local for mbed5



File content as of revision 0:deaafdfde3bb:

 / _____)             _              | |
( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
    (C)2016 Semtech

Description: Handling of the node configuration protocol

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainer: Miguel Luis, Gregory Cristian and Matthieu Verdy
#ifndef __RADIO_H__
#define __RADIO_H__

#include "mbed.h"

 * \brief Structure describing the radio status
typedef union RadioStatus_u
    uint8_t Value;
    {   //bit order is lsb -> msb
        uint8_t Reserved  : 1;  //!< Reserved
        uint8_t CmdStatus : 3;  //!< Command status
        uint8_t ChipMode  : 3;  //!< Chip mode
        uint8_t CpuBusy   : 1;  //!< Flag for CPU radio busy 

 * \brief Structure describing the ranging codes for callback functions
enum IrqRangingCode_t

 * \brief Structure describing the error codes for callback functions
enum IrqErrorCode_t
    IRQ_HEADER_ERROR_CODE       = 0x01,
    IRQ_GFSK_ERROR_CODE         = 0x04,
    IRQ_LORA_CRC_ERROR_CODE     = 0x04,

enum IrqPblSyncHeaderCode_t
    IRQ_PBL_DETECT_CODE         = 0x01,
    IRQ_hEADER_VALID_CODE       = 0x04,

 * \brief The radio command opcodes
enum RadioCommands_t;

 * \brief Class holding the basic communications with a radio
 * It sets the functions to read/write registers, send commands and read/write
 * payload.
 * It also provides functions to run callback functions depending on the
 * interrupts generated from the radio.
class Radio
     * \brief Callback on Tx done interrupt
    void ( *txDone )( );

     * \brief Callback on Rx done interrupt
    void ( *rxDone )( );

     * \brief Callback on Rx SyncWord done interrupt
    void ( *rxPblSyncWordHeader )( IrqPblSyncHeaderCode_t val );

     * \brief Callback on Rx Tx timeout interrupt
    void ( *rxTxTimeout )( );

     * \brief Callback on Rx error interrupt
     * \param [out] errCode       A code indicating the type of interrupt ( SyncWord error or CRC error)
    void ( *rxError )( IrqErrorCode_t errCode );

     * \brief Callback on ranging done interrupt
     * \param [out] val           A flag indicating the type of interrupt (Master/Slave and Valid/Error)
    void ( *rangingDone )( IrqRangingCode_t val );

     * \brief Callback on Channel Activity Detection done interrupt
     * \param [out] cadFlag       Flag for channel activity detected or not
    void ( *cadDone )( bool cadFlag );

     * \brief Constructor for radio class
     * Sets the callbacks functions pointers
    Radio( void ( *txDone )( ), void ( *rxDone )( ), void ( *rxPblSyncWordHeader )(IrqPblSyncHeaderCode_t val ),
           void ( *rxTxTimeout )( ), void ( *rxError )( IrqErrorCode_t errorCode ), void ( *rangingDone )( IrqRangingCode_t val ),
           void ( *cadDone )( bool channelActivityDetected ) )
        this->txDone = txDone;
        this->rxDone = rxDone;
        this->rxPblSyncWordHeader = rxPblSyncWordHeader;
        this->rxTxTimeout = rxTxTimeout;
        this->rxError = rxError;
        this->rangingDone = rangingDone;
        this->cadDone = cadDone;
    virtual ~Radio( ){ };

     * \brief Resets the radio
    virtual void Reset( void ) = 0;

     * \brief Gets the current radio status
     * \retval      status        Radio status
    virtual RadioStatus_t GetStatus( void ) = 0;

     * \brief Writes the given command to the radio
     * \param [in]  opcode        Command opcode
     * \param [in]  buffer        Command parameters byte array
     * \param [in]  size          Command parameters byte array size
    virtual void WriteCommand( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;

     * \brief Reads the given command from the radio
     * \param [in]  opcode        Command opcode
     * \param [in]  buffer        Command parameters byte array
     * \param [in]  size          Command parameters byte array size
    virtual void ReadCommand( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;

     * \brief Writes multiple radio registers starting at address
     * \param [in]  address       First Radio register address
     * \param [in]  buffer        Buffer containing the new register's values
     * \param [in]  size          Number of registers to be written
    virtual void WriteRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;

     * \brief Writes the radio register at the specified address
     * \param [in]  address       Register address
     * \param [in]  value         New register value
    virtual void WriteRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t value ) = 0;

     * \brief Reads multiple radio registers starting at address
     * \param [in]  address       First Radio register address
     * \param [out] buffer        Buffer where to copy the registers data
     * \param [in]  size          Number of registers to be read
    virtual void ReadRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;

     * \brief Reads the radio register at the specified address
     * \param [in]  address       Register address
     * \retval      value         The register value
    virtual uint8_t ReadRegister( uint16_t address ) = 0;

     * \brief Writes Radio Data Buffer with buffer of size starting at offset.
     * \param [in]  offset        Offset where to start writing
     * \param [in]  buffer        Buffer pointer
     * \param [in]  size          Buffer size
    virtual void WriteBuffer( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) = 0;

     * \brief Reads Radio Data Buffer at offset to buffer of size
     * \param [in]  offset        Offset where to start reading
     * \param [out] buffer        Buffer pointer
     * \param [in]  size          Buffer size
    virtual void ReadBuffer( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) = 0;

     * \brief Return firmware version
     * \retval      firmware      The firmware version
    virtual uint16_t GetFirmwareVersion( void ) = 0;

#endif // __RADIO_H__