Zumo com Mbed-Arduino + Bluetooth

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 3:112561b84d80:

#ifndef ZUMO_H
#define ZUMO_H

#include "mbed.h"
#include "platform.h"

#ifdef MBED_RPC
#include "rpc.h"

#define SEND_SIGNATURE 0x81
#define SEND_TRIMPOT 0xB0
#define DO_PLAY 0xB3
#define PI_CALIBRATE 0xB4
#define DO_CLEAR 0xB7
#define DO_PRINT 0xB8
#define DO_LCD_GOTO_XY 0xB9
#define SET_PID 0xBB
#define STOP_PID 0xBC
#define M1_FORWARD 0xC1
#define M1_BACKWARD 0xC2
#define M2_FORWARD 0xC5
#define M2_BACKWARD 0xC6

class zumo :  public Stream {

    // Public functions

    /** Create the zumo object connected to the default pins
     * @param tx Serial transmit pin. Default is p13
     * @param rx Serial receive pin. Default is p14

    /** Create the zumo object connected to specific pins
    zumo(PinName tx, PinName rx);

    /** Directly control the speed and direction of the left motor
     * @param speed A normalised number -1.0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
    void left_motor (float speed);

    /** Directly control the speed and direction of the right motor
     * @param speed A normalised number -1.0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
    void right_motor (float speed);

    /** Drive both motors forward as the same speed
     * @param speed A normalised number 0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
    void forward (float speed);

    /** Drive both motors backward as the same speed
     * @param speed A normalised number 0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
    void backward (float speed);

    /** Drive left motor backwards and right motor forwards at the same speed to turn on the spot
     * @param speed A normalised number 0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
    void left (float speed);

    /** Drive left motor forward and right motor backwards at the same speed to turn on the spot
     * @param speed A normalised number 0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
    void right (float speed);

    /** Stop both motors
    void stop (void);

    /** Read the voltage of the potentiometer on the 3pi
     * @returns voltage as a float
    float pot_voltage(void);

    /** Read the battery voltage on the 3pi
     * @returns battery voltage as a float
    float battery(void);

    /** Read the position of the detected line
     * @returns position as A normalised number -1.0 - 1.0 represents the full range.
     *  -1.0 means line is on the left, or the line has been lost
     *   0.0 means the line is in the middle
     *   1.0 means the line is on the right
    float line_position (void);
    /** lecture capteurs calibres
    * @returns tableau val capteurs de gauche à droite 
    *  0 blanc (reflexion max)
    *  1000 noir (pas de reflexion)
    void calibrated_sensors(unsigned short ltab[5]);

    /** Calibrate the sensors. This turns the robot left then right, looking for a line
    void sensor_auto_calibrate (void);

    /** Set calibration manually to the current settings.
    void calibrate(void);

    /** Clear the current calibration settings
    void reset_calibration (void);

    void PID_start(int max_speed, int a, int b, int c, int d);

    void PID_stop();

    /** Write to the 8 LEDs
     * @param leds An 8 bit value to put on the LEDs
    void leds(int val);

    /** Locate the cursor on the 8x2 LCD
     * @param x The horizontal position, from 0 to 7
     * @param y The vertical position, from 0 to 1
    void locate(int x, int y);

    /** Clear the LCD
    void cls(void);

    /** Send a character directly to the 3pi serial interface
     * @param c The character to send to the 3pi
    int putc(int c);

    /** Receive a character directly to the 3pi serial interface
     * @returns c The character received from the 3pi
    int getc();

    /** Send a string buffer to the 3pi serial interface
     * @param text A pointer to a char array
     * @param int The character to send to the 3pi
    int print(char* text, int length);
    //test récupération valeur
    void sensor_get(void);
    //test récupération position
    void get_position(char trame_position[]);

#ifdef MBED_RPC
    virtual const struct rpc_method *get_rpc_methods();

private :

    Serial _ser;
    void motor (int motor, float speed);
    virtual int _putc(int c);
    virtual int _getc();

