In this example, the image data acquired from the camera is stored on the Micro SD card and displayed through a web browser.

Dependencies:   Ethernet_Camera_LS_Y201_SDcard SDFileSystem WIZnetInterface mbed

Fork of HTTP_SDcard_file_server_WIZwiki-W7500 by justin kim

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00003 #include "Camera_LS_Y201.h"
00004 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00006 #define EnDebugMSG  true //true-> print debug message to PC USB terminal, false->not print
00007 #include "filelib.h"
00008 #define DEBMSG      printf
00009 #define NEWLINE()   printf("\r\n")
00011 #define USE_SDCARD 1
00013 #if USE_SDCARD
00014 #define FILENAME    "/wfs/IMG_%04d.jpg"
00015 SDFileSystem sd(PB_3, PB_2, PB_1, PB_0, "wfs");
00016 #else
00017 #define FILENAME    "/local/IMG_%04d.jpg"
00018 LocalFileSystem fs("local");
00019 #endif
00020 Camera_LS_Y201 cam1(PA_14, PA_13);
00022 #define IP      ""
00023 #define MASK    ""
00024 #define GATEWAY ""
00025 #define PORT    80
00027 DigitalIn click(PC_1);
00028 Serial pc (USBTX,USBRX);    // tx, rx
00030 char sMethod[7];
00031 char sURL[250];
00032 char sProtocol[8];
00034 EthernetInterface eth;
00036 TCPSocketServer svr;
00037 bool serverIsListened = false;
00039 TCPSocketConnection client;
00040 bool clientIsConnected = false;
00042 char sentBuffer[1608] = {}; // 2*536=1072, 3*536=1608, 4*536=2144   !1500
00043 char line_response[256]= {0};
00044 char file_path[256] = {0};
00046 DigitalOut lede (PC_8);
00047 DigitalOut led1 (PC_9); //server listning status
00048 DigitalOut led2 (PC_5); //socket connecting status
00050 Ticker ledTick;
00052 typedef struct work {
00053     FILE *fp;
00054 } work_t;
00056 work_t work;
00058 int take_picture = 0;
00060 /**
00061  * Callback function for readJpegFileContent.
00062  *
00063  * @param buf A pointer to a buffer.
00064  * @param siz A size of the buffer.
00065  */
00066 void callback_func(int done, int total, uint8_t *buf, size_t siz) {
00067     fwrite(buf, siz, 1, work.fp);
00069     static int n = 0;
00070     int tmp = done * 100 / total;
00071     if (n != tmp) {
00072         n = tmp;
00073         DEBMSG("Writing...: %3d%%", n);
00074         NEWLINE();
00075     }
00076 }
00078 /**
00079  * Capture.
00080  *
00081  * @param cam A pointer to a camera object.
00082  * @param filename The file name.
00083  *
00084  * @return Return 0 if it succeed.
00085  */
00086 int capture(Camera_LS_Y201 *cam, char *filename) {
00087     /*
00088      * Take a picture.
00089      */
00090     if (cam->takePicture() != 0) {
00091         return -1;
00092     }
00093     DEBMSG("Captured.");
00094     NEWLINE();
00096     /*
00097      * Open file.
00098      */
00099     work.fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
00100     if (work.fp == NULL) {
00101         return -2;
00102     }
00104     /*
00105      * Read the content.
00106      */
00107     DEBMSG("%s", filename);
00108     NEWLINE();
00109     if (cam->readJpegFileContent(callback_func) != 0) {
00110         fclose(work.fp);
00111         return -3;
00112     }
00113     fclose(work.fp);
00115     /*
00116      * Stop taking pictures.
00117      */
00118     cam->stopTakingPictures();
00120     return 0;
00121 }
00123 void ledTickfunc()
00124 {
00125     if(serverIsListened)  {
00126         led1 = !led1;
00127     } else {
00128         led1 = false;
00129     }
00130 }
00132 void send_HTTP_header(char* protocol, int code, char* title, char* mime_type, long long lengthBody)
00133 {
00134     snprintf(line_response, sizeof(line_response),"%s %d %s\r\n", protocol, code, title );
00135     snprintf(sentBuffer, sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response);
00137     if ( mime_type != NULL ) {
00138         snprintf(line_response, sizeof(line_response), "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mime_type );
00139         snprintf(sentBuffer, sizeof(sentBuffer), "%s%s",sentBuffer,line_response);    //append to sentBuffer
00140     }
00141     if ( lengthBody >= 0 ) {
00142         snprintf(line_response, sizeof(line_response), "Content-Length: %lld\r\n", lengthBody );
00143         snprintf(sentBuffer, sizeof(sentBuffer), "%s%s",sentBuffer,line_response);    //append to sentBuffer
00144     }
00145     snprintf(line_response, sizeof(line_response), "Connection: close\r\n" );
00146     snprintf(sentBuffer, sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s%s\r\n",sentBuffer,line_response);    //append to sentBuffer
00148     if (EnDebugMSG)
00149         printf("\r\n-->sent Header--\r\n");
00151     client.send_all(sentBuffer,strlen(sentBuffer));
00152     if (EnDebugMSG) {
00153         printf(sentBuffer);
00154         printf("\r\n--end Header-- bytes:%d",strlen(sentBuffer));
00155     }
00156     wait(0.2);  //200ms important for browser!
00157 }
00159 void send_HTML_line(char* line, unsigned int length_line)
00160 {
00161     client.send_all(line,length_line);
00162     if (EnDebugMSG)
00163         printf("\r\n-->send HTML line:\r\n%s ...Ok!",line);
00164     wait(0.01);
00165 }
00167 void send_HTML_error( int status_code, char* title, char* body_text)
00168 {
00169     send_HTTP_header("HTTP/1.1", status_code, title, "text/html", -1);
00170     if (EnDebugMSG)
00171         printf("\r\n-->send_error...\r\n");
00172     sentBuffer[0]=NULL; //clear buffer
00173     sprintf(line_response, "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>%d %s</title>\r\n</head>\r\n", status_code, title);
00174     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00175     sprintf(line_response, "<body><center><h2><center>%d %s</center></h2>\r\n",status_code, title );
00176     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00177     sprintf(line_response, "%s\r\n", body_text );
00178     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00179     sprintf(line_response, "<p>mbed HTTP File Server</p>\r\n</center></body></html>\r\n");
00180     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00181     send_HTML_line(sentBuffer, strlen(sentBuffer));
00182 }
00184 int send_file(char *path_file)
00185 {
00186     char *mime_type = {0};
00187     unsigned int bytes_for_send=0;
00188     long long filesize, all_send_bytes = 0;
00190     mime_type =  get_mime_type( path_file );
00191     snprintf(file_path, sizeof(file_path),"/wfs/%s",path_file);
00193     if (strcmp(file_path,"/wfs//take_a_picture.jpg") == 0)
00194         take_picture = 1;
00195     else take_picture = 0;
00197     if (EnDebugMSG) {
00198         printf("\r\n-->from send_file:%s",file_path);
00199         printf("\r\n-->from send_file mime type:%s",mime_type);
00200     }
00202     if (Mystat(path_file, &myStatBuf)) { //fault with file
00203         send_HTML_error( 403, "Forbidden", "403 - File access forbidden.");
00204         return 403;
00205     }
00206     FILE* fp = NULL;
00207     fp = fopen(file_path,"r");
00208     if (fp==NULL ) {
00209         send_HTML_error( 403, "Forbidden", "403 - File access forbidden.");
00210         return 403;
00211     }
00213     filesize = myStatBuf.st_size;
00214     send_HTTP_header("HTTP/1.1", 200, "Ok", mime_type, myStatBuf.st_size);
00215     //binary send
00216     all_send_bytes=0;
00217     while(filesize)  {  //check for EOF !feof(fp)
00218         bytes_for_send = filesize;
00219         if (bytes_for_send > sizeof(sentBuffer)) {
00220             bytes_for_send = sizeof(sentBuffer);
00221         }
00222         fread (sentBuffer,1,bytes_for_send,fp);
00223         filesize -= bytes_for_send;
00224         if (EnDebugMSG)
00225             printf("\r\n---bytes_for_send...%d",bytes_for_send);
00226         client.send_all(sentBuffer,bytes_for_send);
00227         //Thread::wait(10);
00228         all_send_bytes += bytes_for_send;
00229     }
00230     if (EnDebugMSG)
00231         printf("\r\n---buffer fill end - all ...%lld", all_send_bytes);
00232     //binary send
00234     sprintf(line_response, "\r\n");
00235     client.send_all(line_response,strlen(line_response));
00236     if ( fp != NULL )
00237         fclose(fp);
00238     //Thread::wait(10);
00239     return 0;
00240 }
00242 int send_directory(char *path)
00243 {
00244     char process_name[64]= {0};
00246     char posOfLastSlash;
00247     char *pLS;
00249     struct dirent *p;
00250     struct sMystat sb;
00251     struct tm *timeinfo;
00252     char timeBuf[40];
00254     if (EnDebugMSG)
00255         printf("\r\n-->from send_directory:%s",path);
00256     snprintf(file_path,sizeof(file_path),"/wfs%s",path);
00257     DIR *d = opendir(file_path);
00258     if (EnDebugMSG && d!=NULL)
00259         printf("\r\n-->from send_directory:%s OK",file_path);
00260     if (d==NULL) {   //error open dir
00261         send_HTML_error( 403, "Forbidden", "403 - Directory access forbidden.");
00262         return -1;
00263     }
00264     send_HTTP_header("HTTP/1.1", 200, "Ok",NULL, -1);
00265     sentBuffer[0]=NULL;
00266     sprintf(line_response,"<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\n<head><title>Index of %s</title>\n",path);
00267     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00269     sprintf(line_response,"<meta content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"></head>\n");
00270     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00273     sprintf(line_response,"<body><center>\n<h3>Index of %s</h3>\n", path);
00274     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00275     send_HTML_line(sentBuffer, strlen(sentBuffer));
00276 //begin table
00277     sentBuffer[0]=NULL; //clear buffer
00278     sprintf(line_response,"<table border=\"0\">\n");
00279     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00280     sprintf(line_response,"<tr><th align=\"left\" width=\"200\">Name</th><th align=\"right\" width=\"100\">Size(bytes)</th><th align=\"right\" width=\"200\">Date/Time</th></tr>\n");
00281     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00282 //begin table
00284     pLS=strrchr(path,'/');
00285     posOfLastSlash=pLS-path+1;
00286     if (EnDebugMSG)
00287         printf("\r\n>>posOfLastSlash=%d",posOfLastSlash);
00288     snprintf(process_name,posOfLastSlash+1,"%s",path);
00289     if (EnDebugMSG)
00290         printf("\r\n>>process_name=%s",process_name);
00291     sprintf(line_response,"<tr><td align=\"left\"><a href=\"%s\">../</a></td></tr>\n",process_name);
00292     snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00293     while((p = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
00294         if (EnDebugMSG)
00295             printf("\r\n   :%s",p->d_name);
00296         sprintf(file_path,"%s/%s",path,p->d_name);
00297         Mystat( file_path, &sb );
00298         if (get_dirInfo(file_path)==0 ) { //this is directory path
00299             if (EnDebugMSG)
00300                 printf("\r\nDIR");
00301             sprintf(line_response, "<tr><td align=\"left\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br></td></tr>\n",file_path,p->d_name);
00302             if (strlen(line_response)>(sizeof(sentBuffer)-strlen(sentBuffer))) { //buffer must be sent
00303                 send_HTML_line(sentBuffer, strlen(sentBuffer));
00304                 sentBuffer[0]=NULL; //clear buffer
00305             }
00306             snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00308         } else {    //this is file
00309             if (EnDebugMSG)
00310                 printf("\r\nFILE");
00311             timeinfo = localtime (&sb.st_mtime);
00312             //strftime(timeBuf,40, "%I:%M:%S %p (%Y/%m/%d)\r\n", localtime(&sb.st_mtime));
00313             strftime(timeBuf, 40, "%c", timeinfo);
00314             sprintf(line_response, "<tr><td align=\"left\"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td><td align=\"right\">%lld</td><td align=\"right\">%s</td></tr>\n", file_path, p->d_name,(long long) sb.st_size,timeBuf);    // asctime(timeinfo) );
00316             if (strlen(line_response)>(sizeof(sentBuffer)-strlen(sentBuffer))) { //buffer must be sent
00317                 send_HTML_line(sentBuffer, strlen(sentBuffer));
00318                 sentBuffer[0]=NULL; //clear buffer
00319             }
00320             snprintf(&(sentBuffer[strlen(sentBuffer)]),sizeof(sentBuffer),"%s",line_response); //append to buffer
00321         }
00322     }
00323     send_HTML_line(sentBuffer, strlen(sentBuffer));
00324     closedir(d);
00326     sprintf(line_response, "</table>\n<br><h4>mbed HTTP File Server</h4>\n</center></body></html>\n");
00327     send_HTML_line(line_response, strlen(line_response));
00329     return 0;
00330 }
00332 void parseHTTPRequest(char* buffer)
00333 {
00334     char spacePos;
00335     char *tmpBuffer;
00336     spacePos = strcspn(buffer, " ") + 1;   //position of first space character
00337     snprintf(sMethod, spacePos,"%s", buffer);
00339     //get Protocol
00340     tmpBuffer=&(buffer[spacePos]);   //move pointer to buffer (delete Method)
00341     spacePos = strcspn(tmpBuffer, "\r\n") + 1;
00342     tmpBuffer[spacePos]='\0';    //set end of string ...cut
00343     sprintf(sProtocol, "%s", strrchr(tmpBuffer,' '));  //get string after last (space )
00344     printf("\r\nsProtocol:%s", tmpBuffer);
00345     buffer = &(sProtocol[1]);  //cut first character (space)
00346     sprintf(sProtocol, "%s", buffer);
00348     //get URL
00349     snprintf(sURL,strlen(tmpBuffer)-strlen(sProtocol),"%s\r\n", tmpBuffer);   //URL is between Method and Protocol
00351     printf("\r\nParse Method:%s",sMethod);
00352     printf("\r\nParse URL:%s",sURL);
00353     printf("\r\nParse PROTOCOL:%s",sProtocol);
00354     printf("\n\r\n");
00355 }
00357 int processHTTP(char* sMethod, char* sURL, char* sProtocol)
00358 {
00359     int gdi, gfi;   //status of get_dir_info(xxx), and get_file_info(xxx)
00361     if (strcmp(sMethod,"GET")!=0) {
00362         send_HTML_error( 501, "501 Not Implemented", "501 - The server either does not recognize the request method");
00363         return 501;
00364     }
00365     if (sURL[0]!= '/') {
00366         send_HTML_error( 400, "Bad Request", "400 - The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.");
00367         return 400;
00368     }
00369     if (sURL[strlen(sURL)-1]=='/') {
00370         sURL[strlen(sURL)-1]=sURL[strlen(sURL)];  //delete last symbol
00371         if (EnDebugMSG)
00372             printf("\r\n delete last:%s",sURL);
00373     }
00374     gdi= get_dirInfo(sURL);
00375     gfi= get_fileInfo(sURL);
00376     if (gfi!=0) {   //!=0 file not found
00377         if (gdi==0) { //0-ok this is directory
00378             return send_directory(sURL);
00379         }
00380         if (EnDebugMSG)
00381             printf("\r\n404-br File not found or...(Fresult is:%d)",gfi);
00382         send_HTML_error( 404, "Not Found","404 - The requested resource could not be found.");
00383         return 404;
00384     } else {    //==0  found
00385         if (gdi==0)  //0-ok this is directory
00386             return send_directory(sURL);
00387         else
00388             return send_file(sURL);
00389     }
00390 }
00392 int main()
00393 {
00394     DEBMSG("Camera module");
00395     NEWLINE();
00396     DEBMSG("Resetting...");
00397     NEWLINE();
00398     lede = true;
00399     if (cam1.reset() == 0) {
00400         DEBMSG("Reset OK.");
00401         NEWLINE();
00402     } else {
00403         DEBMSG("Reset fail.");
00404         NEWLINE();
00405         error("Reset fail.");
00406         lede = false;
00407     }
00409     if (cam1.setImageSize() == 0) {
00410         DEBMSG("Set image OK.");
00411         NEWLINE();
00412     } else {
00413         DEBMSG("Set image fail.");
00414         NEWLINE();
00415         error("Set image fail.");
00416         lede = false;
00417     }
00418     wait(1);
00420     int cnt = 0;
00421     while (cnt < 2) {
00422         lede = false;
00423         char fname[64];
00424         snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname) - 1, FILENAME, cnt);
00425         int r = capture(&cam1, fname);
00426         if (r == 0) {
00427             DEBMSG("[%04d]:OK.", cnt);
00428             NEWLINE();
00429         } else {
00430             DEBMSG("[%04d]:NG. (code=%d)", cnt, r);
00431             NEWLINE();
00432             error("Failure.");
00433         }
00434         cnt++;
00435     }
00436     lede = true;
00437     uint8_t MAC_Addr[6] = {0x00, 0x08, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02}; 
00438     ledTick.attach(&ledTickfunc,0.5);
00439     //ledTick.detach();
00440     //setup ethernet interface
00441     //eth.init(); //Use DHCP
00442     eth.init(MAC_Addr,IP,MASK,GATEWAY);  //MAC,IP,mask,Gateway
00443     eth.connect();
00444     printf("IP Address is %s\n\r", eth.getIPAddress());
00446     //setup tcp socket
00447     if(svr.bind(PORT)< 0) {
00448         printf("tcp server bind failed.\n\r");
00449         return -1;
00450     } else {
00451         printf("tcp server bind successed.\n\r");
00452         serverIsListened = true;
00453     }
00455     if(svr.listen(1) < 0) {
00456         printf("tcp server listen failed.\n\r");
00457         return -1;
00458     } else {
00459         printf("tcp server is listening...\n\r");
00460     }
00462     //listening for http GET request
00463     while (serverIsListened) {
00464         //blocking mode(never timeout)
00465         if(svr.accept(client)<0) {
00466             printf("failed to accept connection.\n\r");
00467         } else {
00468             //client.set_blocking(false,5000);    //5000=5sec
00470             lede = true; 
00471             printf("connection success!\n\rIP: %s\n\r",client.get_address());
00472             clientIsConnected = true;
00473             led2 = true;
00474             while(clientIsConnected) {
00475                 char buffer[1024] = {};
00476                 switch(client.receive(buffer, 1023)) {
00477                     case 0:
00478                         printf("recieved buffer is empty.\n\r");
00479                         clientIsConnected = false;
00480                         break;
00481                     case -1:
00482                         printf("failed to read data from client.\n\r");
00483                         clientIsConnected = false;
00484                         break;
00485                     default:
00486                         printf("Recieved Data: %d\n\r\n\r%.*s\n\r",strlen(buffer),strlen(buffer),buffer);
00487                         parseHTTPRequest(buffer);
00488                         //if(buffer[0] == 'G' && buffer[1] == 'E' && buffer[2] == 'T' ) {
00489                         if (strcmp(sMethod, "GET" ) == 0 ) {
00490                             printf("GET request incomming.\n\r");
00491                             processHTTP(sMethod, sURL, sProtocol);
00492                             clientIsConnected = false;
00493                         }//if get
00494                         break;
00495                 }   //switch
00496                 //ledTick.attach(&ledTickfunc,0.5);
00497             }//while
00498             printf("close connection.\n\rHTTP server is listening...\n\r\n");
00499             client.close();
00500             wait(0.05);
00502             if (take_picture) { 
00503                 ledTick.detach();
00504                 lede = false;
00505                 char fname[64];
00506                 snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname) - 1, FILENAME, cnt);
00507                 int r = capture(&cam1, fname);
00508                 if (r == 0) {
00509                     DEBMSG("[%04d]:OK.", cnt); NEWLINE();
00510                 } else {
00511                     DEBMSG("[%04d]:NG. (code=%d)", cnt, r); NEWLINE();
00512                     error("Failure.");
00513                     }
00514                 cnt++;
00515                 ledTick.attach(&ledTickfunc,0.5);
00516                 take_picture = 0;
00517             }
00519             led2 = false;
00520         }
00522     }
00523 }