Library for setting and reading the Pololu minIMU 9 v2 sensor

diff -r 000000000000 -r 7b70a3ed96c1 IMU.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMU.h	Sat Oct 26 11:52:29 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#ifndef IMU_H
+#define IMU_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+// definitions for the gyro sensor
+#define L3GD20_ADDR           0xD6
+#define L3GD20_CTRL_REG1      0x20
+#define L3GD20_CTRL_REG4      0x23
+#define L3GD20_STATUS_REG     0x27
+#define L3GD20_OUT_X_L        0x28
+#define L3GD20_RANGE_250DPS   0x00                // Measurement range selected by CTRL_REG4
+#define L3GD20_RANGE_500DPS   0x01                // Default range = 250 Degree-per-Second = 0.7 rev/second
+#define L3GD20_RANGE_2000DPS  0x02                // Range determines Sensitivity
+#define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS   0.00875       // Roughly 22/256 for fixed point match
+#define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_500DPS   0.0175        // Roughly 45/256
+#define L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS  0.070         // Roughly 18/256
+#define L3GD20_DPS_TO_RADS          0.017453293   // = pi/180 degrees/s to rad/s multiplier
+// definitions for the accelerometer
+#define LSM303_A_ADDR            0x32      // address for writing. +1 for reading, see manual p. 20/42.
+#define LSM303_A_CTRL_REG1       0x20
+#define LSM303_A_CTRL_REG4       0x23
+#define LSM303_A_OUT_X_L         0x28
+#define LSM303_A_FS_2G           0x00      // Full Scale measuremetn range - selected by CTRL_REG4
+#define LSM303_A_Sensitivity     0.001     // Linear acceleration sensitivity
+#define LSM303_A_GRAVITY_EARTH   9.80665   // Earth's gravity in m/s^2 upon calibration of sensor
+// definitions for the magnetic sensor
+#define LSM303_M_ADDR        0x3C // address for writing. +1 for reading, see datasheet p. 21/42.
+#define LSM303_M_CRA_REG     0x00 
+#define LSM303_M_CRB_REG     0x01 
+#define LSM303_M_MR_REG      0x02
+#define LSM303_M_OUT_X_H     0x03        // Watch out: order of H and L reversed 
+#define LSM303_M_FS_13G      0x01        // Full Scale measuremetn range - selected by CRB_REG
+#define LSM303_M_Sensitivity  1100       // Corresponding sensitivity = 1100 Bits/Gauss
+class IMU
+  public:
+/* constructor */
+    IMU(PinName sda, PinName scl);
+/* accessible functions */
+    char init(void);
+    char readData(float *);
+    void filterData(float *, double *);
+  private:
+      I2C _i2c;
+      char address;
+      int16_t L3GD20_biasX;  /* digit counts */
+      int16_t L3GD20_biasY;
+      int16_t L3GD20_biasZ;
+      double  g_0;
+      double  FF[3];
+      double  FD[6][9]; 