Rewrite from scratch a TCP/IP stack for mbed. So far the following parts are usable: Drivers: - EMAC driver (from CMSIS 2.0) Protocols: - Ethernet protocol - ARP over ethernet for IPv4 - IPv4 over Ethernet - ICMPv4 over IPv4 - UDPv4 over IPv4 APIs: - Sockets for UDPv4 The structure of this stack is designed to be very modular. Each protocol can register one or more protocol to handle its payload, and in each protocol, an API can be hooked (like Sockets for example). This is an early release.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbedNet.h	Sun Jun 12 11:23:03 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * $Id: mbedNet.h 29 2011-06-11 14:53:08Z benoit $
+ * $Author: benoit $
+ * $Date: 2011-06-11 16:53:08 +0200 (sam., 11 juin 2011) $
+ * $Rev: 29 $
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+#ifndef __MBEDNET_H__
+#define    __MBEDNET_H__
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define    CAPI
+#define    CAPI
+#endif    /* __cplusplus */
+enum Bool
+    False = 0,
+    True = !False,
+typedef enum Bool Bool_t;
+#define         DEBUG_ON        1
+#define        NET_DEFAULT_TTL                    128            /* Default TTL */
+#define        NET_ENCAPSULATION_MAX_DEPTH        5            /* Maximum protocol encapsulation depth */
+#define        NET_PERIODIC_FUNCTION_MAX_COUNT    5            /* Maximum number of timers */
+#define        NETIF_MAX_COUNT                    2            /* Maximum number of registrable interfaces  */
+#define        ETHERNET_PROTOCOL_MAX_COUNT        3            /* Maximum number of registrable protocols over ethernet */
+#define        IPV4_PROTOCOL_MAX_COUNT            4            /* Maximum number of registrable protocols over IPv4 */        
+#define        ARP_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES            4            /* Maximum number of entries in the ARP cache */
+#define        ARP_FUNCTION_PERIOD                10            /* Period in seconds of the ARP periodic function */
+#define        ARP_MAX_ENTRY_AGE                60            /* Max age of a dynamic entry in seconds */
+#define        NET_API_PER_PROTOCOL_MAX_COUNT    3            /* Maximum number of API per protocol */
+#define        QUEUE_MAX_ENTRY_COUNT            16            /* Maximum entries per queue */
+#define        SOCKET_MAX_COUNT                10            /* Maximum number of sockets in the system */
+#define        SOCKET_DATAQUEUE_ENTRY_COUNT    4            /* Maximum data block entries per socket */
+#define        MBEDNET_HAVE_RTOS                0            /* 1 = have RTOS, 0 = no RTOS */
+#define        ntohs(a)        (((((uint16_t)a) >> 8) & 0x00FF) | ((((uint16_t)a) << 8) & 0xFF00))
+#define        htons(a)        ntohs(a)
+enum mbedNetResult
+    mbedNetResult_Success = 0,
+    mbedNetResult_NotEnoughMemory,
+    mbedNetResult_TooManyInterfaces,
+    mbedNetResult_InvalidInterface,
+    mbedNetResult_TooManyPeriodicFunctions,
+    mbedNetResult_TooManyDrivers,
+    mbedNetResult_InvalidDriver,
+    mbedNetResult_InvalidParameter,
+    mbedNetResult_TooManyRegisteredProtocols,
+    mbedNetResult_NoProtocolRegistrationFunction,
+    mbedNetResult_NoAPIRegistrationFunction,
+    mbedNetResult_TooManyOpenSockets,
+    mbedNetResult_InvalidSocketHandle,
+    mbedNetResult_SocketAlreadyClosed,
+    mbedNetResult_WouldBlock,
+    mbedNetResult_QueueEmpty,
+    mbedNetResult_QueueFull,
+    mbedNetResult_NotIplemented,
+    mbedNetResult_BufferTooSmall,
+    mbedNetResult_NoRouteToHost,
+    mbedNetResult_WaitARPResolution,
+    mbedNetResult_DestinationAddressRequired,
+    mbedNetResult_TooMuchData,
+    mbedNetResult_Count,
+typedef enum mbedNetResult mbedNetResult_t;
+#define    MA0    address[0]
+#define    MA1    address[1]
+#define    MA2    address[2]
+#define    MA3    address[3]
+#define    MA4    address[4]
+#define    MA5    address[5]
+struct Ethernet_Addr
+    uint8_t        address[6];
+typedef struct Ethernet_Addr     Ethernet_Addr_t;
+extern const Ethernet_Addr_t    ethernet_Addr_Broadcast;
+extern const Ethernet_Addr_t    ethernet_Addr_Null;
+#define    IP0        bytes.ip0
+#define    IP1        bytes.ip1
+#define    IP2        bytes.ip2
+#define    IP3        bytes.ip3
+#pragma push
+#pragma pack(1)
+union IPv4_Addr
+    struct {
+        uint32_t    ip0:8;
+        uint32_t    ip1:8;
+        uint32_t    ip2:8;
+        uint32_t    ip3:8;
+    } bytes;
+    uint32_t    addr;
+#pragma pop
+typedef union IPv4_Addr IPv4_Addr_t;
+extern const IPv4_Addr_t         ipv4_Addr_Broadcast;
+extern const IPv4_Addr_t         ipv4_Addr_Any;
+#define    IPADDR_ANY                ipv4_Addr_Any.addr
+#define    IPADDR_BROADCAST        ipv4_Addr_Broadcast.addr
+#error "Please define mutex and semaphore macros"
+#else    /* MBEDNET_HAVE_RTOS */
+typedef int32_t    RTOS_Mutex_t;
+#define    RTOS_MUTEX_CREATE()            0
+#define    RTOS_MUTEX_LOCK(id)            id++
+#define    RTOS_MUTEX_UNLOCK(id)        id--
+typedef int32_t    RTOS_Sem_t;
+#define    RTOS_SEM_CREATE(i, m)        0
+#define    RTOS_SEM_P(id)                id++
+#define    RTOS_SEM_V(id)                id--
+#endif    /* MBEDNET_HAVE_RTOS */
+extern mbedNetResult_t    mbedNet_LastError;
+#endif /* __MBEDNET_H__ */