Base class for the u-blox N2xx modems. Cannot be used standalone, only inherited by classes that do properly useful stuff. Or, to put it another way, if you are using any of the classes ending with 'n2xx', you will need this class also. Note: requires the N211 module firmware to be at least 06.57 A01.02.

Dependents:   example-ublox-cellular-interface HelloMQTT example-ublox-cellular-interface_r410M example-ublox-mbed-client ... more



File content as of revision 10:1afe5ed24f0c:

/* Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include "mbed.h"
#include "ATCmdParser.h"
#include "FileHandle.h"


/** UbloxCellularBase class.
 *  This class provides all the base support for generic u-blox modems
 *  on C030 and C027 boards: module identification, power-up, network
 *  registration, etc.
class UbloxCellularBaseN2xx {

    /** Circuit Switched network registration status (CREG Usage).
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section 7.10.3).
    typedef enum {
        CSD_REGISTERED = 1,
        CSD_SMS_ONLY = 6,
    } NetworkRegistrationStatusCsd;

    /** Packet Switched network registration status (CGREG Usage).
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section 18.27.3).
    typedef enum {
        PSD_REGISTERED = 1,
    } NetworkRegistrationStatusPsd;

    /** EPS network registration status (CEREG Usage).
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section 18.36.3).
    typedef enum {
        EPS_REGISTERED = 1,
    } NetworkRegistrationStatusEps;

    /** Initialise the modem, ready for use.
     *  @param pin     PIN for the SIM card.
     *  @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool init(const char *pin = 0);

    /** Perform registration with the network.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool nwk_registration();

    /** True if the modem is registered for circuit
     * switched data, otherwise false.
    bool is_registered_csd();

    /** True if the modem is registered for packet
     * switched data, otherwise false.
    bool is_registered_psd();

    /** True if the modem is registered for enhanced
     * packet switched data (i.e. LTE and beyond),
     * otherwise false.
    bool is_registered_eps();

    /** Perform deregistration from the network.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool nwk_deregistration();

    /** Put the modem into its lowest power state.
    void deinit();

    /** Set the PIN code for the SIM card.
     *  @param pin PIN for the SIM card.
    void set_pin(const char *pin);

    /** Enable or disable SIM pin checking.
     * @param enableNotDisable true if SIM PIN checking is to be enabled,
     *                         otherwise false.
     * @return                 true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool sim_pin_check_enable(bool enableNotDisable);

    /** Change the SIM pin.
     * @param new_pin the new PIN to use.
     * @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool change_sim_pin(const char *new_pin);
    /** get the Manufacturer Info
    * @param response the manufacturer
    * @return         ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cgmi(const char *response);
    /** get the Module name
    * @param response the module name
    * @return         ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cgmm(const char *response);
    /** get International Module Subscriber Information
    * @param response the IMSI
    * @return         ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cimi(const char *response);
    /** get the serial number 
    * @param response the serial number
    * @return         ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool ccid(const char *response);
    /** get the firmware version
    * @param response the firmware version
    * @return         ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cgmr(const char *response);
    /** get the IMEI
    * @param response the IMEI 
    * @return         ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cgsn(int snt, const char *response);    
    /** Connect to the specified PLMN
    * @param plmn the PLMN to register on
    * @return     ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cops(const char*plmn);
    /** Set the mode of operation for registering
    * @param mode 0=Auto, 1=Manual, 2=Deregister
    * @return     ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cops(int mode);
    /** Gets the COPS mode of operation
    * @param status returns the mode
    * @return       ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool get_cops(int *status);
    /** Enable or Disable the Radio/Modem
    * @param mode 0=disable, 1=enable
    * @return     ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool cfun(int mode);
    /** Reboot the SARA-N2xx module
    * @return     ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool reboot();
    /** Sets the AUTOCONNECT feature of SARA-N2xx module
    * @param state true to enable, false to disable
    * @return      ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool auto_connect(bool state);
    /** Set the specified NCONFIG parameter
    * @param name  name of the NCONFIG parameter to enable/disable
    * @param state true to enable, false to disable
    * @return      ture if successful, otherwise false.
    bool nconfig(const char *name, bool state);    

    /** Get the IMEI.
    * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    MBED_DEPRECATED("This method is now replaced by const char * imei(), please use that instead")
    bool get_imei(char *buffer, int size);
        /** Get the IMEI of the module.
     * @return a pointer to the IMEI as a null-terminated string.
    const char *imei();
    /** Get the Mobile Equipment ID (which may be the same as the IMEI).
     * @return a pointer to the Mobile Equipment ID as a null-terminated string.
    const char *meid();
    /** Get the IMSI of the SIM.
     * @return a pointer to the IMSI as a null-terminated string.
    const char *imsi();
    /** Get the ICCID of the SIM.
     * @return a pointer to the ICCID as a null-terminated string.
    const char *iccid();
    /** Get the RSSI.
     * @return the RSSI in dBm. If it is not possible to obtain an
     *         RSSI reading at the time (e.g. because the modem is in
     *         data mode rather than AT command mode) then 0 is returned.
    int rssi();


    #define OUTPUT_ENTER_KEY  "\r"

    #define AT_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE   256

    #define AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT       8*1000 // Milliseconds

    /** A string that would not normally be sent by the modem on the AT interface.
    #define UNNATURAL_STRING "\x01"

    /** Supported u-blox modem variants.
    typedef enum {
        DEV_TYPE_NONE = 0,
    } DeviceType;

    /** Network registration status.
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section
    typedef enum {
       GSM = 0,
       COMPACT_GSM = 1,
       UTRAN = 2,
       EDGE = 3,
       HSDPA = 4,
       HSUPA = 5,
       HSDPA_HSUPA = 6,
       LTE = 7
    } RadioAccessNetworkType;

    /** Info about the modem.
    typedef struct {
        DeviceType dev;
        char iccid[20 + 1];   //!< Integrated Circuit Card ID.
        char imsi[15 + 1];    //!< International Mobile Station Identity.
        char imei[15 + 1];    //!< International Mobile Equipment Identity.
        char meid[18 + 1];    //!< Mobile Equipment IDentifier.
        volatile RadioAccessNetworkType rat;  //!< Type of network (e.g. 2G, 3G, LTE).
        volatile NetworkRegistrationStatusCsd reg_status_csd; //!< Circuit switched attach status.
        volatile NetworkRegistrationStatusPsd reg_status_psd; //!< Packet switched attach status.
        volatile NetworkRegistrationStatusEps reg_status_eps; //!< Evolved Packet Switched (e.g. LTE) attach status.
    } DeviceInfo;
    typedef struct {
        char cgmm[32+1];
        char cgmi[32+1];
        char cgmr[32+1];
        char cgsn[32+1];    
    } sara_n2xx_info;

    /* IMPORTANT: the variables below are available to
     * classes that inherit this in order to keep things
     * simple. However, ONLY this class should free
     * any of the pointers, or there will be havoc.

    /** Point to the instance of the AT parser in use.
    ATCmdParser *_at;

    /** The current AT parser timeout value.
    int _at_timeout;

    /** File handle used by the AT parser.
    FileHandle *_fh;

    /** The mutex resource.
    Mutex _mtx;

    /** General info about the modem as a device.
    DeviceInfo _dev_info;
     * Information about the SARA-N2xx module
    sara_n2xx_info _sara_n2xx_info;

    /** The SIM PIN to use.
    const char *_pin;

    /** Set to true to spit out debug traces.
    bool _debug_trace_on;

    /** True if the modem is ready register to the network,
     * otherwise false.
    bool _modem_initialised;

    /** True it the SIM requires a PIN, otherwise false.
    bool _sim_pin_check_enabled;

    /** Sets the modem up for powering on
     *  modem_init() is equivalent to plugging in the device, e.g., attaching power and serial port.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_init();

    /** Sets the modem in unplugged state
     *  modem_deinit() will be equivalent to pulling the plug off of the device, i.e., detaching power
     *  and serial port. This puts the modem in lowest power state.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_deinit();

    /** Powers up the modem
     *  modem_power_up() is equivalent to pressing the soft power button.
     *  The driver may repeat this if the modem is not responsive to AT commands.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_power_up();

    /** Powers down the modem
     *  modem_power_down() is equivalent to turning off the modem by button press.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_power_down();

    /* Note: constructor and destructor protected so that this
    * class can only ever be inherited, never used directly.

    /** Initialise this class.
     * @param tx       the UART TX data pin to which the modem is attached.
     * @param rx       the UART RX data pin to which the modem is attached.
     * @param baud     the UART baud rate.
     * @param debug_on true to switch AT interface debug on, otherwise false.
     * Note: it would be more natural to do this in the constructor
     * however, to avoid the diamond of death, this class is only
     * every inherited virtually.  Classes that are inherited virtually
     * do not get passed parameters in their constructor and hence
     * classInit() must be called separately by the first one to wake
     * the beast.
    void baseClassInit(PinName tx = MDMTXD,
                       PinName rx = MDMRXD,
                       int baud = MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_N2XX_BAUD_RATE,
                       bool debug_on = false);

    /** Set the AT parser timeout.
    void at_set_timeout(int timeout);

    /** Read up to size characters from buf
     * or until the character "end" is reached, overwriting
     * the newline with 0 and ensuring a terminator
     * in all cases.
     * @param buf  the buffer to write to.
     * @param size the size of the buffer.
     * @param end  the character to stop at.
     * @return     the number of characters read,
     *             not including the terminator.
    int read_at_to_char(char * buf, int size, char end);

    /** Powers up the modem.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool power_up();

    /** Power down the modem.
    void power_down();

    /** Lock a mutex when accessing the modem.
    void lock(void)     { _mtx.lock(); }

    /** Helper to make sure that lock unlock pair is always balanced
    #define LOCK()         { lock()

    /** Unlock the modem when done accessing it.
    void unlock(void)   { _mtx.unlock(); }

    /** Helper to make sure that lock unlock pair is always balanced
    #define UNLOCK()       } unlock()

    /** Set the device identity in _dev_info
     * based on the ATI string returned by
     * the module.
     * @return true if dev is a known value,
     *         otherwise false.
    bool set_device_identity(DeviceType *dev);

    /** Perform any modem initialisation that is
     * specialised by device type.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool device_init(DeviceType dev);

    /** Set up the SIM.
     * @return true if successful, otherwiss false.
    bool initialise_sim_card();
    int read_at_to_newline(char * buf, int size);

    void set_nwk_reg_status_csd(int status);
    void set_nwk_reg_status_psd(int status);
    void set_nwk_reg_status_eps(int status);
    void set_rat(int AcTStatus);
    bool get_iccid();
    bool get_imsi();
    bool get_imei();
    bool get_meid(); // *** NOT IMPLEMENTED, returns false
    bool set_sms(); // *** NOT IMPLEMENTED, returns false
    void parser_abort_cb();
    void CMX_ERROR_URC();
    void CEREG_URC();    
    bool get_sara_n2xx_info();        
    bool cereg(int n);
    nsapi_error_t get_cereg();
    nsapi_error_t get_cscon();
    nsapi_error_t get_csq();    
    bool at_send(const char *cmd);
    bool at_send(const char *cmd, int n);
    bool at_send(const char *cmd, const char *arg);
    bool at_req(const char *cmd, const char *recvFormat, const char *response);    
    bool at_req(const char *cmd, const char *recvFormat, int *response);