Latest version of my quadcopter controller with an LPC1768 and MPU9250.

Dependencies:   mbed

Currently running on a custom PCB with 30.5 x 30.5mm mounts. There are also 2 PC apps that go with the software; one to set up the PID controller and one to balance the motors and props. If anyone is interested, send me a message and I'll upload them.



File content as of revision 8:981f7e2365b6:

// MahonyAHRS.h
// Madgwick's implementation of Mayhony's AHRS algorithm.
// See:
// Date         Author          Notes
// 29/09/2011   SOH Madgwick    Initial release
// 02/10/2011   SOH Madgwick    Optimised for reduced CPU load
#ifndef MahonyAHRS_h
#define MahonyAHRS_h
#include <math.h>

// Variable declaration

class Mahony {
    float twoKp;        // 2 * proportional gain (Kp)
    float twoKi;        // 2 * integral gain (Ki)
    float q0, q1, q2, q3;   // quaternion of sensor frame relative to auxiliary frame
    float integralFBx, integralFBy, integralFBz;  // integral error terms scaled by Ki
   // float invSampleFreq;
    float roll, pitch, yaw;
    char anglesComputed;
    static float invSqrt(float x);
    void computeAngles();

// Function declarations

    float invSampleFreq;
    void begin(float sampleFrequency) { invSampleFreq = 1.0f / sampleFrequency; }
    void update(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz);
    void updateIMU(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az);
    float getRoll() {
        if (!anglesComputed) computeAngles();
        return roll * 57.29578f;
    float getPitch() {
        if (!anglesComputed) computeAngles();
        return pitch * 57.29578f;
    float getYaw() {
        if (!anglesComputed) computeAngles();
        return yaw * 57.29578f + 180.0f;
    float getRollRadians() {
        if (!anglesComputed) computeAngles();
        return roll;
    float getPitchRadians() {
        if (!anglesComputed) computeAngles();
        return pitch;
    float getYawRadians() {
        if (!anglesComputed) computeAngles();
        return yaw;
