First version. Demo of PWM setup and speaker operation. Fine grain control of the PWM parameters is an advantage Mbed has over the Arduino environment.



File content as of revision 109:86a37f0a397f:

    Project: Binary Counter Improved (while loop) Version
    File: main.cpp
    Displays 8-bit binary count on bar graph display. This version uses a while 
    loop which provides a much better starting point for an Up/Down counter.
    Error in pow function use corrected in v. 1.0.
    Note: I tried to use count for the loop counter but this resulted in an 
    ambiguous name error.
    Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt
    Created: 9/27/21 (v. 1.0)
#include "mbed.h"

DigitalIn uB(USER_BUTTON); // Button is active low (up = 1, down = 0).
const int bits = 4; // Number of bits to use.
const int c_max = pow(2, bits) - 1; // Maximum count. pow is type double.
const int sleepTime = 100; // Sleep time in milliseconds.
int myCount = 0; // Count to be displayed. Loop counter.
BusOut barGraph(D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9);  // The display.

int main() {
    // Test the wiring.
    ThisThread::sleep_for(400); // For 0.4 seconds.
    barGraph = 0b01010101;  // Odd bars on (binary).
    ThisThread::sleep_for(400); // Test even bars for 0.4 seconds. 
    barGraph = 0b10101010;  // Even bars on (binary).   
    ThisThread::sleep_for(400); // Test even bars for 0.4 seconds.
    barGraph = 0xFF;  // All bars on. Hex.
    ThisThread::sleep_for(400); // For 0.4 seconds.  

    barGraph = myCount; // Initialize the display to myCount.
    // Enter main loop. 
    while(true) {
        while (myCount >= 0 && myCount <= c_max) {
            barGraph = myCount; // Set display to myCount.
            ThisThread::sleep_for(sleepTime);  // Display value for 0.1 seconds.
        myCount = 0;