SNIC UART Interface library: Serial to Wi-Fi library for Murata TypeYD Wi-Fi module. For more information about TypeYD:

Dependents:   SNIC-xively-jumpstart-demo SNIC-FluentLogger-example TCPEchoServer murataDemo ... more

Fork of YDwifiInterface by Takao Kishino

--- a/Socket/TCPSocketConnection.cpp	Tue Jul 15 02:08:42 2014 +0000
+++ b/Socket/TCPSocketConnection.cpp	Tue Jul 15 09:56:37 2014 +0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     ret = createSocket();
     if( ret != 0 )
-        printf("createSocket error : %d\r\n", ret);
+        DEBUG_PRINT("createSocket error : %d\r\n", ret);
         return -1;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     //lcd_printf("connect to [%s](%08x)\r\n", host_p, ip_addr);
     if( ( ip_addr == 0) || (ip_addr == -1) )
-          printf("connect resolveHostName failed\r\n");
+          DEBUG_PRINT("connect resolveHostName failed\r\n");
         return -1;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     tagMEMPOOL_BLOCK_T *payload_buf_p = snic_core_p->allocCmdBuf();
     if( payload_buf_p == NULL )
-        printf("connect payload_buf_p NULL\r\n");
+        DEBUG_PRINT("connect payload_buf_p NULL\r\n");
         return -1;
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
     ret = uartCmdMgr_p->wait();
     if( ret != 0 )
-        printf( "connect failed\r\n" );
+        DEBUG_PRINT( "connect failed\r\n" );
         snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf_p );
         return -1;
     if( uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus() != UART_CMD_RES_SNIC_CONNECTION_UP )
-        printf("connect status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
+        DEBUG_PRINT("connect status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
         snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf_p );
         return -1;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     C_SNIC_Core::tagCONNECT_INFO_T *con_info_p = snic_core_p->getConnectInfo( mSocketID );
     if( con_info_p->recvbuf_p == NULL )
-        printf( "create recv buffer[socket:%d]\r\n", mSocketID);
+        DEBUG_PRINT( "create recv buffer[socket:%d]\r\n", mSocketID);
         con_info_p->recvbuf_p = new CircBuffer<char>(SNIC_UART_RECVBUF_SIZE);
     con_info_p->is_connected = true;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
     tagMEMPOOL_BLOCK_T *payload_buf_p = snic_core_p->allocCmdBuf();
     if( payload_buf_p == NULL )
-        printf("connect payload_buf_p NULL\r\n");
+        DEBUG_PRINT("connect payload_buf_p NULL\r\n");
         return -1;
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@
     int ret = uartCmdMgr_p->wait();
     if( ret != 0 )
-        printf( "send failed\r\n" );
+        DEBUG_PRINT( "send failed\r\n" );
         snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf_p );
         return -1;
     if( uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus() != UART_CMD_RES_SNIC_SUCCESS )
-        printf("send status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
+        DEBUG_PRINT("send status:%02x\r\n", uartCmdMgr_p->getCommandStatus());
         snic_core_p->freeCmdBuf( payload_buf_p );
         return -1;
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
     if( (data_p == NULL) || (length < 1) )
-        printf("TCPSocketConnection::receive parameter error\r\n");
+        DEBUG_PRINT("TCPSocketConnection::receive parameter error\r\n");
         return -1;
@@ -203,20 +203,20 @@
     C_SNIC_Core::tagCONNECT_INFO_T *con_info_p = snic_core_p->getConnectInfo( mSocketID );
     if( con_info_p->recvbuf_p == NULL )
-        printf("TCPSocketConnection::receive Conncection info error\r\n");
+        DEBUG_PRINT("TCPSocketConnection::receive Conncection info error\r\n");
         return -1;
     // Check connection
     if( con_info_p->is_connected == false )
-        printf(" Socket id \"%d\" is not connected\r\n", mSocketID);
+        DEBUG_PRINT(" Socket id \"%d\" is not connected\r\n", mSocketID);
         return -1;
     if( con_info_p->is_received == false )
-//        printf(" Socket id \"%d\" is not received\r\n", mSocketID);
+//        DEBUG_PRINT(" Socket id \"%d\" is not received\r\n", mSocketID);
         return 0;