Callum and Adel's changes on 12/02/19

Dependencies:   Crypto



File content as of revision 52:8339cd5c6105:

move the global variables to a class because we arent paeasents - Mission Failed
use jack's motor motor position
fix class variable naming
dont make everything public becuase thats fucling dumb and defeats the whole point of a class

//Mapping from sequential drive states to motor phase outputs
State   L1  L2  L3
0       H   -   L
1       -   H   L
2       L   H   -
3       L   -   H
4       -   L   H
5       H   L   -
6       -   -   -
7       -   -   -

//Header Files
#include "SHA256.h"
#include "mbed.h"

//Photointerrupter Input Pins
#define I1pin D3
#define I2pin D6
#define I3pin D5

//Incremental Encoder Input Pins
#define CHApin D12
#define CHBpin D11

//Motor Drive High Pins                                                 //Mask in output byte
#define L1Hpin A3                                                       //0x02
#define L2Hpin A6                                                       //0x08
#define L3Hpin D2                                                       //0x20

//Motor Drive Low Pins 
#define L1Lpin D1                                                       //0x01
#define L2Lpin D0                                                       //0x04
#define L3Lpin D10                                                      //0x10

//Motor Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Pin  
#define PWMpin D9

//Motor current sense
#define MCSPpin A1
#define MCSNpin A0

// "Lacros" for utility
#define sgn(x)   ((x)>=0?1:-1)
#define max(x,y) ((x)>=(y)?(x):(y))
#define min(x,y) ((x)>=(y)?(y):(x))

//Status LED
DigitalOut led1(LED1);

//Photointerrupter Inputs
InterruptIn I1(I1pin);
InterruptIn I2(I2pin);
InterruptIn I3(I3pin);

//Motor Drive High Outputs
DigitalOut L1H(L1Hpin);
DigitalOut L2H(L2Hpin);
DigitalOut L3H(L3Hpin);

//Motor Drive Low Outputs
DigitalOut L1L(L1Lpin);
DigitalOut L2L(L2Lpin);
DigitalOut L3L(L3Lpin);

PwmOut pwmCtrl(PWMpin);

//Drive state to output table
const int8_t driveTable[] = {0x12,0x18,0x09,0x21,0x24,0x06,0x00,0x00};

//Mapping from interrupter inputs to sequential rotor states. 0x00 and 0x07 are not valid
const int8_t stateMap[] = {0x07,0x05,0x03,0x04,0x01,0x00,0x02,0x07};
//const int8_t stateMap[] = {0x07,0x01,0x03,0x02,0x05,0x00,0x04,0x07}; //Alternative if phase order of input or drive is reversed

class Comm{


        volatile bool       _outMining;
        volatile float      _targetVel, _targetRot;

        volatile int8_t     _modeBitField;                               // 0,0,0,... <=> Melody,Torque,Rotation,Velocity
        const    uint8_t    _MAXCMDLENGTH;                               // 
        volatile uint8_t    _inCharIndex, _cmdIndex;                     // 
        volatile uint32_t   _motorTorque;                                // Motor Toque
        volatile int32_t    _motor_pos; 
        volatile uint64_t   _newKey;                                     // hash key
        Mutex               _newKeyMutex;                                // Restrict access to prevent deadlock.

        RawSerial _pc;
        Thread _t_comm_out;
        bool _RUN;

        enum msgType   {    motorState, posIn, velIn, posOut, velOut,
                            hashRate, keyAdded, nonceMatch,
                            torque, rotations, melody,

        typedef struct {
            msgType type;
            uint32_t message;
        } msg;

        Mail<msg, 32> mailStack;

        //--------- Default Constructor With Inheritance From RawSerial Constructor ---------//
        Comm(): _pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX), _t_comm_out(osPriorityAboveNormal, 1024), _MAXCMDLENGTH(18){           

            _pc.printf("\n\r%s\n\r", "Welcome" );
            // _MAXCMDLENGTH = 18;

            for (int i = 0; i < _MAXCMDLENGTH; ++i) {                    // reset buffer
                inCharQ[i] = (char)'.';                                  // MbedOS prints 'Embedded Systems are fun and do awesome things!'
                // _pc.putc('.');                                           // if you print a null terminator


            inCharQ[_MAXCMDLENGTH] = (char)'\0';
            sprintf(inCharQ, "%s", inCharQ);                            // sorts out the correct string correctly
            strncpy(newCmd, inCharQ, _MAXCMDLENGTH);

            _pc.printf("%s\n\r", inCharQ);

            _pc.putc('<'); //_pc.putc('\r'); _pc.putc('>');

            _cmdIndex = 0;

            _inCharIndex = 0;
            _outMining = false;
            _pc.attach(callback(this, &Comm::serialISR));

            _motorTorque = 300;
            _targetVel = 45.0;
            _targetRot = 459.0;

            _motor_pos = 0; 

            _modeBitField = 0x01;                                        // Default is velocity mode

        //--------- Interrupt Service Routine for Serial Port and Character Queue Handling ---------//
        void serialISR(){
            if (_pc.readable()) {
                char newChar = _pc.getc();

                if (_inCharIndex == (_MAXCMDLENGTH)) {
                    inCharQ[_MAXCMDLENGTH] = '\0';                       // force the string to have an end character
                    putMessage(error, 1);
                    _inCharIndex = 0;                                    // reset buffer index
                    if(newChar != '\r'){                                //While the command is not over,
                        inCharQ[_inCharIndex] = newChar;                 //save input character and
                        _inCharIndex++;                                  //advance index
                        inCharQ[_inCharIndex] = '\0';                    //When the command is finally over,
                        strncpy(newCmd, inCharQ, _MAXCMDLENGTH);         // Will copy 18 characters from inCharQ to newCmd
                                                                        //parse the command for decoding.
                        for (int i = 0; i < _MAXCMDLENGTH; ++i)          // reset buffer
                            inCharQ[i] = ' ';

                        _inCharIndex = 0;                                // reset index

        //--------- Reset Cursor Position ---------//
        void returnCursor() {
            for (int i = 0; i < _inCharIndex; ++i)                  

        //--------- Parse Incomming Data From Serial Port ---------//
        void cmdParser(){
            switch(newCmd[0]) {
                case 'K':                                               //keyAdded
                    _newKeyMutex.lock();                                //Ensure there is no deadlock
                    sscanf(newCmd, "K%x", &_newKey);                     //Find desired the Key code
                    putMessage(keyAdded, _newKey);                       //Print it out

                case 'V':                                               //velIn
                    sscanf(newCmd, "V%f", &_targetVel);                  //Find desired the target velocity
                    _modeBitField = 0x01;                                //Adjust bitfield pos 1
                    _motor_pos = 0; 
                    putMessage(velIn, _targetVel);                       //Print it out

                case 'R':                                                //posIn
                    sscanf(newCmd, "R%f", &_targetRot);                  //Find desired target rotation
                    _modeBitField = 0x02;                                //Adjust bitfield pos 2
                    _targetVel = 2e3; 
                    _motor_pos = 0; 
                    putMessage(posIn, _targetRot);                       //Print it out

                case 'x':                                               //torque
                    sscanf(newCmd, "x%u", &_motorTorque);                 //Find desired target torque
                    _modeBitField = 0x04;                                //Adjust bitfield pos 3
                    putMessage(torque, _motorTorque);                     //Print it out

                case 'M':                                               //mining display toggle
                    int8_t miningTest;
                    sscanf(newCmd, "M%d", &miningTest);                 //display if input is 1
                    if (miningTest == 1)
                        _outMining = true;
                        _outMining = false;

                // This guy ugly, maybe use a function
                case 'T':                                               // Tune/ melody
                    uint8_t dur[9];                                     //  Note Durations
                    char notes[9];                                      // Actual notes
                    uint8_t len = 0;                                    // Length of notes

                    for (int i = 1; i < _MAXCMDLENGTH; ++i) {            // Find first #
                        if (newCmd[i] == '#') {
                            len = i;
                            break; // stop at first # found

                    if (len>0) {                                        // Parse the input only if # found
                        uint8_t newLen = 2*(len+1)+1;
                        bool isChar = true;
                        char formatSpec[newLen];
                        for (int i = 1; i < newLen; i=i+2) {            // Create a format spec based on length of input
                            formatSpec[i] = '%';
                            if (isChar) // if character
                               formatSpec[i+1] = 'c';
                               formatSpec[i+1] = 'u';
                           isChar = !isChar;

                        formatSpec[newLen] = '\0';
                        sprintf(formatSpec, "%s", formatSpec);          // Set string format correctly
                        _pc.printf("%s\n", formatSpec );
                        sscanf(newCmd, formatSpec, &notes[0], &dur[0],
                                                   &notes[1], &dur[1],
                                                   &notes[2], &dur[2],
                                                   &notes[3], &dur[3],
                                                   &notes[4], &dur[4],
                                                   &notes[5], &dur[5],
                                                   &notes[6], &dur[6],
                                                   &notes[7], &dur[7],
                                                   &notes[8], &dur[8] 
                        _modeBitField = 0x08;
                        // putMessage(melody, newCmd);         //Print it out
                        _pc.printf(formatSpec, notes[0], dur[0], \
                                           notes[1], dur[1], \
                                           notes[2], dur[2], \
                                           notes[3], dur[3], \
                                           notes[4], dur[4], \
                                           notes[5], dur[5], \
                                           notes[6], dur[6], \
                                           notes[7], dur[7], \
                                           notes[8], dur[8]  \
                        putMessage(error, 2);                       // bad times


        //--------- Decode Messages to Print on Serial Port ---------//
        void commOutFn() {
            while (_RUN) {
                osEvent newEvent = mailStack.get();
                msg *pMessage = (msg *) newEvent.value.p;

                //Case Switch to Choose Serial Output Based on Incoming Message Enum
                switch (pMessage->type) {
                    case motorState:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< The motor is currently in state %x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
                    case hashRate:
                        if (_outMining) {
                            _pc.printf("\r>%s< Mining: %.4u Hash/s\r", inCharQ, (uint32_t) pMessage->message);
                            _outMining = false;
                    case nonceMatch:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Nonce found: %x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
                    case keyAdded:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< New Key Added:\t0x%016x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
                    case torque:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Motor Torque set to:\t%d\n\r", inCharQ, (int32_t) pMessage->message);
                    case velIn:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Target Velocity set to:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, _targetVel);
                    case velOut:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Current Velocity:\t%.2f States/sec\n\r", inCharQ, (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message));
                    case posIn:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Target # Rotations:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message));
                    case posOut:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Current Position:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message /*/ 6*/));
                    case error:
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Debugging position:%x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
                        for (int i = 0; i < _MAXCMDLENGTH; ++i) // reset buffer
                            inCharQ[i] = ' ';
                        _pc.printf("\r>%s< Unknown Error. Message: %x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);


        void putMessage(msgType type, uint32_t message){
            msg *p_msg = mailStack.alloc();
            p_msg->type = type;
            p_msg->message = message;

        void start_comm(){
            _RUN = true;

            // for (int i = 0; i < _MAXCMDLENGTH; ++i) {                // reset buffer
            //     inCharQ[i] = (char)'.';                                   // MbedOS prints 'Embedded Systems are fun and do awesome things!'
            // }

            // inCharQ[_MAXCMDLENGTH] = (char)'\0';
            // sprintf(inCharQ, "%s", inCharQ);                            // sorts out the correct string correctly
            // strncpy(newCmd, inCharQ, _MAXCMDLENGTH);

            _t_comm_out.start(callback(this, &Comm::commOutFn));


        char newCmd[];  // because unallocated must be defined at the bottom of the class
        static char inCharQ[];

char Comm::inCharQ[] = {'.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','.','\0'};

class Motor {

        int8_t orState;            //Rotor offset at motor state 0, motor specific
        volatile int8_t currentState;    //Current Rotor State
        volatile int8_t stateList[6];    //All possible rotor states stored

        int8_t old_rotor_state; 
        //Phase lead to make motor spin
        volatile int8_t lead;

        Comm* p_comm;
        bool _RUN;

        //Run the motor synchronisation

        float dutyC;     // 1 = 100%
        uint32_t mtrPeriod; // motor period
        uint8_t stateCount[3];  // State Counter
        uint8_t theStates[3];   // The Key states

        Thread t_motor_ctrl;    // Thread for motor Control

        uint32_t MAXPWM_PRD;
        uint32_t MINPWM_PRD; 


        Motor() : t_motor_ctrl(osPriorityAboveNormal2, 2048)
            // Set Power to maximum to drive motorHome()
            dutyC = 1.0f;
            mtrPeriod = 2e3; // motor period

            orState = motorHome();              // Rotor offset at motor state 0
            currentState = readRotorState();    // Current Rotor State
            old_rotor_state = orState;          // Set old_rotor_state to the origin to begin with
            // stateList[6] = {0,0,0, 0,0,0};     //All possible rotor states stored
            lead = 2;  //2 for forwards, -2 for backwards

            // It skips the origin state and it's 'lead' increments?
            theStates[0] = orState +1;
            theStates[1] = (orState + lead) % 6 +1;
            theStates[2] = (orState + (lead*2)) % 6 +1;

            stateCount[0] = 0; stateCount[1] = 0; stateCount[2] = 0;

            p_comm = NULL; // null pointer for now
            _RUN = false;

            MAXPWM_PRD = 2e3;


        int findMinTorque() {
            int8_t prevState = readRotorState(); 
            uint32_t mtPeriod = 700;
            Timer testTimer;

            p_comm->_pc.printf("PState:%i, CState:%i\n", prevState, readRotorState());

            // stateUpdate();  

            while (readRotorState() == prevState) {
                // pwmCtrl.period_us(2e3);

                while (testTimer.read_ms() < 500) {}                 
                // prevState = readRotorState(); 
                mtPeriod += 10; 
                mtPeriod = mtrPeriod >= 1000 ? 700 : mtPeriod; 

            p_comm->_pc.printf("Min Torque:%i\n", mtPeriod);
            return mtPeriod; 

        void motorStart(Comm *comm) {

            // Establish Photointerrupter Service Routines (auto choose next state)
            I1.fall(callback(this, &Motor::stateUpdate));
            I2.fall(callback(this, &Motor::stateUpdate));
            I3.fall(callback(this, &Motor::stateUpdate));
            I1.rise(callback(this, &Motor::stateUpdate));
            I2.rise(callback(this, &Motor::stateUpdate));
            I3.rise(callback(this, &Motor::stateUpdate));

            // push digitally so if motor is static it will start moving
            motorOut((currentState-orState+lead+6)%6); // We push it digitally

            // Default a lower duty cycle
            dutyC = 0.8;

             p_comm = comm;
             // TODO: Make a better findMinTorque() function
             // MINPWM_PRD = findMinTorque(); 
             MINPWM_PRD = 920; 
            _RUN = true;

            // Start motor control thread
            t_motor_ctrl.start(callback(this, &Motor::motorCtrlFn));

            p_comm->_pc.printf("origin=%i, theStates=[%i,%i,%i]\n\r", orState, theStates[0], theStates[1], theStates[2]);


            //Set a given drive state
        void motorOut(int8_t driveState) {

            //Lookup the output byte from the drive state.
            int8_t driveOut = driveTable[driveState & 0x07];

            //Turn off first
            if (~driveOut & 0x01) L1L = 0;
            if (~driveOut & 0x02) L1H = 1;
            if (~driveOut & 0x04) L2L = 0;
            if (~driveOut & 0x08) L2H = 1;
            if (~driveOut & 0x10) L3L = 0;
            if (~driveOut & 0x20) L3H = 1;

            //Then turn on
            if (driveOut & 0x01) L1L = 1;
            if (driveOut & 0x02) L1H = 0;
            if (driveOut & 0x04) L2L = 1;
            if (driveOut & 0x08) L2H = 0;
            if (driveOut & 0x10) L3L = 1;
            if (driveOut & 0x20) L3H = 0;

        //Convert photointerrupter inputs to a rotor state
        inline int8_t readRotorState() {
            return stateMap[I1 + 2*I2 + 4*I3];

        //Basic synchronisation routine
        int8_t motorHome() {
            //Put the motor in drive state 0 and wait for it to stabilise

            //Get the rotor state 
            return readRotorState();

        void stateUpdate() { // () { // **params
            currentState = readRotorState();

            // (Current - Offset + lead + 6) %6
            motorOut((currentState - orState + lead + 6) % 6);

            if (currentState - old_rotor_state == 5) {
            } else if (currentState - old_rotor_state == -5) {
            } else {
                p_comm->_motor_pos += (currentState - old_rotor_state);

            old_rotor_state = currentState; 


        // attach_us -> runs funtion every 100ms
        void motorCtrlFn() {
            Ticker motorCtrlTicker;
            Timer  m_timer;
            motorCtrlTicker.attach_us(callback(this,&Motor::motorCtrlTick), 1e5);

            // Init some things
            uint8_t cpyStateCount[3];
            uint8_t cpyCurrentState;
            int8_t  cpyModeBitfield;

            int32_t ting[2] = {6,1}; // 360,60 (for degrees), 5,1 (for states)
            uint8_t iterElementMax;
            int32_t totalDegrees;
            int32_t stateDiff;

            volatile int32_t torque;                                     //Local variable to set motor torque
            static int32_t oldTorque = 0;
            float sError;                                       //Velocity error between target and reality
            float rError;                                       //Rotation error between target and reality
            static float rErrorOld;                             //Old rotation error used for calculation

            //~~~Controller constants~~~~
            int32_t Kp1=80; //22, 27                                    //Proportional controller constants
            int32_t Kp2=33; //12                                    //Calculated by trial and error to give optimal accuracy
            float Kis = 0.0f; // 50
            int32_t Kir = 0.0f; 
            float sIntegral = 0.0f; 
            float rIntegral = 0.0f; 
            float   Kd =28.5; // 40, 14.75

            int32_t Ys;                                      //Initialise controller output Ys  (s=speed)
            int32_t Yr;                                      //Initialise controller output Yr (r=rotations)
            int32_t     old_pos = 0,
                        cur_pos = 0; 

            float       cur_err = 0.0f,
                        old_err = 0.0f,
                        cur_time = 0.0f,
                        old_time = 0.0f,
                        cur_speed = 0.0f;                                   //Variable for local velocity calculation; 


            while (_RUN) {

                cpyModeBitfield = p_comm->_modeBitField;
                // p_comm->_modeBitField = 0; // nah
                //Access shared variables here
                /* std::copy(stateCount, stateCount+3, cpyStateCount);
                cpyCurrentState = currentState;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                    stateCount[i] = 0;
                } */ 

                // p_comm->_pc.printf("R_Error: %f\n", rError);

                // p_comm->_pc.printf("BitField:%#04x\n", cpyModeBitfield);

                // read state & timestamp
                cur_pos = p_comm->_motor_pos; 
                if (cur_pos < 2) {
                    rIntegral = 0.0f; 
                    sIntegral = 0.0f;    
                cur_time =;

                // compute speed
                time_diff = cur_time - old_time;
                cur_speed = (cur_pos - old_pos) / time_diff;

                // prep values for next time through loop
                old_time = cur_time;
                old_pos  = cur_pos;

                // Position error
                rError = (p_comm->_targetRot) - (cur_pos/6.0f); 
                if ((cur_speed != 0)) {
                    rIntegral += rError * time_diff; 
                err_diff = rError - old_err; 
                old_err = rError;  

                // Speed error - Convert curr_speed from states per time to rotations per time
                // TODO: Check the direction that CPos goes in when _targetVel < 0
                sError = (p_comm->_targetVel) - (abs(cur_speed/6.0f));          //Read global variable _targetVel updated by interrupt and calculate error between target and reality
                if ((cur_speed > 0) && (torque != MAXPWM_PRD)) {
                    sIntegral += sError * time_diff;     

                Ys = (int32_t)(((Kp1 * sError) + (Kis * sIntegral))); //  * sgn(cur_pos));
                Yr = (int32_t)(Kp2*rError + ((Kd/time_diff) * err_diff) + (Kir * rIntegral)); 

                if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x01) {
                    // Speed control 
                    if (p_comm->_targetVel == 0) {                                    //Check if user entered V0,
                        torque = MAXPWM_PRD;                                          //and set the output to maximum as specified
                    } else {
                        // select minimum absolute value torque
                        if (cur_speed < 0) {
                            torque = max(Ys, Yr);
                        } else {
                            torque = min(Ys, Yr);

                        torque = abs(torque) < MINPWM_PRD ? MINPWM_PRD*sgn(torque) : torque;     
                        // torque = Ys; 
                } else if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x02) {
                    // select minimum absolute value torque
                    if (p_comm->_targetRot == 0) {
                        // Not spinning at max speed
                        torque = 0.7 * MAXPWM_PRD; 
                    } else {
                        // TODO: Handle sign or Yr for negative rotations
                        if (Yr > MINPWM_PRD || Yr < 100) {
                            torque = Yr; 
                        } else if (Yr >= 100 && Yr <= MINPWM_PRD) {
                            torque = MINPWM_PRD; 
                        } */ 

                        // select minimum absolute value torque
                        if (cur_speed < 0) {
                            torque = max(Ys, Yr);
                        } else {
                            torque = min(Ys, Yr);

                        if (abs(rError) > 0.8) {
                            // torque = abs(Yr) < 1000 ? 1000*sgn(Yr) : Yr;     
                            torque = abs(torque) < MINPWM_PRD ? MINPWM_PRD*sgn(torque) : torque;     
                        } else {
                            torque = 0; 

                // iterElementMax = std::max_element(cpyStateCount, cpyStateCount+3) - cpyStateCount;

                // if ((cpyModeBitfield & 0x01) | (cpyModeBitfield & 0x02)) {
                if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x01) {
                    // Speed error - Convert curr_speed from states per time to rotations per time
                    sError = (p_comm->_targetVel) - (abs(cur_speed/6.0f));          //Read global variable _targetVel updated by interrupt and calculate error between target and reality

                    //~~~~~Speed control~~~~~~
                    if (p_comm->_targetVel == 0) {                                    //Check if user entered V0,
                        torque = MAXPWM_PRD;                                          //and set the output to maximum as specified
                    } else {
                        Ys = (int32_t)((Kp1 * sError) + Ki*(sError * time_diff)) * sgn(cur_pos);                                //If the user didn't enter V0 implement controller transfer function: Ys = Kp * (s -|v|) where,
                        torque = Ys; 

                    if (abs(sError) < 3) {
                        // torque = torque; 
                        p_comm->_pc.printf("Final Speed:%f\n", cur_speed);
               } else if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x02) {
                    //~~~~~Rotation control~~~~~~
                    if (p_comm->_targetRot == 0) {
                        // Not spinning at max speed
                        torque = 0.7 * MAXPWM_PRD; 
                    } else {
                        Yr = Kp2*rError + (Kd/time_diff) * err_diff; 
                        torque = abs(rError) < 3 ? 0 : Yr;  

                if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x04) { // if it is in torque mode, do no math, just set pulsewidth
                    torque = (int32_t)p_comm->_motorTorque;
                    if (oldTorque != torque) {
                        if(torque < 0) {                                             // Variable torque cannot be negative since it sets the PWM
                            torque = -torque;                                        // Hence we make the value positive,
                            lead = -2;                                               // and instead set the direction to the opposite one
                        } else {
                            lead = 2;
                        if(torque > MAXPWM_PRD){                                        // In case the calculated PWM is higher than our maximum 50% allowance,
                            torque = MAXPWM_PRD;                                        // Set it to our max.

                        p_comm->putMessage((Comm::msgType)8, torque);
                        p_comm->_motorTorque = torque;
                        oldTorque = torque;
                } */ 

                if (torque < 0) {
                    torque = -torque; 
                    lead = -2;
                } else {
                    lead = 2; 

                torque = torque > MAXPWM_PRD ? MAXPWM_PRD : torque;                 // Set a cap on torque

                p_comm->_motorTorque = torque;
                p_comm->_pc.printf("RError:%.4f, SError:%.4f, CPos:%i, CSpeed:%f, Torque:%i, SInt:%f\r\n", rError, sError, cur_pos, (cur_speed/6.0f), torque, sIntegral);

                // Give the motor a kick

        void motorCtrlTick(){

int main() {

    // Declare Objects
    Comm comm_port;
    SHA256 miner;
    Motor motor;

    // Start Motor and Comm Port

    // Declare Hash Variables
    uint8_t sequence[] = {0x45,0x6D,0x62,0x65,0x64,0x64,0x65,0x64,
    uint64_t* key = (uint64_t*)((int)sequence + 48);
    uint64_t* nonce = (uint64_t*)((int)sequence + 56);
    uint8_t hash[32];
    uint32_t length64 = 64;
    uint32_t hashCounter = 0;

    // Begin Main Timer
    Timer timer;

    // Loop Program
    while (1) {

        // Mutex For Access Control
        *key = comm_port._newKey;

        // Compute Hash and Counter
        miner.computeHash(hash, sequence, length64);

        // Enum Casting and Condition
        if ((hash[0]==0) && (hash[1]==0)){
            comm_port.putMessage((Comm::msgType)7, *nonce);

        // Try Nonce

        // Display via Comm Port
        if ( >= 1){
            comm_port.putMessage((Comm::msgType)5, hashCounter);

    return 0;
