Add Cyrillic support.

Fork of UniGraphicCyrillic by SlavaRoland

--- a/Protocols/SPI8.cpp	Mon Mar 02 10:52:26 2015 +0000
+++ b/Protocols/SPI8.cpp	Mon Mar 23 14:08:04 2015 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include "SPI8.h"
-//#define USE_CS
 SPI8::SPI8(int Hz, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName CS, PinName reset, PinName DC)
     : _CS(CS), _spi(mosi, miso, sclk), _reset(reset), _DC(DC)
@@ -27,75 +26,39 @@
     _spi.format(8,0);                  // 8 bit spi mode 0
- //   _spi.frequency(12000000);          // 10 Mhz SPI clock, 12mhz for F411
 void SPI8::wr_cmd8(unsigned char cmd)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
     _DC.write(0); // 0=cmd
     _spi.write(cmd);      // write 8bit
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
+    _DC.write(1); // 1=data next
 void SPI8::wr_data8(unsigned char data)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
     _spi.write(data);    // write 8bit
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
 void SPI8::wr_cmd16(unsigned short cmd)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
     _DC.write(0); // 0=cmd
     _spi.write(cmd>>8);      // write 8bit
     _spi.write(cmd&0xFF);      // write 8bit
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
+    _DC.write(1); // 1=data next
 void SPI8::wr_data16(unsigned short data)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
     _spi.write(data>>8);    // write 8bit
     _spi.write(data&0xFF);    // write 8bit
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
 void SPI8::wr_gram(unsigned short data)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
     _spi.write(data>>8);    // write 8bit
     _spi.write(data&0xFF);    // write 8bit
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
 void SPI8::wr_gram(unsigned short data, unsigned int count)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
@@ -114,16 +77,9 @@
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
 void SPI8::wr_grambuf(unsigned short* data, unsigned int lenght)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
         _spi.write((*data)>>8);    // write 8bit
@@ -131,17 +87,10 @@
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 1;
 unsigned short SPI8::rd_gram(bool convert)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
     unsigned int r=0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
     _spi.write(0); // whole first byte is dummy
     r |= _spi.write(0);
     r <<= 8;
@@ -155,19 +104,13 @@
         r = RGB24to16((r&0xFF0000)>>16, (r&0xFF00)>>8, r&0xFF);// 18bit pixel padded to 24bits, rrrrrr00_gggggg00_bbbbbb00, converted to 16bit
     _CS = 1; // force CS HIG to interupt the "read state"
-#ifndef USE_CS //if CS is not used, force fixed LOW again
     _CS = 0;
     return (unsigned short)r;
 unsigned int SPI8::rd_reg_data32(unsigned char reg)
-#ifdef USE_CS
-    _CS = 0;
     unsigned int r=0;
-    _DC.write(1); // 1=data
     r |= _spi.write(0); // we get only 7bit valid, first bit was the dummy cycle
     r <<= 8;
@@ -180,9 +123,7 @@
     r |= (_spi.write(0) >> 7);
     // we clocked 7 more bit so ILI waiting for 8th, we need to reset spi bus
     _CS = 1; // force CS HIG to interupt the cmd
-#ifndef USE_CS //if CS is not used, force fixed LOW again
     _CS = 0;
     return r;
 unsigned int SPI8::rd_extcreg_data32(unsigned char reg, unsigned char SPIreadenablecmd)
@@ -193,30 +134,73 @@
         wr_cmd8(SPIreadenablecmd);  // spi-in enable cmd, 0xD9 (ili9341) or 0xFB (ili9488) or don't know
         wr_data8(0xF0|regparam);    // in low nibble specify which reg parameter we want
         wr_cmd8(reg);               // now send cmd (select register we want to read)
-        _DC.write(1); // 1=data
         r <<= 8;
         r |= _spi.write(0);
         // r = _spi.write(0) >> 8; for 16bit
-_CS = 1; // force CS HIG to interupt the cmd
-#ifndef USE_CS //if CS is not used, force fixed LOW again
+    _CS = 1; // force CS HIG to interupt the cmd
     _CS = 0;
+    return r;
+// ILI932x specific
+void SPI8::dummyread()
+    _spi.write(0);    // dummy read
+// ILI932x specific
+void SPI8::reg_select(unsigned char reg, bool forread)
+    _CS = 1;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _CS = 0;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _spi.write(0x70);
+    _spi.write(0);    // write MSB
+    _spi.write(reg);    // write LSB
+    _CS = 1;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _CS = 0;    //fixme: really needed?
+    if(forread) _spi.write(0x73);
+    else _spi.write(0x72);
+// ILI932x specific
+void SPI8::reg_write(unsigned char reg, unsigned short data)
+    _CS = 1;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _CS = 0;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _spi.write(0x70);
+    _spi.write(0);    // write MSB
+    _spi.write(reg);    // write LSB
+    _CS = 1;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _CS = 0;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _spi.write(0x72);
+    _spi.write(data>>8);
+    _spi.write(data&0xFF);
+// ILI932x specific
+unsigned short SPI8::reg_read(unsigned char reg)
+    unsigned short r=0;
+    _CS = 1;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _CS = 0;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _spi.write(0x70);
+    _spi.write(0);    // write MSB
+    _spi.write(reg);    // write LSB
+    _CS = 1;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _CS = 0;    //fixme: really needed?
+    _spi.write(0x73);
+    _spi.write(0);    // dummy read
+    r = _spi.write(0);    // read 8bit
+    r <<= 8;
+    r |= _spi.write(0);    // read 8bit
     return r;
 void SPI8::hw_reset()
     _DC = 1;
- //   _CS = 1;
-    _CS = 0;
+    _CS = 1;
     _reset = 0;                        // display reset
-    wait_us(50);
+    wait_ms(2);
     _reset = 1;                       // end reset
-    wait_ms(15);
-#ifndef USE_CS
-    _CS=0;      // put CS low now and forever
+    wait_ms(100);
 void SPI8::BusEnable(bool enable)