Axeda Ready Demo for Freescale FRDM-KL46Z as accident alert system

Dependencies:   FRDM_MMA8451Q KL46Z-USBHost MAG3110 SocketModem TSI mbed FATFileSystem

Fork of AxedaGo-Freescal_FRDM-KL46Z by Axeda Corp

diff -r 000000000000 -r 65004368569c AMMPC/axTransport.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AMMPC/axTransport.cpp	Tue Jul 01 21:31:54 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#include "axTransport.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "axStatusCodes.h"
+#include "axConstants.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "include_me.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+using namespace mts;
+char *temp_buff;
+int buff_size;
+/*getEpoch()                                                                                    */
+/*                                                                                              */
+/*This method should return the number of seconds since January 1st 1970.                       */
+/*                                                                                              */
+/*returns long value in seconds                                                                 */
+long getEpoch(){
+    return (long)0;
+    }
+/*ax_print()                                                                                     */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*A wrapper method that will allow you to direct the output to a particular stream. Most of the  */
+/*time the output will just go to printf/std. out. This is called by the axAgent library to print*/
+/*error and debug messages. It is reccomended to include processing for the integers AX_DEBUG_MSG*/
+/*and AX_ERROR_MSG as the library will frequently use these options if configured.               */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/* msgType: allows for an integer value to control how the data is displayed or written          */
+/* msg: a pointer to a string containing the data to be printed                                  */
+void ax_print(int msgType, char *msg){
+	switch(msgType) {
+	case AX_DEBUG_MSG:
+		 printf("DEBUG: %s\n", msg);
+		 break;
+	case AX_ERROR_MSG:
+		 printf("ERR: %s\n", msg);
+		 break;
+		}
+	}
+/*sys_delay()                                                                                   */
+/*                                                                                              */
+/*A wrapper method that is meant to induce a delay on the system that it running it. Used mostly*/
+/*to implement timeouts.                                                                        */
+/*                                                                                              */
+/*                                                                                              */
+/*                                                                                              */
+void sys_delay(int seconds){ 
+  }
+/*randInt()											*/
+/*												*/
+/*This function is an abstraction function and should be populated with a call to the host's    */
+/*equivalent of the random function. 								*/
+int randInt() {
+     //call to the local create random method.
+     srand(1235);
+     return rand();
+     }
+/*seedRand()                                                                                     */
+/*                                                                                              */
+/*This function is an abstraction function and should be populated with a call to the host's    */
+/*equivalent of the function that seeds the random number generator                             */
+int seedRand(){
+  }
+/*net_socketInit()                                                                               */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This method provides a convenient way to call code that initializes the socket before it is    */
+/*actually called to open. For example, it could initialize a holder object that you code or set */
+/*options on the socket itself. The return will be a code that could be passed up through the    */
+/*HTTP library and to the error stream.                                                          */
+int net_socketInit(ax_socket *sock) {
+  int retVal=AX_UNKNOWN;
+  buff_size=0;
+  temp_buff=NULL;
+  return retVal;
+  }
+/*net_socketOpen()                                                                               */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function opens a network port and connects to it. The connection point is defined by server*/
+/*and port in the arguments. A reference to the port should be stored in the sock structure. If  */
+/*the secure flag is set to AX_TRUE your code should enable TLS or SSL at this stage.            */
+/*                                                                                               */
+int net_socketOpen(ax_socket *sock, char *server, int port, int secure){
+  int retVal=AX_UNKNOWN;
+  Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
+ // Mode mode=TCP;
+   bool result=wifi->open(server, port, Wifi::TCP);
+//   bool result=wifi->open("", port, Wifi::TCP);
+  if(result) {
+  	retVal=AX_OK;
+  	}
+  return retVal;
+  }
+/*net_socketWrite()                                                                             */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function is used to write the data to a network port that has already been open and is    */
+/*connected. As usual the ax_socket struct should contain a reference to your port that you wish */
+/*to write to. Data contains the data to be written and size describes how long the data is.     */
+/*                                                                                               */
+int net_socketWrite(ax_socket *sock, char *data, int size) {
+  int retVal=AX_OK;
+//  Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
+//  int written= wifi->write(data, size, 300);
+   int fullsz=size+1;
+   if(buff_size==0) {
+   	temp_buff=(char *)calloc(fullsz, sizeof(char));
+   	int wrt=snprintf(temp_buff, fullsz, "%s", data);
+   	buff_size++;
+   	}
+  else {
+  	int total=strlen(temp_buff)+fullsz;
+  	char *temp=(char *)calloc(total, sizeof(char));
+  	snprintf(temp, total, "%s%s", temp_buff, data);
+  	free(temp_buff);
+  	temp_buff=temp;
+    buff_size++;
+  	}
+  return retVal;
+  }
+/*net_socketFlush()                                                                              */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function will be called to handle writing all the data out to a network port. This function*/
+/*may not be needed depending on your system. The single argument is a pointer to a struct that  */
+/*should contain the necessary references to the port on your local system.                      */
+/*                                                                                               */
+int net_socketFlush(ax_socket *sock){
+  int retVal=AX_UNKNOWN;
+  int size=strlen(temp_buff);
+  Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
+  wifi->write(temp_buff, size, 300); //Wr
+  free(temp_buff);
+  buff_size=0;
+  return retVal;
+  }
+/*net_socketClose()                                                                              */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function will be called to handle a socket close operation. It is used primarily by the   */
+/*axHTTP part of the library. The single argument is pointer to a structure that should contain  */
+/*the necessary references to the port on your local system.                                     */
+/*Override the source in this function to close a network port                                   */
+int net_socketClose(ax_socket *sock){
+ // int retVal=AX_UNKNOWN;
+  Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
+  wifi->close();
+  int ctr=30;
+  while((wifi->isOpen()==true)&&(ctr>0)) {
+  	wifi->close();
+  	printf("Socket Not closed, %d\n", ctr);
+  	ctr--;
+	wait(1);
+  	}
+  return AX_OK;
+  }
+/*net_socketRead()                                                                               */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function is a wrapper function that will read returned data from a previous web call. It  */
+/*is assumed that any connection related to ax_socket will have already been established. The    */
+/*function should read the data and store it into the *data pointer, then populate the number of */
+/*bytes read in the size variable. The axHTTP library will handle parsing and making sense of the*/
+/*data that it is provided. The timeout will be passed as a parameter but is not implemented by  */
+/*any of the calling libraries, implement it here or pass to another local function if available.*/
+int net_socketRead(ax_socket *sock, int timeout, unsigned char *buffer, int bufferSz, int *readSz){
+  int retVal=AX_UNKNOWN;
+  Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
+  int bytesRead = wifi->read((char *)buffer, bufferSz, 300);
+  *readSz=bytesRead;
+  if(bytesRead>0) {return AX_OK; }
+  return retVal;
+  }
+/*scm_download_req()                                                                              */
+/*                                                                                                */
+/*This function will be called whenever an egress message is recieved with a file download command*/
+/*You can write the code in the function to handle the file immediately OR store the structure for*/
+/*later processing. The latter is preferable as this request may prevent the network port from    */
+/*being closed in a timely fashion.                                                              */
+/*                                                                                               */
+int scm_download_req(ax_package *request) {
+/*scm_file_write()                                                                               */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function will be called whenever a file download is requested from the system. Override the*/
+/*function to direct the output to serial or a file system or other storage device of your choice*/
+/*The parameters to the function will be filled in when it's called by the toolkit               */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*char *filename: Just what it sounds like, the file name of the file                            */
+/*char *data: The actual data of the file.                                                       */
+/*int length: The number of bytes received                                                       */
+/*ax_package_instruction *downloadInfo: a struct containing filename/path etc.                   */
+int scm_file_write(char *filename, char *data, int length, ax_package_instruction *downloadInfo){
+    return AX_OK;
+    }
+/*data_item_write()                                                                              */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*If a set data item command is recieved from the platform server this function will be called to*/
+/*handle it each time. The function is here to allow for external data to be modified as needed. */
+/*It could toggle a pin and light up an led or set a global variable in another thread.          */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*char *name: The name of the data item on the platform                                          */
+/*int ax_type: {AX_STRING|AX_ANALoG|AX_DIGITAL} indicates whether the sValue or dValue parameter */
+/*             will have the intended data.                                                      */
+/*char *sValue: if ax_type==AX_STRING then this will be a pointer to a valid cstring             */
+/*int dValue: if ax_type==AX_ANLOG|AX_DIGITAL this value will be populated. It should be not be  */
+/*            checked if the type is AX_STRING                                                   */
+int data_item_write(char *name, char *sValue, int dValue, int ax_type) {
+return AX_OK;
+/*data_item_request()                                                                            */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*This function is called whenever the platform requests a data item's current value. Since this */
+/*library is designed to run as it's own thread it does not maintain a list of data items and    */
+/*values. The implementation of this function should call an appropriate library or check an input*/
+/*then create a dataItem set and send it immediately or on the next ping.                        */
+/*                                                                                               */
+/*char *name, the name of the data item being requested                                          */
+/*                                                                                               */
+int data_item_request(char *name) {
+return AX_OK;
+/***********************************************{Custom helper methods}****************************/