This class provides APIs to all of the registers of the TI BQ27441 battery gauge, as used on the u-blox C030 board. The caller should instantiate an I2C interface and pass this to init(), which will initialise the chip and place it into its lowest power state. When battery gauging is enabled, the getRemainingCapacity()/getRemainingPercentage() API calls may be used; otherwise the chip will be maintained in its lowest power state until a voltage/current/temperature reading is requested.

Dependents:   example-battery-gauge-bq27441



File content as of revision 1:566163f17cde:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2017 u-blox
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @file bq27441.cpp
 * This file defines the API to the TI BQ27441 battery gauge chip.

/// Define these to print debug information.
//#define DEBUG_BQ27441
//#define DEBUG_BQ27441_BLOCK_DATA

#include <mbed.h>
#include <battery_gauge_bq27441.h>

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
# include <stdio.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

/// How many loops to wait for a configuration update to be permitted.
// Experience suggests that the limit really does need to be this large.

/// How long to delay when running around the config update loop.

/// How long to wait for all the ADC readings to be performed.
#define ADC_READ_WAIT_MS 1000

/// Delay after the last config update before we can unseal the
// chip again (see section of the BQ27441 technical
// reference manual).
#define UNSEAL_DELAY_MS 4000

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

/// Read two bytes from an address.
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::getTwoBytes (uint8_t registerAddress, uint16_t *pBytes)
    bool success = false;
    char data[3];

    if (gpI2c != NULL) {
        // Send a command to read from registerAddress
        data[0] = registerAddress;
        data[1] = 0;
        data[2] = 0;

        if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 1) == 0) &&
            (gpI2c->read(gAddress, &(data[1]), 2) == 0)) {
            success = true;
            if (pBytes) {
                *pBytes = (((uint16_t) data[2]) << 8) + data[1];

    return success;

/// Compute the checksum over a block of data.
uint8_t BatteryGaugeBq27441::computeChecksum(const char * pData)
    uint8_t checkSum = 0;
    uint8_t x;

    if (pData != NULL) {
        printf ("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): computing check sum on data block.\n", gAddress >> 1);
        printf (" 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F\n");
        for (x = 1; x <= 32; x++) {
            checkSum += *pData;
            if (x % 16 == 8) {
                printf ("%02x  ", *pData);
            } else if (x % 16 == 0) {
                printf ("%02x\n", *pData);
            } else {
                printf ("%02x-", *pData);

        checkSum = 0xff - checkSum;

    if (x % 16 !=  1) {
    printf ("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): check sum is 0x%02x.\n", gAddress >> 1, checkSum);
    return checkSum;

/// Read data of a given length and class ID.
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::readExtendedData(uint8_t subClassId, int32_t offset, int32_t length, char * pData)
    bool success = false;
    bool wasSealed = false;
    char block[32];
    char data[3];

    if ((gpI2c != NULL) && (length <= 32) && (pData != NULL)) {            
        // The offset + length combination must not cross a 32-byte boundary
        if (offset / 32 == (offset + length - 1) / 32) {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): preparing to read %d byte(s) from offset %d of sub-class %d.\n", gAddress >> 1, length, offset, subClassId);
            // Handle unsealing
            wasSealed = isSealed();
            if (!wasSealed || unseal(gSealCode)) {

                // Enable Block Data Control (0x61)
                data[0] = 0x61;
                data[1] = 0;

                if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2) == 0) {
                    // Write sub-class ID using Data Block Class (0x3e)
                    data[0] = 0x3e;
                    data[1] = subClassId;

                    if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2) == 0) {
                        // Write offset using Block Offset (0x3f) and then
                        // read the data block
                        data[0] = 0x3f;
                        data[1] = offset / 32;

                        if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2, true) == 0) &&
                            (gpI2c->read(gAddress, &(block[0]), 32) == 0)) {
                            // Compute the block checksum and then read it
                            data[2] = computeChecksum(&(block[0]));
                            data[0] = 0x60;
                            data[1] = 0;

                            if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 1, true) == 0) &&
                                (gpI2c->read(gAddress, &(data[1]), 1) == 0)) {

                                // Does the checksum match?
                                if (data[1] == data[2]) {              
                                    // If so read the new data from the block data area at 0x40 plus
                                    // the offset (plus the Block Offset already written)
                                    data[0] = 0x40 + (offset % 32);
                                    if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 1, true) == 0) &&
                                        (gpI2c->read(gAddress, pData, length) == 0)) {
                                        success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): read successful.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                                    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): couldn't read all %d bytes of config.\r", gAddress >> 1, length);
                                } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): checksum on data block incorrect (expected 0x%02x, received 0x%02x).\n", gAddress >> 1, data[2], data[1]);
                            } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to read Block Data Checksum for config.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to write Block Offset (%d), or maybe read the data block, for config.\n", gAddress >> 1, data[1]);
                    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable set sub-class ID (0x%02x) for config.\n", gAddress >> 1, subClassId);
                } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to set Block Data Control for config.\n", gAddress >> 1);
            } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to unseal chip.\n", gAddress >> 1);
        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): offset (%d) is in different 32 byte block to offset + length (%d) [length is %d].\n", gAddress >> 1, offset, offset + length, length);

    // Reseal if required, and fail if it fails
    if (wasSealed) {
        if (!seal()) {
            success = false;

    return success;

/// Write data of a given length and class ID to a given offset.  This code taken from
// section 3.1 of the SLUUAC9A application technical reference manual with hints from:
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::writeExtendedData(uint8_t subClassId, int32_t offset, int32_t length, const char * pData)
    bool success = false;
    bool wasSealed = false;
    char data[3 + 32];
    char block[32];
    uint16_t answer;
    uint32_t count = 0;

    if ((gpI2c != NULL) && (length <= 32) && (pData != NULL)) {

        // The offset + length combination must not cross a 32-byte boundary
        if (offset / 32 == (offset + length - 1) / 32) {        
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): preparing to write %d byte(s) to offset %d of sub-class %d.\n", gAddress >> 1, length, offset, subClassId);
            // Handle unsealing
            wasSealed = isSealed();
            if (!wasSealed || unseal(gSealCode)) {

                // Send Config Update (command 0x13)
                data[0] = 0;
                data[1] = 0x13;
                data[2] = 0;

                if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
                    // Wait for CONFIGUPDATE to be set in Flags register (bit 4)
                    count = 0;
                    do {
                        answer = 0;
                        getTwoBytes(0x06, &answer);
                    } while (((answer & (1 << 4)) == 0) && (count < CONFIG_UPDATE_LOOPS));

                    if ((answer & (1 << 4)) != 0) {
                        // Enable Block Data Control (0x61)
                        data[0] = 0x61;
                        data[1] = 0;

                        if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2) == 0) {
                            // Write sub-class ID using Data Block Class (0x3e)
                            data[0] = 0x3e;
                            data[1] = subClassId;

                            if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2) == 0) {
                                // Write offset using Block Offset (0x3f) and then
                                // read the data block
                                data[0] = 0x3f;
                                data[1] = offset / 32;

                                if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2, true) == 0) &&
                                    (gpI2c->read(gAddress, &(block[0]), 32) == 0)) {
                                    // Compute the existing block checksum and then read it
                                    data[2] = computeChecksum(&(block[0]));
                                    data[0] = 0x60;
                                    data[1] = 0;

                                    if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 1, true) == 0) &&
                                        (gpI2c->read(gAddress, &(data[1]), 1) == 0)) {

                                        // Does the checksum match?
                                        if (data[1] == data[2]) {
                                            // If so write the new data to the block data area at 0x40 plus the offset (plus the Block Offset already written)
                                            // NOTE: I tried doing this as two separate writes, one of the offset and then another of the
                                            // data block (so that I could use pData directly rather than having to extend the local
                                            // data array by 32) but the chip didn't like that, hence we have to copy pData into the
                                            // local array and do a single contiguous write.
                                            data[0] = 0x40 + (offset % 32);
                                            memcpy (&(data[1]), pData, length);

                                            if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), length + 1) == 0) {
                                                // Also write the data into our local block variable 
                                                // on top of the previously read data and use
                                                // that to compute the new block checksum, then write it
                                                memcpy (&(block[offset % 32]), pData, length); 
                                                data[0] = 0x60;
                                                data[1] = computeChecksum(&(block[0]));
                                                if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 2) == 0) {
                                                    // Exit config mode with SOFT_RESET command 0x42
                                                    data[0] = 0;
                                                    data[1] = 0x42;
                                                    data[2] = 0;

                                                    if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
                                                        // Finally, wait for CONFIGUPDATE to be unset in Flags register (bit 4)
                                                        count = 0;
                                                        do {
                                                            answer = 0xFFFF;
                                                            getTwoBytes(0x06, &answer);
                                                        } while (((answer & (1 << 4)) != 0) && (count < CONFIG_UPDATE_LOOPS));

                                                        if ((answer & (1 << 4)) == 0) {
                                                            success = true;
                                                            // Wait around for 4 seconds if there has been a config update
                                                            // and there is a danger that we might have to unseal the device
                                                            // Note: would be nice if we could note the time and do other
                                                            // things but the timer is restarted when certain commands are sent,
                                                            // so it is better to be dumb
                                                            if (wasSealed) {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                                            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): write successful.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                                                        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                                            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): Flags register didn't show config update flag unset in time (0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, answer);
                                                    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to write config update exit after update.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                                                } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): checksum on modified data block incorrect (0x%02x) during config update.\n", gAddress >> 1, data[1]);
                                            } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): couldn't write all %d bytes during config update.\n", gAddress >> 1, length);
                                        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): checksum on read data block incorrect (expected 0x%02x, received 0x%02x).\n", gAddress >> 1, data[2], data[1]);
                                    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to read Block Data Checksum for config update.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                                } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to write Block Offset (%d), or possibly read the data block, for config update.\n", gAddress >> 1, data[1]);
                            } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to set sub-class ID (0x%02x) for config update.\r", gAddress >> 1, subClassId);
                        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to set Block Data Control for config update.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): Flags register didn't show config update flag set in time (0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, answer);
                } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to write to control register for config update.\n", gAddress >> 1);
            } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unable to unseal chip.\n", gAddress >> 1);
        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): offset (%d) is in different 32 byte block to offset + length (%d) [length is %d].\n", gAddress >> 1, offset, offset + length, length);
    // If the write succeeded the exit from config update state will
    // re-seal things.  If it failed, we need to re-seal the device
    // manually if it was previously sealed.
    if (!success && wasSealed) {
        if (!seal()) {
            success = false;

    return success;

/// Check if the chip is SEALED or UNSEALED.
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::isSealed(void)
    bool sealed = false;
    char data[3];
    uint16_t controlStatus;

    // Send a control command to read the control status register
    data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
    data[1] = 0x00;  // First byte of CONTROL_STATUS sub-command (0x00)
    data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of CONTROL_STATUS sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

    if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
        if (getTwoBytes (0, &controlStatus)) {
            // Bit 5 of the high byte is set to 1 if the device is sealed
            if (controlStatus & (1 << 13)) {
                sealed = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): is sealed (control status 0x%04x).\r\n", gAddress >> 1, controlStatus);
            } else {
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): is unsealed (control status 0x%04x).\r\n", gAddress >> 1, controlStatus);
    return sealed;

/// Put the chip into SEALED mode.
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::seal(void)
    bool success = false;
    char data[3];
    uint16_t controlStatus;

    // Send a SEALED sub-command
    data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
    data[1] = 0x20;  // First byte of SEALED sub-command (0x20)
    data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of SEALED sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

    if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
        // Check for success by reading the control status register
        data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
        data[1] = 0x00;  // First byte of CONTROL_STATUS sub-command (0x00)
        data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of CONTROL_STATUS sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

        if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
            if (getTwoBytes (0, &controlStatus)) {
                // Bit 5 of the high byte is set to 1 if the device is sealed
                if (controlStatus & (1 << 13)) {
                    success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): now sealed.\n", gAddress >> 1);
                } else {
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): seal failed (control status 0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, controlStatus);
    return success;

/// Send the seal code to the device to unseal it.
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::unseal(uint16_t sealCode)
    bool success = false;
    char data[3];
    uint16_t controlStatus;

    // Send the unseal code to the control register
    data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
    data[1] = (char) sealCode;         // First byte of code
    data[2] = (char) (sealCode >> 8);  // Second byte of code (register address will auto-increment)

    if ((gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) &&
        (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0)) {
        // Check for success by reading the control status register
        data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
        data[1] = 0x00;  // First byte of CONTROL_STATUS sub-command (0x00)
        data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of CONTROL_STATUS sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

        if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
            if (getTwoBytes (0, &controlStatus)) {
                // Bit 5 of the high byte is 0 if the device is unsealed
                if ((controlStatus & (1 << 13)) == 0) {
                    success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): now unsealed with seal code 0x%04x (control status 0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, sealCode, controlStatus);
                } else {
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): unseal failed (with seal code 0x%04x, control status 0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, sealCode, controlStatus);
    return success;

/// Make sure that the device is awake and has taken a reading.
// Note: the function does its own locking of gpI2C so that it isn't
// locked for the entire time we wait for ADC readings to complete.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::makeAdcReading(void)
    bool success = false;
    char data[3];
    data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
    data[1] = 0x12;  // First byte of CLEAR_HIBERNATE sub-command (0x12)
    data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of CLEAR_HIBERNATE sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

    success = (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0);
    wait_ms (ADC_READ_WAIT_MS);
    return success;

/// Set Hibernate mode.
// Note: gpI2c should be locked before this is called.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::setHibernate(void)
    char data[3];
    data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
    data[1] = 0x11;  // First byte of SET_HIBERNATE sub-command (0x11)
    data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of SET_HIBERNATE sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)
    return (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

/// Constructor.
    gpI2c = NULL;
    gReady = false;
    gGaugeOn = false;
    gSealCode = 0;

/// Destructor.

/// Initialise ourselves.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::init (I2C * pI2c, uint8_t address, uint16_t sealCode)
    uint16_t answer;
    char data[4];

    gpI2c = pI2c;
    gAddress = address << 1;
    gSealCode = sealCode;

    if (gpI2c != NULL) {
        // Send a control command to read the firmware version
        data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
        data[1] = 0x02;  // First byte of FW_VERSION sub-command (0x02)
        data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of FW_VERSION sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

        if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
            if (getTwoBytes (0, &answer)) {
                // The expected response is 0x0109
                if (((answer >> 8) == 0x01) && ((answer & 0xff) == 0x09)) {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    if (readExtendedData(112, 0, 4, &(data[0]))) {
                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): seal code stored in chip is 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x.\n", gAddress >> 1, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);
                    // Set the Sleep Current to the maximum value so that, if
                    // we tell the chip to go to sleep mode, it will do so
                    // straight away.  Sleep Current is offset 31 in the State
                    // sub-class (82) and max value is 1000.  Since offset 31
                    // and a length of 2 crosses a 32 bytes boundary this needs
                    // two separate writes.
                    data[0] = (char) (1000 >> 8);
                    data[1] = (char) 1000;
                    if (writeExtendedData(82, 31, 1, &(data[0])) &&
                        writeExtendedData(82, 32, 1, &(data[1]))) {
                        // Now enter Hibernate mode to minimise power consumption
                        // Need to set either the Hibernate Current or Hibernate Voltage value
                        // to max, otherwise we won't hibernate, then set the SET_HIBERNATE
                        // bit.  Here we set Hibernate V element (offset 9) in the Power
                        // sub-class (68) to its max value (see section of the
                        // BQ27441 technical reference manual).
                        // Note: the cell must also be "relaxed" for this to occur and so
                        // the chip may still not enter Hibernate mode for a little while.                    
                        data[0] = (char) (5000 >> 8);
                        data[1] = (char) 5000;
                        if (writeExtendedData(68, 9, 2, &(data[0]))) {
                            // Now send SET_HIBERNATE
                            gReady = setHibernate();
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): read 0x%04x as FW_VERSION, expected 0x0109.\n", gAddress >> 1, answer);

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
    if (gReady) {
        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): handler initialised.\r\n", gAddress >> 1);
    } else {
        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): init NOT successful.\r\n", gAddress >> 1);

    return gReady;

/// Switch on the battery capacity monitor.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::enableGauge (bool isSlow)
    bool success = false;
    char data[3];
    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure that we are not in hibernate
        data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
        data[1] = 0x12;  // First byte of CLEAR_HIBERNATE sub-command (0x12)
        data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of CLEAR_HIBERNATE sub-command (0x00)
        if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
            gGaugeOn = true;
            // Read the OpConfig register which is in the Registers sub-class
            // (64) at offset 0.
            if (readExtendedData(64, 0, 2, &(data[0]))) {
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): OpConfig is 0x%02x%02x.\r\n", gAddress >> 1, data[0], data[1]);
                // SLEEP mode is bit 5 of the low byte of OpConfig.  In SLEEP
                // mode a reading is taken every 20 seconds.
                if (isSlow && ((data[1] & (1 << 5)) == 0)) {
                    // Set the SLEEP bit 'cos it's not set and needs to be
                    data[1] |= 1 << 5;
                    // Write the new value back
                    success = writeExtendedData(64, 0, 2, &(data[0]));
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    if (success) {
                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): OpConfig becomes 0x%02x%02x.\r\n", gAddress >> 1, data[0], data[1]);
                } else if (!isSlow && ((data[1] & (1 << 5)) != 0)) {
                    // Clear the SLEEP bit 'cos it's set and shouldn't be
                    data[1] &= ~(1 << 5);
                    // Write the new value back
                    success = writeExtendedData(64, 0, 2, &(data[0]));
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    if (success) {
                        printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): OpConfig becomes 0x%02x%02x.\r\n", gAddress >> 1, data[0], data[1]);
                } else {
                    success = true;
    return success;

/// Switch off the battery capacity monitor.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::disableGauge (void)
    bool success = false;
    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Send SET_HIBERNATE
        if (setHibernate()) {
            success = true;
            gGaugeOn = false;
    return success;

/// Check whether a battery has been detected or not.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::isBatteryDetected (void)
    bool isDetected = false;
    uint16_t data;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Read from the flags register address
            if (getTwoBytes (0x06, &data)) {

                // If bit 3 is set then a battery has been detected
                if (data & (1 << 3)) {
                    isDetected = true;

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                if (isDetected) {
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): battery detected (flags 0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, data);
                } else {
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): battery NOT detected (flags 0x%04x).\n", gAddress >> 1, data);
            // Set hibernate again if we are not monitoring
            if (!gGaugeOn) {

    return isDetected;

/// Get the temperature of the chip.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::getTemperature (int32_t *pTemperatureC)
    bool success = false;
    int32_t temperatureC = 0;
    uint16_t data;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Read from the temperature register address
            if (getTwoBytes (0x02, &data)) {
                success = true;

                // The answer is in units of 0.1 K, so convert to C
                temperatureC = ((int32_t) data / 10) - 273;

                if (pTemperatureC) {
                    *pTemperatureC = temperatureC;

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): chip temperature %.1f K, so %d C.\n", gAddress >> 1, ((float) data) / 10, temperatureC);
            // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
            if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
                success = false;

    return success;

/// Get the voltage of the battery.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::getVoltage (int32_t *pVoltageMV)
    bool success = false;
    uint16_t data = 0;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Read from the voltage register address
            if (getTwoBytes (0x04, &data)) {
                success = true;

                // The answer is in mV
                if (pVoltageMV) {
                    *pVoltageMV = (int32_t) data;

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): battery voltage %.3f V.\n", gAddress >> 1, ((float) data) / 1000);

            // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
            if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
                success = false;

    return success;

/// Get the current flowing from the battery.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::getCurrent (int32_t *pCurrentMA)
    bool success = false;
    int32_t currentMA = 0;
    uint16_t data;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Read from the average current register address
            if (getTwoBytes (0x10, &data)) {
                success = true;

                if (pCurrentMA) {
                    *pCurrentMA = currentMA;

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): current %d mA.\n", gAddress >> 1, currentMA);

            // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
            if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
                success = false;

    return success;

/// Get the remaining battery capacity.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::getRemainingCapacity (int32_t *pCapacityMAh)
    bool success = false;
    uint16_t data = 0;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Read from the RemainingCapacity register address
            if (getTwoBytes (0x0c, &data)) {
                success = true;

                // The answer is in mAh
                if (pCapacityMAh) {
                    *pCapacityMAh = (int32_t) data;

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): remaining battery capacity %u mAh.\n", gAddress >> 1, data);

            // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
            if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
                success = false;

    return success;

/// Get the battery percentage remaining
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::getRemainingPercentage (int32_t *pBatteryPercent)
    bool success = false;
    uint16_t data = 0;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Wake up and take a reading if we have to
            if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
                success = false;

            // Read from the StateOfCharge register address
            if (getTwoBytes (0x1c, &data)) {
                success = true;

                if (pBatteryPercent) {
                    *pBatteryPercent = (int32_t) data;

#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): remaining battery percentage %u%%.\n", gAddress >> 1, data);

            // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
            if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
                success = false;

    return success;

/// Advanced function to read a configuration data block.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedGetConfig(uint8_t subClassId, int32_t offset, int32_t length, char * pData)
    bool success = false;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL) && (pData != NULL)) {
        // Read the extended configuration data
        success = readExtendedData(subClassId, offset, length, pData);
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
        if (success) {
            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): read extended data with subClassId %d from offset %d.\n", gAddress >> 1, subClassId, offset);

        // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
        if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
            success = false;


    return success;

/// Advanced function to write a configuration data block.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedSetConfig(uint8_t subClassId, int32_t offset, int32_t length, const char * pData)
    bool success = false;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL) && (pData != NULL)) {
        // Write the extended configuration data
        success = writeExtendedData(subClassId, offset, length, pData);
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
        if (success) {
            printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): written %d byte(s) of extended data with subClassId %d from offset %d.\n", gAddress >> 1, length, subClassId, offset);

        // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
        if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
            success = false;


    return success;

/// Send a control word.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedSendControlWord (uint16_t controlWord, uint16_t *pDataReturned)
    bool success = false;
    char data[3];

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Send the control command
        data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
        data[1] = (char) controlWord;        // First byte of controlWord
        data[2] = (char) (controlWord >> 8); // Second byte of controlWord
        if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
            // Read the two bytes returned if requested
            if (pDataReturned != NULL) {
                if (getTwoBytes(0, pDataReturned)) {
                    success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                    printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): sent control word 0x%04x, read back 0x%04x.\n", gAddress >> 1, controlWord, *pDataReturned);
            } else {
                success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): sent control word 0x%04x.\n", gAddress >> 1, controlWord);

    return success;

/// Read two bytes starting at a given address on the chip.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedGet (uint8_t address, uint16_t *pDataReturned)
    bool success = false;
    uint16_t value;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Make sure there's a recent reading, as most
        // of these commands involve the chip having done one
        if (gGaugeOn || makeAdcReading()) {            
            // Read the data
            if (getTwoBytes(address, &value)) {
                success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): read 0x%04x from addresses 0x%02x and 0x%02x.\n", gAddress >> 1, value, address, address + 1);
                if (pDataReturned != NULL) {
                    *pDataReturned = value;

    return success;

/// Check if the chip is SEALED or UNSEALED.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedIsSealed()
    bool sealed = false;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Check for sealedness
        sealed = isSealed();
        // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
        if (!gGaugeOn) {


    return sealed;

/// Put the chip into SEALED mode.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedSeal()
    bool success = false;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Seal
        success = seal();

        // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
        if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
            success = false;


    return success;

/// Unseal the device.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedUnseal(uint16_t sealCode)
    bool success = false;
    char updateStatus;

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {
        // Unseal and read the Update Status value
        if (unseal(sealCode) && readExtendedData(82, 2, 1, &updateStatus)) {
            // If the update status value has the top bit set then the chip will
            // reseal itself on the next reset, so this bit needs to be cleared to
            // unseal it properly
            if ((updateStatus & (1 << 7)) != 0) {
                updateStatus &= ~(1 << 7);
                success = writeExtendedData(82, 2, 1, &updateStatus);
            } else {
                success = true;

        // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
        if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
            success = false;


    return success;

/// Do a hard reset of the chip.
bool BatteryGaugeBq27441::advancedReset(void)
    bool success = false;
    bool wasSealed;
    char data[3];

    if (gReady && (gpI2c != NULL)) {

        // Handle unsealing, as this command only works when unsealed
        wasSealed = isSealed();
        if (!wasSealed || unseal(gSealCode)) {
            // Send a RESET sub-command
            data[0] = 0x00;  // Set address to first register for control
            data[1] = 0x41;  // First byte of RESET sub-command (0x41)
            data[2] = 0x00;  // Second byte of RESET sub-command (0x00) (register address will auto-increment)

            if (gpI2c->write(gAddress, &(data[0]), 3) == 0) {
                success = true;
#ifdef DEBUG_BQ27441
                printf("BatteryGaugeBq27441 (I2C 0x%02x): chip hard reset.\n", gAddress >> 1);
            // Handle re-sealing and fail if we need to re-seal but can't
            if (wasSealed && !seal()) {
                success = false;
        // Return to sleep if we are allowed to
        if (!gGaugeOn && !setHibernate()) {
            success = false;

    return success;

// End Of File