Custom version for NXP cup car

Dependents:   NXPCUPcar

Fork of FRDM-TFC by Eli Hughes

--- a/TFC.h	Wed Jul 17 19:31:32 2013 +0000
+++ b/TFC.h	Thu Aug 15 23:26:19 2013 +0000
@@ -218,18 +218,32 @@
 float TFC_ReadBatteryVoltage();
+/** Sets the Battery level indiciate
+*  @param BattLevel   A number betwween 0 and 4.   This will light the bar from left to right with the specifified number of segments.
+void TFC_SetBatteryLED_Level(uint8_t BattLevel);
 /** Pointer to two channels of line scan camera data.   Each channel is 128 points of uint8_t's.  Note that the underlying implementation is ping-pong buffer  These pointers will point to the 
 *inactive buffer.   
-extern volatile uint16_t * TFC_LineScanCameraData[2];
+extern volatile uint16_t * TFC_LineScanImage0;
+extern volatile uint16_t * TFC_LineScanImage1;
 /** This flag will increment when a new frame is ready.  Check for a non zero value (and reset to zero!) when you want to read the camera(s)
-extern volatile uint8_t TFC_LineScanCameraDataReady;
+extern volatile uint8_t TFC_LineScanImageReady;
 /** @} */