Entrega 3er corte - sistemas embebidos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os/features/nanostack/CONTRIBUTING.md	Wed May 30 00:01:50 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# How to contribute
+This directory structure contains some repositories that are copied from external sources.
+Please follow these instructions to send contributions to master repositories.
+## Directory structure
+This directory consists of following modules
+* [coap-service](#coap-service)
+* [mbed-mesh-api](#mbed-mesh-api)
+* [nanostack-interface](#nanostack-interface)
+* [sal-stack-nanostack](#sal-stack-nanostack)
+## coap-service
+Master repository is located in the https://github.com/ARMmbed/coap-service
+Please send contributions against that repository.
+To test changes, remove the `coap-service` repository and replace with Git clone
+of the master repository.
+rm -rf coap-service
+git clone git@github.com:ARMmbed/coap-service.git
+## mbed-mesh-api
+This is the master source of mbed-mesh-api.
+Send contributions directly to this repository.
+## nanostack-interface
+This is the master source of nanostack-interface.
+Send contributions directly to this repository.
+## sal-stack-nanostack
+This directory holds source code snapshot of the Nanostack networking library. Master repository is available for **mbed Partners** in https://github.com/ARMmbed/sal-stack-nanostack-private. 
+If you have access to the master repository, please send contributions against that repository.
+To test changes with access to master repository:
+ * Remove the sal-stack-nanostack directory: `rm -rf sal-stack-nanostack`
+ * Clone the master repository `git clone git@github.com:ARMmbed/sal-stack-nanostack-private.git`as sal-stack-nanostack
+Now you can modify, build and test your changes with the mbed OS build.
+**NOTE:** You do not need to clone the Nanostack master repository to exactly same location in the build tree. 
+If you don't have access to the master repository then you can send contributions directly to this repository.