Modified, multi-file version of my orginal 7-segment test program.

Tue Nov 09 20:33:18 2021 +0000
This is the initial version of my 7-segement hardware test and software demo project.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
CSTritt 107:61b9c99a4e27 1 /*
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 2 Project: 21_7segmentTest_v5 (Lab Wk 10)
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 3 File: main.cpp
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 4
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 5 This test program confirms hardware operation and demonstrates use of the
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 6 7-segement display. It will also be used as the starting point for the
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 7 Week 10 lab practical.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 8
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 9 Display "value" from 0 to F_16 to DP (16_10) to all off (17_10) to all on
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 10 (17_10) on 7-segment display.
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 11
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 12 Note: This display function takes an integer argument to be display and a
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 13 BusOut object (passed by reference) on which to display it as arguments.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 14 This differs from the Week 8 Lab display function.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 15
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 16 Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 17 Created: 11/9/21 (v. 1.0)
CSTritt 107:61b9c99a4e27 18 */
Jonathan Austin 0:2757d7abb7d9 19 #include "mbed.h"
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 20
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 21 void display(int disVal, BusOut &disBus);
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 22
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 23 Serial pc(USBTX, NC, 9600); // Use for debugging.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 24
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 25 const int SLP_TIME = 1000; // Update once per second.
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 26
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 27 int main(void)
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 28 {
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 29 // Note that bit sequence is the oposite of what I initially thought they
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 30 // would be. That is, pins are listed in low order to high order sequence.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 31 BusOut disBus(D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2); // The display.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 32 int myCount = 0; // Loop count. Rolls over at 18.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 33
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 34 // Test the wiring.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 35 display(18, disBus); // All on (binary).
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 36 ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // Test even bars for 0.4 seconds.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 37 display(17, disBus); // All off (binary).
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 38 ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // Test even bars for 0.4 seconds.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 39
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 40 // Enter main loop.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 41 while(true) {
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 42 display(myCount, disBus); // Display myCount (count).
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 43 pc.printf("In main myCount = %d.\n", myCount); // Send count to PC.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 44 myCount++; // Increment the count.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 45 if (myCount > 18) myCount = 0; // Rollover!
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 46 ThisThread::sleep_for(SLP_TIME); // Display value for 1 second.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 47 }
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 48 }
CSTritt 109:86a37f0a397f 49
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 50 void display(int disVal, BusOut &disBus){
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 51 // 7-segment, active low look-up-table. Displays Hex 0 to F, dp, all off
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 52 // and all on.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 53 const int lutAL[] = {
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 54 0b00000011, // 0 = 0
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 55 0b10011111, // 1 = 1
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 56 0b00100101, // 2 = 2
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 57 0b00001101, // 3 = 3
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 58 0b10011001, // 4 = 4
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 59 0b01001001, // 5 = 5
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 60 0b01000001, // 6 = 6
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 61 0b00011111, // 7 = 7
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 62 0b00000001, // 8 = 8
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 63 0b00001001, // 9 = 9
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 64 0b00010001, // 10 = a
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 65 0b11000001, // 11 = b
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 66 0b11100101, // 12 = c
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 67 0b10000101, // 13 = d
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 68 0b01100001, // 14 = e
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 69 0b01110001, // 15 = f
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 70 0b11111110, // 16 = dp
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 71 0b11111111, // 17 = All off
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 72 0b00000000 // 18 = All on
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 73 //abcdefg_dp – 7-segement output codes 0 to 18.
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 74 };
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 75 disBus = lutAL[disVal];
CSTritt 111:47b0267b8dd4 76 pc.printf("In display, disVal = %d\n", disVal);
CSTritt 108:eee3167b25b4 77 }