Fork of Smoothie to port to mbed non-LPC targets.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Smoothie by Stéphane Cachat

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Show/hide line numbers ST7565.h Source File


00001 /*
00002  * ST7565.h
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: 21-06-2013
00005  *      Author: Wulfnor
00006  */
00008 #ifndef ST7565_H_
00009 #define ST7565_H_
00011 #include "LcdBase.h"
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #include "libs/Pin.h"
00015 class ST7565: public LcdBase {
00016 public:
00017     ST7565();
00018     virtual ~ST7565();
00019     void home();
00020     void clear();
00021     void display();
00022     void setCursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t row);
00023     void init();
00024     void write_char(char value);
00025     void write(const char* line, int len);
00027     void on_refresh(bool now=false);
00028     //encoder which dosent exist :/
00029     uint8_t readButtons();
00030     int readEncoderDelta();
00031     int getEncoderResolution() { return 2; }
00032     uint16_t get_screen_lines() { return 8; }
00033     bool hasGraphics() { return true; }
00035     //added ST7565 commands
00036     void send_commands(const unsigned char* buf, size_t size);
00037     void send_data(const unsigned char* buf, size_t size);
00038     // set column and page number
00039     void set_xy(int x, int y);
00040     //send pic to whole screen
00041     void send_pic(const unsigned char* data);
00042     //drawing char
00043     int drawChar(int x, int y, unsigned char c, int color);
00044     // blit a glyph of w pixels wide and h pixels high to x, y. offset pixel position in glyph by x_offset, y_offset.
00045     // span is the width in bytes of the src bitmap
00046     // The glyph bytes will be 8 bits of X pixels, msbit->lsbit from top left to bottom right
00047     void bltGlyph(int x, int y, int w, int h, const uint8_t *glyph, int span= 0, int x_offset=0, int y_offset=0);
00048     void renderGlyph(int x, int y, const uint8_t *g, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight);
00049     void pixel(int x, int y, int colour);
00051 private:
00052     //buffer
00053     unsigned char *framebuffer;
00054     mbed::SPI* spi;
00055     Pin cs;
00056     Pin rst;
00057     Pin a0;
00058     Pin click_pin;
00059     Pin up_pin;
00060     Pin down_pin;
00061     Pin encoder_a_pin;
00062     Pin encoder_b_pin;
00064     // text cursor position
00065     uint8_t tx, ty;
00066     uint8_t contrast;
00067     bool reversed;
00068 };
00070 #endif /* ST7565_H_ */