This was made by Niko for bluetooth communication

Dependencies:   m3pi_ng

Thu May 22 12:14:37 2014 +0000
This was made by Niko to use bluetooth

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 1 #include "mbed.h"
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 2 #include "m3pi_ng.h"
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 3 #include "btbee.h"
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 4
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 5 // Made by Niko
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 6
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 7 m3pi m3pi;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 8 btbee btbee;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 9
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 10 DigitalOut mbed_led[] = {(LED1), (LED2),(LED3), (LED4)};
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 11 DigitalOut m3pi_led[] = {(p13), (p14), (p15), (p16), (p17), (p18), (p19), (p20)};
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 12 DigitalIn m3pi_pb(p21);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 13
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 14 int main()
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 15 {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 16 // initialization stuff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 17 m3pi.locate(0,1);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 18 btbee.reset();
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 19 for (int i = 0; i <4; i++) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 20 mbed_led[i] = 0;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 21 }
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 22 for (int i = 0; i <8; i++) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 23 m3pi_led[i]=0;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 24 }
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 25 m3pi_pb.mode(PullUp); // expected would be 1 when pb is pressed, 0 when not, opposite is the case
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 26
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 27 // end initialization stuff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 28
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 29 m3pi.locate(0,0);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 30 m3pi.printf("B:%0.3f%V",m3pi.battery());
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 31 wait(0.3);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 32
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 33 m3pi.locate(0,0);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 34 m3pi.printf("%s","btTest");
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 35 m3pi.locate(0,1);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 36 m3pi.printf("%s","PBonLNK");
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 37
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 38 // wait for the user to push P21, should be pressed when the bt link is established (green led "link")
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 39 while(m3pi_pb) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 40 m3pi_led[0]=!m3pi_led[0];
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 41 wait(0.1);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 42 }
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 43
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 44 int iline=1;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 45 char arr_read[30]; // this should be long enough to store any reply coming in over bt.
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 46 int chars_read; // number of chars read in a bt reply
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 47
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 48 while (true) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 49 // this writes "Line 001\n" to "Line 005\n" and then "end\n" to the btbee
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 50 if ( btbee.writeable() ) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 51 if (iline==6) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 52 btbee.printf("end\n");
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 53 iline++;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 54 }//if
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 55 else {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 56 if (iline <6){
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 57 btbee.printf("Line %0.3d \n",iline);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 58 m3pi_led[0]=0;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 59 m3pi.locate(0,0);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 60 m3pi.printf("Sent %0.3d",iline);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 61 iline++;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 62 }
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 63 }//else
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 64 }//if_write
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 65
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 66 // check for answers after each write /not write
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 67 while ( btbee.readable() ) {
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 68 m3pi_led[7]=1;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 69 btbee.read_all(arr_read, 30, &chars_read );
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 70 m3pi_led[6]=1;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 71 m3pi.locate(0,1);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 72 m3pi.print(arr_read,chars_read);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 73 m3pi_led[5]=1;
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 74 }//while_readable
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 75 wait(0.1);
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 76 }//while_true
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 77
satyson 0:e6896e4f41d0 78 }//main