Lab Firmware

Dependencies:   BNO055_fusion mbed

Fork of ES456_Labs by Jeremy Dawkins

--- a/BNO055/BNO055.h	Tue Jul 12 19:16:19 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BNO055_H
-#define BNO055_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-#define BNOAddress (0x28 << 1)
-//Register definitions
-/* Page id register definition */ 
-#define BNO055_PAGE_ID_ADDR          0x07
-#define BNO055_CHIP_ID_ADDR          0x00 
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_REV_ID_ADDR     0x01
-#define BNO055_MAG_REV_ID_ADDR       0x02
-#define BNO055_GYRO_REV_ID_ADDR      0x03
-#define BNO055_SW_REV_ID_LSB_ADDR    0x04
-#define BNO055_SW_REV_ID_MSB_ADDR    0x05
-#define BNO055_BL_REV_ID_ADDR        0x06
-/* Accel data register */ 
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR 0x08
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR 0x09
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR 0x0A
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR 0x0B
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR 0x0C 
-#define BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR 0x0D
-/* Mag data register */ 
-#define BNO055_MAG_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR   0x0E
-#define BNO055_MAG_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR   0x0F
-#define BNO055_MAG_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR   0x10
-#define BNO055_MAG_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR   0x11
-#define BNO055_MAG_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR   0x12
-#define BNO055_MAG_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR   0x13
-/* Gyro data registers */ 
-#define BNO055_GYRO_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR  0x14
-#define BNO055_GYRO_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR  0x15
-#define BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR  0x16
-#define BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR  0x17
-#define BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR  0x18
-#define BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR  0x19
-/* Euler data registers */ 
-#define BNO055_EULER_H_LSB_ADDR      0x1A
-#define BNO055_EULER_H_MSB_ADDR      0x1B
-#define BNO055_EULER_R_LSB_ADDR      0x1C
-#define BNO055_EULER_R_MSB_ADDR      0x1D
-#define BNO055_EULER_P_LSB_ADDR      0x1E
-#define BNO055_EULER_P_MSB_ADDR      0x1F
-/* Quaternion data registers */ 
-/* Linear acceleration data registers */ 
-/* Gravity data registers */ 
-#define BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR      0x2E
-#define BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR      0x2F
-#define BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR      0x30
-#define BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR      0x31
-#define BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR      0x32
-#define BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR      0x33
-/* Temperature data register */ 
-#define BNO055_TEMP_ADDR                    0x34 
-/* Status registers */ 
-#define BNO055_CALIB_STAT_ADDR              0x35 
-#define BNO055_SELFTEST_RESULT_ADDR         0x36 
-#define BNO055_INTR_STAT_ADDR               0x37 
-#define BNO055_SYS_CLK_STAT_ADDR            0x38 
-#define BNO055_SYS_STAT_ADDR                0x39 
-#define BNO055_SYS_ERR_ADDR                 0x3A 
-/* Unit selection register */ 
-#define BNO055_UNIT_SEL_ADDR                0x3B 
-#define BNO055_DATA_SELECT_ADDR             0x3C 
-/* Mode registers */ 
-#define BNO055_OPR_MODE_ADDR                0x3D 
-#define BNO055_PWR_MODE_ADDR                0x3E 
-#define BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR             0x3F 
-#define BNO055_TEMP_SOURCE_ADDR             0x40 
-/* Axis remap registers */ 
-#define BNO055_AXIS_MAP_CONFIG_ADDR         0x41 
-#define BNO055_AXIS_MAP_SIGN_ADDR           0x42 
-/* Accelerometer Offset registers */ 
-#define ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR             0x55 
-#define ACCEL_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR             0x56 
-#define ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR             0x57
-#define ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR             0x58 
-#define ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR             0x59 
-#define ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR             0x5A 
-/* Magnetometer Offset registers */ 
-#define MAG_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR               0x5B
-#define MAG_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR               0x5C
-#define MAG_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR               0x5D
-#define MAG_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR               0x5E
-#define MAG_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR               0x5F
-#define MAG_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR               0x60
-/* Gyroscope Offset registers*/ 
-#define GYRO_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR              0x61
-#define GYRO_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR              0x62
-#define GYRO_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR              0x63
-#define GYRO_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR              0x64
-#define GYRO_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR              0x65
-#define GYRO_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR              0x66
-/* Radius registers */ 
-#define ACCEL_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR               0x67 
-#define ACCEL_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR               0x68 
-#define MAG_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR                 0x69 
-#define MAG_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR                 0x6A 
-/* Page 1 registers */
-#define BNO055_UNIQUE_ID_ADDR               0x50
-//Definitions for unit selection
-#define MPERSPERS   0x00
-#define MILLIG      0x01
-#define DEG_PER_SEC 0x00
-#define RAD_PER_SEC 0x02
-#define DEGREES     0x00
-#define RADIANS     0x04
-#define CENTIGRADE  0x00
-#define FAHRENHEIT  0x10
-#define WINDOWS     0x00
-#define ANDROID     0x80
-//Definitions for power mode
-#define POWER_MODE_NORMAL   0x00 
-#define POWER_MODE_LOWPOWER 0x01 
-#define POWER_MODE_SUSPEND  0x02 
-//Definitions for operating mode
-#define OPERATION_MODE_CONFIG        0x00 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_ACCONLY       0x01 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_MAGONLY       0x02 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_GYRONLY       0x03 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_ACCMAG        0x04 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_ACCGYRO       0x05 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_MAGGYRO       0x06 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_AMG           0x07 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_IMUPLUS       0x08 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_COMPASS       0x09 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_M4G           0x0A 
-#define OPERATION_MODE_NDOF          0x0C 
-typedef struct values{
-    int16_t rawx,rawy,rawz;
-    float x,y,z;
-    }values;
-typedef struct angles{
-    int16_t rawroll,rawpitch,rawyaw;
-    float roll, pitch, yaw;
-    } angles;
-typedef struct quaternion{
-    int16_t raww,rawx,rawy,rawz;
-    float w,x,y,z;
-    }quaternion;
-typedef struct chip{
-    char id;
-    char accel;
-    char gyro;
-    char mag;
-    char sw[2];
-    char bootload;
-    char serial[16];
-    }chip;
-/** Class for operating Bosch BNO055 sensor over I2C **/
-class BNO055 
-/** Create BNO055 instance **/
-    BNO055(PinName SDA, PinName SCL); 
-/** Perform a power-on reset of the BNO055 **/
-    void reset();
-/** Check that the BNO055 is connected and download the software details 
-and serial number of chip and store in ID structure **/
-    bool check();
-/** Turn the external timing crystal on/off **/
-    void SetExternalCrystal(bool yn);
-/** Set the operation mode of the sensor **/    
-    void setmode(char mode);
-/** Set the power mode of the sensor **/
-    void setpowermode(char mode);
-/** Set the output units from the accelerometer, either MPERSPERS or MILLIG **/
-    void set_accel_units(char units);
-/** Set the output units from the gyroscope, either DEG_PER_SEC or RAD_PER_SEC **/
-    void set_anglerate_units(char units);
-/** Set the output units from the IMU, either DEGREES or RADIANS **/
-    void set_angle_units(char units);
-/** Set the output units from the temperature sensor, either CENTIGRADE or FAHRENHEIT **/
-    void set_temp_units(char units);
-/** Set the data output format to either WINDOWS or ANDROID **/    
-    void set_orientation(int position);
-/** Set the mapping of the exes/directions as per page 25 of datasheet
-    range 0-7, any value outside this will set the orientation to P1 (default at power up) **/
-    void set_mapping(char orient);
-/** Get the current values from the accelerometer **/
-    void get_accel(void);
-/** Get the current values from the gyroscope **/
-    void get_gyro(void);
-/** Get the current values from the magnetometer **/
-    void get_mag(void);
-/** Get the corrected linear acceleration **/
-    void get_lia(void);
-/** Get the current gravity vector **/
-    void get_grv(void);
-/** Get the output quaternion **/
-    void get_quat(void);
-/** Get the current Euler angles **/
-    void get_angles(void);
-/** Get the current temperature **/
-    void get_temp(void);
-/** Read the calibration status register and store the result in the calib variable **/
-    void get_calib(void);
-/** Read the offset and radius values into the calibration array**/
-    void read_calibration_data(void);
-/** Write the contents of the calibration array into the registers **/    
-    void write_calibration_data(void);
-/** Structures containing 3-axis data for acceleration, rate of turn and magnetic field.
-    x,y,z are the scale floating point values and
-    rawx, rawy, rawz are the int16_t values read from the sensors **/
-    values accel,gyro,mag,lia,gravity;
-/** Stucture containing the Euler angles as yaw, pitch, roll as scaled floating point
-    and rawyaw, rawroll & rollpitch as the int16_t values loaded from the registers **/
-    angles euler;
-/** Quaternion values as w,x,y,z (scaled floating point) and raww etc... as int16_t loaded from the
-    registers **/    
-    quaternion quat;
-/** Current contents of calibration status register **/
-    char calib;
-/** Contents of the 22 registers containing offset and radius values used as calibration by the sensor **/
-    char calibration[22];
-/** Structure containing sensor numbers, software version and chip UID **/
-    chip ID;
-/** Current temperature **/
-    int temperature;
-    private:
-        I2C _i2c;
-        char rx,tx[2],address;  //I2C variables
-        char rawdata[22]; //Temporary array for input data values
-        char op_mode;
-        char pwr_mode;
-        float accel_scale,rate_scale,angle_scale;
-        int temp_scale;
-void readchar(char location){
-    tx[0] = location;
-    _i2c.write(address,tx,1,true);
-void writechar(char location, char value){
-    tx[0] = location;
-    tx[1] = value;
-    _i2c.write(address,tx,2);
-void setpage(char value){
-    writechar(BNO055_PAGE_ID_ADDR,value);
-    };
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