Dependents:   lmic_transmit

LoRa WAN in C for NA-mote 72

Currently version 1.5

LoRaWAN network configuration for end-device

The following three pieces of information uniquely identifies end-device to network to allow over-the-air activation. These are stored in the end-device prior to join procedure.


Uniquely identifies application provider of end-device.

Least-significant byte first, 8 bytes. Use LMIC_reverse_memcpy() for AppEUI to keep same byte order as that on lora server.

example C code

static const u1_t APPEUI[8]  = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x25, 0x00 };

This is copied into LMIC by os_getArtEui() callback function in application.


End-device ID, unique to each end-node.

Least-significant byte first, 8 bytes. Use LMIC_reverse_memcpy() for DevEUI to keep same byte order as that on lora server.

example C code

static const u1_t DEVEUI[8]  = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x25, 0x00 }; 

This is copied into LMIC by os_getDevEui() callback function in application.

AppKey (aka DevKey)

128-bit (16byte) AES key.

example C code

static const u1_t DEVKEY[16] = { 0xe4, 0x72, 0x71, 0xc5, 0xf5, 0x30, 0xa9, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0xc4, 0x0e, 0xab, 0xea, 0xd7, 0x19, 0x42 };

This is copied into LMIC by os_getDevKey() callback function in application.

Using over-the air activation, the end-device (LMIC) performs a join procedure every time it starts for first time, or has lost session context information. When join procedure has successfully completed, the end-device will have a network session key (NwkSKey) and an application session key (AppSKey), which are used for encryption and message integrity check.

configuration with http://us01-iot.semtech.com/

  • log in to server
  • click on Applications
  • find your application and click it
  • go to configure motes
  • to create a mote, you may enter a new DevEUI
    • you may copy-paste the 16byte application key from an already existing mote, if you desire.


DevEUI is entered in reverse order into C-code from that shown on server (unique device ID).

AppEUI is entered in reverse order into C-code from that shown on server.

AppEUI is equivalent to "Application"

transmit power limits

FCC Part 15 rules permit one watt of transmit power when more than 50 channels are used. When received by a 64-channel gateway, the maximum power may be used.

However, if end-device is sending to a 8-channel gateway (single SX1301), the maximum transmit power permitted is +20dBm.

To configure LMIC for use with 8-channel gateway, CHNL_HYBRID should be defined in in config.h, and should be undefined for use with 64-channel gateway.

defined valuechannelschannel
00 to 764
18 to 1565
216 to 2366
324 to 3167
432 to 3968
540 to 4769
648 to 5570
756 to 6371
undef0 to 6364 to 71



File content as of revision 9:83ae7f34e88c:

 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 IBM Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 *    IBM Zurich Research Lab - initial API, implementation and documentation

//! \file
#include "lmic.h"
#include "debug.h"

#if !defined(MINRX_SYMS)
#define MINRX_SYMS 5
#endif // !defined(MINRX_SYMS)
#define PAMBL_SYMS 8
#define PAMBL_FSK  5
#define PRERX_FSK  1
#define RXLEN_FSK  (1+5+2)

#define BCN_INTV_osticks       sec2osticks(BCN_INTV_sec)
#define TXRX_GUARD_osticks     ms2osticks(TXRX_GUARD_ms)
#define JOIN_GUARD_osticks     ms2osticks(JOIN_GUARD_ms)
#define DELAY_DNW1_osticks     sec2osticks(DELAY_DNW1)
#define DELAY_DNW2_osticks     sec2osticks(DELAY_DNW2)
#define DELAY_JACC1_osticks    sec2osticks(DELAY_JACC1)
#define DELAY_JACC2_osticks    sec2osticks(DELAY_JACC2)
#define DELAY_EXTDNW2_osticks  sec2osticks(DELAY_EXTDNW2)
#define BCN_RESERVE_osticks    ms2osticks(BCN_RESERVE_ms)
#define BCN_GUARD_osticks      ms2osticks(BCN_GUARD_ms)
#define BCN_WINDOW_osticks     ms2osticks(BCN_WINDOW_ms)
#define AIRTIME_BCN_osticks    us2osticks(AIRTIME_BCN)
#if defined(CFG_eu868)
#define DNW2_SAFETY_ZONE       ms2osticks(3000)
#if defined(CFG_us915)
#define DNW2_SAFETY_ZONE       ms2osticks(750)

// Special APIs - for development or testing
#define isTESTMODE() 0


// Fwd decls.
static void engineUpdate(void);
static void startScan (void);

// ================================================================================
// BEG OS - default implementations for certain OS suport functions

#if !defined(HAS_os_calls)

#if !defined(os_rlsbf2)
u2_t os_rlsbf2 (xref2cu1_t buf) {
    return (u2_t)(buf[0] | (buf[1]<<8));

#if !defined(os_rlsbf4)
u4_t os_rlsbf4 (xref2cu1_t buf) {
    return (u4_t)(buf[0] | (buf[1]<<8) | ((u4_t)buf[2]<<16) | ((u4_t)buf[3]<<24));

#if !defined(os_rmsbf4)
u4_t os_rmsbf4 (xref2cu1_t buf) {
    return (u4_t)(buf[3] | (buf[2]<<8) | ((u4_t)buf[1]<<16) | ((u4_t)buf[0]<<24));

#if !defined(os_wlsbf2)
void os_wlsbf2 (xref2u1_t buf, u2_t v) {
    buf[0] = v;
    buf[1] = v>>8;

#if !defined(os_wlsbf4)
void os_wlsbf4 (xref2u1_t buf, u4_t v) {
    buf[0] = v;
    buf[1] = v>>8;
    buf[2] = v>>16;
    buf[3] = v>>24;

#if !defined(os_wmsbf4)
void os_wmsbf4 (xref2u1_t buf, u4_t v) {
    buf[3] = v;
    buf[2] = v>>8;
    buf[1] = v>>16;
    buf[0] = v>>24;

#if !defined(os_getBattLevel)
u1_t os_getBattLevel (void) {

#if !defined(os_crc16)
// New CRC-16 CCITT(XMODEM) checksum for beacons:
u2_t os_crc16 (xref2u1_t data, uint len) {
    u2_t remainder = 0;
    u2_t polynomial = 0x1021;
    for( uint i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
        remainder ^= data[i] << 8;
        for( u1_t bit = 8; bit > 0; bit--) {
            if( (remainder & 0x8000) )
                remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ polynomial;
                remainder <<= 1;
    return remainder;

#endif // !HAS_os_calls

// END OS - default implementations for certain OS suport functions
// ================================================================================

// ================================================================================

static void micB0 (u4_t devaddr, u4_t seqno, int dndir, int len) {
    AESaux[0]  = 0x49;
    AESaux[5]  = dndir?1:0;
    AESaux[15] = len;
    os_wlsbf4(AESaux+ 6,devaddr);

static int aes_verifyMic (xref2cu1_t key, u4_t devaddr, u4_t seqno, int dndir, xref2u1_t pdu, int len) {
    micB0(devaddr, seqno, dndir, len);
    return os_aes(AES_MIC, pdu, len) == os_rmsbf4(pdu+len);

static void aes_appendMic (xref2cu1_t key, u4_t devaddr, u4_t seqno, int dndir, xref2u1_t pdu, int len) {
    micB0(devaddr, seqno, dndir, len);
    // MSB because of internal structure of AES
    os_wmsbf4(pdu+len, os_aes(AES_MIC, pdu, len));

static void aes_appendMic0 (xref2u1_t pdu, int len) {
    os_wmsbf4(pdu+len, os_aes(AES_MIC|AES_MICNOAUX, pdu, len));  // MSB because of internal structure of AES

static int aes_verifyMic0 (xref2u1_t pdu, int len) {
    return os_aes(AES_MIC|AES_MICNOAUX, pdu, len) == os_rmsbf4(pdu+len);

static void aes_encrypt (xref2u1_t pdu, int len) {
    os_aes(AES_ENC, pdu, len);

static void aes_cipher (xref2cu1_t key, u4_t devaddr, u4_t seqno, int dndir, xref2u1_t payload, int len) {
    if( len <= 0 )
    os_clearMem(AESaux, 16);
    AESaux[0] = AESaux[15] = 1; // mode=cipher / dir=down / block counter=1
    AESaux[5] = dndir?1:0;
    os_wlsbf4(AESaux+ 6,devaddr);
    os_aes(AES_CTR, payload, len);

static void aes_sessKeys (u2_t devnonce, xref2cu1_t artnonce, xref2u1_t nwkkey, xref2u1_t artkey) {
    os_clearMem(nwkkey, 16);
    nwkkey[0] = 0x01;
    os_copyMem(nwkkey+1, artnonce, LEN_ARTNONCE+LEN_NETID);
    os_wlsbf2(nwkkey+1+LEN_ARTNONCE+LEN_NETID, devnonce);
    os_copyMem(artkey, nwkkey, 16);
    artkey[0] = 0x02;

    os_aes(AES_ENC, nwkkey, 16);
    os_aes(AES_ENC, artkey, 16);

// ================================================================================

// ================================================================================

#if defined(CFG_eu868) // ========================================

#define maxFrameLen(dr) ((dr)<=DR_SF9 ? maxFrameLens[(dr)] : 0xFF)
const u1_t maxFrameLens [] = { 64,64,64,123 };

const u1_t _DR2RPS_CRC[] = {
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF12, BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF11, BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF10, BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF9,  BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF8,  BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF7,  BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(SF7,  BW250, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    (u1_t)MAKERPS(FSK,  BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),

static const s1_t TXPOWLEVELS[] = {
    20, 14, 11, 8, 5, 2, 0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0
#define pow2dBm(mcmd_ladr_p1) (TXPOWLEVELS[(mcmd_ladr_p1&MCMD_LADR_POW_MASK)>>MCMD_LADR_POW_SHIFT])

#elif defined(CFG_us915) // ========================================

#define maxFrameLen(dr) ((dr)<=DR_SF11CR ? maxFrameLens[(dr)] : 0xFF)
//const u1_t maxFrameLens [] = { 24,66,142,255,255,255,255,255,  66,142 };

const u1_t _DR2RPS_CRC[] = {
    MAKERPS(SF10, BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF9 , BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF8 , BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF7 , BW125, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF8 , BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF12, BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF11, BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF10, BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF9 , BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF8 , BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),
    MAKERPS(SF7 , BW500, CR_4_5, 0, 0),

#define pow2dBm(mcmd_ladr_p1) ((s1_t)(30 - (((mcmd_ladr_p1)&MCMD_LADR_POW_MASK)<<1)))

#endif // ================================================

static const u1_t SENSITIVITY[7][3] = {
    // ------------bw----------
    // 125kHz    250kHz    500kHz
    { 141-109,  141-109, 141-109 },  // FSK
    { 141-127,  141-124, 141-121 },  // SF7
    { 141-129,  141-126, 141-123 },  // SF8
    { 141-132,  141-129, 141-126 },  // SF9
    { 141-135,  141-132, 141-129 },  // SF10
    { 141-138,  141-135, 141-132 },  // SF11
    { 141-141,  141-138, 141-135 }   // SF12

int getSensitivity (rps_t rps) {
    return -141 + SENSITIVITY[getSf(rps)][getBw(rps)];

ostime_t calcAirTime (rps_t rps, u1_t plen) {
    u1_t bw = getBw(rps);  // 0,1,2 = 125,250,500kHz
    u1_t sf = getSf(rps);  // 0=FSK, 1..6 = SF7..12
    if( sf == FSK ) {
        return (plen+/*preamble*/5+/*syncword*/3+/*len*/1+/*crc*/2) * /*bits/byte*/8
            * (s4_t)OSTICKS_PER_SEC / /*kbit/s*/50000;
    u1_t sfx = 4*(sf+(7-SF7));
    u1_t q = sfx - (sf >= SF11 ? 8 : 0);
    int tmp = 8*plen - sfx + 28 + (getNocrc(rps)?0:16) - (getIh(rps)?20:0);
    if( tmp > 0 ) {
        tmp = (tmp + q - 1) / q;
        tmp *= getCr(rps)+5;
        tmp += 8;
    } else {
        tmp = 8;
    tmp = (tmp<<2) + /*preamble*/49 /* 4 * (8 + 4.25) */;
    // bw = 125000 = 15625 * 2^3
    //      250000 = 15625 * 2^4
    //      500000 = 15625 * 2^5
    // sf = 7..12
    // osticks =  tmp * OSTICKS_PER_SEC * 1<<sf / bw
    // 3 => counter reduced divisor 125000/8 => 15625
    // 2 => counter 2 shift on tmp
    sfx = sf+(7-SF7) - (3+2) - bw;
    int div = 15625;
    if( sfx > 4 ) {
        // prevent 32bit signed int overflow in last step
        div >>= sfx-4;
        sfx = 4;
    // Need 32bit arithmetic for this last step
    return (((ostime_t)tmp << sfx) * OSTICKS_PER_SEC + div/2) / div;

extern inline rps_t updr2rps (dr_t dr);
extern inline rps_t dndr2rps (dr_t dr);
extern inline int isFasterDR (dr_t dr1, dr_t dr2);
extern inline int isSlowerDR (dr_t dr1, dr_t dr2);
extern inline dr_t  incDR    (dr_t dr);
extern inline dr_t  decDR    (dr_t dr);
extern inline dr_t  assertDR (dr_t dr);
extern inline dr_t  validDR  (dr_t dr);
extern inline dr_t  lowerDR  (dr_t dr, u1_t n);

extern inline sf_t  getSf    (rps_t params);
extern inline rps_t setSf    (rps_t params, sf_t sf);
extern inline bw_t  getBw    (rps_t params);
extern inline rps_t setBw    (rps_t params, bw_t cr);
extern inline cr_t  getCr    (rps_t params);
extern inline rps_t setCr    (rps_t params, cr_t cr);
extern inline int   getNocrc (rps_t params);
extern inline rps_t setNocrc (rps_t params, int nocrc);
extern inline int   getIh    (rps_t params);
extern inline rps_t setIh    (rps_t params, int ih);
extern inline rps_t makeRps  (sf_t sf, bw_t bw, cr_t cr, int ih, int nocrc);
extern inline int   sameSfBw (rps_t r1, rps_t r2);

// ================================================================================

// Adjust DR for TX retries
//  - indexed by retry count
//  - return steps to lower DR
static const u1_t DRADJUST[2+TXCONF_ATTEMPTS] = {
    // normal frames - 1st try / no retry
    // confirmed frames

// Table below defines the size of one symbol as
//   symtime = 256us * 2^T(sf,bw)
// 256us is called one symunit. 
//                 SF:                                  
//      BW:      |__7___8___9__10__11__12
//      125kHz   |  2   3   4   5   6   7
//      250kHz   |  1   2   3   4   5   6
//      500kHz   |  0   1   2   3   4   5
// Times for half symbol per DR
// Per DR table to minimize rounding errors
static const ostime_t DR2HSYM_osticks[] = {
#if defined(CFG_eu868)
#define dr2hsym(dr) (DR2HSYM_osticks[(dr)])
    us2osticksRound(128<<7),  // DR_SF12
    us2osticksRound(128<<6),  // DR_SF11
    us2osticksRound(128<<5),  // DR_SF10
    us2osticksRound(128<<4),  // DR_SF9
    us2osticksRound(128<<3),  // DR_SF8
    us2osticksRound(128<<2),  // DR_SF7
    us2osticksRound(128<<1),  // DR_SF7B
    us2osticksRound(80)       // FSK -- not used (time for 1/2 byte)
#elif defined(CFG_us915)
#define dr2hsym(dr) (DR2HSYM_osticks[(dr)&7])  // map DR_SFnCR -> 0-6
    us2osticksRound(128<<5),  // DR_SF10   DR_SF12CR
    us2osticksRound(128<<4),  // DR_SF9    DR_SF11CR
    us2osticksRound(128<<3),  // DR_SF8    DR_SF10CR
    us2osticksRound(128<<2),  // DR_SF7    DR_SF9CR
    us2osticksRound(128<<1),  // DR_SF8C   DR_SF8CR
    us2osticksRound(128<<0)   // ------    DR_SF7CR

static ostime_t calcRxWindow (u1_t secs, dr_t dr) {
    ostime_t rxoff, err;
    if( secs==0 ) {
        // aka 128 secs (next becaon)
        rxoff = LMIC.drift;
        err = LMIC.lastDriftDiff;
    } else {
        // scheduled RX window within secs into current beacon period
        rxoff = (LMIC.drift * (ostime_t)secs) >> BCN_INTV_exp;
        err = (LMIC.lastDriftDiff * (ostime_t)secs) >> BCN_INTV_exp;
    u1_t rxsyms = MINRX_SYMS;
    err += (ostime_t)LMIC.maxDriftDiff * LMIC.missedBcns;
    LMIC.rxsyms = MINRX_SYMS + (err / dr2hsym(dr));

    return (rxsyms-PAMBL_SYMS) * dr2hsym(dr) + rxoff;

// Setup beacon RX parameters assuming we have an error of ms (aka +/-(ms/2))
static void calcBcnRxWindowFromMillis (u1_t ms, bit_t ini) {
    if( ini ) {
        LMIC.drift = 0;
        LMIC.maxDriftDiff = 0;
        LMIC.missedBcns = 0;
        LMIC.bcninfo.flags |= BCN_NODRIFT|BCN_NODDIFF;
    ostime_t hsym = dr2hsym(DR_BCN);
    LMIC.bcnRxsyms = MINRX_SYMS + ms2osticksCeil(ms) / hsym;
    LMIC.bcnRxtime = LMIC.bcninfo.txtime + BCN_INTV_osticks - (LMIC.bcnRxsyms-PAMBL_SYMS) * hsym;

// Setup scheduled RX window (ping/multicast slot)
static void rxschedInit (xref2rxsched_t rxsched) {
    os_wlsbf4(LMIC.frame, LMIC.bcninfo.time);
    os_wlsbf4(LMIC.frame+4, LMIC.devaddr);
    u1_t intvExp = rxsched->intvExp;
    ostime_t off = os_rlsbf2(LMIC.frame) & (0x0FFF >> (7 - intvExp)); // random offset (slot units)
    rxsched->rxbase = (LMIC.bcninfo.txtime +
                       BCN_RESERVE_osticks +
                       ms2osticks(BCN_SLOT_SPAN_ms * off)); // random offset osticks
    rxsched->slot   = 0;
    rxsched->rxtime = rxsched->rxbase - calcRxWindow(/*secs BCN_RESERVE*/2+(1<<intvExp),rxsched->dr);
    rxsched->rxsyms = LMIC.rxsyms;

static bit_t rxschedNext (xref2rxsched_t rxsched, ostime_t cando) {
    if( rxsched->rxtime - cando >= 0 )
        return 1;
    u1_t slot;
    if( (slot=rxsched->slot) >= 128 )
        return 0;
    u1_t intv = 1<<rxsched->intvExp;
    if( (rxsched->slot = (slot += (intv))) >= 128 )
        return 0;
    rxsched->rxtime = rxsched->rxbase
        + ((BCN_WINDOW_osticks * (ostime_t)slot) >> BCN_INTV_exp)
        - calcRxWindow(/*secs BCN_RESERVE*/2+slot+intv,rxsched->dr);
    rxsched->rxsyms = LMIC.rxsyms;
    goto again;

static ostime_t rndDelay (u1_t secSpan) {
    u2_t r = os_getRndU2();
    ostime_t delay = r;
    if( delay > OSTICKS_PER_SEC )
        delay = r % (u2_t)OSTICKS_PER_SEC;
    if( secSpan > 0 )
        delay += ((u1_t)r % secSpan) * OSTICKS_PER_SEC;
    return delay;

static void txDelay (ostime_t reftime, u1_t secSpan) {
    reftime += rndDelay(secSpan);
    if( LMIC.globalDutyRate == 0  ||  (reftime - LMIC.globalDutyAvail) > 0 ) {
        LMIC.globalDutyAvail = reftime;
        LMIC.opmode |= OP_RNDTX;

static void setDrJoin (u1_t reason, u1_t dr) {
    EV(drChange, INFO, (e_.reason    = reason,
                        e_.deveui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                        e_.dr        = dr|DR_PAGE,
                        e_.txpow     = LMIC.adrTxPow,
                        e_.prevdr    = LMIC.datarate|DR_PAGE,
                        e_.prevtxpow = LMIC.adrTxPow));
    LMIC.datarate = dr;

static void setDrTxpow (u1_t reason, u1_t dr, s1_t pow) {
    EV(drChange, INFO, (e_.reason    = reason,
                        e_.deveui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                        e_.dr        = dr|DR_PAGE,
                        e_.txpow     = pow,
                        e_.prevdr    = LMIC.datarate|DR_PAGE,
                        e_.prevtxpow = LMIC.adrTxPow));
    if( pow != KEEP_TXPOW ) {
        LMIC.adrTxPow = pow;
        if (pow < LMIC.txpow_limit)
            LMIC.txpow = pow;
    if( LMIC.datarate != dr ) {
        LMIC.datarate = dr;
        LMIC.opmode |= OP_NEXTCHNL;

void LMIC_stopPingable (void) {

void LMIC_setPingable (u1_t intvExp) {
    // Change setting
    LMIC.ping.intvExp = (intvExp & 0x7);
    LMIC.opmode |= OP_PINGABLE;
    // App may call LMIC_enableTracking() explicitely before
    // Otherwise tracking is implicitly enabled here
    if( (LMIC.opmode & (OP_TRACK|OP_SCAN)) == 0  &&  LMIC.bcninfoTries == 0 )

#if defined(CFG_eu868)
// ================================================================================
// BEG: EU868 related stuff
static const u4_t iniChannelFreq[12] = {
    // Join frequencies and duty cycle limit (0.1%)
    // Default operational frequencies

static void initDefaultChannels (bit_t join) {
    os_clearMem(&LMIC.channelFreq, sizeof(LMIC.channelFreq));
    os_clearMem(&LMIC.channelDrMap, sizeof(LMIC.channelDrMap));
    os_clearMem(&LMIC.bands, sizeof(LMIC.bands));

    LMIC.channelMap = 0x3F;
    u1_t su = join ? 0 : 6;
    for( u1_t fu=0; fu<6; fu++,su++ ) {
        LMIC.channelFreq[fu]  = iniChannelFreq[su];
        LMIC.channelDrMap[fu] = DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12,DR_SF7);
    if( !join ) {
        LMIC.channelDrMap[5] = DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12,DR_SF7);
        LMIC.channelDrMap[1] = DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12,DR_FSK);

    LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].txcap    = 1000;  // 0.1%
    LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].txpow    = 14;
    LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].lastchnl = os_getRndU1() % MAX_CHANNELS;
    LMIC.bands[BAND_CENTI].txcap    = 100;   // 1%
    LMIC.bands[BAND_CENTI].txpow    = 14;
    LMIC.bands[BAND_CENTI].lastchnl = os_getRndU1() % MAX_CHANNELS;
    LMIC.bands[BAND_DECI ].txcap    = 10;    // 10%
    LMIC.bands[BAND_DECI ].txpow    = 27;
    LMIC.bands[BAND_CENTI].lastchnl = os_getRndU1() % MAX_CHANNELS;
    LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].avail = 
    LMIC.bands[BAND_CENTI].avail =
    LMIC.bands[BAND_DECI ].avail = os_getTime();

bit_t LMIC_setupBand (u1_t bandidx, s1_t txpow, u2_t txcap) {
    if( bandidx > BAND_AUX ) return 0;
    band_t* b = &LMIC.bands[bandidx];
    b->txpow = txpow;
    b->txcap = txcap;
    b->avail = os_getTime();
    b->lastchnl = os_getRndU1() % MAX_CHANNELS;
    return 1;

bit_t LMIC_setupChannel (u1_t chidx, u4_t freq, u2_t drmap, s1_t band) {
    if( chidx >= MAX_CHANNELS )
        return 0;
    if( band == -1 ) {
        if( freq >= 869400000 && freq <= 869650000 )
            freq |= BAND_DECI;   // 10% 27dBm
        else if( (freq >= 868000000 && freq <= 868600000) ||
                 (freq >= 869700000 && freq <= 870000000)  )
            freq |= BAND_CENTI;  // 1% 14dBm 
            freq |= BAND_MILLI;  // 0.1% 14dBm
    } else {
        if( band > BAND_AUX ) return 0;
        freq = (freq&~3) | band;
    LMIC.channelFreq [chidx] = freq;
    LMIC.channelDrMap[chidx] = drmap==0 ? DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF12,DR_SF7) : drmap;
    LMIC.channelMap |= 1<<chidx;  // enabled right away
    return 1;

void LMIC_disableChannel (u1_t channel) {
    LMIC.channelFreq[channel] = 0;
    LMIC.channelDrMap[channel] = 0;
    LMIC.channelMap &= ~(1<<channel);

static u4_t convFreq (xref2u1_t ptr) {
    u4_t freq = (os_rlsbf4(ptr-1) >> 8) * 100;
    if( freq < EU868_FREQ_MIN || freq > EU868_FREQ_MAX )
        freq = 0;
    return freq;

static u1_t mapChannels (u1_t chpage, u2_t chmap) {
    // Bad page, disable all channel, enable non-existent
    if( chpage != 0 || chmap==0 || (chmap & ~LMIC.channelMap) != 0 )
        return 0;  // illegal input
    for( u1_t chnl=0; chnl<MAX_CHANNELS; chnl++ ) {
        if( (chmap & (1<<chnl)) != 0 && LMIC.channelFreq[chnl] == 0 )
            chmap &= ~(1<<chnl); // ignore - channel is not defined
    LMIC.channelMap = chmap;
    return 1;

static void updateTx (ostime_t txbeg) {
    u4_t freq = LMIC.channelFreq[LMIC.txChnl];
    // Update global/band specific duty cycle stats
    ostime_t airtime = calcAirTime(LMIC.rps, LMIC.dataLen);
    // Update channel/global duty cycle stats
    xref2band_t band = &LMIC.bands[freq & 0x3];
    LMIC.freq  = freq & ~(u4_t)3;
    LMIC.txpow = band->txpow;
    band->avail = txbeg + airtime * band->txcap;
    if( LMIC.globalDutyRate != 0 )
        LMIC.globalDutyAvail = txbeg + (airtime<<LMIC.globalDutyRate);

static ostime_t nextTx (ostime_t now) {
    u1_t bmap=0xF;
    do {
        ostime_t mintime = now + /*10h*/36000*OSTICKS_PER_SEC;
        u1_t band=0;
        for( u1_t bi=0; bi<4; bi++ ) {
            if( (bmap & (1<<bi)) && mintime - LMIC.bands[bi].avail > 0 )
                mintime = LMIC.bands[band = bi].avail;
        // Find next channel in given band
        u1_t chnl = LMIC.bands[band].lastchnl;
        for( u1_t ci=0; ci<MAX_CHANNELS; ci++ ) {
            if( (chnl = (chnl+1)) >= MAX_CHANNELS )
                chnl -=  MAX_CHANNELS;
            if( (LMIC.channelMap & (1<<chnl)) != 0  &&  // channel enabled
                (LMIC.channelDrMap[chnl] & (1<<(LMIC.datarate&0xF))) != 0  &&
                band == (LMIC.channelFreq[chnl] & 0x3) ) { // in selected band
                LMIC.txChnl = LMIC.bands[band].lastchnl = chnl;
                return mintime;
        if( (bmap &= ~(1<<band)) == 0 ) {
            // No feasible channel  found!
            return mintime;
    } while(1);

static void setBcnRxParams (void) {
    LMIC.dataLen = 0;
    LMIC.freq = LMIC.channelFreq[LMIC.bcnChnl] & ~(u4_t)3;
    LMIC.rps  = setIh(setNocrc(dndr2rps((dr_t)DR_BCN),1),LEN_BCN);

#define setRx1Params() /*LMIC.freq/rps remain unchanged*/

static void initJoinLoop (void) {       // eu868
    LMIC.txChnl = os_getRndU1() % 6;
    LMIC.adrTxPow = 14;
    setDrJoin(DRCHG_SET, DR_SF7);
    ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & OP_NEXTCHNL)==0);
    LMIC.txend = LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].avail + rndDelay(8);

static ostime_t nextJoinState (void) {
    u1_t failed = 0;

    // Try 869.x and then 864.x with same DR
    // If both fail try next lower datarate
    if( ++LMIC.txChnl == 6 )
        LMIC.txChnl = 0;
    if( (++LMIC.txCnt & 1) == 0 ) {
        // Lower DR every 2nd try (having tried 868.x and 864.x with the same DR)
        if( LMIC.datarate == DR_SF12 )
            failed = 1; // we have tried all DR - signal EV_JOIN_FAILED
            setDrJoin(DRCHG_NOJACC, decDR((dr_t)LMIC.datarate));
    // Clear NEXTCHNL because join state engine controls channel hopping
    LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_NEXTCHNL;
    // Move txend to randomize synchronized concurrent joins.
    // Duty cycle is based on txend.
    ostime_t time = os_getTime();
    if( time - LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].avail < 0 )
        time = LMIC.bands[BAND_MILLI].avail;
    LMIC.txend = time +
         // Avoid collision with JOIN ACCEPT @ SF12 being sent by GW (but we missed it)
         ? DNW2_SAFETY_ZONE
         // Otherwise: randomize join (street lamp case):
         // SF12:255, SF11:127, .., SF7:8secs
         : DNW2_SAFETY_ZONE+rndDelay(255>>LMIC.datarate));
    // 1 - triggers EV_JOIN_FAILED event
    return failed;

// END: EU868 related stuff
// ================================================================================
#elif defined(CFG_us915)
// ================================================================================
// BEG: US915 related stuff

static void initDefaultChannels (void)
        int idx = CHNL_HYBRID >> 1;
        LMIC.channelMap[0] = 0x0000;
        LMIC.channelMap[1] = 0x0000;
        LMIC.channelMap[2] = 0x0000;
        LMIC.channelMap[3] = 0x0000;
        if (CHNL_HYBRID & 1)
            LMIC.channelMap[idx] = 0xff00;
            LMIC.channelMap[idx] = 0x00ff;
        LMIC.channelMap[4] = 1 << CHNL_HYBRID;
        LMIC.txpow_limit = 20;
    for( u1_t i=0; i<4; i++ )
        LMIC.channelMap[i] = 0xFFFF;
    LMIC.channelMap[4] = 0x00FF;
    LMIC.txpow_limit = 30;

    LMIC.txpow = LMIC.txpow_limit;
    LMIC.adrTxPow = LMIC.txpow_limit;

static u4_t convFreq (xref2u1_t ptr) {
    u4_t freq = (os_rlsbf4(ptr-1) >> 8) * 100;
    if( freq < US915_FREQ_MIN || freq > US915_FREQ_MAX )
        freq = 0;
    return freq;

bit_t LMIC_setupChannel (u1_t chidx, u4_t freq, u2_t drmap, s1_t band) {
    if( chidx < 72 || chidx >= 72+MAX_XCHANNELS )
        return 0; // channels 0..71 are hardwired
    chidx -= 72;
    LMIC.xchFreq[chidx] = freq;
    LMIC.xchDrMap[chidx] = drmap==0 ? DR_RANGE_MAP(DR_SF10,DR_SF8C) : drmap;
    LMIC.channelMap[chidx>>4] |= (1<<(chidx&0xF));
    return 1;

void LMIC_disableChannel (u1_t channel) {
    if( channel < 72+MAX_XCHANNELS )
        LMIC.channelMap[channel/4] &= ~(1<<(channel&0xF));

static u1_t mapChannels (u1_t chpage, u2_t chmap) {
    if( chpage == MCMD_LADR_CHP_125ON || chpage == MCMD_LADR_CHP_125OFF ) {
        u2_t en125 = chpage == MCMD_LADR_CHP_125ON ? 0xFFFF : 0x0000;
        for( u1_t u=0; u<4; u++ )
            LMIC.channelMap[u] = en125;
        LMIC.channelMap[64/16] = chmap;
    } else {
        if( chpage >= (72+MAX_XCHANNELS+15)/16 )
            return 0;
        LMIC.channelMap[chpage] = chmap;
    return 1;

static void updateTx (ostime_t txbeg) {
    u1_t chnl = LMIC.txChnl;
#ifdef JOIN_REQ_DEBUG    
    printf("chnl%d ", chnl);
#endif /* JOIN_REQ_DEBUG */  
    if( chnl < 64 ) {
        LMIC.freq = US915_125kHz_UPFBASE + chnl*US915_125kHz_UPFSTEP;

        if (LMIC.opmode & OP_JOINING) {
            /* use max allowed power for joining */
            if (LMIC.txpow <  LMIC.txpow_limit)
                LMIC.txpow = LMIC.txpow_limit;

    printf("%d (125khz)\r\n", LMIC.freq);
#endif /* JOIN_REQ_DEBUG */    
    /* using 500KHz channel */
    if (LMIC.txpow_limit >= 26)
        LMIC.txpow = 26;
        LMIC.txpow = LMIC.txpow_limit;
    if( chnl < 64+8 ) {
        LMIC.freq = US915_500kHz_UPFBASE + (chnl-64)*US915_500kHz_UPFSTEP;
    printf("%d (500k)\r\n", LMIC.freq);
#endif /* JOIN_REQ_DEBUG */            
    } else {
        ASSERT(chnl < 64+8+MAX_XCHANNELS);
        LMIC.freq = LMIC.xchFreq[chnl-72];
    printf("%d (x)\r\n", LMIC.freq);
#endif /* JOIN_REQ_DEBUG */           

    // Update global duty cycle stats
    if( LMIC.globalDutyRate != 0 ) {
        ostime_t airtime = calcAirTime(LMIC.rps, LMIC.dataLen);
        LMIC.globalDutyAvail = txbeg + (airtime<<LMIC.globalDutyRate);

int count_bits(u2_t v)
    int c;
    for (c = 0; v; c++) {
        v &= v - 1; // clear the last significant bit set

    return c;

// US does not have duty cycling - return now as earliest TX time
#define nextTx(now) (_nextTx(),(now))
static void _nextTx (void) {
    u1_t prev_ch = LMIC.txChnl;
    u1_t tries = 0;
    u1_t en_cnt;
    if( LMIC.datarate >= DR_SF8C ) { // 500kHz
        LMIC.txChnl = 1 << CHNL_HYBRID; // only one channel possible
        en_cnt = count_bits(LMIC.channelMap[4]);
        do {
            do {
                LMIC.chRnd = os_getRndU1() & 7;
                if (++tries > 48)
            } while ( !(LMIC.channelMap[4] & (1 << LMIC.chRnd)) );
            LMIC.txChnl = 64 + LMIC.chRnd;
            if (en_cnt < 2)
                prev_ch = LMIC.txChnl + 1;  // not enough enabled, skip the following test
        } while (prev_ch == LMIC.txChnl);
    } else { // 125kHz
        u1_t idx = CHNL_HYBRID >> 1;
        en_cnt = count_bits(LMIC.channelMap[idx]);
        do {
            do {
                LMIC.chRnd = os_getRndU1() & 15;
                if (++tries > 96)
            } while ( !(LMIC.channelMap[idx] & (1 << LMIC.chRnd)) );
            LMIC.txChnl = (idx << 4) + LMIC.chRnd;
            if (en_cnt < 2)
                prev_ch = LMIC.txChnl + 1;  // not enough enabled, skip the following test
        } while (prev_ch == LMIC.txChnl);
        en_cnt = count_bits(LMIC.channelMap[0]);
        en_cnt += count_bits(LMIC.channelMap[1]);
        en_cnt += count_bits(LMIC.channelMap[2]);
        en_cnt += count_bits(LMIC.channelMap[3]);
        do {
            do {
                LMIC.chRnd = os_getRndU1() & 63;
            } while ( !(LMIC.channelMap[LMIC.chRnd >> 4] & (1 << (LMIC.chRnd & 15))) );
            LMIC.txChnl = LMIC.chRnd;
            if (en_cnt < 2)
                prev_ch = LMIC.txChnl + 1;  // not enough enabled, skip the following test
        } while (prev_ch == LMIC.txChnl);

static void setBcnRxParams (void) {
    LMIC.dataLen = 0;
    LMIC.freq = US915_500kHz_DNFBASE + LMIC.bcnChnl * US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP;
    LMIC.rps  = setIh(setNocrc(dndr2rps((dr_t)DR_BCN),1),LEN_BCN);

#define setRx1Params() {                                                \
    LMIC.freq = US915_500kHz_DNFBASE + (LMIC.txChnl & 0x7) * US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP; \
    if( /* TX datarate */LMIC.dndr < DR_SF8C )                          \
        LMIC.dndr += DR_SF10CR - DR_SF10;                               \
    else if( LMIC.dndr == DR_SF8C )                                     \
        LMIC.dndr = DR_SF7CR;                                           \
    LMIC.rps = dndr2rps(LMIC.dndr);                                     \

static void initJoinLoop (void) {
    LMIC.chRnd = 0;
    LMIC.joinBlockChnl = 0;
    LMIC.joinBlock = CHNL_HYBRID;
    LMIC.txChnl = LMIC.joinBlock << 3;
    LMIC.txChnl = 0;
    LMIC.joinBlockChnl = 0;
    LMIC.joinBlock = 0;
    LMIC.datarate = DR_SF10;
    LMIC.adrTxPow = LMIC.txpow_limit;
    ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & OP_NEXTCHNL)==0);
    LMIC.txend = os_getTime();
    setDrJoin(DRCHG_SET, DR_SF7);

static ostime_t nextJoinState (void) {
    u1_t failed = 0;
#if 0
    // Try the following:
    //   SF7/8/9/10  on a random channel 0..63
    //   SF8C        on a random channel 64..71
    if( LMIC.datarate != DR_SF8C ) {
        setDrJoin(DRCHG_SET, DR_SF8C);
    } else {
        s1_t dr = DR_SF7 - ++LMIC.txCnt;
        if( dr < DR_SF10 ) {
            dr = DR_SF10;
            failed = 1; // All DR exhausted - signal failed
        setDrJoin(DRCHG_SET, dr);
#endif /* #if 0 */

    if( LMIC.datarate == DR_SF8C ) {
        // attempted 500khz channel, try 125khz channel in next block
        LMIC.datarate = DR_SF10;
        if (++LMIC.joinBlock == 8) {
            LMIC.joinBlock = 0;
            if (++LMIC.joinBlockChnl == 8)
                LMIC.joinBlockChnl = 0;
        LMIC.txChnl = (LMIC.joinBlock << 3) + LMIC.joinBlockChnl;
    } else {
        // attempted 125khz channel, try 500khz channel
        LMIC.datarate = DR_SF8C;
        LMIC.txChnl = LMIC.joinBlock + 64;
    printf("njs blk%d, dr%d, txChnl%d ", LMIC.joinBlock, LMIC.datarate, LMIC.txChnl); // crlf in updateTx()
#endif /* JOIN_REQ_DEBUG */
    LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_NEXTCHNL;
    LMIC.txend = os_getTime() +
         // Avoid collision with JOIN ACCEPT being sent by GW (but we missed it - GW is still busy)
         ? DNW2_SAFETY_ZONE
         // Otherwise: randomize join (street lamp case):
         // SF10:16, SF9=8,..SF8C:1secs
         : rndDelay(16>>LMIC.datarate));
    // 1 - triggers EV_JOIN_FAILED event
    return failed;

// END: US915 related stuff
// ================================================================================
#error Unsupported frequency band!

static void runEngineUpdate (xref2osjob_t osjob) {

static void reportEvent (ev_t ev) {
    EV(devCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::LMIC_EV,
                       e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                       e_.info   = ev));

static void runReset (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    // Disable session

static void stateJustJoined (void) {
    LMIC.seqnoDn     = LMIC.seqnoUp = 0;
    LMIC.rejoinCnt   = 0;
    LMIC.dnConf      = LMIC.adrChanged = LMIC.ladrAns = LMIC.devsAns = 0;
    LMIC.moreData    = LMIC.dn2Ans = LMIC.snchAns = LMIC.dutyCapAns = 0;
    LMIC.pingSetAns  = 0;
    LMIC.upRepeat    = 0;
    LMIC.adrAckReq   = LINK_CHECK_INIT;
    LMIC.dn2Dr       = DR_DNW2;
    LMIC.dn2Freq     = FREQ_DNW2;
    LMIC.bcnChnl     = CHNL_BCN;
    LMIC.ping.freq   = FREQ_PING;
    LMIC.ping.dr     = DR_PING;

// ================================================================================
// Decoding frames

// Decode beacon  - do not overwrite bcninfo unless we have a match!
static int decodeBeacon (void) {
    ASSERT(LMIC.dataLen == LEN_BCN); // implicit header RX guarantees this
    xref2u1_t d = LMIC.frame;
#ifdef CFG_eu868
        d[OFF_BCN_CRC1] != (u1_t)os_crc16(d,OFF_BCN_CRC1)
#elif defined(CFG_us915)
        os_rlsbf2(&d[OFF_BCN_CRC1]) != os_crc16(d,OFF_BCN_CRC1)
        return 0;   // first (common) part fails CRC check
    // First set of fields is ok
    u4_t bcnnetid = os_rlsbf4(&d[OFF_BCN_NETID]) & 0xFFFFFF;
    if( bcnnetid != LMIC.netid )
        return -1;  // not the beacon we're looking for

    LMIC.bcninfo.flags &= ~(BCN_PARTIAL|BCN_FULL);
    // Match - update bcninfo structure
    LMIC.bcninfo.snr    = LMIC.snr;
    LMIC.bcninfo.rssi   = LMIC.rssi;
    LMIC.bcninfo.txtime = LMIC.rxtime - AIRTIME_BCN_osticks;
    LMIC.bcninfo.time   = os_rlsbf4(&d[OFF_BCN_TIME]);
    LMIC.bcninfo.flags |= BCN_PARTIAL;

    // Check 2nd set
    if( os_rlsbf2(&d[OFF_BCN_CRC2]) != os_crc16(d,OFF_BCN_CRC2) )
        return 1;
    // Second set of fields is ok
    LMIC.bcninfo.lat    = (s4_t)os_rlsbf4(&d[OFF_BCN_LAT-1]) >> 8; // read as signed 24-bit
    LMIC.bcninfo.lon    = (s4_t)os_rlsbf4(&d[OFF_BCN_LON-1]) >> 8; // ditto
    LMIC.bcninfo.info   = d[OFF_BCN_INFO];
    LMIC.bcninfo.flags |= BCN_FULL;
    return 2;

static bit_t decodeFrame (void) {
    xref2u1_t d = LMIC.frame;
    u1_t hdr    = d[0];
    u1_t ftype  = hdr & HDR_FTYPE;
    int  dlen   = LMIC.dataLen;
    if( dlen < OFF_DAT_OPTS+4 ||
        (hdr & HDR_MAJOR) != HDR_MAJOR_V1 ||
        (ftype != HDR_FTYPE_DADN  &&  ftype != HDR_FTYPE_DCDN) ) {
        // Basic sanity checks failed
        EV(specCond, WARN, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::UNEXPECTED_FRAME,
                            e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                            e_.info   = dlen < 4 ? 0 : os_rlsbf4(&d[dlen-4]),
                            e_.info2  = hdr + (dlen<<8)));
        LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        return 0;
    // Validate exact frame length
    // Note: device address was already read+evaluated in order to arrive here.
    int  fct   = d[OFF_DAT_FCT];
    u4_t addr  = os_rlsbf4(&d[OFF_DAT_ADDR]);
    u4_t seqno = os_rlsbf2(&d[OFF_DAT_SEQNO]);
    int  olen  = fct & FCT_OPTLEN;
    int  ackup = (fct & FCT_ACK) != 0 ? 1 : 0;   // ACK last up frame
    int  poff  = OFF_DAT_OPTS+olen;
    int  pend  = dlen-4;  // MIC

    if( addr != LMIC.devaddr ) {
        EV(specCond, WARN, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::ALIEN_ADDRESS,
                            e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                            e_.info   = addr,
                            e_.info2  = LMIC.devaddr));
        goto norx;
    if( poff > pend ) {
        EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::CORRUPTED_FRAME,
                           e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info   = 0x1000000 + (poff-pend) + (fct<<8) + (dlen<<16)));
        goto norx;

    int port = -1;
    int replayConf = 0;

    if( pend > poff )
        port = d[poff++];

    seqno = LMIC.seqnoDn + (u2_t)(seqno - LMIC.seqnoDn);

    if( !aes_verifyMic(LMIC.nwkKey, LMIC.devaddr, seqno, /*dn*/1, d, pend) ) {
        EV(spe3Cond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::spe3Cond_t::CORRUPTED_MIC,
                           e_.eui1   = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info1  = Base::lsbf4(&d[pend]),
                           e_.info2  = seqno,
                           e_.info3  = LMIC.devaddr));
        goto norx;
    if( seqno < LMIC.seqnoDn ) {
        if( (s4_t)seqno > (s4_t)LMIC.seqnoDn ) {
            EV(specCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::DNSEQNO_ROLL_OVER,
                                e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                e_.info   = LMIC.seqnoDn, 
                                e_.info2  = seqno));
            goto norx;
        if( seqno != LMIC.seqnoDn-1 || !LMIC.dnConf || ftype != HDR_FTYPE_DCDN ) {
            EV(specCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::DNSEQNO_OBSOLETE,
                                e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                e_.info   = LMIC.seqnoDn, 
                                e_.info2  = seqno));
            goto norx;
        // Replay of previous sequence number allowed only if
        // previous frame and repeated both requested confirmation
        replayConf = 1;
    else {
        if( seqno > LMIC.seqnoDn ) {
            EV(specCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::DNSEQNO_SKIP,
                                e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                e_.info   = LMIC.seqnoDn, 
                                e_.info2  = seqno));
        LMIC.seqnoDn = seqno+1;  // next number to be expected
        // DN frame requested confirmation - provide ACK once with next UP frame
        LMIC.dnConf = (ftype == HDR_FTYPE_DCDN ? FCT_ACK : 0);

    if( LMIC.dnConf || (fct & FCT_MORE) )
        LMIC.opmode |= OP_POLL;

    // We heard from network
    LMIC.adrChanged = LMIC.rejoinCnt = 0;
    if( LMIC.adrAckReq != LINK_CHECK_OFF ) {
        LMIC.adrAckReq = LINK_CHECK_INIT;

    // Process OPTS
    int m = LMIC.rssi - RSSI_OFF - getSensitivity(LMIC.rps);
    LMIC.margin = m < 0 ? 0 : m > 254 ? 254 : m;

    xref2u1_t opts = &d[OFF_DAT_OPTS];
    int oidx = 0;
    while( oidx < olen ) {
        switch( opts[oidx] ) {
        case MCMD_LCHK_ANS: {
            //int gwmargin = opts[oidx+1];
            //int ngws = opts[oidx+2];
            oidx += 3;
        case MCMD_LADR_REQ: {
            u1_t p1     = opts[oidx+1];            // txpow + DR
            u2_t chmap  = os_rlsbf2(&opts[oidx+2]);// list of enabled channels
            u1_t chpage = opts[oidx+4] & MCMD_LADR_CHPAGE_MASK;     // channel page
            u1_t uprpt  = opts[oidx+4] & MCMD_LADR_REPEAT_MASK;     // up repeat count
            oidx += 5;

            LMIC.ladrAns = 0x80 |     // Include an answer into next frame up
            if( !mapChannels(chpage, chmap) )
                LMIC.ladrAns &= ~MCMD_LADR_ANS_CHACK;
            dr_t dr = (dr_t)(p1>>MCMD_LADR_DR_SHIFT);
            if( !validDR(dr) ) {
                LMIC.ladrAns &= ~MCMD_LADR_ANS_DRACK;
                EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::BAD_MAC_CMD,
                                   e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                   e_.info   = Base::lsbf4(&d[pend]),
                                   e_.info2  = Base::msbf4(&opts[oidx-4])));
            if( (LMIC.ladrAns & 0x7F) == (MCMD_LADR_ANS_POWACK | MCMD_LADR_ANS_CHACK | MCMD_LADR_ANS_DRACK) ) {
                // Nothing went wrong - use settings
                LMIC.upRepeat = uprpt;
                setDrTxpow(DRCHG_NWKCMD, dr, pow2dBm(p1));
            LMIC.adrChanged = 1;  // Trigger an ACK to NWK
        case MCMD_DEVS_REQ: {
            LMIC.devsAns = 1;
            oidx += 1;
        case MCMD_DN2P_SET: {
            dr_t dr = (dr_t)(opts[oidx+1] & 0x0F);
            u4_t freq = convFreq(&opts[oidx+2]);
            oidx += 5;
            LMIC.dn2Ans = 0x80;   // answer pending
            if( validDR(dr) )
                LMIC.dn2Ans |= MCMD_DN2P_ANS_DRACK;
            if( freq != 0 )
                LMIC.dn2Ans |= MCMD_DN2P_ANS_CHACK;
            if( LMIC.dn2Ans == (0x80|MCMD_DN2P_ANS_DRACK|MCMD_DN2P_ANS_CHACK) ) {
                LMIC.dn2Dr = dr;
                LMIC.dn2Freq = freq;
        case MCMD_DCAP_REQ: {
            u1_t cap = opts[oidx+1];
            oidx += 2;
            // A value cap=0xFF means device is OFF unless enabled again manually.
            if( cap==0xFF )
                LMIC.opmode |= OP_SHUTDOWN;  // stop any sending
            LMIC.globalDutyRate  = cap & 0xF;
            LMIC.globalDutyAvail = os_getTime();
            LMIC.dutyCapAns = 1;
        case MCMD_SNCH_REQ: {
            u1_t chidx = opts[oidx+1];  // channel
            u4_t freq  = convFreq(&opts[oidx+2]); // freq
            u1_t drs   = opts[oidx+5];  // datarate span
            LMIC.snchAns = 0x80;
            if( freq != 0 && LMIC_setupChannel(chidx, freq, DR_RANGE_MAP(drs&0xF,drs>>4), -1) )
            oidx += 6;
        case MCMD_PING_SET: {
            u4_t freq = convFreq(&opts[oidx+1]);
            oidx += 4;
            u1_t flags = 0x80;
            if( freq != 0 ) {
                flags |= MCMD_PING_ANS_FQACK;
                LMIC.ping.freq = freq;
                DO_DEVDB(LMIC.ping.intvExp, pingIntvExp);
                DO_DEVDB(LMIC.ping.freq, pingFreq);
                DO_DEVDB(LMIC.ping.dr, pingDr);
            LMIC.pingSetAns = flags;
        case MCMD_BCNI_ANS: {
            // Ignore if tracking already enabled
            if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_TRACK) == 0 ) {
                LMIC.bcnChnl = opts[oidx+3];
                // Enable tracking - bcninfoTries
                LMIC.opmode |= OP_TRACK;
                // Cleared later in txComplete handling - triggers EV_BEACON_FOUND
                // Setup RX parameters
                LMIC.bcninfo.txtime = (LMIC.rxtime
                                       + ms2osticks(os_rlsbf2(&opts[oidx+1]) * MCMD_BCNI_TUNIT)
                                       + ms2osticksCeil(MCMD_BCNI_TUNIT/2)
                                       - BCN_INTV_osticks);
                LMIC.bcninfo.flags = 0;  // txtime above cannot be used as reference (BCN_PARTIAL|BCN_FULL cleared)
                calcBcnRxWindowFromMillis(MCMD_BCNI_TUNIT,1);  // error of +/-N ms 

                EV(lostFrame, INFO, (e_.reason  = EV::lostFrame_t::MCMD_BCNI_ANS,
                                     e_.eui     = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                     e_.lostmic = Base::lsbf4(&d[pend]),
                                     e_.info    = (LMIC.missedBcns |
                                                   (osticks2us(LMIC.bcninfo.txtime + BCN_INTV_osticks
                                                               - LMIC.bcnRxtime) << 8)),
                                     e_.time    = MAIN::CDEV->ostime2ustime(LMIC.bcninfo.txtime + BCN_INTV_osticks)));
            oidx += 4;
        EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::BAD_MAC_CMD,
                           e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info   = Base::lsbf4(&d[pend]),
                           e_.info2  = Base::msbf4(&opts[oidx])));
    if( oidx != olen ) {
        EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::CORRUPTED_FRAME,
                           e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info   = 0x1000000 + (oidx) + (olen<<8)));

    if( !replayConf ) {
        // Handle payload only if not a replay
        // Decrypt payload - if any
        if( port >= 0  &&  pend-poff > 0 )
            aes_cipher(port <= 0 ? LMIC.nwkKey : LMIC.artKey, LMIC.devaddr, seqno, /*dn*/1, d+poff, pend-poff);

        EV(dfinfo, DEBUG, (e_.deveui  = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.devaddr = LMIC.devaddr,
                           e_.seqno   = seqno,
                           e_.flags   = (port < 0 ? EV::dfinfo_t::NOPORT : 0) | EV::dfinfo_t::DN,
                           e_.mic     = Base::lsbf4(&d[pend]),
                           e_.hdr     = d[LORA::OFF_DAT_HDR],
                           e_.fct     = d[LORA::OFF_DAT_FCT],
                           e_.port    = port,
                           e_.plen    = dlen,
                           e_.opts.length = olen,
                           memcpy(&e_.opts[0], opts, olen)));
    } else {
        EV(specCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::DNSEQNO_REPLAY,
                            e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                            e_.info   = Base::lsbf4(&d[pend]),
                            e_.info2  = seqno));

    if( // NWK acks but we don't have a frame pending
        (ackup && LMIC.txCnt == 0) ||
        // We sent up confirmed and we got a response in DNW1/DNW2
        // BUT it did not carry an ACK - this should never happen
        // Do not resend and assume frame was not ACKed.
        (!ackup && LMIC.txCnt != 0) ) {
        EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::SPURIOUS_ACK,
                           e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info   = seqno,
                           e_.info2  = ackup));

    if( LMIC.txCnt != 0 ) // we requested an ACK
        LMIC.txrxFlags |= ackup ? TXRX_ACK : TXRX_NACK;

    if( port < 0 ) {
        LMIC.txrxFlags |= TXRX_NOPORT;
        LMIC.dataBeg = poff;
        LMIC.dataLen = 0;
    } else {
        LMIC.txrxFlags |= TXRX_PORT;
        LMIC.dataBeg = poff;
        LMIC.dataLen = pend-poff;
    return 1;

// ================================================================================
// TX/RX transaction support

static void setupRx2 (void) {
    LMIC.txrxFlags = TXRX_DNW2;
    LMIC.rps = dndr2rps(LMIC.dn2Dr);
    LMIC.freq = LMIC.dn2Freq;
    LMIC.dataLen = 0;

static void schedRx2 (ostime_t delay, osjobcb_t func) {
    // Add 1.5 symbols we need 5 out of 8. Try to sync 1.5 symbols into the preamble.
    LMIC.rxtime = LMIC.txend + delay + (PAMBL_SYMS-MINRX_SYMS)*dr2hsym(LMIC.dn2Dr);
    os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.rxtime - RX_RAMPUP, func);

static void setupRx1 (osjobcb_t func) {
    LMIC.txrxFlags = TXRX_DNW1;
    // Turn LMIC.rps from TX over to RX
    LMIC.rps = setNocrc(LMIC.rps,1);
    LMIC.dataLen = 0;
    LMIC.osjob.func = func;

// Called by HAL once TX complete and delivers exact end of TX time stamp in LMIC.rxtime
static void txDone (ostime_t delay, osjobcb_t func) {
        rxschedInit(&LMIC.ping);    // note: reuses LMIC.frame buffer!
        LMIC.opmode |= OP_PINGINI;
    // Change RX frequency / rps (US only) before we increment txChnl
    // LMIC.rxsyms carries the TX datarate (can be != LMIC.datarate [confirm retries etc.])
    // Setup receive - LMIC.rxtime is preloaded with 1.5 symbols offset to tune
    // into the middle of the 8 symbols preamble.
#if defined(CFG_eu868)
    if( /* TX datarate */LMIC.rxsyms == DR_FSK ) {
        LMIC.rxtime = LMIC.txend + delay - PRERX_FSK*us2osticksRound(160);
        LMIC.rxsyms = RXLEN_FSK;
        LMIC.rxtime = LMIC.txend + delay + (PAMBL_SYMS-MINRX_SYMS)*dr2hsym(LMIC.dndr);
        LMIC.rxsyms = MINRX_SYMS;
    os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.rxtime - RX_RAMPUP, func);

// ======================================== Join frames

static void onJoinFailed (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    // Notify app - must call LMIC_reset() to stop joining
    // otherwise join procedure continues.

static bit_t processJoinAccept (void) {
    ASSERT(LMIC.txrxFlags != TXRX_DNW1 || LMIC.dataLen != 0);
    ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & OP_TXRXPEND)!=0);

    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 ) {
        /* keep retrying re-joining after failed attempt -- if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_JOINING) == 0 ) {
            ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & OP_REJOIN) != 0);
            // REJOIN attempt for roaming
            LMIC.opmode &= ~(OP_REJOIN|OP_TXRXPEND);
            if( LMIC.rejoinCnt < 10 )
            return 1;
        LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_TXRXPEND;
        ostime_t delay = nextJoinState();
        EV(devCond, DEBUG, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::NO_JACC,
                            e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                            e_.info   = LMIC.datarate|DR_PAGE,
                            e_.info2  = osticks2ms(delay)));
        // Build next JOIN REQUEST with next engineUpdate call
        // Optionally, report join failed.
        // Both after a random/chosen amount of ticks.
        os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, os_getTime()+delay,
                            (delay&1) != 0
                            ? FUNC_ADDR(onJoinFailed)      // one JOIN iteration done and failed
                            : FUNC_ADDR(runEngineUpdate)); // next step to be delayed
        return 1;
    u1_t hdr  = LMIC.frame[0];
    u1_t dlen = LMIC.dataLen;
    u4_t mic  = os_rlsbf4(&LMIC.frame[dlen-4]); // safe before modified by encrypt!
    if( (dlen != LEN_JA && dlen != LEN_JAEXT)
        || (hdr & (HDR_FTYPE|HDR_MAJOR)) != (HDR_FTYPE_JACC|HDR_MAJOR_V1) ) {
        EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::UNEXPECTED_FRAME,
                           e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info   = dlen < 4 ? 0 : mic,
                           e_.info2  = hdr + (dlen<<8)));
        if( (LMIC.txrxFlags & TXRX_DNW1) != 0 )
            return 0;
        goto nojoinframe;
    aes_encrypt(LMIC.frame+1, dlen-1);
    if( !aes_verifyMic0(LMIC.frame, dlen-4) ) {
        EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::JOIN_BAD_MIC,
                           e_.info   = mic));
        goto badframe;

    u4_t addr = os_rlsbf4(LMIC.frame+OFF_JA_DEVADDR);
    LMIC.devaddr = addr;
    LMIC.netid = os_rlsbf4(&LMIC.frame[OFF_JA_NETID]) & 0xFFFFFF;

#if defined(CFG_eu868)
    if( dlen > LEN_JA ) {
        dlen = OFF_CFLIST;
        for( u1_t chidx=3; chidx<8; chidx++, dlen+=3 ) {
            u4_t freq = convFreq(&LMIC.frame[dlen]);
            if( freq )
                LMIC_setupChannel(chidx, freq, 0, -1);
#elif defined(CFG_us915)
#ifdef JA_DEBUG
    debug_buf(LMIC.frame, dlen);
#endif /* JA_DEBUG */
    /*                                                     11 12  13 14  15 16  17 18  19 1a  1b 1c  1d 1e 1f  20 */
    /* 20 27 2a b1 01 00 00 d0 44 76 03 00 00 0c c5 59 6c, xx xx, xx xx, xx xx, xx xx, xx xx, xx xx, xx xx xx, xx */
    /*  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f 10,  {0} ,  {1} ,  {2} ,  {3} ,  {4} ,  {5} ,   res   , type */
    /* join accept: [0] to [16], CFList: [17] to [32] */
    if (dlen == LEN_JAEXT) {
#ifdef JA_DEBUG        
        printf("cflistType:%d\r\n", LMIC.frame[32]);
#endif /* JA_DEBUG */
        if (LMIC.frame[32] == 1) {
            u2_t *u2_ptr = (u2_t *)&LMIC.frame[17]; // LoRaWAN is little endian
            for (u1_t idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++)
                LMIC.channelMap[idx] = u2_ptr[idx];
#ifdef JA_DEBUG                
            for (u1_t idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++)
                printf("%d map %04x\r\n", idx, LMIC.channelMap[idx]);
#endif /* JA_DEBUG */                
#endif /* CFG_us915 */

    // already incremented when JOIN REQ got sent off
    aes_sessKeys(LMIC.devNonce-1, &LMIC.frame[OFF_JA_ARTNONCE], LMIC.nwkKey, LMIC.artKey);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.netid,   netid);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.devaddr, devaddr);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.nwkKey,  nwkkey);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.artKey,  artkey);

    EV(joininfo, INFO, (e_.arteui  = MAIN::CDEV->getArtEui(),
                        e_.deveui  = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                        e_.devaddr = LMIC.devaddr,
                        e_.oldaddr = oldaddr,
                        e_.nonce   = LMIC.devNonce-1,
                        e_.mic     = mic,
                        e_.reason  = ((LMIC.opmode & OP_REJOIN) != 0
                                      ? EV::joininfo_t::REJOIN_ACCEPT
                                      : EV::joininfo_t::ACCEPT)));
    ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & (OP_JOINING|OP_REJOIN))!=0);
    if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_REJOIN) != 0 ) {
        // Lower DR every try below current UP DR
        LMIC.datarate = lowerDR(LMIC.datarate, LMIC.rejoinCnt);
    return 1;

static void processRx2Jacc (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 )
        LMIC.txrxFlags = 0;  // nothing in 1st/2nd DN slot

static void setupRx2Jacc (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(processRx2Jacc);

static void processRx1Jacc (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 || !processJoinAccept() )
        schedRx2(DELAY_JACC2_osticks, FUNC_ADDR(setupRx2Jacc));

static void setupRx1Jacc (xref2osjob_t osjob) {

static void jreqDone (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    txDone(DELAY_JACC1_osticks, FUNC_ADDR(setupRx1Jacc));

// ======================================== Data frames

// Fwd decl.
static bit_t processDnData(void);

static void processRx2DnDataDelay (xref2osjob_t osjob) {

static void processRx2DnData (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 ) {
        LMIC.txrxFlags = 0;  // nothing in 1st/2nd DN slot
        // Delay callback processing to avoid up TX while gateway is txing our missed frame! 
        // Since DNW2 uses SF12 by default we wait 3 secs.
                            (os_getTime() + DNW2_SAFETY_ZONE + rndDelay(2)),

static void setupRx2DnData (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(processRx2DnData);

static void processRx1DnData (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 || !processDnData() )
        schedRx2(DELAY_DNW2_osticks, FUNC_ADDR(setupRx2DnData));

static void setupRx1DnData (xref2osjob_t osjob) {

static void updataDone (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    txDone(DELAY_DNW1_osticks, FUNC_ADDR(setupRx1DnData));

// ======================================== 

static void buildDataFrame (void) {
    bit_t txdata = ((LMIC.opmode & (OP_TXDATA|OP_POLL)) != OP_POLL);
    u1_t dlen = txdata ? LMIC.pendTxLen : 0;

    // Piggyback MAC options
    // Prioritize by importance
    int  end = OFF_DAT_OPTS;
    if( (LMIC.opmode & (OP_TRACK|OP_PINGABLE)) == (OP_TRACK|OP_PINGABLE) ) {
        // Indicate pingability in every UP frame
        LMIC.frame[end] = MCMD_PING_IND;
        LMIC.frame[end+1] = LMIC.ping.dr | (LMIC.ping.intvExp<<4);
        end += 2;
    if( LMIC.dutyCapAns ) {
        LMIC.frame[end] = MCMD_DCAP_ANS;
        end += 1;
        LMIC.dutyCapAns = 0;
    if( LMIC.dn2Ans ) {
        LMIC.frame[end+0] = MCMD_DN2P_ANS;
        LMIC.frame[end+1] = LMIC.dn2Ans & ~MCMD_DN2P_ANS_RFU;
        end += 2;
        LMIC.dn2Ans = 0;
    if( LMIC.devsAns ) {  // answer to device status
        LMIC.frame[end+0] = MCMD_DEVS_ANS;
        LMIC.frame[end+1] = LMIC.margin;
        LMIC.frame[end+2] = os_getBattLevel();
        end += 3;
        LMIC.devsAns = 0;
    if( LMIC.ladrAns ) {  // answer to ADR change
        LMIC.frame[end+0] = MCMD_LADR_ANS;
        LMIC.frame[end+1] = LMIC.ladrAns & ~MCMD_LADR_ANS_RFU;
        end += 2;
        LMIC.ladrAns = 0;
    if( LMIC.bcninfoTries > 0 ) {
        LMIC.frame[end] = MCMD_BCNI_REQ;
        end += 1;
    if( LMIC.adrChanged ) {
        if( LMIC.adrAckReq < 0 )
            LMIC.adrAckReq = 0;
        LMIC.adrChanged = 0;
    if( LMIC.pingSetAns != 0 ) {
        LMIC.frame[end+0] = MCMD_PING_ANS;
        LMIC.frame[end+1] = LMIC.pingSetAns & ~MCMD_PING_ANS_RFU;
        end += 2;
        LMIC.pingSetAns = 0;
    if( LMIC.snchAns ) {
        LMIC.frame[end+0] = MCMD_SNCH_ANS;
        LMIC.frame[end+1] = LMIC.snchAns & ~MCMD_SNCH_ANS_RFU;
        end += 2;
        LMIC.snchAns = 0;
    ASSERT(end <= OFF_DAT_OPTS+16);

    u1_t flen = end + (txdata ? 5+dlen : 4);
    if( flen > MAX_LEN_FRAME ) {
        // Options and payload too big - delay payload
        txdata = 0;
        flen = end+4;
    LMIC.frame[OFF_DAT_FCT] = (LMIC.dnConf | LMIC.adrEnabled
                              | (LMIC.adrAckReq >= 0 ? FCT_ADRARQ : 0)
                              | (end-OFF_DAT_OPTS));
    os_wlsbf4(LMIC.frame+OFF_DAT_ADDR,  LMIC.devaddr);

    if( LMIC.txCnt == 0 ) {
        LMIC.seqnoUp += 1;
    } else {
        EV(devCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::RE_TX,
                           e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                           e_.info   = LMIC.seqnoUp-1,
                           e_.info2  = ((LMIC.txCnt+1) |
                                        (DRADJUST[LMIC.txCnt+1] << 8) |
    os_wlsbf2(LMIC.frame+OFF_DAT_SEQNO, LMIC.seqnoUp-1);

    // Clear pending DN confirmation
    LMIC.dnConf = 0;

    if( txdata ) {
        if( LMIC.pendTxConf ) {
            // Confirmed only makes sense if we have a payload (or at least a port)
            LMIC.frame[OFF_DAT_HDR] = HDR_FTYPE_DCUP | HDR_MAJOR_V1;
            if( LMIC.txCnt == 0 ) LMIC.txCnt = 1;
        LMIC.frame[end] = LMIC.pendTxPort;
        os_copyMem(LMIC.frame+end+1, LMIC.pendTxData, dlen);
        aes_cipher(LMIC.pendTxPort==0 ? LMIC.nwkKey : LMIC.artKey,
                   LMIC.devaddr, LMIC.seqnoUp-1,
                   /*up*/0, LMIC.frame+end+1, dlen);
    aes_appendMic(LMIC.nwkKey, LMIC.devaddr, LMIC.seqnoUp-1, /*up*/0, LMIC.frame, flen-4);

    EV(dfinfo, DEBUG, (e_.deveui  = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                       e_.devaddr = LMIC.devaddr,
                       e_.seqno   = LMIC.seqnoUp-1,
                       e_.flags   = (LMIC.pendTxPort < 0 ? EV::dfinfo_t::NOPORT : EV::dfinfo_t::NOP),
                       e_.mic     = Base::lsbf4(&LMIC.frame[flen-4]),
                       e_.hdr     = LMIC.frame[LORA::OFF_DAT_HDR],
                       e_.fct     = LMIC.frame[LORA::OFF_DAT_FCT],
                       e_.port    = LMIC.pendTxPort,
                       e_.plen    = txdata ? dlen : 0,
                       e_.opts.length = end-LORA::OFF_DAT_OPTS,
                       memcpy(&e_.opts[0], LMIC.frame+LORA::OFF_DAT_OPTS, end-LORA::OFF_DAT_OPTS)));
    LMIC.dataLen = flen;

// Callback from HAL during scan mode or when job timer expires.
static void onBcnRx (xref2osjob_t job) {
    // If we arrive via job timer make sure to put radio to rest.
    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 ) {
        // Nothing received - timeout
        LMIC.opmode &= ~(OP_SCAN | OP_TRACK);
    if( decodeBeacon() <= 0 ) {
        // Something is wrong with the beacon - continue scan
        LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.bcninfo.txtime, FUNC_ADDR(onBcnRx));
    // Found our 1st beacon
    // We don't have a previous beacon to calc some drift - assume
    // an max error of 13ms = 128sec*100ppm which is roughly +/-100ppm
    LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_SCAN;          // turn SCAN off
    LMIC.opmode |=  OP_TRACK;         // auto enable tracking
    reportEvent(EV_BEACON_FOUND);    // can be disabled in callback

// Enable receiver to listen to incoming beacons
// netid defines when scan stops (any or specific beacon)
// This mode ends with events: EV_SCAN_TIMEOUT/EV_SCAN_BEACON
// Implicitely cancels any pending TX/RX transaction.
// Also cancels an onpoing joining procedure.
static void startScan (void) {
    ASSERT(LMIC.devaddr!=0 && (LMIC.opmode & OP_JOINING)==0);
    if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_SHUTDOWN) != 0 )
    // Cancel onging TX/RX transaction
    LMIC.txCnt = LMIC.dnConf = LMIC.bcninfo.flags = 0;
    LMIC.opmode = (LMIC.opmode | OP_SCAN) & ~(OP_TXRXPEND);
    LMIC.rxtime = LMIC.bcninfo.txtime = os_getTime() + sec2osticks(BCN_INTV_sec+1);
    os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.rxtime, FUNC_ADDR(onBcnRx));

bit_t LMIC_enableTracking (u1_t tryBcnInfo) {
    if( (LMIC.opmode & (OP_SCAN|OP_TRACK|OP_SHUTDOWN)) != 0 )
        return 0;  // already in progress or failed to enable
    // If BCN info requested from NWK then app has to take are
    // of sending data up so that MCMD_BCNI_REQ can be attached.
    if( (LMIC.bcninfoTries = tryBcnInfo) == 0 )
    return 1;  // enabled

void LMIC_disableTracking (void) {
    LMIC.opmode &= ~(OP_SCAN|OP_TRACK);
    LMIC.bcninfoTries = 0;

// ================================================================================
// Join stuff
// ================================================================================

static void buildJoinRequest (u1_t ftype) {
    // Do not use pendTxData since we might have a pending
    // user level frame in there. Use RX holding area instead.
    xref2u1_t d = LMIC.frame;
    d[OFF_JR_HDR] = ftype;
    os_getArtEui(d + OFF_JR_ARTEUI);
    os_getDevEui(d + OFF_JR_DEVEUI);
    os_wlsbf2(d + OFF_JR_DEVNONCE, LMIC.devNonce);
    aes_appendMic0(d, OFF_JR_MIC);

    EV(joininfo,INFO,(e_.deveui  = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                      e_.arteui  = MAIN::CDEV->getArtEui(),
                      e_.nonce   = LMIC.devNonce,
                      e_.oldaddr = LMIC.devaddr,
                      e_.mic     = Base::lsbf4(&d[LORA::OFF_JR_MIC]),
                      e_.reason  = ((LMIC.opmode & OP_REJOIN) != 0
                                    ? EV::joininfo_t::REJOIN_REQUEST
                                    : EV::joininfo_t::REQUEST)));
    LMIC.dataLen = LEN_JR;

static void startJoining (xref2osjob_t osjob) {

// Start join procedure if not already joined.
bit_t LMIC_startJoining (void) {
    if( LMIC.devaddr == 0 ) {
        // There should be no TX/RX going on
        ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & (OP_POLL|OP_TXRXPEND)) == 0);
        // Lift any previous duty limitation
        LMIC.globalDutyRate = 0;
        // Cancel scanning
        // Setup state
        LMIC.rejoinCnt = LMIC.txCnt = LMIC.pendTxConf = 0;
        LMIC.opmode |= OP_JOINING;
        // reportEvent will call engineUpdate which then starts sending JOIN REQUESTS
        os_setCallback(&LMIC.osjob, FUNC_ADDR(startJoining));
        return 1;
    return 0; // already joined

// ================================================================================
// ================================================================================

static void processPingRx (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    if( LMIC.dataLen != 0 ) {
        LMIC.txrxFlags = TXRX_PING;
        if( decodeFrame() ) {
    // Pick next ping slot

static bit_t processDnData (void) {
    ASSERT((LMIC.opmode & OP_TXRXPEND)!=0);

    if( LMIC.dataLen == 0 ) {
        if( LMIC.txCnt != 0 ) {
            if( LMIC.txCnt < TXCONF_ATTEMPTS ) {
                LMIC.txCnt += 1;
                setDrTxpow(DRCHG_NOACK, lowerDR(LMIC.datarate, DRADJUST[LMIC.txCnt]), KEEP_TXPOW);
                // Schedule another retransmission
                txDelay(LMIC.rxtime, RETRY_PERIOD_secs);
                LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_TXRXPEND;
                return 1;
            LMIC.txrxFlags = TXRX_NACK | TXRX_NOPORT;
        } else {
            // Nothing received - implies no port
            LMIC.txrxFlags = TXRX_NOPORT;
        if( LMIC.adrAckReq != LINK_CHECK_OFF ) {
            LMIC.adrAckReq += 1;
        LMIC.dataBeg = LMIC.dataLen = 0;
        LMIC.opmode &= ~(OP_TXDATA|OP_TXRXPEND);
        if( (LMIC.txrxFlags & (TXRX_DNW1|TXRX_DNW2|TXRX_PING)) != 0  &&  (LMIC.opmode & OP_LINKDEAD) != 0 ) {
            LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_LINKDEAD;
        // If we haven't heard from NWK in a while although we asked for a sign
        // assume link is dead - notify application and keep going
        if( LMIC.adrAckReq > LINK_CHECK_DEAD ) {
            // We haven't heard from NWK for some time although we
            // asked for a response for some time - assume we're disconnected. Lower DR one notch.
            EV(devCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::LINK_DEAD,
                              e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                              e_.info   = LMIC.adrAckReq));
            setDrTxpow(DRCHG_NOADRACK, decDR((dr_t)LMIC.datarate), KEEP_TXPOW);
            LMIC.adrAckReq = LINK_CHECK_CONT;
            LMIC.opmode |= OP_REJOIN|OP_LINKDEAD;
        // If this falls to zero the NWK did not answer our MCMD_BCNI_REQ commands - try full scan
        if( LMIC.bcninfoTries > 0 ) {
            if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_TRACK) != 0 ) {
                LMIC.bcninfoTries = 0;
            else if( --LMIC.bcninfoTries == 0 ) {
                startScan();   // NWK did not answer - try scan
        return 1;
    if( !decodeFrame() ) {
        if( (LMIC.txrxFlags & TXRX_DNW1) != 0 )
            return 0;
        goto norx;
    goto txcomplete;

static void processBeacon (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    ostime_t lasttx = LMIC.bcninfo.txtime;   // save here - decodeBeacon might overwrite
    u1_t flags = LMIC.bcninfo.flags;
    ev_t ev;

    if( LMIC.dataLen != 0 && decodeBeacon() >= 1 ) {
        ev = EV_BEACON_TRACKED;
        if( (flags & (BCN_PARTIAL|BCN_FULL)) == 0 ) {
            // We don't have a previous beacon to calc some drift - assume
            // an max error of 13ms = 128sec*100ppm which is roughly +/-100ppm
            goto rev;
        // We have a previous BEACON to calculate some drift
        s2_t drift = BCN_INTV_osticks - (LMIC.bcninfo.txtime - lasttx);
        if( LMIC.missedBcns > 0 ) {
            drift = LMIC.drift + (drift - LMIC.drift) / (LMIC.missedBcns+1);
        if( (LMIC.bcninfo.flags & BCN_NODRIFT) == 0 ) {
            s2_t diff = LMIC.drift - drift;
            if( diff < 0 ) diff = -diff;
            LMIC.lastDriftDiff = diff;
            if( LMIC.maxDriftDiff < diff )
                LMIC.maxDriftDiff = diff;
            LMIC.bcninfo.flags &= ~BCN_NODDIFF;
        LMIC.drift = drift;
        LMIC.missedBcns = LMIC.rejoinCnt = 0;
        LMIC.bcninfo.flags &= ~BCN_NODRIFT;
        EV(devCond,INFO,(e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::CLOCK_DRIFT,
                         e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                         e_.info   = drift,
                         e_.info2  = /*occasion BEACON*/0));
        ASSERT((LMIC.bcninfo.flags & (BCN_PARTIAL|BCN_FULL)) != 0);
    } else {
        ev = EV_BEACON_MISSED;
        LMIC.bcninfo.txtime += BCN_INTV_osticks - LMIC.drift;
        LMIC.bcninfo.time   += BCN_INTV_sec;
        // Delay any possible TX after surmised beacon - it's there although we missed it
        txDelay(LMIC.bcninfo.txtime + BCN_RESERVE_osticks, 4);
        if( LMIC.missedBcns > MAX_MISSED_BCNS )
            LMIC.opmode |= OP_REJOIN;  // try if we can roam to another network
        if( LMIC.bcnRxsyms > MAX_RXSYMS ) {
    LMIC.bcnRxtime = LMIC.bcninfo.txtime + BCN_INTV_osticks - calcRxWindow(0,DR_BCN);
    LMIC.bcnRxsyms = LMIC.rxsyms;    
#ifdef CFG_us915
    LMIC.bcnChnl = (LMIC.bcnChnl+1) & 7;
    if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_PINGINI) != 0 )
        rxschedInit(&LMIC.ping);  // note: reuses LMIC.frame buffer!

static void startRxBcn (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(processBeacon);

static void startRxPing (xref2osjob_t osjob) {
    LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(processPingRx);

// Decide what to do next for the MAC layer of a device
static void engineUpdate (void) {
    // Check for ongoing state: scan or TX/RX transaction
    if( (LMIC.opmode & (OP_SCAN|OP_TXRXPEND|OP_SHUTDOWN)) != 0 ) {

    if( LMIC.devaddr == 0 && (LMIC.opmode & OP_JOINING) == 0 ) {

    ostime_t now    = os_getTime();
    ostime_t rxtime = 0;
    ostime_t txbeg  = 0;

    if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_TRACK) != 0 ) {
        // We are tracking a beacon
        ASSERT( now + RX_RAMPUP - LMIC.bcnRxtime <= 0 );
        rxtime = LMIC.bcnRxtime - RX_RAMPUP;
    if( (LMIC.opmode & (OP_JOINING|OP_REJOIN|OP_TXDATA|OP_POLL)) != 0 ) {
        // Need to TX some data...
        // Assuming txChnl points to channel which first becomes available again.
        bit_t jacc = ((LMIC.opmode & (OP_JOINING|OP_REJOIN)) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
        // Find next suitable channel and return availability time
        if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_NEXTCHNL) != 0 ) {
            txbeg = LMIC.txend = nextTx(now);
            LMIC.opmode &= ~OP_NEXTCHNL;
        } else {
            txbeg = LMIC.txend;
        // Delayed TX or waiting for duty cycle?
        if( (LMIC.globalDutyRate != 0 || (LMIC.opmode & OP_RNDTX) != 0)  &&  (txbeg - LMIC.globalDutyAvail) < 0 )
            txbeg = LMIC.globalDutyAvail;
        // If we're tracking a beacon...
        // then make sure TX-RX transaction is complete before beacon
        if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_TRACK) != 0 &&
            txbeg + (jacc ? JOIN_GUARD_osticks : TXRX_GUARD_osticks) - rxtime > 0 ) {
            // Not enough time to complete TX-RX before beacon - postpone after beacon.
            // In order to avoid clustering of postponed TX right after beacon randomize start!
            txDelay(rxtime + BCN_RESERVE_osticks, 16);
            txbeg = 0;
            goto checkrx;
        // Earliest possible time vs overhead to setup radio
        if( txbeg - (now + TX_RAMPUP) < 0 ) {
            // We could send right now!
        txbeg = now;
            dr_t txdr = (dr_t)LMIC.datarate;
            if( jacc ) {
                u1_t ftype;
                if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_REJOIN) != 0 ) {
                    txdr = lowerDR(txdr, LMIC.rejoinCnt);
                    //ftype = HDR_FTYPE_REJOIN;
                    ftype = HDR_FTYPE_JREQ;
                } else {
                    ftype = HDR_FTYPE_JREQ;
                LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(jreqDone);
            } else {
                if( LMIC.seqnoDn >= 0xFFFFFF80 ) {
                    // Imminent roll over - proactively reset MAC
                    EV(specCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::DNSEQNO_ROLL_OVER,
                                        e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                        e_.info   = LMIC.seqnoDn, 
                                        e_.info2  = 0));
                    // Device has to react! NWK will not roll over and just stop sending.
                    // Thus, we have N frames to detect a possible lock up.
                    os_setCallback(&LMIC.osjob, FUNC_ADDR(runReset));
                if( (LMIC.txCnt==0 && LMIC.seqnoUp == 0xFFFFFFFF) ) {
                    // Roll over of up seq counter
                    EV(specCond, ERR, (e_.reason = EV::specCond_t::UPSEQNO_ROLL_OVER,
                                       e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                                       e_.info2  = LMIC.seqnoUp));
                    // Do not run RESET event callback from here!
                    // App code might do some stuff after send unaware of RESET.
                    goto reset;
                LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(updataDone);
            LMIC.rps    = setCr(updr2rps(txdr), (cr_t)LMIC.errcr);
            LMIC.dndr   = txdr;  // carry TX datarate (can be != LMIC.datarate) over to txDone/setupRx1
            LMIC.opmode = (LMIC.opmode & ~(OP_POLL|OP_RNDTX)) | OP_TXRXPEND | OP_NEXTCHNL;
        // Cannot yet TX
        if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_TRACK) == 0 )
            goto txdelay; // We don't track the beacon - nothing else to do - so wait for the time to TX
        // Consider RX tasks
        if( txbeg == 0 ) // zero indicates no TX pending
            txbeg += 1;  // TX delayed by one tick (insignificant amount of time)
    } else {
        // No TX pending - no scheduled RX
        if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_TRACK) == 0 )

    // Are we pingable?
    if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_PINGINI) != 0 ) {
        // One more RX slot in this beacon period?
        if( rxschedNext(&LMIC.ping, now+RX_RAMPUP) ) {
            if( txbeg != 0  &&  (txbeg - LMIC.ping.rxtime) < 0 )
                goto txdelay;
            LMIC.rxsyms  = LMIC.ping.rxsyms;
            LMIC.rxtime  = LMIC.ping.rxtime;
            LMIC.freq    = LMIC.ping.freq;
            LMIC.rps     = dndr2rps(LMIC.ping.dr);
            LMIC.dataLen = 0;
            ASSERT(LMIC.rxtime - now+RX_RAMPUP >= 0 );
            os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, LMIC.rxtime - RX_RAMPUP, FUNC_ADDR(startRxPing));
        // no - just wait for the beacon

    if( txbeg != 0  &&  (txbeg - rxtime) < 0 )
        goto txdelay;

    LMIC.rxsyms = LMIC.bcnRxsyms;
    LMIC.rxtime = LMIC.bcnRxtime;
    if( now - rxtime >= 0 ) {
        LMIC.osjob.func = FUNC_ADDR(processBeacon);
    os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, rxtime, FUNC_ADDR(startRxBcn));

    EV(devCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::TX_DELAY,
                       e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                       e_.info   = osticks2ms(txbeg-now),
                       e_.info2  = LMIC.seqnoUp-1));
    os_setTimedCallback(&LMIC.osjob, txbeg-TX_RAMPUP, FUNC_ADDR(runEngineUpdate));

void LMIC_setAdrMode (bit_t enabled) {
    LMIC.adrEnabled = enabled ? FCT_ADREN : 0;

//  Should we have/need an ext. API like this?
void LMIC_setDrTxpow (dr_t dr, s1_t txpow) {
    setDrTxpow(DRCHG_SET, dr, txpow);

void LMIC_shutdown (void) {
    LMIC.opmode |= OP_SHUTDOWN;

void LMIC_reset (void) {
    EV(devCond, INFO, (e_.reason = EV::devCond_t::LMIC_EV,
                       e_.eui    = MAIN::CDEV->getEui(),
                       e_.info   = EV_RESET));

    LMIC.devaddr      =  0;
    LMIC.devNonce     =  os_getRndU2();
    LMIC.opmode       =  OP_NONE;
    LMIC.errcr        =  CR_4_5;
    LMIC.adrEnabled   =  0; /* FCT_ADREN */
    LMIC.dn2Dr        =  DR_DNW2;   // we need this for 2nd DN window of join accept
    LMIC.dn2Freq      =  FREQ_DNW2; // ditto
    LMIC.ping.freq    =  FREQ_PING; // defaults for ping
    LMIC.ping.dr      =  DR_PING;   // ditto
    LMIC.ping.intvExp =  0xFF;
#if defined(CFG_us915)
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.devaddr,      devaddr);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.devNonce,     devNonce);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.dn2Dr,        dn2Dr);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.dn2Freq,      dn2Freq);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.ping.freq,    pingFreq);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.ping.dr,      pingDr);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.ping.intvExp, pingIntvExp);

void LMIC_init (void) {
    LMIC.opmode = OP_SHUTDOWN;

void LMIC_clrTxData (void) {
    LMIC.pendTxLen = 0;
    if( (LMIC.opmode & (OP_JOINING|OP_SCAN)) != 0 ) // do not interfere with JOINING

void LMIC_setTxData (void) {
    LMIC.opmode |= OP_TXDATA;
    if( (LMIC.opmode & OP_JOINING) == 0 )
        LMIC.txCnt = 0;             // cancel any ongoing TX/RX retries

int LMIC_setTxData2 (u1_t port, xref2u1_t data, u1_t dlen, u1_t confirmed) {
    if( dlen > SIZEOFEXPR(LMIC.pendTxData) )
        return -2;
    if( data != (xref2u1_t)0 )
        os_copyMem(LMIC.pendTxData, data, dlen);
    LMIC.pendTxConf = confirmed;
    LMIC.pendTxPort = port;
    LMIC.pendTxLen  = dlen;
    return 0;

// Send a payload-less message to signal device is alive
void LMIC_sendAlive (void) {
    LMIC.opmode |= OP_POLL;

// Check if other networks are around.
void LMIC_tryRejoin (void) {
    LMIC.opmode |= OP_REJOIN;

//! \brief Setup given session keys
//! and put the MAC in a state as if 
//! a join request/accept would have negotiated just these keys.
//! It is crucial that the combinations `devaddr/nwkkey` and `devaddr/artkey`
//! are unique within the network identified by `netid`.
//! NOTE: on Harvard architectures when session keys are in flash:
//!  Caller has to fill in LMIC.{nwk,art}Key  before and pass {nwk,art}Key are NULL
//! \param netid a 24 bit number describing the network id this device is using
//! \param devaddr the 32 bit session address of the device. It is strongly recommended
//!    to ensure that different devices use different numbers with high probability.
//! \param nwkKey  the 16 byte network session key used for message integrity.
//!     If NULL the caller has copied the key into `LMIC.nwkKey` before.
//! \param artKey  the 16 byte application router session key used for message confidentiality.
//!     If NULL the caller has copied the key into `LMIC.artKey` before.
void LMIC_setSession (u4_t netid, devaddr_t devaddr, xref2u1_t nwkKey, xref2u1_t artKey) {
    LMIC.netid = netid;
    LMIC.devaddr = devaddr;
    if( nwkKey != (xref2u1_t)0 )
        os_copyMem(LMIC.nwkKey, nwkKey, 16);
    if( artKey != (xref2u1_t)0 )
        os_copyMem(LMIC.artKey, artKey, 16);
#if defined(CFG_eu868)
    LMIC.opmode |= OP_NEXTCHNL;
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.netid,   netid);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.devaddr, devaddr);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.nwkKey,  nwkkey);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.artKey,  artkey);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.seqnoUp, seqnoUp);
    DO_DEVDB(LMIC.seqnoDn, seqnoDn);

// Enable/disable link check validation.
// LMIC sets the ADRACKREQ bit in UP frames if there were no DN frames
// for a while. It expects the network to provide a DN message to prove
// connectivity with a span of UP frames. If this no such prove is coming
// then the datarate is lowered and a LINK_DEAD event is generated.
// This mode can be disabled and no connectivity prove (ADRACKREQ) is requested
// nor is the datarate changed.
// This must be called only if a session is established (e.g. after EV_JOINED)
void LMIC_setLinkCheckMode (bit_t enabled) {
    LMIC.adrChanged = 0;
    LMIC.adrAckReq = enabled ? LINK_CHECK_INIT : LINK_CHECK_OFF;

void LMIC_reverse_memcpy(u1_t *dst, const u1_t *src, size_t n)
    size_t i;

    for (i=0; i < n; ++i)
        dst[n-1-i] = src[i];    