Library for setting and reading the Pololu minIMU 9 v2 sensor

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Sat Oct 26 11:52:29 2013 +0000
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Library for setting and reading the Pololu MinIMU 9 v2 sensor.

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IMU.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IMU.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7b70a3ed96c1 IMU.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMU.cpp	Sat Oct 26 11:52:29 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * @author Eric Van den Bulck
+ *
+ * @section LICENSE
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * @section DESCRIPTION
+ *
+ * Pololu MinIMU-9 v2 sensor:
+ *   L3GD20 three-axis digital output gyroscope.
+ *   LSM303 three-axis digital accelerometer and magnetometer 
+ *
+ * Information to build this library:
+ * 1. The Arduino libraries for this sensor from the Pololu and Adafruit websites, available at gitbub.
+ *
+ *
+ * 2. The Rasberry Pi code at
+ *
+ * 3. Information on how to write libraries:
+ * 4. Information on I2C control:
+ * 5. The Youtube videos from Brian Douglas (3 x 15') at
+ *
+ * Reading an IMU Without Kalman: The Complementary Filter:
+ * setup info on the minIMU-9 v2 on
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "IMU.h"
+IMU::IMU(PinName sda, PinName scl) : _i2c(sda, scl) {
+    _i2c.frequency(400000);  /* 400kHz, fast mode. */
+char IMU::init(void)  /* returns error upon a non-zero return */
+   char ack, rx, tx[2];
+   double pi, a, A;
+// 1. Initialize selected registers: and i2c.write return 0 on success (ack)
+// --------------------------------
+// 1.a Enable L3DG20 gyrosensor and set operational mode:
+// CTRL_REG1: set to 0x1F = 0001-1111 --> enable sensor, DR= 95Hz, LPF-Cut-off-freq=25Hz.
+// CTRL_REG1: set to 0x5F = 0101-1111 --> enable sensor, DR=190Hz, LPF-Cut-off-freq=25Hz.
+// CTRL_REG4: left at default = 0x00 --> Full Scale = 250 degrees/second --> Sensitivity = 0.00875 dps/digit.
+    address = L3GD20_ADDR;
+    tx[0] = L3GD20_CTRL_REG1; // address contrl_register 1
+    tx[1] = 0x1F; // 00-01-1-111 enable sensor and set operational mode. 
+    ack = _i2c.write(address, tx, 2);
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 1);
+    ack |=, &rx, 1); if (rx != 0x1F) ack |= 1;
+// 1.b Enable LSM303 accelerometer and set operational mode:
+// CTRL_REG1: set to 0x37 = 0011 0111 --> DR =  25Hz & enable sensor
+// CTRL_REG1: set to 0x47 = 0100 0111 --> DR =  50Hz & enable sensor
+// CTRL_REG1: set to 0x57 = 0101 0111 --> DR = 100Hz & enable sensor
+// CTRL_REG1: set to 0x77 = 0111 0111 --> DR = 200Hz & enable sensor
+// CTRL_REG4: set to 0x08 = 0000 1000 --> Full Scale = +/- 2G & high resolution --> Sensitivity = 0.001G/digit.
+    address = LSM303_A_ADDR; 
+    tx[0] = LSM303_A_CTRL_REG1;
+    tx[1] = 0x57; //                    --> 200 Hz Data rate speed - p.24/42 of datasheet
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 2);
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 1);
+    ack |=, &rx, 1); if (rx != 0x57) ack |= 1;    
+    tx[0] = LSM303_A_CTRL_REG4;
+    tx[1] = 0x08; // 0000 1000 enable high resolution mode + selects default 2G scale. p.26/42
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx ,2);
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 1);
+    ack |=, &rx, 1); if (rx != 0x08) ack |= 1;    
+// 1.c enable LSM303 magnetometer and set operational mode:
+// CRA_REG is reset from 0x10 to 0x14 = 00010100 -->  30 Hz data output rate.
+// CRA_REG is reset from 0x10 to 0x18 = 00011000 -->  75 Hz data output rate.
+// CRA_REG is reset from 0x10 to 0x1C = 00011100 --> 220 Hz data output rate.
+// CRB_REG is kept at default = 00100000 = 0x20 --> range +/- 1.3 Gauss, Gain = 1100/980(Z) LSB/Gauss.
+// MR_REG is reset from 0x03 to 0x00 -> continuos conversion mode in stead of sleep mode.
+    address = LSM303_M_ADDR; 
+    tx[0] = LSM303_M_CRA_REG;
+    tx[1] = 0x18;                       //  -->  75 Hz minimum output rate - p.36/42 of datasheet
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 2);
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 1);
+    ack |=, &rx, 1); if (rx != 0x18) ack |= 1;    
+    tx[0] = LSM303_M_MR_REG;
+    tx[1] = 0x00; // 0000 0000 --> continuous-conversion mode 25 Hz Data rate speed - p.24/42 of datasheet
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 2);
+    ack |= _i2c.write(address, tx, 1);
+    ack |=, &rx, 1); if (rx != 0x00) ack |= 1;    
+// 2. Initialize calibration constants with predetermined values.
+// acceleration:
+// My calibration values, vs. the website
+/* my predetermined static bias counts */
+    L3GD20_biasX = (int16_t)   90;  /* digit counts */
+    L3GD20_biasY = (int16_t) -182;
+    L3GD20_biasZ = (int16_t)  -10;
+/* reference gravity acceleration */
+    g_0 = 9.815;
+/* filter parameters: assume 50 Hz sampling rare and 2nd orcer Butterworth filter with fc = 6Hz. */
+    pi = 3.1415926536;     
+    A = tan(pi*6/50); a = 1 + sqrt(2.0)*A + A*A;
+    FF[1] = 2*(A*A-1)/a;
+    FF[2] = (1-sqrt(2.0)*A+A*A)/a;
+    FF[0] = (1+FF[1]+FF[2])/4;
+    return ack;
+char IMU::readData(float *d) 
+      char ack, reg, D[6];
+      int16_t W[3];
+// report the data in rad/s
+// gyro data are 16 bit readings per axis, stored: X_l, X_h, Y_l, Y_h, Z_l, Z_h
+// #define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS 0.00875  ---  #define L3GD20_DPS_TO_RADS  0.017453293
+         address = L3GD20_ADDR;
+         reg = L3GD20_OUT_X_L | 0x80; // set address auto-increment bit
+         ack = _i2c.write(address,&reg,1);  ack |=,D,6); 
+         W[0] = (int16_t) (D[1] << 8 | D[0]); 
+         W[1] = (int16_t) (D[3] << 8 | D[2]); 
+         W[2] = (int16_t) (D[5] << 8 | D[4]); 
+         *(d+0) = (float) 0.971*(W[0]-L3GD20_biasX)*L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS*L3GD20_DPS_TO_RADS;
+         *(d+1) = (float) 0.998*(W[1]-L3GD20_biasY)*L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS*L3GD20_DPS_TO_RADS;
+         *(d+2) = (float) 1.002*(W[2]-L3GD20_biasZ)*L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS*L3GD20_DPS_TO_RADS;
+// Accelerometer data are stored as 12 bit readings, left justified per axis.
+// The data needs to be shifted 4 digits to the right! This is not general, only for the A measurement.
+         address = LSM303_A_ADDR; 
+         reg = LSM303_A_OUT_X_L | 0x80; // set address auto-increment bit
+         ack |= _i2c.write(address,&reg,1);  ack |=,D,6); 
+         W[0] = ((int16_t) (D[1] << 8 | D[0])) >> 4;
+         W[1] = ((int16_t) (D[3] << 8 | D[2])) >> 4;
+         W[2] = ((int16_t) (D[5] << 8 | D[4])) >> 4;
+         *(d+3) = (float) g_0*0.991*(W[0]+34)/1000; 
+         *(d+4) = (float) g_0*0.970*(W[1]+2)/1000; 
+         *(d+5) = (float) g_0*0.983*(W[2]+28)/1000;  
+// GN = 001  
+// Magnetometer; are stored as 12 bit readings, right justified per axis.
+         address = LSM303_M_ADDR; 
+         reg = LSM303_M_OUT_X_H | 0x80; // set address auto-increment bit
+         ack |= _i2c.write(address,&reg,1);  ack |=,D,6); 
+         W[0] = ((int16_t) (D[0] << 8 | D[1]));
+         W[1] = ((int16_t) (D[4] << 8 | D[5]));
+         W[2] = ((int16_t) (D[2] << 8 | D[3]));
+         *(d+6) = (float) 2.813*(W[0]-264)/1100; 
+         *(d+7) = (float) 2.822*(W[1]- 98)/1100; 
+         *(d+8) = (float) 2.880*(W[2]-305)/980; 
+         return ack;
+void IMU::filterData(float *d, double *D) 
+// 2nd order Butterworth filter. Filter coefficients FF computed in function init.
+    for (int i=0; i<9; ++i) {
+//        *(FD+9*i+2) = *(FD+9*i+1); *(FD+9*i+1) = *(FD+9*i); *(FD+9*i) = (double) d[i];
+         FD[2][i] = FD[1][i]; FD[1][i] = FD[0][i]; FD[0][i] = (double) d[i];
+         FD[5][i] = FD[4][i]; FD[4][i] = FD[3][i]; 
+         FD[3][i] = FF[0]*(FD[0][i] + 2*FD[1][i] + FD[2][i]) - FF[1]*FD[4][i] - FF[2]*FD[5][i];
+         D[i] = FD[3][i]; 
+    }
+//         D[0] = FD[0][2]; D[1] = FD[1][2]; D[2] = FD[2][2];
diff -r 000000000000 -r 7b70a3ed96c1 IMU.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMU.h	Sat Oct 26 11:52:29 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#ifndef IMU_H
+#define IMU_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+// definitions for the gyro sensor
+#define L3GD20_ADDR           0xD6
+#define L3GD20_CTRL_REG1      0x20
+#define L3GD20_CTRL_REG4      0x23
+#define L3GD20_STATUS_REG     0x27
+#define L3GD20_OUT_X_L        0x28
+#define L3GD20_RANGE_250DPS   0x00                // Measurement range selected by CTRL_REG4
+#define L3GD20_RANGE_500DPS   0x01                // Default range = 250 Degree-per-Second = 0.7 rev/second
+#define L3GD20_RANGE_2000DPS  0x02                // Range determines Sensitivity
+#define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS   0.00875       // Roughly 22/256 for fixed point match
+#define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_500DPS   0.0175        // Roughly 45/256
+#define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS  0.070         // Roughly 18/256
+#define L3GD20_DPS_TO_RADS          0.017453293   // = pi/180 degrees/s to rad/s multiplier
+// definitions for the accelerometer
+#define LSM303_A_ADDR            0x32      // address for writing. +1 for reading, see manual p. 20/42.
+#define LSM303_A_CTRL_REG1       0x20
+#define LSM303_A_CTRL_REG4       0x23
+#define LSM303_A_OUT_X_L         0x28
+#define LSM303_A_FS_2G           0x00      // Full Scale measuremetn range - selected by CTRL_REG4
+#define LSM303_A_Sensitivity     0.001     // Linear acceleration sensitivity
+#define LSM303_A_GRAVITY_EARTH   9.80665   // Earth's gravity in m/s^2 upon calibration of sensor
+// definitions for the magnetic sensor
+#define LSM303_M_ADDR        0x3C // address for writing. +1 for reading, see datasheet p. 21/42.
+#define LSM303_M_CRA_REG     0x00 
+#define LSM303_M_CRB_REG     0x01 
+#define LSM303_M_MR_REG      0x02
+#define LSM303_M_OUT_X_H     0x03        // Watch out: order of H and L reversed 
+#define LSM303_M_FS_13G      0x01        // Full Scale measuremetn range - selected by CRB_REG
+#define LSM303_M_Sensitivity  1100       // Corresponding sensitivity = 1100 Bits/Gauss
+class IMU
+  public:
+/* constructor */
+    IMU(PinName sda, PinName scl);
+/* accessible functions */
+    char init(void);
+    char readData(float *);
+    void filterData(float *, double *);
+  private:
+      I2C _i2c;
+      char address;
+      int16_t L3GD20_biasX;  /* digit counts */
+      int16_t L3GD20_biasY;
+      int16_t L3GD20_biasZ;
+      double  g_0;
+      double  FF[3];
+      double  FD[6][9]; 