A simple library for SSH1106 controlled GLCDs

Dependents:   SSH1106_OLED

--- a/SSH1106.h	Mon Dec 19 15:02:30 2016 +0000
+++ b/SSH1106.h	Mon Dec 19 23:23:41 2016 +0000
@@ -51,14 +51,40 @@
     // Clear screen
     void clear(void);
-    // Write text to LCD where font format is a 2-dimensional array (only 96x8, 8x8 pixel fonts supported)
+    // Write text to LCD where font format is a 2-dimensional array (only 96x8 byte, 8x8 pixel fonts supported)
     void writeText2d(char column, char page, const char font_address[96][8], const char *text, int size);
-    // Write text to LCD where font format is a 1-dimensional array. Fonts bigger than 8 pix high should work but isn't tested
+    // Write text to LCD where font format is a 1-dimensional array. >8 pixel fonts are not working yet, will update soon
     void writeText(char column, char page, const char *font_address, const char *str, const uint8_t size);
     // Draw a 128x64 pixel bitmap
     void drawBitmap(const char *data);
+    // Draw a horizontal line, start positions / height / width in pixels
+    void drawLineHor(char posx, char posy, char height, char width);
+    // Draw a vertical line, start positions / height / width in pixels
+    void drawLineVert(char posx, char posy, char height, char width);
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Functions below are buffered versions; possible to write things on top of each other without clearing pixels (ORs all data).
+    // Use update() to write buffer to LCD.
+    // Clear buffer before writing 1st time (initialize all values)
+    // writetext / drawbitmap will be added soon
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Clear buffer
+    void clearBuffer(void);
+    // Write buffer to LCD
+    void update(void);
+    // Draw a horizontal line, start positions / height / width in pixels. Buffered version; possible to write things on top of each other
+    // without clearing pixels (ORs all data). Use update() to write buffer to LCD
+    void drawbufferLineHor(char posx, char posy, char height, char width);
+    // Draw a vertical line, start positions / height / width in pixels. Buffered version.
+    void drawbufferLineVert(char posx, char posy, char height, char width);
@@ -67,6 +93,7 @@
     DigitalOut  *_lcd_cd;
     DigitalOut   *_lcd_rst;
     uint8_t     _lcdbuffer[LCDWIDTH*LCDPAGES];
+    char        buff[LCDWIDTH*LCDPAGES];