Test CAN bus on Stm32F746nG

Dependencies:   F746_GUI mbed CANMsg

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Aug 06 14:21:20 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+programme test  sur carte stm32F746ng-discovery
+update 30/07/2019 : display datas on lcd ok
+update 29/07/2020 : send can ok ( after received), receive can ok
+update 29/07/2020 : remove touch screen
+update 28/07/2020 : add serial and CAN
+update 21/07/2020 : test buttons
+update 20/07/2020 : display buttons
+update 17/07/2020 GC : change colors
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stm32746g_discovery_lcd.h"
+#include "stm32746g_discovery_ts.h"
+#include <string> 
+#include "CANMsg.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+// serial port sur connecteur arduino (D0,D1)--------------------
+Serial    serial2(PC_6, PC_7); // TX, RX for udp bridge
+Serial    pc(USBTX, USBRX);  // serial on usb connector
+// CAN ------------------------------------------------------------
+CAN        can(PB_8, PB_9);  // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
+CANMsg     rxMsg;
+CANMsg     txMsg;
+uint8_t             counter = 0;
+float               voltage;
+Timer               timer;
+volatile bool   msgAvailable = false;
+AnalogIn        analogIn(A0);
+CircularBuffer<char, 1024> rxbuf;    // PC receiving Buffer
+uint8_t text2[30];
+  char s2;
+  char buffer[128];
+#define LED_PIN     PC_13
+DigitalOut          led(LED_PIN);
+//#define TARGET_STM32F103C8T6    1       // uncomment this line to use STM32F103C8T6 boards
+#define BOARD1                  1       // comment out this line when compiling for board #2
+#if defined(BOARD1)
+    const unsigned int  RX_ID = 0x100;
+    const unsigned int  TX_ID = 0x101;
+    const unsigned int  RX_ID = 0x101;
+    const unsigned int  TX_ID = 0x100;
+ * @brief   Prints CAN message to PC's serial terminal
+ * @param   CANMessage to print
+ */
+void printMsg(CANMessage& msg, int dir)
+{   if (dir ==0)
+    {  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(6), (uint8_t *)"Message sent    ", LEFT_MODE); 
+    }    
+    else
+    {  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(6), (uint8_t *)"Message received", LEFT_MODE); 
+    }
+    pc.printf("  ID      = 0x%.3x\r\n", msg.id);
+    pc.printf("  Type    = %d\r\n", msg.type);
+    pc.printf("  Format  = %d\r\n", msg.format);
+    pc.printf("  Length  = %d\r\n", msg.len);
+    pc.printf("  Data    =");
+    for(int i = 0; i < msg.len; i++)
+        pc.printf(" 0x%.2X", msg.data[i]);
+    pc.printf("\r\n");
+    sprintf((char*)text2, "ID: %d", msg.id);
+    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(7), (uint8_t *)&text2, LEFT_MODE);
+    sprintf((char*)text2, "Type: %d", msg.type);
+    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(8), (uint8_t *)&text2, LEFT_MODE);
+    sprintf((char*)text2, "Format: %d", msg.format);
+    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(9), (uint8_t *)&text2, LEFT_MODE);
+    sprintf((char*)text2, "Length: %d", msg.len);
+    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(10), (uint8_t *)&text2, LEFT_MODE);
+    sprintf((char*)text2, "Data: %d", msg.data[0]);
+    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(11), (uint8_t *)&text2, LEFT_MODE);   
+ * @brief   Handles received CAN messages
+ * @note    Called on 'CAN message received' interrupt.
+ */
+void onCanReceived(void)
+{   can.read(rxMsg);
+    pc.printf("-------------------------------------\r\n");
+    pc.printf("CAN message received\r\n");
+    serial2.printf("CAN message received\r\n");
+    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"Can msg rec", CENTER_MODE);
+    //BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"-----------", CENTER_MODE);
+    printMsg(rxMsg,1);   
+    //serial2.printf("%d\n",rxMsg); 
+    //serial2.printf("ID: ");
+    serial2.printf("ID: 0x%.3x ", rxMsg.id);
+    serial2.printf("D: ");
+    for(int i = 0; i < rxMsg.len; i++)
+        serial2.printf(" 0x%.2X", rxMsg.data[i]);
+    serial2.printf("\r\n");   
+    if (rxMsg.id == RX_ID) {
+        // extract data from the received CAN message 
+        // in the same order as it was added on the transmitter side
+        rxMsg >> counter;
+        rxMsg >> voltage;    
+        pc.printf("  counter = %d\r\n", counter);
+        pc.printf("  voltage = %e V\r\n", voltage);
+    }
+    timer.start(); // to transmit next message in main
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main()
+{   TS_StateTypeDef TS_State;
+    uint16_t x, y;
+    uint8_t text[30];
+    uint8_t status;
+    uint8_t idx;
+    uint8_t cleared = 0;
+    uint8_t menu_level = 0;
+    uint8_t prev_nb_touches = 0;
+    uint8_t touche_appuyee = 99;
+    string touche_appuyee_s = "%";
+    string  text_display1 ("Memorisation Touches ");
+    char buffer_touche[50];
+    // set serial speed
+    pc.baud(57600);
+    serial2.baud(57600);
+    // config can --------------------------------------
+    //jpa can = new CAN(PB_8, PB_9);        // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
+    can.frequency(125000); // set CAN bit rate to 125 kbps
+    //can.filter(RX_ID, 0xFFF, CANStandard, 0); // set filter #0 to accept only standard messages with ID == RX_ID
+    can.attach(onCanReceived);                // attach ISR to handle received messages
+    //can->attach(&onMsgReceived);   //msgAvailable = true;     // attach the 'CAN receive-complete' interrupt service routine (ISR) 
+#if defined(BOARD1)
+    timer.start();          // start timer
+    pc.printf("CAN_Hello board #1\r\n");
+    pc.printf("CAN_Hello board #2\r\n");
+    pc.printf("\nStart Prog\n");
+    serial2.printf("\nStart Prog\n");
+    BSP_LCD_Init();
+    //BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN DEMO", CENTER_MODE);
+    //HAL_Delay(1000);
+    status = BSP_TS_Init(BSP_LCD_GetXSize(), BSP_LCD_GetYSize());
+    if (status != TS_OK) {
+        BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_RED);
+        BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_RED);
+        BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+        BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN INIT FAIL", CENTER_MODE);
+    } else {
+        BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+        BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+        BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+        BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN INIT OK", CENTER_MODE);
+    }
+    pc.printf("\nInit Display\n");
+     HAL_Delay(1000);       
+     BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+     BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+     BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(2), (uint8_t *)"STM32F746 Disco Appli", CENTER_MODE);
+     BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_RED);
+     BSP_LCD_DrawRect(10, 100, 200, 50);
+     BSP_LCD_DrawRect(10, 180, 200, 50);
+     BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(25, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"Setup", LEFT_MODE);
+     BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(25, 200, (uint8_t *)"Run", LEFT_MODE);
+     BSP_LCD_SetFont(&Font12);
+        BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+        BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+        BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+        BSP_LCD_SetFont(&Font16);
+        BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(2), (uint8_t *)"Mode Run", CENTER_MODE);
+    //HAL_Delay(1000);
+    BSP_LCD_SetFont(&Font12);
+    BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+    while(1) //menu_level == 1)       
+    {  // timer send can 
+       if(timer.read_ms() >= 1000)            // check for timeout
+       {    timer.stop();                       // stop the timer
+            timer.reset();                      // reset the timer
+            counter++;                          // increment the counter
+            voltage = (analogIn * 3.3f)/4096.0f;// read the small drifting voltage from analog input
+            txMsg.clear();                      // clear the Tx message storage
+            //txMsg.id = TX_ID;            // set ID
+            txMsg.id = 0x18881001;//TX_ID;                   // set the message ID
+            txMsg.format = CANExtended ; //extended
+            // We are about to transmit two data items to the CAN bus.
+            //     counter: uint_8 (unsigned eight bits int) value (one byte).
+            //     voltage: floating point value (four bytes).
+            // So the total length of payload data is five bytes.
+            // We'll use the "<<" (append) operator to add data to the CAN message.
+            // The usage is same as of the similar C++ io-stream operators.
+            // NOTE: The data length of CAN message is automatically updated when using "<<" operators.  
+            txMsg << counter << voltage;        // append data (total data length must be <= 8 bytes!)
+            if(can.write(txMsg))       // transmit message
+            {   //if(can->write(txMsg)) {             // transmit the CAN message
+                //led = OFF;                      // turn the LED off
+                pc.printf("-------------------------------------\r\n");
+                pc.printf("CAN message sent\r\n");
+                printMsg(txMsg,0);
+                pc.printf("  counter = %d\r\n", counter);
+                pc.printf("  voltage = %e V\r\n", voltage);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"TX CAN OK", CENTER_MODE);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(4), (uint8_t *)"--------", CENTER_MODE);
+            }
+            else
+            {    pc.printf("Transmission error\r\n");
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(4), (uint8_t *)"TX CAN Fail", CENTER_MODE);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"-----------", CENTER_MODE);
+            }    
+            //timer.start();                  // insert transmission lag
+        }  // end if timer
+       // read serial port
+       // get serial 2      
+       //serial2.gets(buffer, 4); 
+       //pc.printf("I got '%s'\n", buffer);
+        char c = pc.getc();
+        if((c == 's') ) 
+        {   // send trame  CAN
+           if(can.write(txMsg))       // transmit message
+            {   //if(can->write(txMsg)) {             // transmit the CAN message
+                //led = OFF;                      // turn the LED off
+                pc.printf("-------------------------------------\r\n");
+                pc.printf("CAN message sent\r\n");
+                printMsg(txMsg,0);
+                pc.printf("  counter = %d\r\n", counter);
+                pc.printf("  voltage = %e V\r\n", voltage);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"TX CAN OK", CENTER_MODE);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(4), (uint8_t *)"--------", CENTER_MODE);
+            }
+            else
+            {    pc.printf("Transmission error\r\n");
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(4), (uint8_t *)"TX CAN Fail", CENTER_MODE);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"-----------", CENTER_MODE);
+            }    
+         } 
+        char ser2 = serial2.getc();
+        if( (ser2 = 's') ) 
+        {   // send trame  CAN
+           if(can.write(txMsg))       // transmit message
+            {   //if(can->write(txMsg)) {             // transmit the CAN message
+                //led = OFF;                      // turn the LED off
+                pc.printf("-------------------------------------\r\n");
+                pc.printf("CAN message sent\r\n");
+                printMsg(txMsg,0);
+                pc.printf("  counter = %d\r\n", counter);
+                pc.printf("  voltage = %e V\r\n", voltage);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"TX CAN OK", CENTER_MODE);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(4), (uint8_t *)"--------", CENTER_MODE);
+            }
+            else
+            {    pc.printf("Transmission error\r\n");
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(4), (uint8_t *)"TX CAN Fail", CENTER_MODE);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"-----------", CENTER_MODE);
+            }    
+         } 
+       // gestion touches appuyees
+       BSP_TS_GetState(&TS_State); 
+        if (TS_State.touchDetected) {
+            // Clear lines corresponding to old touches coordinates
+            if (TS_State.touchDetected < prev_nb_touches) {
+                for (idx = (TS_State.touchDetected + 1); idx <= 5; idx++) {
+                    BSP_LCD_ClearStringLine(idx);
+                }
+            }
+            prev_nb_touches = TS_State.touchDetected;
+            cleared = 0;
+            sprintf((char*)text, "Touches: %d", TS_State.touchDetected);
+            BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+            for (idx = 0; idx < TS_State.touchDetected; idx++) {
+                x = TS_State.touchX[idx];
+                y = TS_State.touchY[idx];
+                sprintf((char*)text, "Touch %d: x=%d y=%d    ", idx+1, x, y);
+                BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+            }
+            BSP_LCD_DrawPixel(TS_State.touchX[0], TS_State.touchY[0], LCD_COLOR_ORANGE);
+            // rajouter test touche appuyée
+            if ((y>100)& (y<150))
+            {  // touches 0 a 5 appuyées
+               if ((x>10)&(x<60))
+               {  // touche 0 appuyée)
+                  sprintf((char*)text, "Touche 0 appuyée");
+                  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                  touche_appuyee = 0;touche_appuyee_s = "0";
+               }  
+               if ((x>90)&(x<130))
+               {  // touche 1 appuyée)
+                  sprintf((char*)text, "Touche 1 appuyée");
+                  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                  touche_appuyee = 1;touche_appuyee_s = "1";
+               } 
+               if ((x>180)&(x<230))
+               {  // touche 2 appuyée)
+                  sprintf((char*)text, "Touche 2 appuyée");
+                  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                  touche_appuyee = 2;touche_appuyee_s = "2";
+               } 
+               if ((x>260)&(x<310))
+               {  // touche 3 appuyée)
+                  sprintf((char*)text, "Touche 3 appuyée");
+                  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                  touche_appuyee = 3;touche_appuyee_s = "3";
+               } 
+               if ((x>340)&(x<390))
+               {  // touche 4 appuyée)
+                  sprintf((char*)text, "Touche 4 appuyée");
+                  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                  touche_appuyee = 4;touche_appuyee_s = "4";
+               } 
+               if ((x>420)&(x<470))
+               {  // touche 5 appuyée)
+                  sprintf((char*)text, "Touche 5 appuyée");
+                  BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                  touche_appuyee = 5;touche_appuyee_s = "5";
+               } 
+               text_display1 = text_display1 + touche_appuyee_s; 
+               sprintf(buffer_touche, "text_display1 %d", touche_appuyee);               
+               BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, 3, (uint8_t *)&buffer_touche, LEFT_MODE);  
+            } 
+         } else {
+            if (!cleared)
+            {    //BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+             //   sprintf((char*)text, "Touches: 0");
+            //    BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(2, LINE(2), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+                cleared = 1;
+            }
+        }
+     }                
+//int main() {
+//    pc.printf("Hello World!\n\r");
+//    while(1) {
+//        pc.putc(pc.getc() + 1); // echo input back to terminal
+//    }//
+int main() {
+    while(1) {
+        if(pc.readable()) {
+            device.putc(pc.getc());
+        }
+        if(device.readable()) {
+            pc.putc(device.getc());
+        }
+    }
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+PwmOut led(LED1);
+float brightness = 0.0;
+int main() {
+    pc.printf("Press 'u' to turn LED1 brightness up, 'd' to turn it down\n");
+    while(1) {
+        char c = pc.getc();
+        if((c == 'u') && (brightness < 0.5)) {
+            brightness += 0.01;
+            led = brightness;
+        }
+        if((c == 'd') && (brightness > 0.0)) {
+            brightness -= 0.01;
+            led = brightness;
+        } 
+    }
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Serial uart(p28, p27);
+DigitalOut pc_activity(LED1);
+DigitalOut uart_activity(LED2);
+int main() {
+    while(1) {
+        if(pc.readable()) {
+            uart.putc(pc.getc());
+            pc_activity = !pc_activity;
+        }
+        if(uart.readable()) {
+            pc.putc(uart.getc());
+            uart_activity = !uart_activity;
+        }
+    }
+#include "mbed.h"
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+int main() {
+    char c;
+    char buffer[128];
+    pc.gets(buffer, 4);
+    pc.printf("I got '%s'\n", buffer);    
+sd card filesystem
+/* Example file of using SD/MMC Block device Library for MBED-OS
+ * Copyright 2017 Roy Krikke
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
+#include "SDBlockDeviceDISCOF746NG.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+DigitalOut led (LED1);
+// Instantiate the Block Device for sd card on DISCO-F746NG
+SDBlockDeviceDISCOF746NG bd;
+FATFileSystem fs ("fs");
+return_error (int ret_val)
+{   if(ret_val)
+        printf ("Failure. %d\r\n", ret_val);
+    else
+        printf ("done.\r\n");
+errno_error (void* ret_val)
+{  if(ret_val == NULL)
+        printf (" Failure. %d \r\n", errno);
+    else
+        printf (" done.\r\n");
+main ()
+    Serial pc (SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    printf("Start\n");
+    int error = 0;
+    printf("Welcome to the filesystem example.\r\n"
+           "Formatting a FAT, RAM-backed filesystem. ");
+    error = FATFileSystem::format(&bd);
+    return_error(error);
+    printf("Mounting the filesystem on \"/fs\". ");
+    error = fs.mount(&bd);
+    return_error(error);
+    printf("Opening a new file, numbers.txt.");
+    FILE* fd = fopen("/fs/numbers.txt", "w");
+    errno_error(fd);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+        printf("Writing decimal numbers to a file (%d/20)\r", i);
+        fprintf(fd, "%d\r\n", i);
+    }
+    printf("Writing decimal numbers to a file (20/20) done.\r\n");
+    printf("Closing file.");
+    fclose(fd);
+    printf(" done.\r\n");
+    printf("Re-opening file read-only.");
+    fd = fopen("/fs/numbers.txt", "r");
+    errno_error(fd);
+    printf("Dumping file to screen.\r\n");
+    char buff[16] = { 0 };
+    while(!feof (fd)) {
+        int size = fread(&buff[0], 1, 15, fd);
+        fwrite(&buff[0], 1, size, stdout);
+    }
+    printf("EOF.\r\n");
+    printf("Closing file.");
+    fclose(fd);
+    printf(" done.\r\n");
+    printf("Opening root directory.");
+    DIR* dir = opendir("/fs/");
+    errno_error(fd);
+    struct dirent* de;
+    printf("Printing all filenames:\r\n");
+    while((de = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
+        printf("  %s\r\n", &(de->d_name)[0]);
+    }
+    printf("Closeing root directory. ");
+    error = closedir(dir);
+    return_error(error);
+    printf("Filesystem Demo complete.\r\n");
+    // Blink led with 2 Hz
+    while(true) {
+        led = !led;
+        wait (0.5);
+    }
+ */
\ No newline at end of file