A simple web server mainly based on ideas from Jasper Schuurmans Netduino web server

Dependents:   RdBlindsServer SpideyWallWeb RdGasUseMonitor

A fast and reliable web server for MBED! http://robdobson.com/2015/08/a-reliable-mbed-webserver/

It has a very neat way to implement REST commands and can serve files from local storage (on LPC1768 for instance) and from SD cards. It also has a caching facility which is particularly useful for serving files from local storage.

The server can be run in the main() thread (and has a sub-2ms response time if this is done) or in a mbed-rtos thread which increases the response time to (a still respectable) 30ms or so.

The latest project that uses this is here - https://developer.mbed.org/users/Bobty/code/SpideyWallWeb/

int main (void)
    // Ethernet interface

    // Connect ethernet

    // Init the web server
    pc.printf("Starting web server\r\n");
    char* baseWebFolder = "/sd/";  // should be /sd/ for SDcard files - not used for local file system
    RdWebServer webServer;
    // Add commands to handle the home page and favicon
    webServer.addCommand("", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_LOCALFILE, NULL, "index.htm", true);
    webServer.addCommand("favicon.ico", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_LOCALFILE, NULL, NULL, true);
    // Add the lightwall control commands
    webServer.addCommand("name", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallGetSystemName);
    webServer.addCommand("clear", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallClear);
    webServer.addCommand("rawfill", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallRawFill);
    webServer.addCommand("fill", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallFill);
    webServer.addCommand("showleds", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallShowLeds);
    // Start the server
    webServer.init(WEBPORT, &led4, baseWebFolder);


// Get system name - No arguments required
char* lightwallGetSystemName(int method, char*cmdStr, char* argStr, char* msgBuffer, int msgLen, 
                int contentLen, unsigned char* pPayload, int payloadLen, int splitPayloadPos)
    // Perform any required actions here ....

    // ...

    // Return the system name
    return systemName;

This server was originally based on a Netduino web server from Jasper Schuurmans but has been optimised for speed.

--- a/RdWebServer.cpp	Fri Aug 14 11:52:16 2015 +0000
+++ b/RdWebServer.cpp	Thu Aug 20 07:40:20 2015 +0000
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 // More details at http://robdobson.com/2013/10/moving-my-window-shades-control-to-mbed/
 // Setting RDWEB_DEBUG to 4 causes all debugging to be shown
-#define RDWEB_DEBUG 4
+#define RDWEB_DEBUG 2
 // Change the settings below to support a local file system (not available on some MBEDs)
 // Change this to support display of files on the server
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
                 if ((*it)->_bCacheValid)
-                    sendFromCache(*it, clientSocketConn, httpHeader);
+                    sendFromCache(*it, clientSocketConn);
                     return true;
                 bTryToCache = false; // don't try to cache as cacheing must have already failed
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
                 if (bCacheSuccess)
-                    sendFromCache(pCacheEntry, clientSocketConn, httpHeader);
+                    sendFromCache(pCacheEntry, clientSocketConn);
                     return true;
@@ -460,11 +460,12 @@
         RD_WARN("Failed to open file");
         return false;
-    RD_DBG("Seeking");
+    RD_DBG("Seeking ");
     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
     _nFileLen = (int)ftell(fp);
+    RD_DBG("Len %d ", _nFileLen);
     _pFileContent = new char[_nFileLen];
-    RD_DBG("Len %d Buf %08x", _nFileLen, _pFileContent);
+    RD_DBG("Buf %08x ", _pFileContent);
     if (!_pFileContent)
         RD_WARN("Failed to allocate %lu", _nFileLen);
@@ -548,10 +549,23 @@
     return true;
-char* RdWebServer::getPayloadDataFromMsg(char* msgBuf)
+unsigned char* RdWebServer::getPayloadDataFromMsg(char* msgBuf)
     char* ptr = strstr(msgBuf, "\r\n\r\n");
     if (ptr)
-        return ptr+4;
-    return "\0";
+        return (unsigned char*) (ptr+4);
+    return (unsigned char*) "\0";
+int RdWebServer::getPayloadLengthFromMsg(char* msgBuf)
+    char* ptr = strstr(msgBuf, "Content-Length:");
+    if (ptr)
+    {
+        ptr += 15;
+        int contentLen = atoi(ptr);
+        if (contentLen >= 0)
+            return contentLen;
+    }
+    return 0;