This class provides APIs to all of the registers of the TI BQ35100 battery gauge, as used on the u-blox C030 primary battery shield.

Dependents:   example-battery-gauge-bq35100

diff -r ee7cc8d75283 -r 4c699a813451 TESTS/unit_tests/default/main.cpp
--- a/TESTS/unit_tests/default/main.cpp	Thu Nov 09 22:55:13 2017 +0000
+++ b/TESTS/unit_tests/default/main.cpp	Fri Nov 10 17:07:06 2017 +0000
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 #define MAX_CURRENT_READING_MA     2000
 #define MIN_CURRENT_READING_MA    -2000
-#define MAX_CAPACITY_READING_UAH   30000000
-#define SET_DESIGN_CAPACITY_MAH    32177
+#define MAX_CAPACITY_READING_UAH   32177000 // Some randomly chosen
+#define SET_DESIGN_CAPACITY_MAH    32177    // values that match
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -199,6 +200,158 @@
+// Test behaviours with gauging on
+void test_gauging() {
+    BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
+    uint32_t capacityUAh = MIN_CAPACITY_READING_UAH - 1;
+    // Call should fail if the battery gauge has not been initialised
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->enableGauge());
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->disableGauge());
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->isGaugeEnabled());
+    // Normal case, gauging should be off to begin with
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->init(gpI2C, GAUGE_ENABLE_PIN));
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->isGaugeEnabled());
+    // Enable gauge, without non-volatile storage
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->enableGauge());
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->getUsedCapacity(&capacityUAh));
+    printf ("Used capacity %.3f mAh.\n", ((float) capacityUAh) / 1000);
+    // Range check
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->isGaugeEnabled());
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->disableGauge());
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->isGaugeEnabled());
+    // Enable gauge, with non-volatile storage
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->enableGauge(true));
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->getUsedCapacity(&capacityUAh));
+    printf ("Used capacity %.3f mAh.\n", ((float) capacityUAh) / 1000);
+    // Range check
+    // TODO: any way to check that the non-volatileness has worked?
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->isGaugeEnabled());
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->disableGauge());
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->isGaugeEnabled());
+// Test the new battery call
+void test_new_battery() {
+    BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
+    uint32_t originalDesignCapacity;
+    uint32_t newDesignCapacity = SET_DESIGN_CAPACITY_MAH;
+    uint32_t readDesignCapacity = 0;
+    // Call should fail if the battery gauge has not been initialised
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->newBattery(1000));
+    // Normal case
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->init(gpI2C, GAUGE_ENABLE_PIN));
+    // Get the original design capacity so that we can set it back
+    // at the end
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->getDesignCapacity(&originalDesignCapacity));
+    printf ("Design capacity was originally %d mAh.\n", (unsigned int) originalDesignCapacity);
+    // Avoid the old and new values being the same
+    if (originalDesignCapacity == newDesignCapacity) {
+        newDesignCapacity--;
+    }
+    // Now add the new battery
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->newBattery(newDesignCapacity));
+    printf ("New battery added with design capacity %d mAh.\n", (unsigned int) newDesignCapacity);
+    // Read the value back and check that it's been set
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->getDesignCapacity(&readDesignCapacity));
+    printf ("Design capacity was read as %d mAh.\n", (unsigned int) readDesignCapacity);
+    TEST_ASSERT(readDesignCapacity = newDesignCapacity)
+    // Put the original value back
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->setDesignCapacity(originalDesignCapacity));
+    printf ("Design capacity returned to %d mAh.\n", (unsigned int) originalDesignCapacity);
+// Test get/set config
+void test_advanced_get_set_config() {
+    BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
+    int32_t address = 0x4036; // Manufacturer Info Block A01, a 1 byte field
+    char originalValue;
+    char oldValue;
+    char newValue;
+    // Calls should fail if the battery gauge has not been initialised
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->advancedGetConfig(address, &originalValue, sizeof(originalValue)));
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->advancedSetConfig(address, &newValue, sizeof(newValue)));
+    // Initialise the battery gauge
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->init(gpI2C, GAUGE_ENABLE_PIN));
+    // Normal case
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedGetConfig(address, &originalValue, sizeof(originalValue)));
+    // Invert the result and write it back
+    oldValue = originalValue;
+    printf ("Original value was 0x%02x.\n", oldValue);
+    newValue = ~oldValue;
+    printf ("Setting it to 0x%02x.\n", newValue);
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedSetConfig(address, &newValue, sizeof(newValue)));
+    // Read it and check that it has changed
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedGetConfig(address, &oldValue, sizeof(oldValue)));
+    printf ("Read back 0x%02x.\n", oldValue);
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT8(newValue, oldValue);
+    // Put the original value back again
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedSetConfig(address, &originalValue, sizeof(originalValue)));
+// Send a control word
+void test_advanced_control() {
+    BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
+    uint16_t controlWord = 0x0003; // get HW version
+    uint16_t response = 0;
+    // Call should fail if the battery gauge has not been initialised
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->advancedSendControlWord(controlWord, &response));
+    // Initialise the battery gauge
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->init(gpI2C, GAUGE_ENABLE_PIN));
+    // Normal case
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedSendControlWord(controlWord, &response));
+    // FW version must be 0x00a8
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT16(0x00a8, response);
+    // The parameter is allowed to be null
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedSendControlWord(controlWord, NULL));
+// Read using a standard command
+void test_advanced_get() {
+    BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
+    uint8_t address = 0x06; // Temperature
+    uint16_t value = 0;
+    int32_t temperatureC = -1;
+    // Call should fail if the battery gauge has not been initialised
+    TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(pBatteryGauge->advancedGet(address, &value));
+    // Initialise the battery gauge
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->init(gpI2C, GAUGE_ENABLE_PIN));
+    // Normal case
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedGet(address, &value));
+    // Get the temperature via the standard API command
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->getTemperature(&temperatureC));
+    // Convert the value returned into a temperature reading and compare
+    // it with the real answer, allowing a 1 degree tolerance in case
+    // it has changed between readings.
+    TEST_ASSERT_INT32_WITHIN (1, temperatureC, ((int32_t) value / 10) - 273);
+    // The parameter is allowed to be null
+    TEST_ASSERT(pBatteryGauge->advancedGet(address, NULL));
 // Test that the security mode of the chip can be changed
 void test_advanced_security_mode() {
     BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
@@ -263,7 +416,7 @@
-// Reset the BQ35100 battery gauge chip at the outset
+// Reset the BQ35100 battery gauge chip
 void test_advanced_reset() {
     BatteryGaugeBq35100 * pBatteryGauge = new BatteryGaugeBq35100();
     BatteryGaugeBq35100::SecurityMode securityMode;
@@ -299,7 +452,7 @@
 utest::v1::status_t test_setup(const size_t number_of_cases) {
     // Setup Greentea, timeout is long enough to run these tests with
     // DEBUG_BQ35100 defined
-    GREENTEA_SETUP(480, "default_auto");
+    GREENTEA_SETUP(250, "default_auto");
     return verbose_test_setup_handler(number_of_cases);
@@ -313,6 +466,11 @@
     Case("Design capacity read/set", test_design_capacity),
     Case("Remaining capacity read", test_remaining_capacity),
     Case("Remaining precentage read", test_remaining_percentage),
+    Case("Gauging", test_gauging),
+    Case("New battery", test_new_battery),
+    Case("Advanced get/set config", test_advanced_get_set_config),
+    Case("Advanced control", test_advanced_control),
+    Case("Advanced get", test_advanced_get),
     Case("Advanced security mode", test_advanced_security_mode),
     Case("Advanced reset", test_advanced_reset)