Complete sensor demo.

Dependencies:   modem_ref_helper CRC X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 DebouncedInterrupt

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 15 16:00:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+// This project is a demo of the DASH7 1.x stack
+// @autor:
+// @date: 2016-12-20
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "sensors.h"
+#include "WizziDebug.h"
+#include "WizziCom.h"
+#include "DebouncedInterrupt.h"
+#include "files.h"
+#include "ram_fs.h"
+#include "hwcfg.h"
+#include "modem_callbacks.h"
+#include "simul.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+#include "alp_spec.h"
+#include "alp_helpers.h"
+#include "modem_ref.h"
+#include "d7a_1x.h"
+#include "d7a_1x_fs.h"
+#include "alp.h"
+WizziCom* g_modem_com;
+Semaphore button_user(0);
+Semaphore modem_ready[MAX_USER_NB];
+Semaphore thread_ready(0);
+sensor_config_t g_light_config;
+Queue<void, 8> g_file_modified;
+    uint8_t type;
+    d7a_sp_cfg_t cfg;
+} alp_d7a_itf_t;
+#define D7A_CTF_VAL(mant,exp)       ((uint8_t)(mant|(exp<<5)))
+#define ALP_ITF_TYPE_D7A            0xD7
+#define MY_D7_ITF_SIZE(_itf)        (1+my_alp_itf_d7a_cfg_size(&(_itf)->cfg))
+int my_alp_itf_d7a_cfg_size(d7a_sp_cfg_t* cfg)
+    int size = sizeof(d7a_sp_cfg_t) - sizeof(d7a_addressee_t);
+    size += D7A_ADDR_LEN(cfg->addressee.ctrl);
+    return size;
+// Check parameters to see if data should be send
+static bool report_needed(sensor_config_t* config, int32_t value, int32_t last_value, uint32_t last_report_time)
+    switch (config->report_type)
+    {
+        case REPORT_ALWAYS:
+            // Send a report at each measure
+            IPRINT("Report always\r\n");
+            return true;
+            // Send a report when the difference between the last reported measure and the current mesure is greater than max_diff
+            if (abs(last_value - value) >= config->max_diff && config->max_diff)
+            {
+                IPRINT("Report on difference (last:%d new:%d max_diff:%d)\r\n", last_value, value, config->max_diff);
+                return true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case REPORT_ON_THRESHOLD:
+            // Send a report when crossing a threshold
+            if (   (value >= config->threshold_high && last_value < config->threshold_high)
+                || (value <= config->threshold_low  && last_value > config->threshold_low)
+                || (value < config->threshold_high  && last_value >= config->threshold_high)
+                || (value > config->threshold_low   && last_value <= config->threshold_low))
+            {
+                IPRINT("Rerport on threshold (last:%d new:%d th:%d tl:%d)\r\n", last_value, value, config->threshold_high, config->threshold_low);
+                return true;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    // Send a report if it's been more than max_period since the last report
+    if (((last_report_time/1000) >= config->max_period) && config->max_period)
+    {
+        IPRINT("Report on period (max_period:%d time:%d)\r\n", config->max_period, last_report_time);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+// Interrupt Service Routine on button press.
+void button_push_isr( void )
+    button_user.release();
+void my_get_alp_file_props(uint8_t fid, alp_file_header_t* hdr)
+    memcpy(hdr, ram_fs_get_header(fid), sizeof(alp_file_header_t));
+void print_status(int status)
+    switch (status)
+    {
+        case ALP_ERR_NONE:
+            PRINT("Status: OK\n");
+            break;
+        case ALP_ERR_FILE_EXIST:
+            PRINT("Status: Already registered\n");
+            break;
+        default:
+            PRINT("Status: error %d\n", status);
+            break;
+    }
+void print_resp(int status)
+    switch (status)
+    {
+        case ALP_ERR_NONE:
+            PRINT("Resp: OK\n");
+            break;
+        case ALP_ERR_FILE_EXIST:
+            PRINT("Resp: Already registered\n");
+            break;
+        default:
+            PRINT("Resp: error %d\n", status);
+            break;
+    }
+// ============================================================}}}
+// Serial adapters to WizziLab's own architecture
+// ============================================================{{{
+void my_serial_input(WizziCom* com, WizziComPacket_t* pkt)
+    modem_input(wizzicom_type_to_flow(pkt->type), pkt->data, pkt->length);
+    FREE(pkt);
+int my_serial_send(uint8_t* data1, uint8_t size1, uint8_t* data2, uint8_t size2)
+    (void)size1;
+    // Retrieve Flow ID from header and send packet 
+    g_modem_com->send((WizziComPacketType)wizzicom_flow_to_type(data1[4]), size2, data2);
+    return (size1 + size2);
+modem_callbacks_t callbacks = {
+    .read       = my_read,
+    .write      = my_write,
+    .read_fprop = my_read_fprop,
+    .flush      = my_flush,
+    .remove     = my_delete,
+    .lqual      = my_lqual,
+    .ldown      = my_ldown,
+    .reset      = my_reset,
+    .boot       = my_boot
+// Callback for main_id User
+void my_main_callback(uint8_t terminal, int8_t err, uint8_t id)
+    if (terminal)
+    {    
+        print_status(err);
+        modem_ready[id].release();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        print_resp(err);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------
+// Sensor Threads
+// -----------------------------------------------
+typedef struct
+    // Number of data fields
+    uint32_t nb_values;
+    // Total size of data
+    uint32_t data_size;
+    // Read value function
+    bool (*read_value)(int32_t*);
+    // Last reported value
+    int32_t* last_report_value;
+    // Current measured value
+    int32_t* current_value;
+    // File ID of the sensor value file
+    uint8_t value_file_id;
+    // Sensor configuration file ID
+    uint8_t config_file_id;
+    // Sensor configuration context
+    sensor_config_t config;
+} sensor_thread_ctx_t;
+sensor_thread_ctx_t* g_thread_ctx;
+// Initialisation of the sensor thread's context
+#define SENSOR_THREAD_CTX(name,NAME,_nb_values) \
+    int32_t name##_last_report[_nb_values];\
+    int32_t name##_current_value[_nb_values];\
+    sensor_thread_ctx_t name##_thread_ctx = {\
+        .nb_values = _nb_values,\
+        .data_size = _nb_values * sizeof(int32_t),\
+        .read_value = name##_get_value,\
+        .last_report_value = (int32_t*)&name##_last_report,\
+        .current_value = (int32_t*)&name##_current_value,\
+        .value_file_id = FID_SENSOR_VALUE_##NAME,\
+        .config_file_id = FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_##NAME\
+    }
+    sensor_thread_ctx_t* ctx = g_thread_ctx;
+void thread_sensor()
+    FPRINT("(id:0x%08x)\r\n", osThreadGetId());
+    // To force a first report
+    uint32_t last_report_time = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    sensor_thread_ctx_t* ctx = g_thread_ctx;
+    uint8_t user_id = modem_get_id(my_main_callback);
+    // Get the sensor configuration
+    ram_fs_read(ctx->config_file_id, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(ctx->config));
+    PRINT("Start sensor thread %d\n", user_id);
+    thread_ready.release();
+    while (true)
+    {
+        bool err = ctx->read_value(ctx->current_value);
+        ASSERT(err == 0, "Failed to read sensor\n");
+        PRINT("Got %3d: ", ctx->value_file_id);
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ctx->nb_values; i++)
+        {
+            PRINT("%9ld ", (int32_t)ctx->current_value[i]);
+        }
+        PRINT("\r\n");
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ctx->nb_values; i++)
+        {
+            if (report_needed(&(ctx->config),
+                ctx->current_value[i],
+                ctx->last_report_value[i],
+                last_report_time))
+            {
+                // Send notification
+                modem_write_file(ctx->value_file_id, ctx->current_value, 0, ctx->data_size, user_id);
+                modem_ready[user_id].wait();
+                // Update last report value
+                memcpy(ctx->last_report_value, ctx->current_value, ctx->data_size);
+                // Reset last report time
+                last_report_time = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        // Update last report time
+        last_report_time += ctx->config.read_period;
+        Thread::wait(ctx->config.read_period);
+    }
+void thread_file_modified()
+    uint8_t fid;
+    osEvent evt;
+    while (true)
+    {
+        evt = g_file_modified.get();
+        fid = (evt.status == osEventMessage)? (uint8_t)(uint32_t)evt.value.p : NULL;
+        switch (fid)
+        {
+            // If a configuration file has been modified, update the context
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_MAG:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(mag_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_ACC:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(acc_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_GYR:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(gyr_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_PRE:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(pre_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_HUM:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(hum_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_TEM1:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(tem1_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_TEM2:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(tem2_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;
+            case FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_LIGHT:
+                ram_fs_read(fid, 0, sizeof(sensor_config_t), (uint8_t*)&(light_thread_ctx.config));
+                break;                
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+void thread_user_button()
+    FPRINT("(id:0x%08x)\r\n", osThreadGetId());
+    uint8_t alarm;
+    d7a_sp_res_t istat;
+    uint8_t user_id = modem_get_id(my_main_callback);
+    alp_d7a_itf_t alarm_itf = {
+        .type                           = ALP_ITF_TYPE_D7A,
+                         = 0,
+        .cfg.te                         = 0,
+              = 0,
+         = 0,
+                = D7A_RESP_PREFERRED,
+               = 1, // XXX WM_RPOL_RARE_SINGLE_CHECK,
+      = D7A_NLS_AES_CCM_64,
+      = D7A_ID_NBID,
+           = {.s = 0x2, .m = 0x1},// XXX D7A_XCL_GW,
+[0]            = D7A_CTF_VAL(1,1)
+    };
+    // Load alarm value
+    ram_fs_read(FID_ALARM, 0, 1, &alarm);
+    // Send initial value
+    modem_send_file_content((uint8_t*)&alarm_itf, MY_D7_ITF_SIZE(&alarm_itf), (void*)&istat, FID_ALARM, &alarm, 0, 1, user_id);
+    modem_ready[user_id].wait();
+    while (true)
+    {
+        // Wait for button press
+        button_user.wait();
+        // load/save value to keep choerency in case of remote access...
+        ram_fs_read(FID_ALARM, 0, 1, &alarm);
+        // Toggle alarm state
+        alarm = !alarm;
+        ram_fs_write(FID_ALARM, 0, 1, &alarm);
+        PRINT("BUTTON ALARM %d\r\n", alarm);
+        modem_send_file_content((uint8_t*)&alarm_itf, MY_D7_ITF_SIZE(&alarm_itf), (void*)&istat, FID_ALARM, &alarm, 0, 1, user_id);
+        modem_ready[user_id].wait();
+    }
+void modem_update_file(uint8_t fid, alp_file_header_t* header, uint8_t* data, uint8_t id)
+    alp_file_header_t remote_header;
+    memset(&remote_header, 0, sizeof(alp_file_header_t));
+    // Read remote header
+    modem_read_fprop(fid, &remote_header, id);
+    modem_ready[id].wait();
+    // Add file in local file system
+    ram_fs_new(fid, (uint8_t*)header, data);
+    // Update file
+    if (memcmp(&remote_header, header, sizeof(alp_file_header_t)))
+    {
+        PRINT("Updating file %d\n", fid);
+        // Delete
+        modem_delete_file(fid, id);
+        modem_ready[id].wait();
+        // Restore in local file system
+        ram_fs_new(fid, (uint8_t*)header, data);
+        // Re-create
+        if (data)
+        {
+            modem_declare_file(fid, header, id);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            modem_create_file(fid, header, id);
+        }
+        modem_ready[id].wait();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        PRINT("File %d up to date\n", fid);
+    }
+// Todo for each sensor
+#define SENSOR_SETUP(NAME,name) modem_update_file(FID_SENSOR_VALUE_##NAME, (alp_file_header_t*)&h_sensor_value_##name, NULL, main_id);\
+            modem_update_file(FID_SENSOR_CONFIG_##NAME, (alp_file_header_t*)&h_sensor_config_##name, (uint8_t*)&f_sensor_config_##name, main_id);\
+            g_thread_ctx = &name##_thread_ctx;\
+            Thread th_##name(osPriorityNormal, 1024, NULL);\
+            status = th_##name.start(thread_sensor);\
+            ASSERT(status == osOK, "Failed to start thread (err: %d)\r\n", status);\
+            thread_ready.wait()
+/*** Main function ------------------------------------------------------------- ***/
+int main()
+    // Start & initialize
+    PRINT("\r\n--- Starting new run ---\r\n");
+    FPRINT("(id:0x%08x)\r\n", osThreadGetId());
+    static union {
+        uint8_t      b[8];
+        uint32_t     w[2];
+    } uid;
+    revision_t rev;
+    uint8_t main_id;
+    // Hardware reset
+    DigitalOut reset_low(MODEM_PIN_RESET, 0);
+    Thread::wait(100);
+    // Release reset
+    DigitalIn reset_release(MODEM_PIN_RESET);
+    Thread::wait(2000);
+    // Open modem Com port
+    // Redirect All Port traffic to my_serial_input
+    g_modem_com->attach(my_serial_input, WizziComPacketOther);
+    // Open driver
+    modem_open(my_serial_send, &callbacks);
+    main_id = modem_get_id(my_main_callback);
+    PRINT("Start Modem Process (id=%d)\n", main_id);
+    Thread::wait(1000);
+    modem_read_file(D7A_FID_UID, uid.b, 0, 8, main_id);
+    modem_ready[main_id].wait();
+    modem_read_file(D7A_FID_FIRMWARE_VERSION, &rev, 0, sizeof(revision_t), main_id);
+    modem_ready[main_id].wait();
+    PRINT("------------ D7A Modem infos ------------\r\n");
+    PRINT_DATA(" - UID:              ", "%02X", uid.b, 8, "\r\n");
+    PRINT(" - Manufacturer ID:  %08X\r\n", rev.manufacturer_id);
+    PRINT(" - Device ID:        %08X\r\n", rev.device_id);
+    PRINT(" - Hardware version: %08X\r\n", rev.hw_version);
+    PRINT(" - Firmware version: v%d.%d.%d\r\n", rev.fw_version.major, rev.fw_version.minor, rev.fw_version.patch);
+    PRINT(" - File system CRC:  0x%08x\r\n", rev.fs_crc);
+    PRINT("-----------------------------------------\r\n");
+    PRINT("Register Files\n");
+    modem_update_file(FID_HOST_REV, &h_rev, (uint8_t*)&f_rev, main_id);
+    modem_update_file(FID_ALARM, &h_alarm, (uint8_t*)&f_alarm, main_id);
+    // Configure URC: LQUAL on report file notification every 10 reports
+    PRINT("Setup URCs\n");
+    modem_enable_urc(ALP_URC_TYPE_LQUAL, IFID_REPORT, 10, true, main_id);
+    modem_ready[main_id].wait();
+    PRINT("Start D7A Stack\n");
+    modem_activate_itf(ALP_ITF_TYPE_D7A, 24, 0, ALP_D7A_ISTAT_RESP , true, main_id);
+    modem_ready[main_id].wait();
+    PRINT("Notify Modem Version\n");
+    modem_notify_file(D7A_FID_FIRMWARE_VERSION, 0, SIZE_HOST_REV, main_id);
+    modem_ready[main_id].wait();
+    PRINT("Notify FW Version\n");
+    modem_notify_file(FID_HOST_REV, 0, SIZE_HOST_REV, main_id);
+    modem_ready[main_id].wait();
+    // Start file modified thread
+    Thread th_file_modified(osPriorityNormal, 1024, NULL);
+    osStatus status = th_file_modified.start(thread_file_modified);
+    ASSERT(status == osOK, "Failed to start thread_file_modified (err: %d)\r\n", status);
+#if (_HUM_EN_ > 0 || _TEM1_EN_ > 0 || _MAG_EN_ > 0 || _ACC_EN_  > 0 || _GYR_EN_ > 0 || _PRE_EN_ > 0 || _TEM2_EN_ > 0)
+    // Open I2C and initialise the sensors
+    DevI2C ext_i2c(SENSOR_I2C_SDA, SENSOR_I2C_SCL);
+#if (_HUM_EN_ > 0 || _TEM1_EN_ > 0)
+    humidity_sensor = new HTS221(ext_i2c);
+    ASSERT(Init_HTS221(humidity_sensor), "Failed to init HTS221\r\n");
+    temp_sensor1 = humidity_sensor;
+#endif // _TEM_EN_
+#if (_PRE_EN_ > 0 || _TEM2_EN_ > 0)
+    pressure_sensor = new LPS25H(ext_i2c);
+    ASSERT(Init_LPS25H(pressure_sensor), "Failed to init LPS25H\r\n");
+    temp_sensor2 = pressure_sensor;
+#endif // _PRE_EN_
+#if defined(TARGET_STM32L152RE)
+    #if (_MAG_EN_ > 0)
+        magnetometer = new LIS3MDL(ext_i2c);
+        ASSERT(Init_LIS3MDL(magnetometer), "Failed to init LIS3MDL\r\n");
+    #endif // _MAG_EN_
+    #if (_ACC_EN_ > 0 || _GYR_EN_ > 0)
+        accelerometer = new LSM6DS0(ext_i2c);
+        ASSERT(Init_LSM6DS0(accelerometer), "Failed to init LSM6DS0\r\n");
+        gyroscope = accelerometer;
+    #endif // _ACC_EN_ || _GYR_EN_
+#elif defined(TARGET_STM32L432KC)
+    #if (_ACC_EN_ > 0)
+        accelerometer = new LSM303C_ACC_Sensor(ext_i2c);
+        ASSERT(Init_LSM303C_ACC(accelerometer), "Failed to init LSM303C_ACC\r\n");
+    #endif // _ACC_EN_
+    #if (_MAG_EN_ > 0)
+        magnetometer = new LSM303C_MAG_Sensor(ext_i2c);
+        ASSERT(Init_LSM303C_MAG(magnetometer), "Failed to init LSM303C_MAG\r\n");
+    #endif // _MAG_EN_
+#if (_MAG_EN_ > 0)
+#if (_ACC_EN_ > 0)
+#if (_GYR_EN_ > 0)
+#if (_PRE_EN_ > 0)
+#if (_HUM_EN_ > 0)
+#if (_TEM1_EN_ > 0)
+    SENSOR_SETUP(TEM1,tem1);
+#if (_TEM2_EN_ > 0)
+    SENSOR_SETUP(TEM2,tem2);
+#if (_LIGHT_EN_ > 0)
+    modem_free_id(main_id);
+    // For button
+    DebouncedInterrupt user_interrupt(DEBUG_BUTTON);
+    user_interrupt.attach(button_push_isr, IRQ_FALL, 500, true);
+    Thread but_th(osPriorityNormal, 1024, NULL);
+    status = but_th.start(thread_user_button);
+    ASSERT(status == osOK, "Failed to start but thread (err: %d)\r\n", status);
+#if (DEBUG_LED != NC)
+    DigitalOut my_led(DEBUG_LED);
+    // Set main task to lowest priority
+    osThreadSetPriority(osThreadGetId(), osPriorityIdle);
+    while(true)
+    {
+        // Wait to avoid beeing stuck in loop
+        Thread::wait(500);
+#if (DEBUG_LED != NC)
+        my_led = !my_led;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file