Copy of Andrew Reed's code from Google Classroom (revision from 2 weeks ago) with alterations made on 08-01-2021

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API Documentation at this revision

Tue Feb 23 11:00:50 2021 +0000
Commit message:
Variables redefined

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Feb 16 10:24:58 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Feb 23 11:00:50 2021 +0000
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited
  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- /******************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************/
- /****              Environmental System Manager                ****/
- /****              Boiler and Lighting Control                 ****/
- /****              on a Cypress PSoC 6 WiFi BT                 ****/
- /****              Prototyping Board Feb 2021                  ****/
- /******************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************/
+/****              Environmental System Manager                ****/
+/****              Boiler and Lighting Control                 ****/
+/****              on a Cypress PSoC 6 WiFi BT                 ****/
+/****              Prototyping Board Feb 2021                  ****/
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "platform/mbed_thread.h"
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@
 // Global variables
 char buffer[80];  //  buffer containing any data to be sent to VT100 terminal
-Thread thread; // Thread to produce console 
+Thread thread; // Thread to produce console
 Thread thread2; // Thread to flash yellow LED
 Thread thread3; //  Thread to take sensor readings
-float currentHighTemp = 0; // highest temperature reached since startup
-float currentLowTemp = 100; // lowest temperature reached since startup
 bool allowUpdate = true; // can the threshold be updated?
@@ -55,41 +53,49 @@
 /* Data Structures */
 /* Create a structure type "DataSet" for data "myData" */
-struct DataSet {
+struct DataSet1 {
     float highTempThresh = 25.0;  //  Boiler turns off level
     float lowTempThresh = 23.0;  //  Boiler turns on level
     float ambientTemp;  // Current temperature
     float highLightThresh = 72.0; //  Light turns off level
     float lowLightThresh = 45.0; //  Light turns on level
     float ambientLight; // Current light level
+    } myData;
+/* Create a structure type "DataSet" for data "addedData" */
+struct DataSet2 {
+    float currentHighTemp = 0; // highest temperature reached since startup
+    float currentLowTemp = 100; // lowest temperature reached since startup
     float potValue; // Potentiometer value
-    } myData;
+} addedData;
 /* prototype of function */
 /* Tell the compiler the following functions will be defined */
-    void displayAt( int x, int y, char *buffer );  // For sending output values at specific positions to the terminal
-    void initialise(); // Clear screen, move cursor and turn off cursor
-    void readSensors();  // Read thermister and LDR
-    void setActuators(); //Compare read values to thresholds
-    void displayData(); // Send results to UART terminal
-    void consoleThread();  //  checks if thresholds are to be modified
-    void yellowFlashThread();  //  flashed yellow LED at 4Hz
-    void maxMin();  // Maximum and minimum temperatures are recorded
+void displayAt( int x, int y, char *buffer );  // For sending output values at specific positions to the terminal
+void initialise(); // Clear screen, move cursor and turn off cursor
+void readSensors();  // Read thermister and LDR
+void setActuators(); //Compare read values to thresholds
+void displayData(); // Send results to UART terminal
+void consoleThread();  //  checks if thresholds are to be modified
+void yellowFlashThread();  //  flashed yellow LED at 4Hz
+void maxMin();  // Maximum and minimum temperatures are recorded
 /*  Yellow Flash Thread */
-/*  Indication that system is still active 
+/*  Indication that system is still active
     but both boiler and lighting indicators
     are below thresholds and are just off.
     If no lights are on the system has crashed  */
 void yellowFlashThread()
     while(true) {
         if (boilerLed == false && lightingLed == false) { //check if both LED's are off
-        yellowLed = !yellowLed;  //  Flash yellow LED at ~4Hz
-        myData.potValue = ((*1000)+100); // Read potentiometer to produce value 100-1100
-        thread_sleep_for(myData.potValue);  } // Adjust flashing rate dependent on pot reading
+            yellowLed = !yellowLed;  //  Flash yellow LED at ~4Hz
+            addedData.potValue = ((*1000)+100); // Read potentiometer to produce value 100-1100
+            thread_sleep_for(addedData.potValue);  // Adjust flashing rate dependent on pot reading
+        } 
         else yellowLed = 0; //  When boiler or heating are on yellow LED is off
@@ -102,52 +108,51 @@
         float cumulativeVoltage = 0; //initialise cumulative reference voltage
         float meanRefVoltage; // Mean value of reference voltage
         /* variables to convert from voltage to ADC to degrees celcius */
-        float refCurrent;  
+        float refCurrent;
         float thermVoltage;
         float thermResistance;
         float logrT;
-        float stEqn;      
+        float stEqn;
         /*  Read ADC 10 times and average reading to minimise spikes  */
         for (int x=0; x<10; x++) {
             refVoltage = * 2.4; // Range of ADC 0->2*Vref
             cumulativeVoltage = cumulativeVoltage + refVoltage;
-            thread_sleep_for (10); // 10ms between readings
-        }
+            thread_sleep_for (10); } // 10ms between readings
         meanRefVoltage = cumulativeVoltage/10;  //  Average reference voltage calc
         /*  convert to degrees celsius  */
         refCurrent = meanRefVoltage  / 10000.0; // 10k Reference Resistor
         thermVoltage = 3.3 - meanRefVoltage;    // Assume supply voltage is 3.3v
         thermResistance = thermVoltage / refCurrent;
         logrT = (float32_t)log((float64_t)thermResistance);
         /* Calculate temperature from the resistance of thermistor using Steinhart-Hart Equation */
         stEqn = (float32_t)((0.0009032679) + ((0.000248772) * logrT) +
-        ((2.041094E-07) * pow((float64)logrT, (float32)3)));
+                ((2.041094E-07) * pow((float64)logrT, (float32)3)));
         myData.ambientTemp = (float32_t)(((1.0 / stEqn) - 273.15)  + 0.5);
         /* Read light levels from LDR potential divider */
         float refLight;
         float cumulativeLight=0;
         /* Read light level 10 times and average to smooth spikes */
         for (int x = 0; x<10; x++) {
             refLight = ( 1 - * 100; //  read analogue input from LDR, convert to %
             cumulativeLight += refLight;
-            thread_sleep_for(10); // 
+            thread_sleep_for(10); //
         myData.ambientLight = cumulativeLight/10; // Calculate mean value of light level
-        }
 /* console thread -  to define display and threshold settings,
-   determine which keys have been pressed and to update the 
+   determine which keys have been pressed and to update the
    relevant threshold value */
 void consoleThread()
     char inputStr[80]; // array to store input threshold values
@@ -157,11 +162,11 @@
     while(1) {
         if (serial_port.readable()) {
             allowUpdate = false;
             //  switch to determine which threshold is active
             switch ( selection ) {
                 case 0:   // show that lowTemp threshold is selected
-                    printf("\033[4;31H\033[1;30m\033[47m%2.1f\033[1;37m\033[40m\033[14;1H", myData.lowTempThresh); 
+                    printf("\033[4;31H\033[1;30m\033[47m%2.1f\033[1;37m\033[40m\033[14;1H", myData.lowTempThresh);
                 case 1:   // show that highTemp threshold is selected
                     printf("\033[4;47H\033[1;30m\033[47m%2.1f\033[1;37m\033[40m\033[14;1H", myData.highTempThresh);
@@ -175,12 +180,12 @@
             char inputChar;
             inputChar = serial_port.getc(); // read a keypress from serial port
             //  switch to determine which instruction key is pressed
             switch (inputChar) {
                 case 0x08:  // has backspace been pressed?
-                    if (index > 0) inputStr[--index] = NULL;; // delete the last character 
+                    if (index > 0) inputStr[--index] = NULL;; // delete the last character
                     printf("\033[14;1HChange to: %s %c", inputStr, 0x08); // move cursor to 14,1 show space
                     printf("\033[25h"); // make cursor visible
@@ -200,7 +205,7 @@
                             printf("\033[5;31H\033[0;37m\033[40m%2.1f\033[5;47H\033[1;30m\033[47m%2.1f\033[1;37m\033[40m\033[14;1H", myData.lowLightThresh, myData.highLightThresh);
                         case 3:
-                        //  show cursor moving from high light to low temp
+                            //  show cursor moving from high light to low temp
                             printf("\033[5;47H\033[0;37m\033[40m%2.1f\033[4;31H\033[1;30m\033[47m%2.1f\033[1;37m\033[40m\033[14;1H", myData.highLightThresh, myData.lowTempThresh);
@@ -212,7 +217,7 @@
                         //  update the relevant threshold once enter is pressed
                         switch (selection) {
                             case 0:
-                                myData.lowTempThresh = atof(inputStr); 
+                                myData.lowTempThresh = atof(inputStr);
                             case 1:
                                 myData.highTempThresh = atof(inputStr);
@@ -232,11 +237,11 @@
                 case 0x20: // Space bar data coming...
                     printf("\033[14;1HChange to: ");
                 default: // should be a digit or decimal point
                     inputStr[index++] = inputChar;
                     inputStr[index] = NULL;
@@ -256,9 +261,8 @@
     thread.start(consoleThread ); //  start checking if keys are pressed
     thread2.start(yellowFlashThread); //start flashing yellow LED
     thread3.start(readSensors); // read sensors
-//    currentLowTemp = currentHighTemp = myData.ambientTemp;
      * Main loop:-
@@ -272,12 +276,12 @@
     while (true) {
-        led = !led; 
-        setActuators(); 
-        maxMin(); 
-        displayData(); 
-        thread_sleep_for(BLINKING_RATE_MS); 
+        led = !led;
+        setActuators();
+        maxMin();
+        displayData();
+        thread_sleep_for(BLINKING_RATE_MS);
@@ -291,21 +295,23 @@
     if (myData.ambientLight < myData.lowLightThresh) lightingLed = true;  // below lower light threshold
-void maxMin()   
+void maxMin()
 /*  Compares existing max and min temperatures to current and updates them if
     the previous high has been exceeded or previous low is now colder  */
     thread_sleep_for(200);  //  needs to pause to allow ambient temp to take a reading
-    if (myData.ambientTemp > currentHighTemp) { 
-        currentHighTemp = myData.ambientTemp;}
-    if (myData.ambientTemp < currentLowTemp)  {
-    currentLowTemp = myData.ambientTemp;}
-    //  set min and max to current temp if button pressed    
+    if (myData.ambientTemp > addedData.currentHighTemp) {
+        addedData.currentHighTemp = myData.ambientTemp;
+    }
+    if (myData.ambientTemp < addedData.currentLowTemp)  {
+        addedData.currentLowTemp = myData.ambientTemp;
+    }
+    //  set min and max to current temp if button pressed
     if (pushButton == 0) {
-        currentHighTemp = currentLowTemp = myData.ambientTemp; 
-        }
+        addedData.currentHighTemp = addedData.currentLowTemp = myData.ambientTemp;
+    }
 void displayData()
@@ -332,18 +338,18 @@
     displayAt(26, 4, buffer);
     sprintf(buffer, "The boiler is %s", boilerLed?"On ":"Off" ); // state whether boiler LED is on or off
     displayAt(1, 6, buffer);
     //  Print the current highest and lowest temperatuers since startup
-    sprintf(buffer, "%3.1f°C ", currentLowTemp);  //write lowest temp measured
+    sprintf(buffer, "%3.1f°C ", addedData.currentLowTemp);  //write lowest temp measured
     displayAt(61, 4, buffer);
-    sprintf(buffer, "%3.1f°C ", currentHighTemp); //write highest temp measured
+    sprintf(buffer, "%3.1f°C ", addedData.currentHighTemp); //write highest temp measured
     displayAt(73, 4, buffer);
-        // Colour code the current light values
+    // Colour code the current light values
     if (myData.ambientLight > myData.highLightThresh) {
         lCol=41;    //Red Text
@@ -354,6 +360,7 @@
         lCol=42;    // Green Text
     sprintf( buffer, "Ambient Light is: %3.1f%c ", myData.ambientLight, '%' ); //write current light to serial buffer
     displayAt(1, 5, buffer);
     sprintf(buffer,"\033[%dm \033[40m", lCol); // simulate coloured LED
@@ -367,7 +374,7 @@
     displayAt(1, 7, buffer);
-void displayAt( int x, int y, char *buffer ) 
+void displayAt( int x, int y, char *buffer )
 /*  Function to place data to be displayed in correct location  */
 /*  and send using UART to terminal  */
@@ -390,7 +397,7 @@
     printf( "\033[0m" ); // Turn attributes off
     //Print at line 3, column 28 Low threshold in blue and High threshold in red
     printf("\033[3;28H\033[1;34mLow Threshold  \033[1;31mHigh Threshold \033[1;36mMinimum Temp \033[1;35mMaximum Temp");
     //print at line 1, column 16 in faint white
     printf("\033[2;37m\033[16;1H* Press \"Space key\" to set threshold values\r\n");
     printf("  Use \"Tab key\" to select each threshold setting\r\n");