Init Project for GPS

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 11 07:33:57 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+/* WIZnet IoT Shield Cat.M1 Sample code for Arm MBED
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 WIZnet Co., Ltd.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+ /* 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <string>
+#define RET_OK                      1
+#define RET_NOK                     -1
+#define DEBUG_ENABLE                1
+#define DEBUG_DISABLE               0
+#define ON                          1
+#define OFF                         0
+#define MAX_BUF_SIZE                1024
+#define WM01_APN_PROTOCOL_IPv4      1
+#define WM01_APN_PROTOCOL_IPv6      2
+#define WM01_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT        1000
+#define WM01_CONNECT_TIMEOUT        15000
+#define WM01_SEND_TIMEOUT           500
+#define WM01_RECV_TIMEOUT           500
+#define WM01_BOOTING_TIME           15000
+#define WM01_APN_PROTOCOL           WM01_APN_PROTOCOL_IPv6
+#define WM01_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE      115200
+#define WM01_PARSER_DELIMITER       "\r\n"
+#define CATM1_APN_SKT               ""
+#define CATM1_DEVICE_NAME_WM01      "WM01"
+#define DEVNAME                     CATM1_DEVICE_NAME_WM01
+#define devlog(f_, ...)             if(CATM1_DEVICE_DEBUG == DEBUG_ENABLE) { pc.printf("\r\n[%s] ", DEVNAME);  pc.printf((f_), ##__VA_ARGS__); }
+#define myprintf(f_, ...)           {pc.printf("\r\n[MAIN] ");  pc.printf((f_), ##__VA_ARGS__);}
+/* Pin configuraiton */
+// Cat.M1
+// Sensors
+/* Debug message settings */
+#define WM01_PARSER_DEBUG                   DEBUG_DISABLE
+#define CATM1_DEVICE_DEBUG                  DEBUG_ENABLE
+typedef struct
+    int date;           // date yyyymmdd
+    int utc;            // utc time hhmmss
+    float lat;          // latitude. (-)dd.ddddd
+    float lon;          // longitude. (-)dd.ddddd
+    float spkm;         // speed over ground (km/h) xxx.x
+    float cog;          // course over ground ddd.m
+    char reli;          // reliability 'A', 'V'
+    int lte;            // LTE status
+    int emm;            // EMM reject
+    int esm;            // ESM reject
+    int ss;             // signal strength                              
+    int nsat;           // number of satellites 0-12
+    char satinfo1[8];   // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+    char satinfo2[8];   // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+    char satinfo3[8];   // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+    char satinfo4[8];   // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+} gps_data;
+// Functions: Print information
+void printInfo(void);
+// Functions: Module Status
+void waitCatM1Ready(void);
+int8_t setEchoStatus_WM01(bool onoff);
+int8_t getUsimStatus_WM01(void);
+int8_t getNetworkStatus_WM01(void);
+// Functions: GPS
+int8_t setGpsOnOff_WM01(bool onoff);
+int8_t getGpsInfo_WM01(gps_data *gps_info);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // USB debug
+UARTSerial *_serial;        // Cat.M1 module    
+ATCmdParser *_parser;
+void serialPcInit(void)
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.format(8, Serial::None, 1);
+void serialDeviceInit(PinName tx, PinName rx, int baudrate) 
+    _serial = new UARTSerial(tx, rx, baudrate);    
+void serialAtParserInit(const char *delimiter, bool debug_en)
+    _parser = new ATCmdParser(_serial);    
+    _parser->debug_on(debug_en);
+    _parser->set_delimiter(delimiter);    
+    _parser->set_timeout(WM01_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
+void catm1DeviceInit(void)
+    serialDeviceInit(   MBED_CONF_IOTSHIELD_CATM1_TX, 
+                        MBED_CONF_IOTSHIELD_CATM1_RX, 
+                        WM01_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE);
+    serialAtParserInit( WM01_PARSER_DELIMITER, 
+                        WM01_PARSER_DEBUG);
+void catm1DeviceReset_WM01(void)
+    _RESET_WM01 = 1;
+    _PWRKEY_WM01 = 1;
+    wait_ms(300);
+    _RESET_WM01 = 0;
+    _PWRKEY_WM01 = 0;
+    wait_ms(400);
+    _RESET_WM01 = 1;    
+    wait_ms(1000);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Main routine
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+int main()
+    gps_data gps_info;
+    serialPcInit();    
+    catm1DeviceInit();
+    myprintf("Waiting for Cat.M1 Module Ready...\r\n");
+    catm1DeviceReset_WM01();
+    waitCatM1Ready();
+    wait_ms(5000);
+    myprintf("System Init Complete\r\n");
+    printInfo();
+    setEchoStatus_WM01(OFF);
+    getUsimStatus_WM01();
+    getNetworkStatus_WM01();
+    if(setGpsOnOff_WM01(ON))
+    {
+        myprintf("GPS On : success\r\n");
+        while(1)
+        {
+            if(getGpsInfo_WM01(&gps_info) == RET_OK)
+            {
+#if 0
+                myprintf("gps_info - reli     : %c", gps_info.reli);            // reliability 'A', 'V'           
+                myprintf("gps_info - data     : %d",;            // date yyyymmdd    
+                myprintf("gps_info - time     : %d", gps_info.utc);             // utc time hhmmss  
+                myprintf("gps_info - lat      : %f", / 100000);    // latitude. (-)dd.ddddd            
+                myprintf("gps_info - lon      : %f", gps_info.lon / 100000);    // longitude. (-)dd.ddddd       
+                myprintf("gps_info - spkm     : %.1f", gps_info.spkm);          // speed over ground (km/h) xxx.x   
+                myprintf("gps_info - cog      : %.1f", gps_info.cog);           // course over ground ddd.m               
+                myprintf("gps_info - lte      : %d", gps_info.lte);             // LTE status
+                myprintf("gps_info - emm      : %d", gps_info.emm);             // EMM reject
+                myprintf("gps_info - esm      : %d", gps_info.esm);             // ESM reject
+                myprintf("gps_info - ss       : %d",;              // signal strength                 
+                myprintf("gps_info - nsat     : %d", gps_info.nsat);            // number of satellites 0-12
+                myprintf("gps_info - satinfo1 : %s", gps_info.satinfo1);        // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+                myprintf("gps_info - satinfo2 : %s", gps_info.satinfo2);        // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+                myprintf("gps_info - satinfo3 : %s", gps_info.satinfo3);        // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+                myprintf("gps_info - satinfo4 : %s\r\n", gps_info.satinfo4);    // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        myprintf("GPS On : failed\r\n");
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Functions: Print information
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void printInfo(void)
+    myprintf("WIZnet IoT Shield for Arm MBED");
+    myprintf("LTE Cat.M1 Version");
+    myprintf("=================================================");
+    myprintf(">> Target Board: WIoT-WM01 (Woorinet WM-N400MSE)");
+    myprintf(">> Sample Code: GPS Test");
+    myprintf("=================================================\r\n");
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Functions: Cat.M1 Status
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+void waitCatM1Ready(void)
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        if(_parser->send("AT") && _parser->recv("OK"))
+        {
+            myprintf("WM01 is Available\r\n");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+int8_t setEchoStatus_WM01(bool onoff)
+    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
+    char _buf[10];
+    sprintf((char *)_buf, "ATE%d", onoff);    
+    if(_parser->send(_buf) && _parser->recv("OK")) 
+    {        
+        devlog("Turn Echo %s success\r\n", onoff ? "ON" : "OFF");
+        ret = RET_OK;
+    } 
+    else 
+    { 
+        devlog("Turn Echo %s failed\r\n", onoff ? "ON" : "OFF");
+    }    
+    return ret;
+int8_t getUsimStatus_WM01(void)
+    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
+    if(_parser->send("AT$$STAT?") && _parser->recv("$$STAT:READY") && _parser->recv("OK")) 
+    {
+        devlog("USIM Status : READY\r\n");
+        ret = RET_OK;
+    } 
+    else 
+    { 
+        devlog("Retrieving USIM Status failed\r\n");        
+    }
+    return ret;
+int8_t getNetworkStatus_WM01(void)
+    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
+    int val, stat;
+    if(_parser->send("AT+CEREG?") && _parser->recv("+CEREG: %d,%d", &val, &stat) && _parser->recv("OK")) 
+    {
+        if((val == 0) && (stat == 1))
+        {
+            devlog("Network Status : attached\r\n");
+            ret = RET_OK;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            devlog("Network Status : %d, %d\r\n", val, stat);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        devlog("Network Status : Error\r\n");
+    }
+    return ret;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Functions: Cat.M1 GPS
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+int8_t setGpsOnOff_WM01(bool onoff)
+    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
+    if(onoff == ON)
+    {
+        if(_parser->send("AT$$GPS") && _parser->recv("OK"))
+        {
+            devlog("GPS Rx start : success\r\n");
+            ret = RET_OK;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            devlog("GPS Rx start : failed\r\n");
+        }    
+    }
+    else if(onoff == OFF)
+    {
+        if(_parser->send("AT$$GPSSTOP") && _parser->recv("OK"))
+        {
+            devlog("GPS Rx stop : success\r\n");
+            ret = RET_OK;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            devlog("GPS Rx stop : failed\r\n");
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+int8_t getGpsInfo_WM01(gps_data *gps_info)
+    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
+    char _buf[100] = {0, };
+    //char _buf[] = "20190910,111720,3737831,12711294,1,175,A,2,255,255,-31,7,1-32,255-255,11-100,17-22";
+    // structure init : GPS info
+    gps_info->date = gps_info->utc = gps_info->lte = gps_info->emm = gps_info->esm = gps_info->ss = gps_info->nsat = 0;
+    gps_info->lat = gps_info->lon = gps_info->spkm = gps_info->cog = 0.0;
+    gps_info->reli = 'V';
+    memset(gps_info->satinfo1, 0x00, sizeof(gps_info->satinfo1));
+    memset(gps_info->satinfo2, 0x00, sizeof(gps_info->satinfo2));
+    memset(gps_info->satinfo3, 0x00, sizeof(gps_info->satinfo3));
+    memset(gps_info->satinfo4, 0x00, sizeof(gps_info->satinfo4));
+    _parser->flush();
+    if(_parser->recv("$$GPS,%s\n", _buf))
+    {
+        devlog("%s", _buf);
+        sscanf(_buf, "%d,%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%c,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%s", 
+            &gps_info->date, &gps_info->utc, &gps_info->lat, &gps_info->lon, &gps_info->spkm, &gps_info->cog, &gps_info->reli, &gps_info->lte, 
+            &gps_info->emm, &gps_info->esm, &gps_info->ss, &gps_info->nsat, gps_info->satinfo1, gps_info->satinfo2, gps_info->satinfo3, gps_info->satinfo4);
+            devlog("gps_info - reli     : %c", gps_info->reli);            // reliability 'A', 'V'           
+            devlog("gps_info - data     : %d", gps_info->date);            // date yyyymmdd    
+            devlog("gps_info - time     : %d", gps_info->utc);             // utc time hhmmss  
+            devlog("gps_info - lat      : %f", gps_info->lat / 100000);    // latitude. (-)dd.ddddd            
+            devlog("gps_info - lon      : %f", gps_info->lon / 100000);    // longitude. (-)dd.ddddd       
+            devlog("gps_info - spkm     : %.1f", gps_info->spkm);          // speed over ground (km/h) xxx.x   
+            devlog("gps_info - cog      : %.1f", gps_info->cog);           // course over ground ddd.m               
+            devlog("gps_info - lte      : %d", gps_info->lte);             // LTE status
+            devlog("gps_info - emm      : %d", gps_info->emm);             // EMM reject
+            devlog("gps_info - esm      : %d", gps_info->esm);             // ESM reject
+            devlog("gps_info - ss       : %d", gps_info->ss);              // signal strength                 
+            devlog("gps_info - nsat     : %d", gps_info->nsat);            // number of satellites 0-12
+            devlog("gps_info - satinfo1 : %s", gps_info->satinfo1);        // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+            devlog("gps_info - satinfo2 : %s", gps_info->satinfo2);        // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+            devlog("gps_info - satinfo3 : %s", gps_info->satinfo3);        // satellites infomation ID-signal strength
+            devlog("gps_info - satinfo4 : %s\r\n", gps_info->satinfo4);    // satellites infomation ID-signal strength     
+        ret = RET_OK;
+    }
+    return ret;
\ No newline at end of file