average = (float)Sum0/Parts;                            //Divide the sum by 50
+    if (EMG0Average > Threshold0) {                             //If the value is higher than the threshold value
+        xMove = true;                                           //Set movement to true
+    } else {
+        xMove = false;                                          //Otherwise set movement to false
+    }
+//Function to read and filter the EMG
+void ReadUseEMG1()
+    for(int i = Parts ; i > 0 ; i--) {                          //Make a first in, first out array
+        EMG1filtArray[i] = EMG1filtArray[i-1];                  //Every value moves one up
+    }
+    Sum1 = 0;
+    EMG1 = EMG1In;                                              //Save EMG input in float
+    EMG1filt = filter1.step(EMG1);                              //Filter the signal
+    EMG1filt = abs(EMG1filt);                                   //Take the absolute value
+    EMG1filtArray[0] = EMG1filt;                                //Save the filtered signal on the first place in the array
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < Parts ; i++) {                          //Moving Average filter
+        Sum1 += EMG1filtArray[i];                               //Sum the new value and the previous 49
+    }
+    EMG1Average = (float)Sum1/Parts;                            //Divide the sum by 50
+    if (EMG1Average > Threshold1) {                             //If the value is higher than the threshold value
+        yMove = true;                                           //Set y movement to true
+    } else {
+        yMove = false;                                           //Otherwise set y movement to false
+    }
+//Function to make an array during the calibration
+void CalibrateEMG0()
+    for(int i = Parts ; i > 0 ; i--) {                          //Make a first in, first out array
+        EMG0filtArray[i] = EMG0filtArray[i-1];                  //Every value moves one up
+    }
+    Sum0 = 0;
+    EMG0 = EMG0In;                                              //Save EMG input in float
+    EMG0filt = filter0.step(EMG0);                              //Filter the signal
+    EMG0filt = abs(EMG0filt);                                   //Take the absolute value
+    EMG0filtArray[0] = EMG0filt;                                //Save the filtered signal on the first place in the array
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < Parts ; i++) {                          //Moving Average filter
+        Sum0 += EMG0filtArray[i];                               //Sum the new value and the previous 49
+    }
+    EMG0Calibrate[ReadCal0] = (float)Sum0/Parts;                //Divide the sum by 50
+    ReadCal0++;
+//Function to make an array during the calibration
+void CalibrateEMG1()
+    for(int i = Parts ; i > 0 ; i--) {                          //Make a first in, first out array
+        EMG1filtArray[i] = EMG1filtArray[i-1];                  //Every value moves one up
+    }
+    Sum1 = 0;
+    EMG1 = EMG1In;                                              //Save EMG input in float
+    EMG1filt = filter1.step(EMG1);                              //Filter the signal
+    EMG1filt = abs(EMG1filt);                                   //Take the absolute value
+    EMG1filtArray[0] = EMG1filt;                                //Save the filtered signal on the first place in the array
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < Parts ; i++) {                          //Moving Average filter
+        Sum1 += EMG1filtArray[i];                               //Sum the new value and the previous 49
+    }
+    EMG1Calibrate[ReadCal1] = (float)Sum1/Parts;                //Divide the sum by 50
+    ReadCal1++;
+//Function to find the max value during the calibration
+void FindMax0()
+    MaxValue0 = *max_element(EMG0Calibrate+500,EMG0Calibrate+Length);    //Find max value, but discard the first 100 values
+    Threshold0 = 0.30f*MaxValue0;                               //The threshold is a percentage of the max value
+    pc.printf("The calibration value of the first EMG is %f.\n\r The threshold is %f. \n\r",MaxValue0,Threshold0);              //Print the max value and the threshold
+    FindMax0_timer.detach();                                    //Detach the timer, so you only use this once
+//Function to find the max value during the calibration
+void FindMax1()
+    MaxValue1 = *max_element(EMG1Calibrate+500,EMG1Calibrate+Length);    //Find max value, but discard the first 100 values
+    Threshold1 = 0.30f*MaxValue1;                               //The threshold is a percentage of the max value
+    pc.printf("The calibration value of the second EMG is %f.\n\r The threshold is %f. \n\r",MaxValue1,Threshold1); //Print the Max value and the threshold
+    FindMax1_timer.detach();                                    //Detach the timer, so you only use this once
+//  ================ FUNCTIONS TO LINK THE EMG TO THE MOTORS===================
+void EMGMotorLink(){
+    if (xMove == true){
+        theta1 = theta1*0.0001;
+        theta4 = -theta4*0.0001;
+    }
+    if(yMove == true){
+        theta1 = -theta1*0.0001;
+        theta4 = theta4*0.0001;
+    }
+//  ============================ MOTOR FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// angleDesired now defined as angle of potmeter and not the angle as output from the kinematics
+// So, the angleDesired needs to be defined again and the part in which the potmeter value is calculated needs to be commented
+// ------------------------ General motor functions ----------------------------
+int countsInputL()      // Gets the counts from encoder 1
+    countsL = encoderL.getPulses();
+    return  countsL;
+int countsInputR()      // Gets the counts from encoder 2
+    countsR = encoderR.getPulses();
+    return  countsR;
+int countsInputF()      // Gets the counts from encoder 3
+    countsF = encoderF.getPulses();
+    return  countsF;
+float  errorCalc(float angleReference,float angleCurrent)     // Calculates the error of the system, based on the current angle and the reference value
+    float   error = angleReference - angleCurrent;
+    return  error;
+float angleDesired()        // Sets the desired angle for the controller dependent on the scaled angle of potmeter 1
+    float   angle = (pot2*2.0f*PI)-PI;
+    return  angle;
+// ------------------------- MOTOR FUNCTIONS FOR MOTOR LEFT --------------------
+float PIDControllerL(float angleReference,float angleCurrent)  // PID controller for the motors, based on the reference value and the current angle of the motor
+    float   Kp = 19.24f;
+    float   Ki = 1.02f;
+    float   Kd = 0.827f;
+    float   error = errorCalc(angleReference,angleCurrent);
+    static float    errorIntegralL = 0.0;
+    static float    errorPreviousL = error; // initialization with this value only done once!
+    static  BiQuad  PIDFilterL(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);
+    // Proportional part:
+    float   u_k = Kp * error;
+    // Integral part
+    errorIntegralL = errorIntegralL + error * dt;
+    float   u_i = Ki * errorIntegralL;
+    // Derivative part
+    float   errorDerivative = (error - errorPreviousL)/dt;
+    float   errorDerivativeFiltered = PIDFilterL.step(errorDerivative);
+    float   u_d = Kd * errorDerivativeFiltered;
+    errorPreviousL = error;
+    // Sum all parts and return it
+    return  u_k + u_i + u_d;
+int countsInputCalibratedL()      // Gets the counts from encoder 1
+    countsL = encoderL.getPulses()- countsOffsetL + countsCalibration;
+    return  countsL;
+void    motorTurnL()    // main function for movement of motor 1, all above functions with an extra tab are called
+    float   angleReferenceL = theta1;                              // insert kinematics output here instead of angleDesired()
+    angleReferenceL = -angleReferenceL;                                     // different minus sign per motor
+    countsL = countsInputCalibratedL();                                       // different encoder pins per motor
+    angleCurrentL = angleCurrent(countsL);                                  // different minus sign per motor
+    errorL = errorCalc(angleReferenceL,angleCurrentL);                      // same for every motor
+    float   PIDControlL = PIDControllerL(angleReferenceL,angleCurrentL);    // same for every motor
+    pin6 = fabs(PIDControlL);                                               // different pins for every motor
+    pin7 = PIDControlL > 0.0f;                                              // different pins for every motor
+void calibrationL()        // Partially the same as motorTurnL, only with potmeter input
+// How it works: manually turn motor using potmeters until the robot arm touches the bookholder.
+// This program sets the counts from the motor to the reference counts (an angle of PI/4.0)
+// Do this for every motor and after calibrated all motors, press a button
+    float   angleReferenceL = angleDesired();                              // insert kinematics output here instead of angleDesired()
+    angleReferenceL = -angleReferenceL;                                     // different minus sign per motor
+    countsL = countsInputL();                                       // different encoder pins per motor
+    angleCurrentL = angleCurrent(countsL);                                  // different minus sign per motor
+    errorL = errorCalc(angleReferenceL,angleCurrentL);                      // same for every motor
+    if (fabs(errorL) >= 0.01f) {
+        float   PIDControlL = PIDControllerL(angleReferenceL,angleCurrentL);    // same for every motor
+        pin6 = fabs(PIDControlL);                                               // different pins for every motor
+        pin7 = PIDControlL > 0.0f;                                              // different pins for every motor
+    } else if (fabs(errorL) < 0.01f) {
+        countsOffsetL = countsL;
+        countsL = countsL - countsOffsetL + countsCalibration;
+        //countsL = 0;
+        pin6 = 0.0f;
+    }
+// ------------------------ MOTOR FUNCTIONS FOR MOTOR RIGHT --------------------
+float PIDControllerR(float angleReference,float angleCurrent)  // PID controller for the motors, based on the reference value and the current angle of the motor
+    float   Kp = 19.24f;
+    float   Ki = 1.02f;
+    float   Kd = 0.827f;
+    float   error = errorCalc(angleReference,angleCurrent);
+    static float    errorIntegralR = 0.0;
+    static float    errorPreviousR = error; // initialization with this value only done once!
+    static  BiQuad  PIDFilterR(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);
+    // Proportional part:
+    float   u_k = Kp * error;
+    // Integral part
+    errorIntegralR = errorIntegralR + error * dt;
+    float   u_i = Ki * errorIntegralR;
+    // Derivative part
+    float   errorDerivative = (error - errorPreviousR)/dt;
+    float   errorDerivativeFiltered = PIDFilterR.step(errorDerivative);
+    float   u_d = Kd * errorDerivativeFiltered;
+    errorPreviousR = error;
+    // Sum all parts and return it
+    return  u_k + u_i + u_d;
+int countsInputCalibratedR()      // Gets the counts from encoder 1
+    countsR = encoderR.getPulses()- countsOffsetR + countsCalibration;
+    return  countsR;
+void    motorTurnR()    // main function for movement of motor 1, all above functions with an extra tab are called
+    float   angleReferenceR = theta4;                              // insert kinematics output here instead of angleDesired()
+    angleReferenceR = -angleReferenceR;                                     // different minus sign per motor
+    countsR = countsInputCalibratedR();                                       // different encoder pins per motor
+    angleCurrentR = angleCurrent(countsR);                                  // different minus sign per motor
+    errorR = errorCalc(angleReferenceR,angleCurrentR);                      // same for every motor
+    float   PIDControlR = PIDControllerR(angleReferenceR,angleCurrentR);    // same for every motor
+    pin5 = fabs(PIDControlR);                                               // different pins for every motor
+    pin4 = PIDControlR > 0.0f;                                              // different pins for every motor
+void calibrationR()        // Partially the same as motorTurnR, only with potmeter input
+// How it works: manually turn motor using potmeters until the robot arm touches the bookholder.
+// This program sets the counts from the motor to the reference counts (an angle of PI/4.0)
+// Do this for every motor and after calibrated all motors, press a button
+    float   angleReferenceR = angleDesired();                              // insert kinematics output here instead of angleDesired()
+    angleReferenceR = -angleReferenceR;                                     // different minus sign per motor
+    countsR = countsInputR();                                       // different encoder pins per motor
+    angleCurrentR = angleCurrent(countsR);                                  // different minus sign per motor
+    errorR = errorCalc(angleReferenceR,angleCurrentR);                      // same for every motor
+    if (fabs(errorR) >= 0.01f) {
+        float   PIDControlR = PIDControllerR(angleReferenceR,angleCurrentR);    // same for every motor
+        pin5 = fabs(PIDControlR);                                               // different pins for every motor
+        pin4 = PIDControlR > 0.0f;                                              // different pins for every motor
+    } else if (fabs(errorR) < 0.01f) {
+        countsOffsetR = countsR;
+        countsR = countsR - countsOffsetR + countsCalibration;
+        //countsR = 0;
+        pin5 = 0.0f;
+    }
+// ------------------------- MOTOR FUNCTIONS FOR MOTOR FLIP --------------------
+float PIDControllerF(float angleReference,float angleCurrent)  // PID controller for the motors, based on the reference value and the current angle of the motor
+    {   float   Kp = 19.24f; 
+        float   Ki = 1.02f;
+        float   Kd = 0.827f;
+        float   error = errorCalc(angleReference,angleCurrent);
+        static float    errorIntegralF = 0.0;
+        static float    errorPreviousF = error; // initialization with this value only done once!
+        static  BiQuad  PIDFilterF(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);
+        // Proportional part:
+        float   u_k = Kp * error;
+        // Integral part
+        errorIntegralF = errorIntegralF + error * dt;
+        float   u_i = Ki * errorIntegralF;
+        // Derivative part
+        float   errorDerivative = (error - errorPreviousF)/dt;
+        float   errorDerivativeFiltered = PIDFilterF.step(errorDerivative);
+        float   u_d = Kd * errorDerivativeFiltered;
+        errorPreviousF = error;
+        // Sum all parts and return it
+        return  u_k + u_i + u_d;
+    }
+    int countsInputCalibratedF()      // Gets the counts from encoder 1
+    {   countsF = encoderF.getPulses()- countsOffsetF + countsCalibration;
+        return  countsF;
+    }    
+void    motorTurnF()    // main function for movement of motor 1, all above functions with an extra tab are called
+    float   angleReferenceF = 0.0f;                              // insert kinematics output here instead of angleDesired()
+    angleReferenceF = -angleReferenceF;                                     // different minus sign per motor
+    countsF = countsInputCalibratedF();                                       // different encoder pins per motor
+    angleCurrentF = angleCurrent(countsF);                                  // different minus sign per motor
+    errorF = errorCalc(angleReferenceF,angleCurrentF);                      // same for every motor
+    float   PIDControlF = PIDControllerF(angleReferenceF,angleCurrentF);    // same for every motor
+    pin5 = fabs(PIDControlF);                                               // different pins for every motor
+    pin4 = PIDControlF > 0.0f;                                              // different pins for every motor
+void calibrationF()        // Partially the same as motorTurnF, only with potmeter input
+// How it works: manually turn motor using potmeters until the robot arm touches the bookholder.
+// This program sets the counts from the motor to the reference counts (an angle of PI/4.0)
+// Do this for every motor and after calibrated all motors, press a button
+{   float   angleReferenceF = 0.0f;                          // insert kinematics output here instead of angleDesired()
+    angleReferenceF = -angleReferenceF;                                     // different minus sign per motor
+    countsF = countsInputF();                                       // different encoder pins per motor
+    angleCurrentF = angleCurrent(countsF);                                  // different minus sign per motor
+    errorF = errorCalc(angleReferenceF,angleCurrentF);                      // same for every motor
+    if (fabs(errorF) >= 0.01f)
+    {   float   PIDControlF = PIDControllerF(angleReferenceF,angleCurrentF);    // same for every motor
+        pin5 = fabs(PIDControlF);                                               // different pins for every motor
+        pin4 = PIDControlF > 0.0f;                                              // different pins for every motor
+    }
+    else if (fabs(errorF) < 0.01f)
+    {   countsOffsetF = countsF;
+        countsF = countsF - countsOffsetF + countsCalibration; 
+        //countsF = 0; 
+        pin5 = 0.0f; 
+    }         
+// ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ STATE MACHINE ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
+void stateMachine(void)
+    switch (currentState) {         // determine which state Odin is in
+//  ======================== MOTOR L CALIBRATION MODE =========================
+        case calibratingMotorL:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] calibrating motor L...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // green blinking LED
+                ledGreen = 1;
+                ledBlue = 1;
+                blinkTimer.attach(&blinkLedGreen,0.5);
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            calibrationL();
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition: when all motor errors smaller than 0.01,
+            //      start calibrating EMG
+            if (errorL < 0.01f && buttonBio1 == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                blinkTimer.detach();
+                currentState = calibratingMotorR;    // change to state
+                changeState = true;               // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  ======================== MOTOR R CALIBRATION MODE =========================
+            case calibratingMotorR:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] calibrating motor R...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // cyan-green blinking LED
+                ledGreen = 0;
+                ledBlue = 1;
+                blinkTimer.attach(&blinkLedBlue,0.5);
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            calibrationR();
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition: when all motor errors smaller than 0.01,
+            //      start calibrating EMG
+            if (errorR < 0.01f && buttonBio2 == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                blinkTimer.detach();
+                currentState = calibratingMotorF;    // change to state
+                changeState = true;               // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  ======================== MOTOR F CALIBRATION MODE =========================
+            case calibratingMotorF:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] calibrating motor F...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // green blinking LED
+                ledGreen = 1;
+                ledBlue = 1;
+                blinkTimer.attach(&blinkLedGreen,0.5);
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            calibrationF();
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition: when all motor errors smaller than 0.01,
+            //      start calibrating EMG
+            if (errorF < 0.01f && buttonHome == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                blinkTimer.detach();
+                currentState = calibratingEMG;    // change to state
+                changeState = true;               // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  =========================== EMG CALIBRATION MODE ===========================
+        case calibratingEMG:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] calibrating EMG...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // cyan-blue blinking LED
+                ledGreen = 0;
+                ledBlue = 0;
+                blinkTimer.attach(&blinkLedGreen,0.5);
+                FindMax0_timer.attach(&FindMax0,15);            //Find the maximum value after 15 seconds
+                FindMax1_timer.attach(&FindMax1,15);            //Find the maximum value after 15 seconds
+                EMGtransition_timer.reset();
+                EMGtransition_timer.start();
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            CalibrateEMG0();   //start emg calibration every 0.005 seconds
+            CalibrateEMG1();   //Start EMG calibration every 0.005 seconds
+            /* */
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition: after 20 sec in state
+            if (EMGtransition_timer.read() > 20) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                blinkTimer.detach();
+                currentState = homing;              // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  ============================== HOMING MODE ================================
+        case homing:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] homing...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // cyan LED on
+                ledGreen = 0;
+                ledBlue = 0;
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            /* */
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition #1: with button press, enter reading mode,
+            //      but only when velocity == 0
+            if (errorCalibratedL < 0.01f && errorCalibratedR < 0.01f
+                    && errorCalibratedF < 0.01f && buttonBio1 == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                /* */
+                currentState = reading;             // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            // Transition condition #2: with button press, enter demo mode
+            //      but only when velocity == 0
+            if (errorCalibratedL < 0.01f && errorCalibratedR < 0.01f
+                    && errorCalibratedF < 0.01f && buttonBio2 == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                /* */
+                currentState = demoing;             // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  ============================== READING MODE ===============================
+        case reading:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] reading...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // blue LED on
+                ledGreen = 1;
+                ledBlue = 0;
+                // TERUGKLAPPEN
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            ReadUseEMG0();                  //Start the use of EMG
+            ReadUseEMG1();                  //Start the use of EMG
+            /* */
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition #1: when EMG signal detected, enter operating
+            //      mode
+            if (xMove == true && yMove == true) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                /* */
+                currentState = operating;             // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            // Transition condition #2: with button press, back to homing mode
+            if (buttonHome == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                /* */
+                currentState = homing;              // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  ============================= OPERATING MODE ==============================
+        case operating:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] operating...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 1;                     // blue fast blinking LED
+                ledGreen = 1;
+                ledBlue = 1;
+                blinkTimer.attach(&blinkLedBlue,0.25);
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            /* */
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition: when path is over, back to reading mode
+            if (errorCalibratedL < 0.01f && errorCalibratedR < 0.01f) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                blinkTimer.detach();
+                currentState = reading;              // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+//  ============================== DEMOING MODE ===============================
+        case demoing:
+//      ------------------------- initialisation --------------------------
+            if (changeState) {                  // when entering the state
+                pc.printf("[MODE] demoing...\r\n");
+                // print current state
+                changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+                // Actions when entering state
+                ledRed = 0;                     // yellow LED on
+                ledGreen = 0;
+                ledBlue = 1;
+            }
+//      ----------------------------- action ------------------------------
+            // Actions for each loop iteration
+            /* */
+            ReadUseEMG0();                  //Start the use of EMG
+            ReadUseEMG1();                  //Start the use of EMG
+            pc.printf("theta1 and 4: %f \t\t %f \n\r",theta1,theta4);
+            motorTurnL();
+            motorTurnR();
+//      --------------------------- transition ----------------------------
+            // Transition condition: with button press, back to homing mode
+            if (buttonHome == false) {
+                // Actions when leaving state
+                /* */
+                currentState = homing;              // change to state
+                changeState = true;                 // next loop, switch states
+            }
+            break; // end case
+// =============================== FAILING MODE ================================
+        case failing:
+            changeState = false;            // stay in this state
+            // Actions when entering state
+            ledRed = 0;                     // red LED on
+            ledGreen = 1;
+            ledBlue = 1;
+            pin3 = 0;                       // all motor forces to zero
+            pin5 = 0;
+            pin6 = 0;
+            exit (0);                       // stop all current functions
+            break; // end case
+// ============================== DEFAULT MODE =================================
+        default:
+// ---------------------------- enter failing mode -----------------------------
+            currentState = failing;                 // change to state
+            changeState = true;                     // next loop, switch states
+            // print current state
+            pc.printf("[ERROR] unknown or unimplemented state reached\r\n");
+    }   // end switch
+}       // end stateMachine
+// ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ MAIN LOOP ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
+int main()
+//  ================================ EMERGENCY ================================
+    //If the emergency button is pressed, stop program via failing state
+    buttonEmergency.rise(stopProgram);                                          // Automatische triggers voor failure mode? -> ook error message in andere functies plaatsen!
+//  ============================= PC-COMMUNICATION ============================
+    pc.baud(115200); // communication with terminal
+    pc.printf("\n\n[START] starting O.D.I.N\r\n");
+//  ============================= PIN DEFINE PERIOD ===========================
+    // If you give a period on one pin, c++ gives all pins this period
+    pin3.period_us(15);
+// ==================================== LOOP ==================================
+    // run state machine at 500 Hz
+    stateTimer.attach(&stateMachine,dt);
+//  =============================== ADD FILTERS ===============================
+    //Make filter chain for the first EMG
+    filter0.add(&Notch50_0).add(&Notch100_0).add(&Notch150_0).add(&Notch200_0).add(&Low_0).add(&High_0);
+    //Make filter chain for the second EMG
+    filter1.add(&Notch50_1).add(&Notch100_1).add(&Notch150_1).add(&Notch200_1).add(&Low_1).add(&High_1);
diff -r 000000000000 -r aa126aa2ff8b mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Nov 02 08:53:55 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file