A file system which can mount, read, and enumerate a file system image which has been appended to the compiled .bin code file before being uploaded to the mbed device.

FLASH File System

This file system can mount, read, and enumerate a file system image which has been appended to the compiled .bin code file before being uploaded to the mbed device. I wrote a utility called fsbld to create images that can be used with this file system. This GitHub repository contains the sources for that utility.

To get the file system image onto the mbed device, you need to concatenate your binary from the compiler with the file system image binary.

  • On *nix this can be done with the cat command. For example:
    cat Test_LPC1768.bin FileImage.bin >/Volumes/MBED/test.bin
  • On Windows this can be done with the copy command. For example:
    copy Test_LPC1768.bin + FileImage.bin e:\test.bin



File content as of revision 1:a3cb118c4f6e:

/* Copyright 2011 Adam Green (http://mbed.org/users/AdamGreen/)

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
/* Specifies the classes used to implement the FlashFileSystem which is a
   read-only file system that exists in the internal FLASH of the mbed

#include "FileSystemLike.h"

// Forward declare file system entry structure used internally in 
// FlashFileSystem.
struct _SFileSystemEntry;

// Represents an opened file object in the FlashFileSystem.
class FlashFileSystemFileHandle : public FileHandle 
    FlashFileSystemFileHandle(const char* pFileStart, const char* pFileEnd);
    // FileHandle interface methods.
    virtual ssize_t write(const void* buffer, size_t length);
    virtual int close();
    virtual ssize_t read(void* buffer, size_t length);
    virtual int isatty();
    virtual off_t lseek(off_t offset, int whence);
    virtual int fsync();
    virtual off_t flen();

    // Used by FlashFileSystem to maintain entries in its handle table.
    void SetEntry(const char* pFileStart, const char* pFileEnd)
        m_pFileStart = pFileStart;
        m_pFileEnd = pFileEnd;
        m_pCurr = pFileStart;
    int IsClosed()
        return (NULL == m_pFileStart);
    // Beginning offset of file in FLASH memory.
    const char*         m_pFileStart;
    // Ending offset of file in FLASH memory.
    const char*         m_pFileEnd;
    // Current position in file to be updated by read and seek operations.
    const char*         m_pCurr;

// Represents an open directory in the FlashFileSystem.
class FlashFileSystemDirHandle : public DirHandle
    // Constructors
    FlashFileSystemDirHandle(const char*              pFLASHBase,
                             const _SFileSystemEntry* pFirstFileEntry,
                             unsigned int             FileEntriesLeft,
                             unsigned int             DirectoryNameLength);
    // Used by FlashFileSystem to maintain DirHandle entries in its cache.
    void SetEntry(const char*              pFLASHBase,
                  const _SFileSystemEntry* pFirstFileEntry,
                  unsigned int             FileEntriesLeft,
                  unsigned int             DirectoryNameLength)
        m_pFLASHBase = pFLASHBase;
        m_pFirstFileEntry = pFirstFileEntry;
        m_pCurrentFileEntry = pFirstFileEntry;
        m_FileEntriesLeft = FileEntriesLeft;
        m_DirectoryNameLength = DirectoryNameLength;
    int IsClosed()
        return (NULL == m_pFirstFileEntry);
    // Methods defined by DirHandle interface.
    virtual int    closedir();
    virtual struct dirent *readdir();
    virtual void   rewinddir();
    virtual off_t  telldir();
    virtual void   seekdir(off_t location);

    // The first file entry for this directory.  rewinddir() takes the
    // iterator back to here.
    const _SFileSystemEntry*    m_pFirstFileEntry;
    // The next file entry to be returned for this directory enumeration.
    const _SFileSystemEntry*    m_pCurrentFileEntry;
    // Pointer to where the file system image is located in the device's FLASH.
    const char*                 m_pFLASHBase;
    // Contents of previously return directory entry structure.
    struct dirent               m_DirectoryEntry;
    // This is the length of the directory name which was opened.  When the
    // first m_DirectoryNameLength characters change then we have iterated
    // through to a different directory.
    unsigned int                m_DirectoryNameLength;
    // The number of entries left in the file system file entries array.
    unsigned int                m_FileEntriesLeft;

/** A filesystem for accessing a read-only file system placed in the internal
 *  FLASH memory of the NXP chip on the mbed board.
 *  The file system to be mounted by this file system should be created through
 *  the use of the fsbld utility on the PC and the resulting file system image
 *  concatentated to the end of the .bin file created by the mbed online
 *  compiler before uploading to the mbed device.
 *  NOTE: This file system is case-sensitive.  Calling fopen("/flash/INDEX.html")
 *        won't successfully open a file named index.html in the root directory
 *        of the flash file system.
 * Example:
 * @code
#include <mbed.h>
#include "FlashFileSystem.h"

static void _RecursiveDir(const char* pDirectoryName, DIR* pDirectory = NULL)
    DIR* pFreeDirectory = NULL;
    size_t DirectoryNameLength = strlen(pDirectoryName);
    // Open the specified directory.
    if (!pDirectory)
        pDirectory = opendir(pDirectoryName);
        if (!pDirectory)
            error("Failed to open directory '%s' for enumeration.\r\n", 
        // Remember to free this directory enumerator.
        pFreeDirectory = pDirectory;
    // Determine if we should remove a trailing slash from future *printf()
    // calls.
    if (DirectoryNameLength && '/' == pDirectoryName[DirectoryNameLength-1])
    // Iterate though each item contained within this directory and display
    // it to the console.
    struct dirent* DirEntry;
    while((DirEntry = readdir(pDirectory)) != NULL) 
        char RecurseDirectoryName[256];
        DIR* pSubdirectory;

        // Try opening this file as a directory to see if it succeeds or not.
        snprintf(RecurseDirectoryName, sizeof(RecurseDirectoryName),
        pSubdirectory = opendir(RecurseDirectoryName);
        if (pSubdirectory)
            _RecursiveDir(RecurseDirectoryName, pSubdirectory);
            printf("    %.*s/%s\n", 
    // Close the directory enumerator if it was opened by this call.
    if (pFreeDirectory)

int main() 
    static const char* Filename = "/flash/index.html";
    char*              ReadResult = NULL;
    int                SeekResult = -1;
    char               Buffer[128];

    // Create the file system under the name "flash".
    static FlashFileSystem flash("flash");
    if (!flash.IsMounted())
        error("Failed to mount FlashFileSystem.\r\n");

    // Open "index.html" on the file system for reading.
    FILE *fp = fopen(Filename, "r");
    if (NULL == fp)
        error("Failed to open %s\r\n", Filename);
    // Use seek to determine the length of the file
    SeekResult = fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    if (SeekResult)
        error("Failed to seek to end of %s.\r\n", Filename);
    long FileLength = ftell(fp);
    printf("%s is %ld bytes in length.\r\n", Filename, FileLength);
    // Reset the file pointer to the beginning of the file
    SeekResult = fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    if (SeekResult)
        error("Failed to seek to beginning of %s.\r\n", Filename);
    // Read the first line into Buffer and then display to user.
    ReadResult = fgets(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(Buffer[0]), fp);
    if (NULL == ReadResult)
        error("Failed to read first line of %s.\r\n", Filename);
    printf("%s:1  %s", Filename, Buffer);
    // Done with the file so close it.

    // Enumerate all content on mounted file systems.
    printf("\r\nList all files in /flash...\r\n");
    printf("\r\nFlashFileSystem example has completed.\r\n");
 * @endcode
class FlashFileSystem : public FileSystemLike 
    FlashFileSystem(const char* pName);
    virtual FileHandle* open(const char* pFilename, int Flags);
    virtual DirHandle*  opendir(const char *pDirectoryName);

    virtual int         IsMounted() { return (m_FileCount != 0); }

    FlashFileSystemFileHandle*  FindFreeFileHandle();
    FlashFileSystemDirHandle*   FindFreeDirHandle();
    // File handle table used by this file system so that it doesn't need
    // to dynamically allocate file handles at runtime.
    FlashFileSystemFileHandle   m_FileHandles[16];
    // Directory handle table used by this file system so that it doesn't need
    // to dynamically allocate file handles at runtime.
    FlashFileSystemDirHandle    m_DirHandles[16];
    // Pointer to where the file system image is located in the device's FLASH.
    const char*                 m_pFLASHBase;
    // Pointer to where the file entries are located in the device's FLASH.
    const _SFileSystemEntry*    m_pFileEntries;
    // The number of files in the file system image.
    unsigned int                m_FileCount;